Joseph comments on the story of the U.K.'s threats against Ecuador to turn over Julian Assange:


For the Mike Huckabee and Bob Beckel execution statements, see these:

US embassy cables culprit should be executed, says Mike Huckabee

Fox News' Bob Beckel Calls For 'Ilegally' Killing Assange: 'A Dead Man Can't Leak Stuff' (VIDEO)

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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. GeorgeAnn Hughes on August 20, 2012 at 2:24 am

    Thank you dear Joseph for what you have stated concerning Ecuador. Now, the South American bloc adopts resolution on UK threats to Ecuador — stated: “The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) has unanimously adopted a seven-point resolution supporting Ecuador’s right to grant Julian Assange asylum and condemning British threats to raid a sovereign state’s embassy in order to arrest him” — On Saturday, representatives of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) adopted a similar eight-point resolution condemning Britain for its “intimidating threats” to violate the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity.

    Assange is a “publisher” and what he published was picked up and re-published be the NYT — I do not hear
    any one calling for the heads of the New York Times.

    This is HUGE Joseph.


    • Joseph P. Farrell on August 20, 2012 at 3:45 am

      It IS huge, but not for what it says about Assange, about whom I continue to have misgivings, but for what it says about how fed up the world is becoming with the City of London-Wall Street financial oligarchs.

  2. GeorgeAnn Hughes on August 20, 2012 at 2:20 am

    Thank you dear Joseph for what you have stated concerning Ecuador. Now, the South American bloc adopts resolution on UK threats to Ecuador — stated: “The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) has unanimously adopted a seven-point resolution supporting Ecuador’s right to grant Julian Assange asylum and condemning British threats to raid a sovereign state’s embassy in order to arrest him” — On Saturday, representatives of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) adopted a similar eight-point resolution condemning Britain for its “intimidating threats” to violate the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. This is HUGE Joseph.


  3. Hal Hichler on August 16, 2012 at 8:12 pm

    I love Ecuador. Didn’t they once nearly go to war with Peru over a soccer game?

    Keep an eye on Bolivian leader Evo Morales, the President of Bolivia. He is thomas Jefferson and Vladimir Putin rolled into one. The epitome of the Dharmic leader for the new “the world is watching the banksters” era. Brilliant and enlightened. He just expelled Coca-cola from his country and McDonald’s has just left Bolivia with its tail between its legs. He is fighting capitalism with “communitarianism.”

    I don’t expect the US to attempt any type of overt military coups in central and south America. It is a tinder box just waiting for the US to mis step. Moreover, the banksters most likely don’t want to rock this boat as so many south americans are just now getting accustomed to their newly issued credit cards and all the earthly pleasures it now brings. China has now found a new market for their flat screen televisions. A symbiotic relationship between the banksters and China? Or maybe China is issuing the credit cards? I was just in Lima, Peru not long ago and its got a new shopping mall popping up daily. It looks like New Jersey.

    I would expect the US to deal with Ecuador using a “humanitarian” invasion similar to what was done in Haiti and Indonesia. That is: smack the country hard with scalar “natural” disaster and then invade the country with a “humanitarian” force lead by marines. I may be mistaken, but i believe Haiti is still being administered by the US military and their native civilian government is non-existent.

    I was also at the county fair where I chatted with a couple of local national guardsmen. After indulging their egos by thanking them on behalf of all of America for capturing ossama bin laden, I learned they are soon to be deployed to Africa because “Africa has a lot of resources.” They didn’t strike me as students of geopolitics. So they either learned this mission objective from a video game or cynicism is now official army policy. No need to even bother filling the troops heads with unreal patriotic propaganda. moral relativism and/or apathy have won the day.

  4. Bear claw Chris Lapp on August 16, 2012 at 5:33 pm

    More and more it looks like WWIII will see the Anglo-sphere, the United States, and Israel against the world?

  5. Hammer on August 16, 2012 at 2:44 pm

    Dear Dr. Farrell,
    I think your ideas are right on the money. Ecuador is a small and weak country, except for bananas. But Ecuador realizes how hated America and Britain are around the world, and she also realizes that the new “popular” superpowers, Russia and China, will stand by her. Of course they will. Just look at the dumb jerks like Huckabee and Palin telling the world what all of the american government, including Obama, Bill Ayers, and that jack-ass Joe Biden, and therefore the majority of american people think, thus confirming the whole world`s opinion that the old and decrepit ideas of world domination as expressed by Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger, both characters from american media entertainment as in Mr. Myzsxpltzxik from the Superman comics (Brzezinski), and Dr. Strangelove or Herr Merkwürdigsliebe (Dr. Kissinger) who are on their last legs and are willing to destroy the rest of the planet with them. Can we say, “psychopaths”?

  6. legioXIV on August 16, 2012 at 2:38 pm

    How can an Australian be charged and convicted of treason to the good old USA you ask? Quite simply, because Australia is nothing more than the 51st state of the union. No more, no less. Now I am going to reach for my bucket.

    • MattB on August 24, 2012 at 5:50 pm

      Amen brother. I’ll share that bucket with you.

      They will come for us down her one day-mark my words. We are not as ‘far away’ as what we think we are. Australia shouldn’t be playing both sides against the middle.-we should be out of the way.

      We should have kept out nukes (though we may have actually kept them anyway…..I have interesting sources on that).

      Choosing between the nutcase oligarchs in Washington, and the Communists crazies in Beijing (though they aren’t as crazy as people think)…….two giants playing in the sand box, we will only get sandwiched.

      No country should be a victim or accomplice of another’s foreign policy.

      Ditch the F-35 and buy SU-35/7 and T-50’s, buy the new German U-Boats and create our own little island fortress.

      Put the Mine(sters) in gaol, put the ‘educationalists’ in gaol, put the Liberals, Labor and Greens in gaol, start again.

      • legioXIV on August 24, 2012 at 8:23 pm

        I agree mate and while we are at it we may as well dump those Dinosaur M1 Abrams we have and get some Leopard II’s instead. Like the German’s don’t know how to build panzers, Really?

  7. Robert Barricklow on August 16, 2012 at 2:15 pm

    The Rule of Law isn’t subject to Kings & Queens.
    The Rulers are subject to the law.

    But the Bullies on the block are saying,
    NO! WE are the law! Might makes Right! NOT the Law! We are above the law! Just look at the Banksters. No ones been charged.
    Justice is either blind, or non-existant for those “above” the law.

    And it looks like the smaller the country is, the more it is under the foot of the Bully’s law.
    The BIG Bullies, are the ones now wearing Jackboots, of their own Laws.

  8. HAL838 on August 16, 2012 at 12:46 pm

    Yes, it would surely be an act of war……
    maybe that is the idea (?)
    How silly can you get,
    and still be deadly serious?

    But don’t laugh [at least wait until the punchline],
    some of us have been suffering a great deal
    because of this utterly stupid insanity…………

    As to your book on “Tanshumanism” [what is that, anyway?]
    I’m sure we will all enjoy it;
    I know I will during my upcoming retirement break.

    Alchemical? Very!
    You will be well pleased, Joseph 🙂
    Many thanks my friend……..
    you have been a great help to this entire investigation 😉

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