Ok.... once again folks, I have to rant, and my rant concerns, again, the possibility that another fed-up teacher, this time of English, is about ready to pack it in.

This article was shared with me by Mr. M.D., and while the issue itself is, for the present, confined to the United States, I strongly suspect that it is simply a pilot program toward the "globalization" of education "standards" throughout the West, and for further dumbing down of the general population in the name of the latest billionaire-funded edubabble. I'm referring to the common core curriculum, and to the fact that yet another teacher is resigning, fed up with FedGov, Inc.'s latest nitwittery and interference in the classroom, and its attempts to reduce her, and all teachers, to mere "room monitors" responsible for spitting out "data" and making sure their students perform the appropriate Pavlovian responses on their computerized Skinner boxes and "scientific" multiple choice standardized tests (which, under common core, are adapted to each student along the way, based on their responses.... yes folks, it's that nutty!). The teacher in question is Elizabeth A. Natale, and her's her story:

Why I Want To Give Up Teaching

In case you missed the core of her complaint against the rot at the core of the common core fraud, here they are:

"The Common Core standards require teachers to march lockstep in arming students with "21st-century skills." In English, emphasis on technology and nonfiction reading makes it more important for students to prepare an electronic presentation on how to make a paper airplane than to learn about moral dilemmas from Natalie Babbitt's beloved novel "Tuck Everlasting."

If you think she's exaggerating, she's not: literature - and all the critical, analytical, and synthetic thinking skills that it helps to mold in people - will be almost completely wiped out for more "functional" writing skills. But wait, it gets worse:

"My most important contributions to students are not addressed by the Common Core, Smarter Balance and teacher evaluations. I come in early, work through lunch and stay late to help children who ask for assistance but clearly crave the attention of a caring adult. At intramurals, I voluntarily coach a ragtag team of volleyball players to ensure good sportsmanship. I "ooh" and "ah" over comments made by a student who finally raises his hand or earns a C on a test she insisted she would fail.

"Those moments mean the most to my students and me, but they are not valued by a system that focuses on preparing workers rather than thinkers, collecting data rather than teaching and treating teachers as less than professionals.

"Until this year, I was a highly regarded certified teacher. Now, I must prove myself with data that holds little meaning to me. I no longer have the luxury of teaching literature, with all of its life lessons, or teaching writing to students who long to be creative. My success is measured by my ability to bring 85 percent of struggling students to "mastery," without regard for those with advanced skills. Instead of fostering love of reading and writing, I am killing children's passions — committing "readicide," as Kelly Gallagher called it in his book of that title.

"Teaching is the most difficult — but most rewarding — work I have ever done. It is, however, art, not science." (Emphasis added)

Like many dedicated teachers - and I have had the privilege to know a few - Mrs. Natale does as much for her students off the clock as she does on. Few people have any idea how much nonsense teachers must put up with: endless meetings and conferences accomplishing nothing(it's called "continuing education" and a host of other euphemisms), being talked to by representatives of the testing cartels as if they were all children themselves, performing "group activities" that belong in a kindergarten and not a room of adults, spending endless hours in classes of "method" and other pedagogical pabulum, when all they want to do is excite students with literature or music or biology or mathematics (you'll notice all these are real disciplines, and not the pseudo-discipline of "education")... the litany is long and mind-numbingly horrific.

But she puts her finger on a key problem with Common Core: the expansion of the crackpottery of standardized testing and its "scientific" claims, to a computerized "student adaptive" series of tests that will follow and "slot" them into a "preferred or indicated career goal"... one has only to close one's eyes and imagine the edubabble and psychoblither that will be used to justify it. And the real goal of all of this is clear; it is to rob people of the cardinal and salient positive features of western culture and its achievements in the arts and sciences; its real goal is to rob the broader culture of its memory and history, and hence, of its future; its real goal is to engineer people to live in the ever-present "now", and to inculcate the "future" only as yet another standardized bit of crackpottery, another "assessment" that they must endure; its real goal is to rob people of their creativity, their ability to analyze, critique, synthesize; it's real goal is to dehumanize them and rob them of their individuality and heritage.

So what is the solution?

