Mr. P.S. shared this important article of the German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier in the July/August issue of Foreign Affairs, and of course, there are two things here that caught my attention right away. We'll get to those in a moment, but it is to be noted that this article was most likely composed by Herr Steinmeier prior to the BREXIT vote in the United Kingdom, and hence, presents a "view of things" prior to that event. This means certain sections of Herr Steinmeier's article are indeed amplified in their significance by the result of the BREXIT referendum. I suspect, however, that Berlin was not shocked by the result, given the flurry of last-minute pressure from Chancellorin Merkel to forestall that result. Hence, I suspect Herr Steinmeier, like all senior diplomatics, carefully crafted his words to take into account either potential result from the UK referendum.

Here's the article:

Germany’s New Global Role Berlin Steps Up

As Herr Steinmeier points out, Germany has used a careful combination of diplomacy and very limited projections of military force to achieve certain carefully and specifically defined roles in recent history. But there are two areas which he mentions in this article that suggest Germany intends a long range strategy - with, or without, the EU in tow. Note the concluding paragraph:

Some politicians, such as the former Polish foreign minister Radek Sikorski, have described Germany as Europe’s “indispensable nation.” Germany has not aspired to this status. But circumstances have forced it into a central role. Perhaps no other European nation’s fate is so closely connected to the existence and success of the EU. For the first time in its history, Germany is living in peace and friendship with France, Poland, and the rest of the continent. This is largely due to the renunciation of complete sovereignty and the sharing of resources that the EU has encouraged for almost 60 years now. As a result, preserving that union and sharing the burden of leadership are Germany’s top priorities. Until the EU develops the ability to play a stronger role on the world stage, Germany will try its best to hold as much ground as possible—in the interests of all of Europe. Germany will be a responsible, restrained, and reflective leader, guided in chief by its European instincts.
(Emphasis added)

Note that what Herr Steinmeier seems to be tacitly admitting is that Germany realizes the EU in its current form is unlikely to survive, and whatever structures replace it - and one can only hope it's a structure with more respect for national sovereignties and culture - will be held in some sort of "trust" by Germany until more adequate and acceptable structures can be devised. To me, this sounds rather suspiciously like backhanded confirmation of a prediction I made in last weeks's News and Views, for in the wake of a potential crack-up of the EU, one may expect that the whole euro-zone concept will be redevised, and as I argued, Germany will "piece up the pieces, particularly with respect to maintaining security and free trade (not necessarily "open borders" to limitless numbers of refugees) in central Europe: Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Denmarck, the Netherlands, and possibly Scandinavia. Already Germany and Poland have made steps to integrate their navies in the Baltic, and Germany is undertaking a dramatic expansion of the Bundeswehr over the next few years. (And for those who don't recall the Kohl-Lammers CDU memorandum of the 1990s, I'd urge you to consult my book The Third Way, pp. 210-212.) Again, this isn't "German revanchisme" or miliarism, it's simply the geopolitics and economics of being both in the center of Europe, and Europe's premier economy and heavy-industry power.

But there's an even more intriguing suggestion that Berlin intends some sweeping changes in its global geostrategic role, and again, intends them with, or without, the EU, with, or without, FREXITS, NEXITS, Italeaves or Czechouts. Ponder this one a moment:

Sometimes Germans need others to remind us of the usefulness of our own history. Last year, for example, I had an inspiring conversation with a small group of intellectuals in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. One of them remarked, “We need a Westphalian peace for our region.” The deal that diplomats in Münster and Osnabrück hammered out in 1648 to separate religion from military power inspires thinkers in the Middle East to this day; for a native Westphalian like me, there could be no better reminder of the instructive power of the past.

