As many of you know, one of my publishers is Adventures Unlimited Press. What many of you may not know is that Adventures Unlimited is owned by David Hatcher Childress, frequently seen as a guest on various television programs. David is a self-styled "world explorer" and the label certainly fits, for there is not, I don't think, any famous archaeological site in the world that he does not know of, or that he has not been to.  And those of you who know all this, may not know that David also publishes a little magazine on a quarterly basis called World Explorer, which sometimes contains very interesting information that one wouldn't find anywhere else.

Well, this last issue was one of those issues, and I thought I should share the rather interesting bit of information that David put into this particular issue in an article he wrote himself, titled "Sumerian Monolith Found at Tiwanaku."

Doubtless you, like I, did a double take when you read the title; I had to read it twice to make sure I wasn't seeing things... Sumerian artifacts, at Tiwanaku? In Bolivia!? Writing a book right now in which I wrote about the mysterious ruins there, I was even more intrigued. Sure enough, there were two artifacts  - the Pokotia Monolith and the Magna Fuente Bowl - both found by archaeologists at Tiwanaku, and currently on display at the Museum of Precious Metals in La Paz.

Of the two objects, the more interesting is the Magna Fuente Bowl, for as Childress points out in his article, "The Fuente Magna Bowl is made of earthen-brown fired ceramic which is beautifully engraved both inside and out with anthropomorphic characters, zoological motifs and several scripts, including what is obviously cuneiform. The Script comes from 3500 to 3000 BC, the Sumerian/Akkadian period."(David Hatcher Childress, "Sumerian Monolith Found at Tiwanaku," World Explorer, Vol. 5, No. 9, pp. 51-52).  But that's not all: "The Fuente Magna Bowl is now called the 'Rosetta Stone of the Americas' because the two languages on the bowl are apparently Sumerian and the local Aymara language; the two appear to be related, with the local dialect apparently derived fromSumerian." (Ibid., p. 52)

Further examination of the language on the bowl by Dr. Clyde Winters, an ancient languages expert, determined that the writing on the bowl "was probably Proto-Sumerian" comparable to writing used by Berbers in the Libyan Sahara 5000 years ago. (Ibid)

What is interesting to ponder is the obvious implications of such a find - in Bolivia of all places - for the standard models of ancient history. What is this bowl doing there, at a site, moreover, whose obvious display of technological sophistication far exceeds anything the local Aymara Indians, or for that matter, the Incas, were capable of at any time in their history. The site is of incredible antiquity and, as I point out in my upcoming book The Grid of the Gods, there is every reason to suggest it is far older than any of the classic civilizations, including the Sumerian. The presence of such artifacts suggests, however, that one is looking at ancient civilizations that were capable of seafaring and, to a certain extent, trade and commerce, long before the standard model would allow such things to be taking place.

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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. rafo ce on October 24, 2011 at 12:29 am

    You said: “What is this bowl doing there, at a site, moreover, whose obvious display of technological sophistication far exceeds anything the local Aymara Indians, or for that matter, the Incas, were capable of at any time in their history”

    Its like saying: I have the evidence of people from Oxford (actually I know many people from there) who cannnot built the Big Ben by themselves.

    I live in Houston, Texas right now: What are this NASA rockets, at a site, whose obvious display of technological sophistication far exceeds anything the local English farmers, or for that matter, the Houstonians, were capable of at any time in their history”.

    PS: If you are going to talk about language, welcome the speculation, but if you want to know about precolombian technology, you need to actually read books on the matter. If you want to go crazy about fine pottery, look for the Chavin (almost a thousand years older than Incas).

  2. Rayden on May 11, 2011 at 7:39 am

    i posted something some time ago..too bad you didn’t “approve it”…

  3. Gregory on April 20, 2011 at 10:26 pm

    I first read about the Magna Fuente Bowl in one of David’s books. It is an astonishing artifact. Barry Fell’s book America B.C. is chock full of that kind of thing.

    I walked out of a used bookstore yesterday with a book by Otto Heinrich Muck called “The Secret of Atlantis.” His bio on the dustcover provided details that aroused my curiosity: he was the inventor of the WWII U-boat schnorkel and was member of the Peenemunde Rocket Research Team. In one section of the book he explores the cultural, linguistic, and physiological relationships between the Basques and several archaic tribes in central and South America. He ties this in with the Basques’ own self report that they were descended from survivors of Atlantis. What is interesting about this is that some linguists have posited a relationship between Euskara and Sumerian.

    • Joseph P. Farrell on April 20, 2011 at 10:29 pm

      Hey thanks for the info…email me the names of these books…I’d like to read them!!!

  4. MQ on April 20, 2011 at 10:11 am

    OK, only slightly off topic, but we can’t stop the Zahi Hawass love train!

    • Giuseppe Filotto on April 20, 2011 at 10:26 am

      HAHAHAH!! Excellent! Thank you for this.