I used to tell the my more capable college students, back in the days when I was a (starving adjunct) college professor, that the system is designed to be the galloping somersaulting mediocrity that it is, and that if they wanted education and not "schooling" or "job training", they would have to read on their own, while jumping through all the hoops of an increasingly super-silly-ous system. And that is the advice I give to any and all who will hear it: until such time as we can put an end once and for all to the addle-brained billionaire busybodies and their incessant interference in other people's lives and their education, to the fraudulent edubabble and interference of mediocre millionaires, the Rockefailure and Carnutty Foundations and their well-documented and long-term plans(dating back decades incidentally) to dumb down the population and "federalize" education and turn education into the bogus Wundtian-Pavlovian "outcome based" schooling that it has become, until the time that the blithering boobery of the Bushes and other politicians gets out of the fiasco of schooling our children and ruining our culture, until that time, each and every individual, each parent and each student, must, and will have to, educate themselves. You will have to explore Dante and Darwin, Finnegan's Wake and Feynmann, Shakespeare and Shostakovich, Bach and the Beatles, on your own. Until such time as the quackery and crackpottery of standardized testing and the cartels raking in billions for their hopelessly dubious tests are revealed for the frauds they are and the fraud they have perpetrated, and are permanently out of business, you're on your own.

The second solution: if a billionaire busybody, or anyone connected with the government, or a politician, tells you that the next latest greatest fad of the "doctors of education" will produce an academic paradise and remedy the problem of falling scores on those "scientific" standardized tests, don't believe them. After all, this is the same crowd that sold us the Warren Report, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that they never inhaled, that they bring hope and change, and a whole laundry list of other lies. Lying is their business; it's what they do best. It's their one and only talent.

The third solution: educate yourself in the history of standardized testing, for there's an abundant literature calling into question not only its methods but its assumptions. Collect sample questions from their tests, grill them on specifics when they show up (if they've got the guts) to explain themselves, and don't be fooled or hoodwinked into surrendering to all their "statistics" either, for bad questions - and there are numerous examples - lead to bad statistics, and therefore to the exact opposite of their claims to "scientific objectivity."

The argument will be made that this is all "opinion." No, it is not. It is reality. The great standardized testing-certification rigamarole of modern American edgycayshun now has a track record of mediocrity and deliberately designed failure that is decades old. It is time to call a spade a spade and admit that they designed this system to be a continuous failure and mediocrity, only so that they can make more money "fixing" it.

But a final thought in today's rant occurs:

Why would the blithering billionaire bushy busybodies be so busy dumbing the rest of us down? I suspect it's because, fundamentally, they themselves have all the colossal intellectual power of a head of GMO Clinton cabbage.

But they did well on their SATs.

In the meantime, keep plugging Mrs. Natale... we're for you.

See you on the flip side.

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Slick51 on October 18, 2014 at 7:02 am

    Ditto on all. As a former(USAF)instructor for 3 years (taking degreed meteorologists and turning them into operational military forecasters), I saw plenty of evidence of the product of this system in its entirety. Then, commanding a squadron of 450 teenage enlisted students, I saw the continued degradation of the critical thinking skills built into today’s curriculum design. I also have a nephew that just graduated and now teaches 8th grade science and math. His feedback concerning both students and methodology are instructive, and appalling. We’re in trouble, and as long as the beer’s cold and wrestling’s on, no one seems to care.

  2. Aridzonan_13 on October 17, 2014 at 5:15 pm

    My best guess is that the PTB would have the US go the way of Latin America. Dumbing any population down is rigging the game. The real genius is to filter the info. So, that those who have a passion for learning cannot find the information they require. However, those folks that have a true thirst for knowledge can only be delayed.. Not denied.

  3. marcos toledo on October 17, 2014 at 12:24 pm

    This is only the latest means of thought control by our overlords. Frankie if you think Catholic Schools are better than the State Schools let me burst your fantasy balloon I was in that system from the first grade until I was booted out about age thirteen. And transferred to the State School system to complete my schooling. While I was in the Catholic School I did not read books other than textbooks. Where as in the State School system in English class I read novels that were assigned to read and they were classics new as well as old. Due to my poor reading skills from Catholic School I was put in a special class where I learned to really enjoy reading books and to just as importantly use the library both school and public. Now with the price of books shot into the stratosphere try building your own private library if you can find a brick and mortar bookstore in your neighborhood. If you can buy and read one book that will explain all of this to you read Eric Blair book publish under his pen name George Orwell NINETEEN EIGHTY FOUR.

