One of our favorite subjects here is the strange and weird, the stuff that was yesterday's comic book fantasy and yesterday's science fiction, and that arew quickly becoming today's science fact, and tomorrow's commonplaces. Things like the quest for optical invisibility - by any number of techniques - or Star Trek-like "transporters" and "replicators" that beam people, atom-by-atom, from one point to a very distant point at the speed of light, and then "reassemble" them. Or things like teleportation. Of course, if one wants a Star Trek like transporter, one will have to improve the distance over which one can do such things, and, ultimately, try it out on organic life.

Enter quantum teleportation, superposition, and ...well, see for yourself in these two articles shared by Mr. J,H, and Ms. M.W.:

NIST Team Breaks Distance Record for Quantum Teleportation

This first experiment speaks for itself:

BOULDER, Colo.—Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have “teleported” or transferred quantum information carried in light particles over 100 kilometers (km) of optical fiber, four times farther than the previous record.

The experiment confirmed that quantum communication is feasible over long distances in fiber. Other research groups have teleported quantum information over longer distances in free space, but the ability to do so over conventional fiber-optic lines offers more flexibility for network design.
Nott to be confused with Star Trek’s fictional “beaming up” of people, quantum teleportation involves the transfer, or remote reconstruction, of information encoded in quantum states of matter or light. Teleportation is useful in both quantum communications and quantum computing, which offer prospects for novel capabilities such as unbreakable encryption and advanced code-breaking, respectively. The basic method for quantum teleportation was first proposed more than 20 years ago and has been performed by a number of research groups, including one at NIST using atoms in 2004.
The new record, described in Optica,* involved the transfer of quantum information contained in one photon—its specific time slot in a sequence—to another photon transmitted over 102 km of spooled fiber in a NIST laboratory in Colorado.
What's interesting here is the clear implication of this experiment: what has been advanced is not to much the teleportation ability itself, but rather, the detector capability. Ponder it for a moment: a detector has been invented which can pick out one photon amid all the "quantum noise" created by information transfer over fiber optic cables sixty miles in length. A few years ago, when I first started blogging about the leaps and bounds that teleportation experiments were achieving, and then pointed out the principal difficulty of any Star Trek like transporter-reassembler: it would be required to detect massive amounts of data signal among even much more massive amounts of "noise", and then reassemble the trillions of data signals accurately. This, of course, would require an extremely accurate "detector" (not to mention, massive computational capability).  What I'm suggesting here is that the NIST experiment is another step in that technology tree, A long way off, to be sure, from Gene Roddenberry's imagination, but a much larger step from where we were just a few months ago.
Which brings us to the "can organic life go through this process, and emerge unharmed" while it is, so to speak, in two places at once? Or, to put it differently, does quantum entanglement work for life (and, while you're pondering this idea and experiment, get out your Wheeler and Everett thinking caps, and ponder their "multiverse" interpretation of quantum mechanics too):
This experiment is simplicity itself:

The researchers plan to build on the work of others at the University of Colorado who showed in 2013 that a tiny, vibrating aluminium membrane could be placed in a superposition of states.

“We propose to simply put a small microbe on top of the aluminum membrane. The microbe will also be in a superposition state when the aluminum membrane is in a superposition state. The principle is quite simple,” Dr Li said.

The researchers plan to go one step further in a second experiment that would entangle the position of the microbe with the spin of an electron inside it. “The purpose of the second experiment is to make the system useful. It can be used to detect defects of DNA and proteins in a microbe, and image the microbe with single electron spin sensitivity,” Dr Li said.

Li said he hoped to conduct the experiment, but that leading scientists in the field had laboratories better equipped to take the project on, and that he hoped to collaborate with them. “If the top group in quantum electromechanics want to focus on doing this experiment, I think a microbe could be put into a superposition state in three years,” he said. (Emphasis added)

Note that this experiment does "double duty", not only testing the viability of quantum superposition on organic life, but also plans on developing detection capabilities of a medical nature based upon the spin characteristics of single electrons, or, to put it "country simple," we've come a long way since Millikan, Stern, and Gerlach. The ability to correlate such characteristics with, say, states of cellular health or potential disease have obvious medical and diagnostic implications, and implications, as well, for electromagnetic methods of healing and therapy, and this time, it will be very difficult for Big Pharma to suppress such ideas and techniques, as they successfully did with Royal Rife in this country, and Priore in France. Indeed, it is even possible that in the process of superposition of microbes, side effects will inevitably be noticed that affect the organism's state of health.

See you on the flip side...

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. ulrichX2 on October 4, 2015 at 9:43 am

    The first time I encountered the idea of teleportation was in the intriguing and chilling 1958 sf movie “The Fly” starring Vincent Price and David Hedison (aka Al Hedison). I don’t remember if the term teleportation was actually used in the film, but the idea certainly and gruesomely was. The ending is especially memorable. There was a remake in c.1985 starring Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis. The storyline is basically the same, but the film is is even more gruesome and disturbing. There was also a sequel (1959 I think) to the first “Fly” but not nearly as good a story. Still, the idea of teleportation echoed in all three films.

