Mr. G.B. shared this one, and as you can see, it made the "final cut" in this two-weeks' period of email-and-article vetting, and this one is both fun, and profoundly disturbing. Since the profoundly disturbing part concerns today's "high octane speculation," I'll leave it to you to distill the fun part out of this article:

Rise Of The Insect Drones

Now, when one gets past the computer modeling of insect wing behavior and the resulting vortices and resonance effects, one comes to this intriguing paragraph:

"Dickinson and electrical engineer Ron Fearing won a $2.5-million DARPA grant in 1998 to apply these principles to a fly-size robot. They assigned a graduate student named Rob Wood, among others, to help develop techniques to fabricate the tiny parts and painstakingly assemble them with a pair of tweezers. Dickinson and Fearing also communicated which aerodynamics insights the students should try to reproduce. 'Flies have really complex wing trajectories. There are a whole bunch of subtle things that happen,' Wood says. 'Michael told us the most important features to generate vortices and other aerodynamic effects.'"

In other words, enter DARPA, the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency, or, as we lovingly refer to it here, the Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency. One wonders just exactly what interest DARPA would have in the ability to create insect drones. Hang on, we're getting there...

...before we do, however, consider these paragraphs, and I think the answer becomes self-evident:

"...other researchers have used flapping-wing dynamics to reduce the size of aerial vehicles capable of carrying payloads. In 2011, California-based AeroVironment demoed its Nano Hummingbird. The aircraft has a 16.5-centimeter wingspan; it can fly vertically and horizontally and hover in place against gusting wind. It weighs 19 grams—lighter than some AA batteries—but it carries a camera, communications systems, and an energy source.

"TechJect, a company that spun off from work done at the Georgia Institute of Technology, recently unveiled a robotic dragonfly with a six-inch wingspan. It weighs in at 5.5 grams (lighter than a quarter) and can be outfitted with modular electronics packages enabling high-definition video and wireless communication. The TechJect Dragonfly takes advantage of an aerodynamics principle called resonance. When wings flap at their most efficient frequency—which happens when air density, wing speed, and an organism’s weight are perfectly balanced-—they create waves of vortices that merge and build. The audible result is the hum of a hummingbird or buzz of a bee, says Jayant Ratti, TechJect’s president. A flapping-wing drone utilizing resonance generates significant improvements in energy efficiency, creating optimal lift with minimal effort."(Emphasis added)

In other words, these tiny insect-like drones carry publicly available camera and communications technologies.

Now imagine taking these engineering techniques, and replacing them with small, more-life-life sized and miniaturized technologies available to the military and intelligence , communities, and with the requisite enigeering, one would have a platform for surveillance, or for the delivery of small surveillance packages (is it a real fly speck, or a microphone?) or even if one were particularly diabolical - and remember, we're dealing with DARPA here - a means of delivery of some nasty toxins via the mosquito-bite of an insect drone.

Thus, one can envision the impact on security as well: room sweeps will now have to include making sure all "insects" have vacated the room...

See you on the flip side....

Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Dag from Ringerike on February 15, 2014 at 11:13 am

    Maybe a comment off the topic.
    4 weeks ago I bought a toy, a propeller powered “UFO” in a local toy store. Only for indoor use it said by the text of the package. BTW, no spy camera put on it.

    What intersted me when I was reading the text, and what was making my decission to by it, was that, from the controller you could comtinously power the battery in the “UFO” by infrared waves.

    Wow, I thought, have the ideas of Konstantin Meyl been adapted by the toy industry? Maybe I am wrong, that there are Hertz waves that power the battery in this “UFO” thing? I have no instruments to find out about this. Anyhow my wife´s pottery plants are projected to live in constant danger…

  2. Robert Barricklow on February 13, 2014 at 1:54 pm

    I wrote a short story in 1976 of a genetically engineered Black Widow with a diabolical engineered poison. It was controlled by engineered pheromones, that the widow could target. The hit was carried out by first placing the pheromone on the target area. Then the assassin was released to the winds. The widow parachuted through a window and…
    You get the picture.
    Never published.

  3. marcos toledo on February 13, 2014 at 12:42 pm

    A possible new toy the assassination bureau called CIA against victims aka enemies. Once they solve duration of flight problem the motto will be bugged to death. On the good side this might lead to better aircraft in the future.

  4. amunaor on February 13, 2014 at 12:36 pm

    They’ve also developed these drones to communicate with each other and swarm like insects. (E Pluribus Unum)

    Search: Boeing ScanEagle Drone

  5. emlong on February 13, 2014 at 10:19 am

    Speaking of nano-surveillance and warfare I have been clutching the citation above for years. As a chemtrail researcher and orgoniteer it has always been of great interest in developing theories about the totality of the chemtrail project and what might be the various uses. In this article published in a scientific journal (PubMed) there is evidence that barium nanocrystals – a typical component of chemtrails – might be used in many ways once the crystals have lodged in the nervous system via inhalation. For one thing, barium nanocrystals are piezoelectric and could render the host susceptible to acoustic weaponry – a rapidly developing aspect of crowd control.

    • justawhoaman on February 15, 2014 at 2:40 pm

      Or cause narcolepsy?

  6. Lost on February 13, 2014 at 7:23 am

    DARPA (and it’s partners) have been demonstrating these insect spies for some years now.

    Okay, as time passes cameras get smaller, lighter and better, same with mics, BUT there’s the energy source problem, without real over unity technology these bugs won’t fly for much time.

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