  4. moxie on October 17, 2014 at 10:01 am

    ..whoever has sole control of the means must also determine which ends are to be served, which values are to be rated higher and which are lower, in short, what men should believe and strive for.
    -F.A. Hayek
    There might be levels or sorting in their method of education.. separate the mass workers from the above average to advanced workers, and take away the moral, humane factor. But knowing their ideology, they might take it further

  5. Robert Barricklow on October 17, 2014 at 9:41 am

    This particular blog strikes at the heart of our being: “The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.”. The common core education’s function is to create cultural amnesia among the population; a system of short and long-term memories that have a high degree of uniformity, consistency, and plausibility. As the education in most countries is the prime delivery system; students are taught to forget or ignore contrary information. In an authoritarian system; the teacher’s role is a conduit of knowledge and information, and the student’s role is of the passive receiver. The student’s that challenge the teacher’s conventional story may expect to receive severe punishment. The media, government, civil service, courts, and other officials work to reinforce the cultural message taught in schools.
    However; it has now entered the post-digital school system where there exists a two-edged sword. One is the threat of highly sophisticated intelligent AI algorithms versus the analogue resistance; inherent in the human spirit; and digital alternative information platforms(like this site). Outsiders then, are tampering with the collective cultural memories. This leads to criminalization of expression, censoring of web sites, and consolidating forces to fight against those “unwashed” memories.
    Access to information is not open. Memories instilled from the common core cultural channels are man-made, produced, and distributed for the benefit of “the system”.
    The fight, is literally for: freedom of thought/consciousness.

  6. DanaThomas on October 17, 2014 at 8:56 am

    A lot of serious points raised here.
    This business seems to have something in common with the debate, political and politicized, that took place some years ago on education in the UK. According to egalitarian rhetoric and the obsessive call for “standardization”, with its wrist-slapping of the Public Schools system (for US readers = private school system), everything was supposed to become more “democratic” and therefore better. However, the income-related and presumably the quality divide in education has yawned ever wider. And university fees have soared.
    Having said all this, the consciousness factor will triumph over any multiple-choice idiocy.
    And, by the way, I doubt that the oligarchs will entrust job-trained “worker bees” with tasks like developing life-extending drugs/techniques, the writing of high frequency trading programs and – last but not least – the translation of all those cuneiform tablets and sundry ancient manuscripts…

  7. Frankie Calcutta on October 17, 2014 at 8:40 am

    Could this be another Jesuit conspiracy? It seems like the big winner in the long run will be the Catholic Church who will have no difficulty in giving a superior education to the students in their many private schools across the United States, assuming the Church resists embracing common core. These better educated Catholic students should then have no trouble outsmarting the common core public education dupes in adulthood which could then lead ultimately to primarily Catholics, subservient to the Pope, in leadership positions throughout the United States. (The only obstacle would be the Mormons who have this same plan). The loser would be the current reigning ancient yahweh sect who thought it would be beneficial to have public schools produce beasts walking on two legs. Unfortunately making a living loaning money to slothful, illiterate slobs can only lead to ruin because they ultimately can’t and won’t pay you back. Not to mention all the resentment one invites by being a callous and contemptuous money lender. And how easy would it be for the Catholic Church to exploit this and thereby depose the current reigning regime of money lenders? Especially when a great deal of money will be needed by the Vatican and the Breakaway Civilization to explore and evangelize space. Who better to mug then the ones who have accumulated so much wealth through anti-Christian usury? So simple even an evangelical can understand. And once the Vatican peels the evangelicals off the ancient yahwehist reservation through Christian logic and Jesuit subterfuge, the Vatican can even start issuing their own credit cards. Perhaps even Indulgence credit cards.

    • Frankie Calcutta on October 17, 2014 at 8:45 am

      I notice above that Dr. Farrell has this blog filed under “nazis.” That is something to chew on.

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