British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, speaking in the House of Commons may as well have been speaking about the latest scam (read: swindle), barreling down the tracks when on July 14, 1856, he said the following:

"There is a power in the world we seldom mention in the House of Commons.... I mean the secret societies... It is useless to deny because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe - the whole of Italy and France and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries - is covered with a network of these societies, just as the superfices of the earth is now covered with railroads. And what are their objects? They do not attempt to conceal them. They do not want constitutional government; they do not want ameliorated institutions... they want to change the tenure of the land, to drive out the present owners of the soil and to put to an end ecclesiastical establishments. Some of them may go even further..."

This was not the only time or occasion on which Disreali offered statements on secret societies, but in this case, he may well have been better advised to save his remarks until after he had read the following article on the latest in digital-record-mania from The Huffington Post:

Petition to Audit the Land Record

Yes, that's right: in an age where books are increasingly digitized to the extent that the author's formatting, and ultimately textual intentions can potentially be altered at the flip of a switch, in an age where High frequency trading algorithms constitute the bulk of market transactions on securities and commodities markets in the West, and which can, again, cause sudden and massive "crashes" and "re-upticks" in a matter of mere minutes, when banksters  have been caught in dubious if not outright fraudulent activity, insider trading, market and price fixing and a whole host of other things, in an age that saw the recent denial of original paper by the Federal Reserve which successfully lobbied Congress pass a law allowing them to keep your original paper records and cancelled checks (and you to receive only a copy), we're now being asked to "trust" the whole system to maintain clear records of one's very mortgages, titles, deeds, and so on. 

What this means is (1) lost fees for local governments, (2) a mess in establishing clear history of titles and transfers, thus (3) facilitating mortgage fraud, and doing so, as the article points out, on an epic scale in all three cases:
As Matt Taibi of Rolling Stonepointed out back in January:

For those of you wondering why so many localities are broke, here's one small factor in the revenue drain. Counties typically charge a small fee for mortgage registration, roughly $30. But with MERS, ... you don't need to pay the fee every time there's an ownership transfer. Multiply that by 67 million mortgages and you're talking about billions in lost fees for local governments (some estimates place the total at about $200 billion).

In short, MERS enabled the industry to throw mortgages around in their chimp-like poop-flinging frenzy without keeping any kind of paperwork or paying any fees. This has left the sanctity of the land records in every registry of deeds a veritable shambles.

"This isn't just affecting homeowners in foreclosure," says Jeff Greenberg the founder of Landtegrity, "MERS has polluted the majority of the land records in this country. Everyone should be concerned, especially people who are paying their mortgage and expect to own their home some day." (Emphasis added)

Imagine that! You pay your mortgage payments dutifully right up until the last payment, and, voila, some malicious bankster working for J.D. Swag, Barings, and Goldsacks presses a button, deletes all references to past payments, deletes all clear references to title, throws your account into delinquency and foreclosure, throws you and your family on to the street, takes your home, sells it, and repeats the scam. And there are, in the digital zoo, all sorts of variations on the theme. They may, for example, show clear record of payment, but since the title was never clear nor the real deed ever registered with a local government agency, they can still throw you out for delinquency, foreclose the house, and deny any equity.Sound nightmarish? Too impossible? Well, maybe....But here's where the high octane speculation of the day comes in, and it's a double-barreled shotgun sort of speculation, with the shotgun being loaded with rock salt. Consider the following statement:

"Some notable registrars have already signed the petition and left their comments on the site. Southern Essex County, Mass., Register of Deeds John O'Brien estimates the loss of revenue to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts could be as high as $200 million, and to the nation, possibly in the billions. A couple of years ago, O'Brien audited the records in his own registry and discovered that 75 percent of the assignments in the registry are fraudulent." (emphasis added)

Seventy five percent of registrations in one county are fraudulent!? If that is the case, then multiply that on the national scale, and it becomes a clear tangle to determine just who rightfully has the tenure of most of the nation's property. So what might all this fraud and title obfuscation be designed to accomplish?

