Readers of my GIZA DEATH STAR DEPLOYED will recall that in the initial chapters of the book there was an extended analysis of the parallels of George Lucas' celebrated STAR WARS series of films, and the ancient myths of a Cosmic War of the "gods". But there's more to the story than meets the eye! In fact, George Lucas had expert help from the world's premier scholar of mythology, Joseph Campbell, author of THE MASKS OF GOD and other famous studies of ancient myths.
A recent article posted at the Pacifica Graduate Institute site entitled "Joseph Campbell and Marija Gimutas Library" has the following to say about the contact between the two famous men:

"Campbell seldom went to the movies, and may not have realized how imprtant an art form the popular Hollywood film had become by the 1970s. He wasn't particularly impressed when people tried to intruduce him to a famous flimaker named George Lucas after a lecture in San Francisco in 1983, but the two got on well and met on several occasions afterwards. Lucas invited Campbell to see all three of the Star Wars movies then made, and Joe agreed to see all three one day in a screening room at Lucas' Skywalker Ranch near San Francisco. Campbell was amazed at how well mythological themes had been incorporated into the films....
"Lucas had read (Campbell's) THE HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES while working on the script of the first of the Star Wars movies, and had gone on to read THE MASKS OF GOD and other writings. When STAR WARS debuted in 1977, it followed the Hero very closely. Lucas said an an award ceremony in 1985, 'It is possible that if I hadn't run across him I'd still be writing Star Wars today.'"
In other words, there is more at work than mere coincidence in Lucas' version of the ancient paleophysico-religious view of the physical medium, which of course in the movies is known as "the force;" there is more at work in his metaphor of the exploded planet hypothesis, of ancient ("...a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away...") high technology and cosmic wars. Indeed, the coincidences pile up so much that, as Richard Hoagland has pointed out on HIS website in his excellent series on the most anomalous object in the solar system, Saturn's "moon" Iapetus (See Hoagland's "A Moon with a View" at, one has to wonder what Lucas knew and when he knew it, for the stunning NASA Cassini probe photos of Iapetus look all too uncomfortably like George Lucas' "Death Star." The resemblance is not only uncanny, it's downright disturbing.
But perhaps we should REALLY be asking not what and when Lucas knew what he knew, but HOW, for clearly, at some point one passes across the threshold of "coincidence" and into that of "inside knowledge"...

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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Nick Cline on May 13, 2012 at 3:39 pm

    I realized how close Star Wars followed Joseph Campbell’s work after reading “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” myself some years ago. I instantly realized that almost all of the Star Wars film saga follows the prototypical hero mythology seen across the globe in various religions and stories. Almost every “god” has parallels in other cultures as they are simple symbolic representations of the same archetypes and so on. As far as Hoagland’s work, I find it extremely interesting, speculative, and fun, but I’m not sure I’m completely sold on all of it. I do try to keep my mind as open as possible however so I will concede that he does do some extremely well researched work, and almost all of his conspiratorial themes could in fact be the truth. The only problem is actually proving them so, or better stated, if the governments will ever “allow” us to know the truth.

  2. facebook chips on March 20, 2010 at 4:07 pm

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  3. Joseph Farrell on February 23, 2008 at 8:26 am

    Dear Zupakomputer:

    Yes it is increasingly interesting to me not only how many science fiction movies and series seem oddly to be designed as “opinion-preparing and influencing” exercises, and more interestingly, how many of them have the theme of super-weapons destroying planets as a major motif, as, for example, the whole recent Star Trek Enterprise series. This whole space angle and suppressed technology theme is one, I think, that explains a lot of recent political activity, e.g., the shoot down by the US NAvy of a US spy satellite….messages were definitely being sent!

    Thanks for visitng my site!
    Joseph F

  4. zupakomputer on February 22, 2008 at 7:03 pm

    It’s weird how the first three films were planned to be released after films 4, 5 & 6.

    There appear to be co-incidences with other films (and then some) – the outer space footage in 2001 and some similarity with the ship models in the fourth Star Wars, and the original Major Kong character in Dr.Strangelove had a flying suit that in surviving photos looks near identical to an X-Wing pilots. (ie – it’s another film about a planet-destroying doomsday device too, and well 2001 has the whole ‘secrets in space’ theme running right though it).

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