There were a number of state ballot initiatives around the country during the last presidential (s)election, including initiatives for the recreational use of marijuana, and in some states, measures to nullify the Federal law of mandated health insurance purchase under "Obamacare." These types of initiatives only reflect the growing disenchantment around the country with increasing encroachments of federal power on individual liberty, and it is a movement that, in my opinion, is only going to grow, as more and more Americans wake up to the fact that the Supreme Court is not the final arbiter of law, and that states can act to nullify such laws.

As regular readers of this website know, however, there is one state ballot initiative that interests me enormously, and that is/was California's Proposition 37, requiring companies to label food that has been genetically modified or engineered. Californians know all to well how much money was spent in that state by the likes of Mon(ster)santo and other companies to persuade them that such labeling would have implied a rise in the cost of already tight food bills.

In all likelihood, this was simple nonsense, and in all likelihood, the agribusiness companies knew it was nonsense to begin with, since such labeling would have promoted the growth of organic food growers - there's that hated word "competition" again - who likely would have driven price down, not up. What Mon(ster)santo's efforts were really all about was protecting its mercantilist policies that it and other companies have successfully pursued with the Federal Food and Drudge (Mis)Administration.

Frankly, when I heard that this measure had gone down to defeat in a state that can only be qualified as a "granola" state, I was rather surprised, and immediately began to suspect that there may have been fraud involved. After all, one should put nothing past the likes of these horrible companies and the health dangers that with recent studies look to be increasingly associated with their "products."

In short, what Mon(ster)santo and the other companies were and are afraid of is the market, as informed consumers would increasingly abandon their "products." In that milieu, with billions in profits at stake, if the ad campaign failed, there is always the option of simply rigging the vote.

Well, interestingly enough, Jon Rappaport is reporting on just this possibility:


Well, it is indeed intriguing that with so many votes, this particular issue was called so early, by a corporation in the pocket of, well, other corporations.  Was there vote fraud? It's an open question, but the real point, one which Californians and, indeed, people in all states, should consider, is passing similar measures in all states, and moreover, requiring state health bureaucracies to certify all grains as safe before allowing these "products" to be planted within their borders.

In short California: if at first you don't succeed, try try again...

...and one more thing: next time, insist on paper ballots.

See you on the flip side.

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. LSM on November 11, 2012 at 4:56 pm

    I still can’t believe we’re still blogging on the valdiity of elections-

    hasn’t one yet figured out that all elections are rigged?

    people have been figuratively stuffing ballot boxes since the first vote was cast- once we are able to wrap our collective minds around that concept we can change a lot-

    don’t get me started on the topic of GMOs and the “vote” behind it-

    but let’s look objectively at California: a region originally consisting of people forcefully pushed westward because they originally bucked the systems by not agreeing with the original colonists-

    so now we have a folk who originally wanted a sea breeze now voting for canal water- and none of us are being farmed?

  2. Jennifer DeFusco on November 11, 2012 at 2:22 pm

    It’s astounding how much money (in such a poor economy) was spent to defeat this ballot initiative. Monsanto et al have great fear of the masses becoming too educated about the poison that’s in the grocery aisles. Someone quoted an average of $9 per vote invested in the NO on 37 dis-information campaign. As Hitler said, “Tell a lie, repeat it, etc…” So, combine this with dead people and dogs voting and what do you have? A snowball’s chance in hell of the truth surviving in the public square.

  3. MizGreen on November 11, 2012 at 12:58 pm

    If ever there was a time I firmly suspected electronic voting fraud, this defeat of 37 is it. (Well actually there have been numerous other times too, but that’s another story….)

    I simply CAN NOT, CAN NOT, CAN NOT believe that over half of Californians said, “NO, I DO NOT want labels informing me of toxic, unnatural modifications to my food.”

    Considering the growing “for-the-people” mood of other voters in other states (decriminalizing pot, decriminalizing gayness), this result simply doesn’t compute.

    I expect to see this issue arise again in more states AND in CA again, and please, let us use paper ballots……….

  4. Robert Barricklow on November 11, 2012 at 10:30 am

    Just like “they” do with attacking the internet with aphaphet soups of ACTA, SOPA, PIPA, & TPP. They are each defeated by the peple, while the corporate lawyers were blowing the dust of the next attack soup.
    “We” next to bring measures like Proposition 37 again and again, in state after state, on multiple front. AND if possible – simultaneously.
    The “elitist” declared war on the people.
    So we play to “our” strength – NUMBERS.
    They may have all the strings of power
    But they got the wrong Pinocchio.

  5. Yaj on November 11, 2012 at 9:36 am

    “nullification” is only a fantasy construct. Many state laws are far more abusive than federal laws, eg Arizona’s “papers please”.

    • Nidster - on November 11, 2012 at 4:23 pm

      I think it depends on the state. Arizona’s “papers please” law mirrors federal law almost word for word. So, if or when the feds start enforcing it, nullification might come in handy. Do you think secession movements will gain momentum in the near future?

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