      How-Ass has always irritated me. What many do not know is that the whole “robot explorer” thing was in any case a complete plagiarism of the original guy who came up with the idea (and the actual robot) first, and discovered the door in the first place, Rudolf Gantenbrink.
      Also, Hawass has kept hidden the large chamber discovered by (if memory serves) John Anthony West with ground penetration radar that showed the chamber contained metallic objects.
      The guy has been lying in a blatantly obvious manner for decades.

      • Christine on April 20, 2011 at 11:57 am

        not to mention all the times he denied there were tunnels or rivers
        under the Great Pyramid, then went digging for Osiris’ tomb and
        had cameras showing the tunnels and water…

    • photios on April 20, 2011 at 12:32 pm

      I would take careful note of Chris Dunn’s comment in the comments section there before drawing a conclusion.

  5. Giuseppe Filotto on April 20, 2011 at 2:04 am

    I understand what you mean about David sometimes being the only source of certain information, however I have been familiar with his work for over a decade and I would never take anything he says or writes as being accurate or factual until I have checked it for myself. There is usually some truth to his claims, but it’s often on a par with some of Von Daniken’s work.
    I also understand that as a publisher of your work, you may not be too prone to criticising him, but I think it is fair to warn your readers your own work is in a different category to his. Thankfully.
    All my best,

    • Christine on April 20, 2011 at 9:12 am

      The thing about his books, is that they are full of chatty travel log kinda
      stuff, and the meat bits are few and far between with some exceptions.
      The attitude he shows is more wild enthusasm than calculating
      observation and accuracy. That DOES NOT MEAN THAT EXTREMELY
      VALUABLE STUFF ISN’T IN THE BOOKS, but it is mixed with not
      so valuable stuff. One book of his I recently got, I could sure use it
      being cut to half or a third of its verbiage. on and on about nothing I
      want to know about, get to what you found not how you found it and
      what all you blundered through to get to it.

  6. vic on April 18, 2011 at 11:53 pm

    “That would be the lost Flintstone Civilization. They had foot-powered cars and flew on pterodactyls and even used brontosauruses in quarries!”

    i take yr sarcasm to mean that you are stupid enough to believe in evolutionary “theory”. ok, carry on.

  7. Tartarus on April 18, 2011 at 3:59 pm

    Very interesting. ^^
    This is not the first time I’ve heard of Sumerian pre-Columbian voyagers.
    I think the people of ancient world were far more well-travelled than the standard views will admit.

  8. Kathie on April 18, 2011 at 2:17 pm

    New book! The Grid of the Gods, wonderful.

  9. Thomas Marz on April 17, 2011 at 9:18 am

    WOW! Amazing finds.

  10. Jay- on April 17, 2011 at 8:51 am

    Great, however doesn’t this simply back up Crespi? (Not referring to the Crespi who posts in these comments.) Good about the translation help too.

    Different time frame: But Barry Fell documented all sorts of North African and Celtic contacts with North America between about 1000 BCE and 200 CE. (Including the radical point about the written language of the Micmac Indians in Maine and Canada.)

    • Christine on April 17, 2011 at 3:16 pm

      not really, those artifacts of his point to some kind of major something,
      but they don’t look like Mesopotamian art the few I’ve seen online.
      Too crude, for one thing. The most interesting thing, is the evidence
      of humans and dinosaurs and other “extinct” animals existing at the
      same time.

      • Tim on April 17, 2011 at 10:10 pm

        “…umans and dinosaurs and other “extinct” animals existing at the
        same time.”

        That would be the lost Flintstone Civilization. They had foot-powered cars and flew on pterodactyls and even used brontosauruses in quarries!

  11. Bill on April 17, 2011 at 8:32 am

    As an aside to this, I recall Professor Charles H. Hapgood’s “Maps Of The Ancient Sea Kings: Evidence Of Advanced Civilization In The Ice Age;” whereby someone in antiquity were in possession of a sea-faring capability with an accurate knowledge of longitude that certainly impressed the cartographers at Westover Air Force Base back in the Sixties. Longitude can only be found with any degree of accuracy by knowing what time it is aboard a ship at sea with respect to the zero degree meridian, which for our current civilization is located at Greenwich, England! Some very ancient power elite(s) certainly had the financial clout to easily be able to sail around the world with unerring accuracy!

  12. Nordman on April 17, 2011 at 7:33 am

    Now you really are close, next to
    Tiwanaku (Spanish: Tiahuanaco and Tiahuanacu) is an important Pre-Columbian archaeological site in western Bolivia, South America.
    Is Puma Punku ruins, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia.

    Please look at video

  13. Charles Frith on April 17, 2011 at 6:38 am

    Maybe flight was possible.

    As an aside I like David Hatcher Childress but he also has the most amazing cartoon voice. I would write him in to a Family Guy episode in a heart beat.

  14. John J Kelly on April 17, 2011 at 6:35 am

    It will be interesting to watch if this information gets into the general academic review as it spits in the face of their preconceived ideas.. This and other findings disturb main stream archeology methodology and can not be freely expressed as it lays bare the inflexible structure of university thinking

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