The fact that Herr Steinmeier would be reminded of the Peace of Westphalia by a group of Saudi intellectuals suggests that Germany will seek to invoke this principle on the world stage. But this principle, if one examines it a moment, contains some huge implications. The Westphalian principle is cuis regio, eius religio, "whose the region, his the religion." This carries with it come consequences, for if invoked in the Middle East, it could conceivably result in the current status quo in such countries as Saudi Arabia, with a vengeance, where the Shia minority would continue to be under persecution by the royal-Wahabbist conjunction. Equally, it might mean a complete redrawing of borders in the Middle East, including a fragmentation of the Saudi kingdom itself, into Suni and Shia areas, something the Saudi monarchy is highly unlikely to agree with, since the Shia areas are also the kingdom's oil producing areas. Similarly, the Westphalian principle does not address the problem of the Christian minorities in the Middle East, which have under the secular dictatorships in the region, faired rather better than they do under the imposition of Islamic regimes and their customary intolerance. Would the "Westphalian" principle tolerate the idea of the Islamic jizya, the poll tax that non-Muslims must pay for "protection"? In the west, we call it racketeering. Under Westphalia, it was agreed that all religions, Protestant and Catholic, and their adherents, would receive equal protection under the law, and with no special privileges or sanctions for or against any religions' faithful being invoked or enacted. If one was Catholic living under a Protestant prince, no special tax had to be paid simply for the privilege of praticising Catholicism in a Protestant land, and vice-versa. I find it highly questionable that Saudi "intellectuals" would agree to this, unless they were speaking to Herr Steinmeier "off the record."  We all know how the (out)house of Saud handles such thoughts.

Additionally,both the EU and the Islamic world stand in huge violation of it, for the influx of non-assimilating Islamic refugees can be viewed as an attempt to invade and convert by softpower means, and indeed, this is precisely part of Al Qaeda's seven step program for the Islamicization of the West. More importantly, this means that in practice, the EU itself is in fundamental violation of one of the key principles in its long historical evolution that could be seen as part of its conceptual foundations. The BREXIT vote can, from this long historical perspective, be seen as Britons reasserting that principle for their own country, and this, as I said, will only spread. In short, to make the Westphalian principle work, there has to be fundamental agreement and respect for the western principles of humanism and rule of law, and this is not going to play in Tehran and Riyadh without a fundamental and long-term cultural readjustment and a fundamental reform within Islam itself.

And perhaps, just perhaps, this is what Herr Steinmeier has in mind.

See you on the flip side...

Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Guygrr on July 6, 2016 at 1:50 pm

    I’ve realized Steinmeier uses a very interesting form of rhetoric in his speeches, maybe it’s just the German language itself, after all, I can’t say I’ve read very many translations of German speeches, but people today no longer speak that way in our dumbed down political arena.

  2. goshawks on July 3, 2016 at 4:45 pm

    In one way, the combined tragedy of WWI & WWII did produce a unified Europe. Since it was largely (European side) fought on their soil, the populace has an indelible memory of the horrors of total war. They understand the difference between cooperation and conflict at a visceral level. Post-Soviet Russia understands this, too.

    Given the above, no ‘commoner’ in Eurasia wants domination. This has even trickled-down to politics. The Brexit, Frexit, etc., kerfuffle has largely come-about because the uber-elites never got beyond domination. If the EU is to stay together, TPTB will have to back-off the domination-playing…

    Germany is in a unique position in this ‘conflict’. In one way, Hitler did the German people a long-term favor. By his insisting on fighting to the last, the horror of war was brought into the streets and houses of the Vaterland. (In contrast, the ‘early’ German surrender in WWI had restricted the actual fighting to Belgium and northern France. There was no in-the-streets cost to Germany.) As a result, “Lebensraum” is out except for a fringe sector.

    If the German elite can control their desires for closet-domination, the German state could (could) become a model for both strength and moderation…

    (The above essay, in a form of idealism, neglects all the NWO, international bankster, neocon, etc., forces at work in our world…)

  3. Roger on July 3, 2016 at 1:02 pm

    My take from this is that Islam is the NWO’s religion of choice for it recognizes many institutions and actions they fantasize about but are frowned upon in western culture. Sounds like they are planning on allowing Islam and Sharia law to grow in Europe from the no go zones already established throughout Europe. They know Islam will become the majority but are betting Europeans won’t get it until its too late.

  4. Roger on July 3, 2016 at 12:54 pm

    I can’t take too much more of the censorship on this site anymore folks.