One clue, suggested by former Assistant Secretary for Housing and Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts, is that the sheer scale of the fraud is part of a system deliberately designed to harvest the economy, down to the local level, county by county, of vast amounts of money to be shunted into the black budget. And if that's the case, then would such people hesitate to press a button, alter a few lines of code, to obfuscate the trail of possession of title, especially if, say, the system was done in the name of "national security"? Not a chance. In fact, what the digitization suggests is that by eliminating the paper trail, the system can be made much more efficient. The second thing it suggests is that perhaps we are looking at another clue in the puzzle of the mysterious deaths of so many bankers, one of whom, Mr. Talley, you'll recall, was involved precisely in the mortgage title business. (And for the legal cognoscenti, this conjures all sorts of connections to traditions and concepts associated with the writ quo warranto, and, no, for American attorneys, I do not mean its modern perversion into a matter of tort law. Have fun... but it does suggest those county registrars of deeds might have more power than they imagine.) 

So to conclude my two-part rant: digital isn't better, or safer, especially in the hands of a corporate world run amok and drunk with its own power and greed. Trust your reading - and your financial documents - to such a process, and to such people? I think not, for it's the Stalin-era Soviet Encyclopedia, changeable now at the push of a button, mercantalist-capitalist style.

See you on the flip side...



Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Jon on August 14, 2014 at 9:21 pm

    Even scarier is the push to digitize medical records. The vast majority of such systems are fraught with errors caused by poor programming and poor setup of databases by people with virtually no knowledge (and no scope of practice responsibility) of actual medical procdures. (I’m talking about clerks, accountants, and IT people.)

    These systems are amazingly error-ridden and represent an extremely serious threat to people’s lives. We’re talking medication errors, incorrect medical histories, and other things which could easily mean life or death.

    Legal violations caused by people acting in area beyond their legal scope of practice (IT people cannot legally prescribe medications or their administration, and yet they are making decisions about just such things by way of rules programmed into these medical computer systems) open up the possibility for massive loss of life and equally massive litigation.

    This, along with insurance companies now essentially running the (already deeply flawed) allopathic medical system, comprises a threat to our lives far greater than cancer, heart disease, terrorism, and climate change put together.

    I suspect that the real reason behind the drive to a single medical records system is to allow the elites to better track their lab rats (us) as they experiment.

    In the most serious terms, there is a reason why civilizations past considered “hard copy” to mean nearly indestructable stone or clay tablets.

    We should take heed.

  2. Gaia Mars-hall on August 14, 2014 at 3:10 pm

    Of course Disraeli had nothing to do with the Secret Society running the secret societies on the continent did he…

  3. chris on August 14, 2014 at 8:20 am

    An interesting blog from “The Solari Report” by CAF

  4. marcos toledo on August 14, 2014 at 7:48 am

    This what happens with people who to lazy or cowardly to go out and steal. These addicts are one thought is we have to steal more money, land, energy, minerals, and power. With this new digitalize record of land deeds they hide their criminal trails just delete the evidence down the memory hole a new way to steal for white collar criminals. Just can’t figure out what they need a this money for are not rich enough and what will happen when there’s nobody left to steal from what will they do then?

    • gkb623 on August 14, 2014 at 8:53 am

      They are harvesting and siphoning resources and taking them some place else. we are their laborers to put it lightly..

      • Vader_Etro on August 14, 2014 at 11:19 am

        Gotta do a better job at ignoring what the political powers want seen, witnessed, gawked at, that a more effective noticing in real time, of what the powers do not want seen, occurs.

        ” … we are their laborers to put it lightly..”

        So far.

        • Vader_Etro on August 14, 2014 at 11:31 am

          Correction of typo in the above link:

        • gkb623 on August 14, 2014 at 12:39 pm

          As Catherine Austin Fitts puts it, “there’s no logical reason to poverty”.. especially on this planet. It figures why the pricing of homes here in the US is unbelievably unreasonable. Shelter should be a basic right

  5. DanaThomas on August 14, 2014 at 7:19 am

    Well, in the light of this, people in some European countries are better off thanks to the continuing role of the notary in property transfers. In Italy they have a semi-official role and actually store the deeds themselves, though the information is also registered in a public office. This can be criticized as medieval relic involving ridiculously high charges and duty tax. On the other hand, all those rubber stamps, handwritten dates and witnessed signatures might have some use. They can of course be counterfeited but not on the same massive and immediate scale possible in electronic fraud.

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