This one was sent by Mr. V.T., and it's one I simply have to blog about, because...well, you'll see. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words:

Giant Axes and Hammers Baffle the Experts

Now, assuming for a moment that these pictures are genuine and not photoshopped, then we're left with a problem. Or rather, several problems.

The first is, obvious, as the article points out, that sixty pound sledge hammers would be difficult for average humans to wield:

"A 60-pound sledge hammer would look like this and be impossible for us to wield. Yet, such a hammer (64 pounds) was found in Great Orme Mines in Wales. It is extrapolated that such a being would need to be 12-15 feet tall to wield that safely and efficiently."

Readers of my books will recall that in Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men, I delved a great deal into the various legends from around the world about human tribal memories of the "Gigantomachy", the wars of humans with humanoid giants. Most academic approaches, which I attempted to review in that book, stress that what the ancients were doing were simply finding the bones of large dinosaurs and extrapolating from them that they belonged to the giants of their lore and traditions. As I pointed out there, however, this requires a certain assumption that the ancients were simply incapable of distinguishing between the bones of dead animals from those of dead "large humanoids."

But tools such as this are quite another matter. As are ancient "Minoan" and "Cretan" battle axes. Then we have "the Finland Swords Problem", and again, I am assuming these pictures are not photoshopped and that the implied scale of objects depicted (a "normal" sized Viking sword is really normal sized, and the compared sword is therefore extraordinarily large, as the article avers):

"These swords above were found in Finland by some metal detecting enthusiasts, along with a body that was fairly well preserved. He was buried with a Viking era sword (the small one) and this enormous sword of unknown origin...."

The article draws this conclusion, however:


"It would appear that ancient man was either very ambitious in the design of some of his implements which would not be ergonomically feasible, or these gigantic implements were not made by Homo sapiens. Considering the amount of work that went into making these implements, frivolous reasons seem to be low on the list."(Emphasis added)
This, however, is perhaps an unmerited assumption. Clearly, if genuine, these implements were made by some sort of humanoid, either some lost "genetic cousin" in the genus homo, or by some earlier and taller version of homo sapiens. The stories of discoveries of giant bodies abound in the alternative research field, and the real question for me is why no attempt has been made (or at least publicly admitted to!) to do DNA testing on these creatures. (My strong suspicion is that such tests have probably been done, secretly, and are a currently closely held secret for what they might reveal).
But what really caught my eye in this short article was this statement:
"A pyramidal structure found in the Ecuadorian jungle revealed some interesting finds such as this -

"Source:  Scattered around the area were a great many artefacts of stone and of pottery (seemingly now all stolen in recent months). Many of these objects appeared to be stone tools that could have been used either in mining or refining some kind of metal ore. Amongst these tools are some that would be extremely difficult for a normal size human being to use in any practical fashion, this has led to a strong suspicion that this is one of the legendary lost cities of the giants, well known in local Ecuadorian legends about the Amazonian area, such places generate great fear among the members of today’s jungle tribes as they are believed to be protected either by spirit guardians or by beings not of this world." (Boldface emphasis added)

Pyramidal structures of megalithic construction and "super-sized" large tools found in the area and same context? If true, that raises the stakes considerably, for it would seem to connect at least one set of pyramidal structures with the lore and legends of giants. And that lore and legendary association in almost all human traditions is a lore of a "gigantomachy," a "war with the giants," a "cosmic war" if one reads the Greek version with its planetary and astrological associations with Saturn (Kronos) in mind. Funny thing, too: Saturn has a "curiously artificial-looking Moon" called Iapetus, Mars, named for the God of War in many cultures (Aires, Hercules, Errakal, Nergal), has what appears to be pyramids scattered on its surface. Dr Tom Van Flandern revived the 19th century idea of an exploded planet as the origin of the asteroid belt. A planet he believed may have been solid, of much larger mass than the Earth, and water bearing. If that planet was home to intelligent life, then under those gravitational circumstances, perhaps that planet was home to very large humanoid life.
Bottom line: Large tools capable of being wielded effectively by people 12-15' tall? Then perhaps it is time to start taking those ancient stories and traditions seriously, and to quit thinking our ancesters were - per the modern academic approach - so stupid as to not be able to tell the difference between dinosaur bones and human ones, and that they did not confabulate them into a "mythology," but rather, that the mythology was attempting to preserve a key part of human history.
See you on the flip side...
Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. DanaThomas on February 5, 2015 at 10:17 am

    When you come to think about it, a huge amount of the “news” we get should more appropriately be called alleged news.

  2. zeus33 on January 31, 2015 at 4:42 am

    I don’t know about the rest of the relics in the pictures, but the super-sized Greek Axes were like scepters to the Minoans. They didn’t have any practical use

  3. Ethan on January 30, 2015 at 1:06 pm

    “But tools such as this are quite another matter. As are ancient “Minoan” and “Cretan” battle axes. Then we have “the Finland Swords Problem”, and again, I am assuming these pictures are not photoshopped and that the implied scale of objects depicted (a “normal” sized Viking sword is really normal sized, and the compared sword is therefore extraordinarily large, as the article avers):”

    This reminds me about a story I once heard when I was visiting some Dutch friends. It was a story about

    “Pier Gerlofs Donia (ca. 1480–1520) was a Frisian peasant rebel leader and pirate. He is best known by his West Frisian nickname Grutte Pier (“Big Pier”; in the pre-1980 West Frisian spelling written as Greate Pier), or by the Dutch translation Grote Pier which referred to his legendary size and strength.”

