Well it's happened once again, folks. I keep getting emails asking if I'm writing any new books and if so, what they're about, so rather than respond to all of them individually I'll handle it here and (I hope), satisfy everyone's curiosity.

The short answer is, yes, I'm currently writing a new book and researching two others I have planned for further on down the road. As usual, I'm not going to say what exactly the new book is about, but I can say that it's a project on the order of The Cosmic War, and returns once again to an ancient focus with the usual modern physics perspective on things. It's also a bit of a "tie-together" book, since I had to wait to get The Philosophers' Stone and The Nazi International out before tackling the subjects in this one.

The other little item of news is that the conference in Tempe hosted by Dr. Chet Snow and his wife went very well I thought, except for the usual minor technical glitches. It was my first time speaking at such an event, and sharing a podium with the people like Linda Moulton Howe, WIlliam Henry, Richard Hoagland, and many others. It was a fun time, and I enjoyed meeting the people I met and chatted with.

I will be "revising and extending" my remarks that I gave there next month, February 22-28,  to the 2009 International UFO Congress next month in Laughlin, Nevada, and speaking just prior to my friend and fellow Nazi researcher, the redoubtable Jim Marrs. After that my next scheduled appearance will be at the 2009 Ozark UFO conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas on April 9-12, so if you miss the one I hope I'll catch you at the other.

To the person who emailed privately and asked me about Friedrich Delitzsch's Babel und Bibel that I referred to on The Byte Show with George Ann Hughes: yes, the book is still available at There are two editions, one by Kessinger Publishing company, and one by Wipf and Stock. Of the two, I'd purchase the Wipf and Stock edition as it's a little handier and a little more well-laid out.

And to my friends Sesh Heri and Igor Witkowski, whose books The Handprint of Atlas and The Axis of the World finally came out: congratulations!  They both look great, and having had the privilege of reading them prior to their publication, I hope to be posting reviews here.

...keep that dial right here.

Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. ВАВИЛОВ МихаилКонстантинович on February 9, 2010 at 1:32 pm

    Мистер Фаррелл, огромное Вам спасибо за Ваш титанический труд. Работаю в аналогичной тематике с 1980-ых годов. Рад буду пообщаться в Сети. Есть вопросы методологического характера по сопоставлению профетики и футурологий, особенно в направлении военного прогнозирования (эсхатологического). С наступиышим 2010 ! Дай Бог Вам здоровья и долгих творческих лет жизни! Искренне Ваш, референт архиепископа ВАВИЛОВ Михаил Константинович, Москва. P.S. Если посмотрите на “YouTube” мои интервью – буду признателен. P.P.S Читаю, не отрываясь Ваши “REICH OF THE BLACK SUN”, 2003 “THE SS BROTHERHOOD OF THE BELL”, 2004 (1.?) и думаю, а зачем McLuhan Gilbert Marshall и Nicola Tesla работали в III Рейхе с 1930-ых по 1940-ые (2.?). Надеюсь, что Вам знаком автор – Friedrich Georg UNGER “Die Perfektion der Technick”, 1939 “Maschine und Eigentim” (3.?) ?

  2. Bach on February 2, 2009 at 9:19 pm

    Mission to Štĕchovice
    How Americans Took Nazi Documents From Czechoslovakia—and Created a Diplomatic Crisis
    The boxes of hidden documents were opened back at the G-2 warehouse in Frankfurt, Germany.

  3. Steven A on January 26, 2009 at 4:49 pm

    I was just about to ask you about that, specifically if you would return to Cosmic Wars. I got Nazi International Friday (roughly halfway through) and your reference back to Cosmic War about Babel Und Bible wound up with me re-reading a good third of that book.

    Also, LOVE the Byte Show stuff, and over at I started a thread about you (under bad circumstances) and there’s been a little discussion about your new material from the Byte Show as well and it sounds like you sold another book or two because of it.

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