Ms. P.H. sent this to me, and I find it interesting on a number of levels, but the general tenor of the article is unmistakeable: Japan has decided to create its own version of DARPA, the Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency. Call it "DARPA-san."  And in a bit of ironic deja vu, the Minister heading this development just happens to be named Yamamoto. Now, of course, Yamamoto is a fairly common surname in Japan, but I still cannot get out of my mind certain fleet admirals wearing thee Order of the Carnation and named Isoroku Yamamoto when I read this article, nor is the image of the blitz he led during the first six months of World War Two in the Pacific entirely without some analog here.

But first, the article:

Japan looks to tap technology for military use, in another step away from pacifism

Now the analog:

I suspect what we are seeing here is a Japanese version of that very careful tightrope diplomacy we see Germany currently embarked upon. It is possible, for example, that this current push in Japan to create an out-of-the-box paradigm-changing technology agency like DAPRA is in response to hidden American pressure on Japan. After all, America needs powerful allies, especially now, and of all its allies, Japan is easily the most powerful, both economically, and in terms of its technological and military potential. And Japanese collaboration in creating the technologies of the future would be a welcome relief on America. But, within this possibility, there is another, deeper one, one perhaps indicative of that careful diplomatic game the island empire is now embarking upon. Years ago, during the Fukushima disaster, I was one of those who entertained the possibility that the entire disaster may not have been entirely natural. That it may have been, in part, a "shot across the bow" to warn Japan away from the course it was embarked upon. At that time, the Japanese had just held a significant election, one heralding a diminution in the power of the Liberal Democratic party that had ruled Japan - essentially as surrogates for Washington - since the end of the Second World War and the Japanese surrender. Shortly after being thrown out of power, it will be recalled, Japan made quiet overtures to Beijing; there was talk of a state visit of Emperor Akahito. It was transparently an effort to bury old wartime wounds - still festering - between Asia's two most powerful economies. Then, it will be recalled, the Japanese quietly but firmly let it be known that they would like the American base in Okinawa - long a thorn in US-Japanese relations - closed down. The base, essential to America's military posture in the western Pacific, was not about to be closed; and then U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, responding to this request, basically issued to the Japanese government a statement that was little more than a direct threat.

Shortly thereafter, Fukushima happened, and Japanese researchers quickly called into question the official accounts of accidents and "acts of nature." For some, the political context surrounding the event was too suspicious.

So in that context I suggest we may be looking at two things: at one level, a Japanese response to American pressures, a response designed to integrate the defense posture of that nation more completely into the "Anglosphere." But at a deeper level, I suspect that the Japanese, like the Chinese, Russians, many in Europe, and the other BRICS nations, have concluded that the oligarchs of the West are dangerously out of control, and that the time is now to lay the foundations for a more direct competition later.

And true to form, the Japanese have decided that technology may constitute the area where they are able to compete most directly. Tokyo is about to become the industrial espionage capital of the world (if it isn't already).

See you on the flip side.

Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. LSM on November 17, 2013 at 2:02 pm

    “Tokyo is about to become the industrial espionage capital of the world (if it isn’t already)”- I think your absolutely right, Dr. Farrell-

    the Anglo-American banksters who bankrolled the Meji Reform ((1867?) was created in order not to just industrialze Japan but to weaponize it (they got good taget practice in the Russian-Japanese war which, of course bled Russian coffers dry leading to more unrest leading up to the Russian Revolution- but please correct me if my read sources are wrong)-

    so now we have two renegade hydras, both created by the Anglo-American elite: the Japs and the N**s- yes, chickens come home to roost; not everything one nefariously plans turns out the way it was originally planned- may be that both factions to a certain extent got out of the hands of their original controlers-

    I can only speak from personal experience: I have 3 Japanese co-workers (very sweet people, by the way, but anything “animated” as we understand it in the West) but they go their own way, do not look left nor right; they will very extremely politely acknowledge other people on their day’s journey but at the end of the day they very quitely retire only to emerge the next day quietly asking very pertinant questions or quietly answering other questions posed by others-

    besides: someone like Benjamin Fulford has been stating for YEARS that Japan is one of THE most major players in world politics-

    take Fulford for what you think he’s worth and take my own humble comment likewise-

    please stay well Dr Farrell and all-

    Larry in Germany

  2. marcos toledo on November 17, 2013 at 10:48 am

    Let also remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki residents were used as lab rats towards the end of WW11. And that Fukushima might have been the last straw for Japan they are sick and tired of being America’s atomic guinea pigs.

  3. DanaThomas on November 17, 2013 at 9:34 am

    For “plans to create” such facilities, read “created long ago but is now making it official to send certain messages”…

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