Here's one that I find extremely intriguing, but first, some background as to why I find it interesting. Way back when, when I began writing my high speculations and sharing them with the public, I began by deciding to "take the plunge" and "high dive" off the deep end, and share my hypothesis that the Great Pyramid may have been a sophisticated kind of phase conjugate mirror manipulating the fabric of the physical medium itself. And at the end of my first book on the subject, I speculated on a kind of crystal that would somehow be able to trap and rotate EM waves. Not knowing what to call such bizarre things, I simply call them "phi" crystals, since they were suggested to me by the constant phi, and by the Fibonacci sequence. My reason for thinking that such crystals would be an integral component of any such machine was simply that there would have to be some sort of coupled oscillator able to interact with the "rotation moment" of the fabric and structure of the local medium, or local space-time.

Well, lo and behold, scientists are now toying with the very same idea(more or less):

Space–time crystals on the horizon

For me, the interesting paragraphs here are these two:

"Wilczek came up with the idea of a "time crystal" after asking himself whether a material at low temperatures could be structured in time, rather than space or in addition to it. A normal crystal is said to break spatial symmetry because its constituent particles line up in specific directions, rather than being regularly spaced (as they are at higher temperatures). Breaking temporal symmetry, analogously, simply means that an object or a collection of particles experiences some kind of systematic change in time. As Wilczek points out, this is true of planets in the solar system as well as clocks, for example. But these are systems that were set in motion by some kind of external energy source and will eventually run down. Wilczek wondered whether motion might also be possible in isolated systems that exist in their ground states.

"He concedes that this idea is "perilously close" to that of a perpetual motion machine. He points out that, being in their ground states, such systems could not be employed to produce useful work. They would, however, require energy to be stopped. 'They would generate a form of perpetual motion", he says, "which is a little scary to say for someone with a reputation in physics.'"

Now let's add this little tidbit aboutcoolingthe rotation of the system in order to achieve this temporal symmetry-breaking (or, to put it differently, to achieve a crystalline lattice structure as a signature of a particular temporal 'construction'):

"Xiang Zhang and Tongcang Li of the University of California, Berkeley and colleagues, however, think that this particular scheme would be difficult to realize in practice because it would require particles with like-charge to attract one another in order to create the lump in the current. Their proposal instead involves trapping ions at very low temperatures and exploiting their mutual repulsion so that they arrange themselves into a ring shape. This ring, explains Li, would be similar to a conventional crystal. By then setting up a magnetic field with certain values across the ring, the ring could be made to rotate continuously in its lowest energy state – in other words, he says, it would become a space–time crystal.

"Li says that the main challenge in actually building such a device will be cooling ions in small enough traps down to sufficiently low temperatures. He and his colleagues calculate that to form a space–time crystal one tenth of a millimetre across, 100 beryllium ions would need to be cooled down to just one billionth of a kelvin, with larger rings requiring even lower temperatures. But he is confident that this technical demand can be met, either by his own group or other groups. 'It can be overcome in the near future with the development of ion trap technologies', he says, adding that exactly when this happens "'epends on funding and many other factors"'"

It is intriguing to note that, currently, scientists are talking about this technology has having either no real value, or purpose, other than to show certain theoretical conditions obtaining shortly after the big bang.

But imagine, for a moment, the possibility that such a technology could be turned into, say, a source of energy. Indeed, it would seem to me that cold fusion has a great deal to do with this sort of phenomenon, for cold fusion, really, according to current theories, is also known by the more scientific term LANR, or lattice assisted nuclear reactions. Once one understands that lattices(and their defects) are possibly, and in part responses to the structure of local space-time systems, then one is on the way to understanding that these structures are, to some extent, transducers of it. Thus, to my mind anyway, the possibility - long term to be sure - opens up that such things could eventually become sources of energy. We're a long way from that, to be sure, and even a long way of any such verified understandings of these wildly speculative ideas, but nonetheless, the possibility should be mentioned.

And of course, with that possibility, goes the other, darker one, one which I have warned about many many times: any time one has a potential technology, with the potential to engineer "space time locally" on the laboratory bench, as it were, then toweaponize that potential would, ultimately, make our largest thermonuclear bombs look like firecrackers.

See you on the flip side.

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Jedi on July 13, 2012 at 3:24 am

    quartz crystyals pizeo electric, EM bends light,…look at the suns changing color for that effect….and Einstine can kiss my behind.

    • Robert Barricklow on July 13, 2012 at 2:26 pm

      Good too see your attitude that is not
      an IMF structural adjustment.

      • Robert Barricklow on July 13, 2012 at 2:29 pm

        “An attitude”…

        My proof reading(86%)
        and typing, have also not been
        IMF structurally adjusted.

        • Jedi on July 16, 2012 at 4:17 am

          speeling is an overated sibjict….

  2. Owl on July 12, 2012 at 4:05 pm

    Maybe a tad off topic, but, since pyramids were mentioned….

    Has anyone ever figured out the resonant frequency of the Great Pyramid?

    • Thomas Marz on July 12, 2012 at 5:20 pm

      I believe its in resonance with the Schumann cavity resonances . Dr Farrell points this out in his Giza Death Star Trilogy.

  3. Peter on July 12, 2012 at 12:25 pm

    Somehow the Philosophere’s Stone also comes to mind..

  4. HAL838 on July 12, 2012 at 11:55 am

    Crystals have been ‘known energy traps’ for a very long time,
    but they don’t “run down.”

    • HAL838 on July 12, 2012 at 11:57 am

      Since “external energy sources” don’t run down.
      They hit Sci Fi shortly AFTER they were [already] in use.

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