There's another aspect of the GMO problem that is looming in our culture, and I'm not talking simply about the geopoliticization of the issue, first by the West and the attempt to impose GMOs on the world as a means of controlling the food supply. As other researchers have pointed out (one thinks of F. William Engdahl here), the process of "science" and "regulation" behind GMOs was corrupted by big corporate money from the outset. And as I've pointed out in previous blogs, Russia finally challenged the whole GMO-"science" issue by pointing out the obvious, and by pointing out what critics within the west, dismissed as "cranks" by the bought-and-paid for corporate-regulatory establishment, also knew: there were no long term intergenerational studies of the effects on GMOs on either the environment or on human health. Just this previous week, in fact, I've shared various articles that have raised new concerns about GMOs and the human female reproductive system and women's health issues.

The same problem exists in relation to "big pharma," and we see some of the effects of bought-and-paid for "scientism" now on television, in almost every commercial that runs for some new wonder drugs designed to treat erectile dysfunction in men, or in anti-depression drugs. Most of these commercials are now full of disclaimers that their wonder drug can cause heart failures, strokes, suicidal thoughts, dementia, loss of memory, hair, and I'm still waiting for one of these commercials to include terminal flatulence, impacted colons, dissolved stomachs, liver failure, or rapid fingernail growth, hives, shingles, excessive sensitivity to sunlight or moonshine or what-have-you.

In short, our pill-popping culture is blind to the obvious, for the drug companies are telling us in their commercials that their drugs cause as many, if not more, problems than they solve. "Notwithstanding all these side effects, consult your physician to see if our new wonder-drug will work for you."

Uh-huh. With a recommendation like that, I'll think twice before visiting a doctor, thank you. The whole thing is like a mackerel on a moonlit beach. It both shines, and stinks to high heaven.

But there's more, and this article is a true stunner. It was shared with me by Ms. George Ann Hughes, after we had a private conversation about the drug commercials. Get a load of this:

"In 2005, three MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) grad students decided to test their perception of journal and scientific publishing integrity by creating a software program named SCIgen that would create a wordy, convoluted paper to be accepted.

"They had noticed that paper-publishing pressure was evident at scientific conferences, as well as from within a university's need for notoriety and research funding, and the need for professors and researchers to publish or perish. They thought that their hoax would expose low acceptance standards of research papers.

"Journal publishers that offer peer reviews are paid registration fees ranging from $2,500 to $5,000. The lower-end fees are with a few newer open-access journals such as PLOS ONE. "Open-access" means anyone can read them free of charge. The more "old guard" journals take a heftier registration fee and charge readers for viewing. Institutions that are interested have to pay per view or pay subscription fees.

"So those three naughty nerds at MIT decided to see how much garbage in for garbage out these academic publishers would withstand for their fees. Their first computer-generated paper was called "Rooter: A Methodology for the Typical Unification of Access Points and Redundancy," by Jeremy Stribling, Daniel Aguayo and Maxwell Krohn.

"It was accepted by an international scientific conference that's been spamming scientists for papers since 1995. That conference group took the paper down after the hoaxers informed them that it was bogus. You can download a PDF file of it here." (See Academia hoaxed by fake scientific papers auto-generated by gobbledygook text generators)

Perhaps we're listening to the same sort of thing in all those miracle-working-drug commercials, and perhaps we're hearing the same sorts of programs from big pharma and agribusiness "scientism" promoters and their shills in politics. We're no longer listening to humans, we're listening to programmed gobbledeegook.

And at the root of it? Why, well, the same corrupting influence that one sees in "big science": money, for note you have to pay thousands of dollars for the privilege of "peer review," and even that review can be fooled.

See you on the flip side.



Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. amunaor on June 15, 2014 at 10:05 pm

    There’s certainly no cure intended, only to sell a product and keep on selling it.

    Whenever I see one of these Pharmaceutical Hucksters, garbed in the soothing visual imagery of a white coat draped with stethoscope, on the idiot box, I’m immediately taken back to the old carnival barker standing outside the tent attempting to strip passerby’s of $2-bucks to take a peek at the oddity within.

  2. WalkingDead on June 15, 2014 at 3:03 pm

    It was decided long ago that there was NO money to be made curing illnesses. Every doctor I have visited over the course of my 62 years has always spoken in terms of “managing” whatever ailment I was currently visiting them for.
    Through a great deal of research on my part, I have decided that naturopathy is by far the way to go. You may not be cured as quickly, but you WILL be cured. My recent bout with shingles proved this beyond any doubt. I refused the “vaccination” and all other medications the doctor pushed on me (since I have had a couple of bad reactions to new and very strong antibiotics over the years) and used apple cider vinegar, licorice oil, tea tree extract and red pepper to get over shingles in seven days.
    Cancer and heart disease are by far the big money makers. They know there are quite a few methods of curing cancer, however, you will NEVER hear one of them speak of any of them, but for everything you own, all your savings, and any other funds you or your family is willing to spend, they will “manage” to poison you to death over as long a period as they can make it last. I watched my brother die a horrible death at their hands over a two year period. Personally, I would rather die of the disease. Should I ever have cancer, I will not submit to murder by science. I’ll take my chances with what God has provided and caring people offer in the way of natural cures.
    It’s a personal choice to be sure.

  3. marcos toledo on June 15, 2014 at 9:55 am

    You forgot to provide the link to the article. Tell us the difference between the underworld drug lords and their equivalent in big business none just the later in better suits. You stand a better chance dealing with your local illegal drug supplier not that they care about your health and life. Just they have to keep alive longer to make their profits and what should big pharma care about your health and life on the scale their operating you sickness and death and that of your descendants is just collateral damage.

  4. Jon on June 15, 2014 at 9:07 am

    The peer review process has been suspect for decades. There was a great book written about it called “Berayer of the Truth: Fraud and Deceit in the Halls Of Science.”

    It described in detail how the peer review system is flawed, and explored several specific cases in depth.

    Kuhn, Feyerabend, and Milton have all written great books on the failure of our “system” of science today.

    The addition of Big Money to any area is almost always the kiss of death for integrity. Love of money is a religion of immorality and a serious form of mental illness.

  5. Robert Barricklow on June 15, 2014 at 8:49 am

    Those MIT boys should corporate academia for what they are, naked for sale prostitutes. The system is geared for gangster & prostitutes supported by guys & dolls signing “their”: follow the bouncing-ball memes.
    Here what Catherine Autine Fitts defines as “Economic Fascism”.–_rOdnO_tl
    Or, just google:
    Dark Journalist Catherine Austin Fitts Economic Fascism

    • Robert Barricklow on June 15, 2014 at 9:09 am

    • Robert Barricklow on June 15, 2014 at 11:01 am

      By the way Putin is now targeting those
      Trillion Dollar off-shore tax havens.
      Article is from The Testosterone Pit/
      Putin: “We Have To Think About How To Take This Money”.

  6. Aridzonan_13 on June 15, 2014 at 6:11 am

    The last five seconds of those same miracle drug commercials goes: “May cause bleeding from every orafice, TB, and death. Pregnant mothers should not look at the pill bottle. May cause pets and children to spontaneously combust. Consult your physician about other lethal drugs you are taking.” So, why doesn’t the consumer get it? How can they be making the money they do without total customer revolt? It’s called monopoly. If there were real competition to Monsantano. They would not be able to get away with GMO. I’m waiting for the Ron Paul / Ralph Nader “We told you so.” World Tour any time now.

    • Robert Barricklow on June 15, 2014 at 8:53 am

      Ron Paul?????

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