    • Robert Barricklow on July 3, 2016 at 4:12 pm

      Sadly, the internet is way too commercialized.
      They use the copyright laws, etc., to straight-jacket free expression. Plus, just downright censorship.
      Yet that’s just about anywhere that gets too may eye-balls.

      By the way your posts really add to this site. They sharpen my perspective many a time.

      • Roger on July 3, 2016 at 9:17 pm

        Thanks. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, enjoy the discussions and site content, but was thinking of just becoming a lurker.

    • goshawks on July 3, 2016 at 5:27 pm

      Roger, document it. Post when it happens, when it comes back (or doesn’t), and give a url to the original post. The censors like it when someone responds like your one-liner above. They don’t like thorough-documentation of the practice. ‘Shining the light’ lets them be tracked…

      • Roger on July 3, 2016 at 9:38 pm

        I suspect it is a program doing the censoring to protect the site owners. Probably a necessary inconvienance the site owners have to use for international legal issues. But the censored words are a bit over the top and this program seems to be written by a PC sadistic. Allowing certain potentially radical organizations and groups various suspicious practices and beliefs be discussed while censoring others does give credence(even if it is wrong) to certain conspiracies surrounding them. Plus selective censoring and censoring in general is a form of wrongful discrimination itself. But web censoring won’t stop info from being spread anymore. Thanks to the internet and the beginning of their censorship everywhere I go I hear more and more people openly and publically discussing these issues with more and more clueless people bending an ear to hear and consider them. Politics and conspiracy theories are no longer taboo subjects to publically discuss and admit to it seems.

        • Guygrr on July 6, 2016 at 1:59 pm

          Honestly, from what I know about Doctor Farrell, he is not a proponent of censorship. Though I have occasionally encountered censorship here, I wouldn’t place the blame with JPF or with Daniel. I have noticed certain topics and phrases result in bad urls and unsubmitted comments, particularly any dealing with the computer program that shall not be named, but again I think the source is external, not internal to this site’s moderators.

  5. Roger on July 3, 2016 at 12:51 pm

    My take from this is that Islam is the NWO’s religion of choice for it recognizes many institutions and actions they fantasize about but are frowned upon in western culture. Sounds like they are planning on allowing Islam and Sharia law to grow in Europe from the no go zones already established throughout Europe. They know Islam will become the majority but are betting Europeans won’t get it until its too late. Watch Europeans buy into and accept this and watch this get accepted here in the US over time. Perhaps even the Vatican will convert later down the road. Or perhaps this is a stall to appease Europe until Islam grows a little stronger and the westerners are given enough time and propaganda to be radicalized against Islam so they can have a great clash between cultures where both are evenly matched and destroy one and another so that you know who can step out of the shadows and begin the Messianic era.

  6. Robert Barricklow on July 3, 2016 at 11:08 am

    Oh how I long for those good old-fashioned day feudalism in the dark ages. Today, we still have our slavery and environmental destruction working hand in hand creating w world that resembles an open-air prison for the dispossessed.

    • Robert Barricklow on July 3, 2016 at 11:29 am

      Meanwhile back at the ranch…
      Independence Day Hypocrisy, Not Democracy

      • Robert Barricklow on July 3, 2016 at 11:38 am

        Right below above is an article predicting:
        BREXIT will NOT happen/Anti-Brexiteers hit London Streets

  7. marcos toledo on July 3, 2016 at 11:00 am

    As I have written before Western Europe and Western Asia-North Africa are never Neverland. They use as I wrote yesterday Yahweh-Allah as a shield to cover their lust for power and slavery. They are truly tribal people with imperial desires at lest their elites have these fantasies. They’re using their puppets that garrison the Americas-Australia-New Zealand or where they have enslave the locals with their ideas theological-ideological. The question will be will the people of Europe become true Europeans or will use that meme to cover their tribalism. And will the people of Western Asia-North Africa use their meme to cover for their tribalism.

  8. basta on July 3, 2016 at 9:32 am

    “Until the EU develops the ability to play a stronger role on the world stage, Germany will try its best to hold as much ground as possible—in the interests of all of Europe.”

    Ah, Lebensraum 2.0!

    Luckily, no one in France speaks German and can’t be bothered to read anything written in English.

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