  2. DanaThomas on September 30, 2015 at 10:16 am

    Still on transhumanism: US military robots by Google being tested:

  3. zendogbreath on September 28, 2015 at 7:13 pm

    What we’re talking about relates well to Frank Herbert’s ideas (old cia guy) in the Dune Trilogy, in Electric Universe theory pertinent to anthropology, biology, mythology ( with folk like Dave Talbot, Ruppert Sheldrake,… Velikosvky, Tesla, Alfven, Gerald Pollack,…

    Wait a second. Am I the only one here who is just starting to intentionally consider these ideas and folk? Are you guys all figuring them into the mix already?

    • goshawks on September 28, 2015 at 11:16 pm

      Pretty sure teleportation was not used in the “Dune” series. They traveled and sent messages by starship.

      The first reference to teleportation that I recall was in Clifford Simak’s excellent SF novel, “Way Station.” It came out in 1963, and so preceded the “Star Trek” transporter of 1966. Unfortunately, Simak’s teleporter was more of a ‘duplicator’ in that the old body was left behind and had to be disposed of…

    • Guygrr on September 29, 2015 at 6:28 pm

      Oh they’re in the mix alright. Read the Doc’s Cosmic War, he puts them all to shame in my opinion.

  4. moxie on September 28, 2015 at 5:50 pm

    One could probably change the DNA through entanglement.. since DNA is entangled with HD structures. Although a sort of harmony with the “structures” is required…

    • Guygrr on October 2, 2015 at 9:02 am

      How on earth did I miss this post? This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for in terms of medical technology. Healing the disease states of cells via electromagnetics is great but not of much use to me, if one were to time reverse heal a cell to it’s original state inherited genetic mutations will still be present. However mapping the scalar forces of DNA itself allows one to correct genetic mutations not just disease states, this is HUGE. The problem with technology like rife machines is that killing various infections causes them to burst open releasing a massive amount of toxins that will overwhelm the body in short order. The reason the person gets sick in the first place is because their body cannot properly recognize or detox said infections or their infectious proteins due to genetic mutations of either the cytochrome p450 system and/or their detoxification pathways. Given enough time the infections proliferate throughout the body and further alter the host’s DNA in order to avoid detection by the body. If one could map the forces down to specific mutations or chromosomes the implications would be immense. Of course this technology could have extremely dire consequences as well, inducing whatever genetic mutations a person desires could cause some major problems.

      Might I ask why the picture of Bergen County New Jersey is being used as the cover photo for this post?

  5. Robert Barricklow on September 28, 2015 at 9:06 am

    Big Pharma would simply buy them out.
    Then revamp the “product” to fit the Rockefeller medical model, that sucks the blood & money out of those who cross their thresholds.

  6. marcos toledo on September 28, 2015 at 8:50 am

    Just wondering how long DARAPA has had this technology and why it’s revealing it’s existence now.

  7. Ramura on September 28, 2015 at 8:31 am

    Those “Li’s” get around… 😉

  8. WalkingDead on September 28, 2015 at 7:51 am

    “unbreakable encryption and advanced code-breaking”
    I’m wondering if that advanced code-breaking might eventually be aimed toward DNA; as the basis for all life is, so far, unbreakably encoded within its DNA. This would be the ultimate tool for the trans humanist movement. Why bother with mechanical and electronic devices when you could do it biologically through DNA manipulation which would then be passed on to future generations.
    The accuracy of the ancient texts in light of today’s technology is startling; especially when you consider the technology which may be contained within the black projects and breakaway civilizations realm; of which, the general public is woefully unaware. Some of this technology may be based on antediluvian technology, which, apparently, differs from our current technology.
    The alteration of homo sapiens DNA on a massive scale has occurred before in high antiquity, if ancient texts are to be taken literally.
    The original architect of that DNA took a rather dim view of it, as I recall, and led to the destruction of almost all life on the planets, on possibly more than one occasion; as the evidence for a “cosmic war” occurring with our solar system during the antediluvian world is slowly coming to light.
    The “gods”, when they walked among men, did not appear to have a superior morality and warred among themselves to the point of annihilation and passed into legend and myth. That war may have occurred on more than one planet. Should they ever return, en masse, I wouldn’t count on that improving much as the prize appears to be humanity itself.

    • goshawks on September 28, 2015 at 10:53 pm

      “…the evidence for a ‘cosmic war’ occurring with our solar system during the antediluvian world is slowly coming to light.”

      Astrophysicists and geologists still don’t have a convincing scenario as to why Venus was “completely resurfaced” 300 to 500 million years ago (age estimation presumably by crater counting). When pressed, they mumble something about continental plates overturning or such. Come on. We are talking about an Earth-sized planet here.

      Conventional ‘scientists’ must find a ‘natural’ explanation at all costs, to stay within the ‘we are alone’ and ‘we are the first hi-tech civilization’ paradigms. I remember an episode of “Babylon 5” where Shadow forces simply detonated multiple who-knows-what bombs below the crust of a planet to cause planetary-wide resurfacing. Not good for the inhabitants…

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