The Giza Death Star Deployed

gddd.jpgDid a High-Power Maser unleashed from the Great Pyramid almost destroy the Solar System? Here is physicist Joseph Farrell's fantastic follow-up to The Giza Death Star, in which he established that the Great Pyramid was part of a gigantic military experiment to create a Death Star beam weapon. Here he puts forward the theory that the giant chemical maser was eventually deployed - with disastrous results to the solar system ! Farrell takes us from the Giza Plateau to the so-called Pyramids of Mars, and finds evidence of a similar Death Star pyramid there. His theory of galactic destruction also explains the mystery of the asteroid belt. In this book Farrell explores:

  • Exploding Planets
  • The Stargate Conspiracy
  • Exoteric and Esoteric Investigations of the Great Pyramid
  • Dating of the Giza Compound and the Catastrophe
  • Evidence of the Use of Weapons of Mass in Ancient Times

Farrell also provides a Tesla analysis of the putative physics and engineering of the Giza Death Star, and a synopsis of scalar physics and paleophysics. Includes a discussion of quantum numerology, feedback loops and tetrahedral physics, as well.

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