    His sword was allegedly 2.15 meters long, weighing approximately 6.6 kilogram:×500/upload/upload_679/SFA003009467.jpg

    His helmet:×500/upload/upload_681/SFA002011836.jpg

    And there are more stories like these:

    There is a suit of armor in the Tower of London that is 6ft9…

  4. laserblue on January 28, 2015 at 7:45 am

    Giants Series

    1. Inherit the Stars, May 1977, ISBN 0-345-30107-2
    2. The Gentle Giants of Ganymede, May 1978, ISBN 0-345-29048-8
    3. Giants’ Star, July 1981, ISBN 0-345-28771-1
    4. Entoverse, October 1991, ISBN 1-85723-002-7
    5. Mission to Minerva, January 2005, ISBN 0-7434-9902-6

  5. Robert Barricklow on January 27, 2015 at 4:37 pm

    Apparently George Orwell was spelling out the core policies
    of the elites. that have an ever lasting ring of truth:
    War Is Peace
    Freedom Is Slavery
    and of course…
    Ignorance Is Strength

    They appear to be becoming more of a reality as time marches on…

    • Robert Barricklow on January 27, 2015 at 5:30 pm

      Peter Dale Scott address these “Deep State” hidden policies.

      • marcos toledo on January 27, 2015 at 10:33 pm

        Thanks for the link Robert great interview.

        • Robert Barricklow on January 28, 2015 at 9:01 am

          Glad you liked it.

      • Robert Barricklow on January 28, 2015 at 1:04 pm

        This looks to belong to the “Deep State”.
        Charles & David Koch’s secretive network of dark money groups and Super PACs announced Monday that they plan on spending $889 million to influence the 2016 election!
        (That’s the in print figure)

    • marcos toledo on January 27, 2015 at 8:15 pm

      Lies is Truth

      • Robert Barricklow on January 28, 2015 at 9:06 am

        and Monopolies Are Efficient.

        and the beat goes on…

  6. johnycomelately on January 27, 2015 at 2:56 pm

    I always find it odd so little is mentioned of the Megafauna extinctions (12000 – 18000 years ago) and the mass piles of Megafauna bones (from Siberia to Australia) indicating a global flood event.

    Interestingly the Biblical account refers to something very odd, the Rainbow Covenant, which would indicate rainbows were not present prior to the flood.

    Why is this important? It indicates the flood produced changed atmospheric conditions and the size and duration of life of animals was markedly reduced.

    Increased celestial radiation increases decay and mutations thereby reducing the duration of life and size of animals.

    Venus clearly points to young planets having heavier atmospheres.

    • TRM on January 27, 2015 at 7:35 pm

      An ocean impact of a meteor would not only flood a lot of the world with huge waves but would vaporize massive amounts of water giving a rainbow display that would dwarf anything ever seen.

      Everywhere when the sun was over your shoulder you would see dozens of rainbows for years. That would create a lot of myths.

      • unclejed on January 28, 2015 at 4:38 am

        Watched the movie “NOAH” Recently, the one with Russell Crowe, for some reason the producers made a point during the scenes shot during the day, you can see stars in the daytime sky …. ????

      • Ethan on January 30, 2015 at 12:53 pm

        I immediately have to think about e.g. the erosion by water on the Sphinx..

  7. DownunderET on January 27, 2015 at 1:21 pm

    No surprises here, just another cover up of the history of this planet and human evolution history. Those fellas at the Smithsonian are really good at hiding things in back rooms and vaults to keep those nasty secrets from ever seeing the light of day. I remember George Ann Hughes talking to Joseph in one of their chats, that she had a lot of trouble climbing the big pyramid at Chichen Itza, because of the size of the steps, she said that the steps had to have been made for legs 6 to 8 feet tall.
    One day I hope that the works of Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson will be vindicated, and the goons in main stream science are made to eat humble pie, I just wish it happens tomorrow.

  8. GalK on January 27, 2015 at 9:48 am

    My high octane speculation of the day is that those giants 12-15′ tall were indigenous humanoids members of the same genus homo. I would speculate even further saying that they were homo sapiens perhaps an older unmodified and not very clever version of us. I draw an analogy between ancient dinosaurs and nowadays reptilians.

  9. marcos toledo on January 27, 2015 at 9:31 am

    This is just one of a long line of embarrassing facts and issues the academic, religious, scientific, political establishments sweep under rug or into the closet. They prefer their retarded fairy tales and stupid stories to the truth and deliberately confuse mythology and legend with stories you tell around a campfire to entertain they’re fantasies are more true than reality to them.

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