I have talked about this before, but this story bears repeating here, especially since the Western allies have clearly made moves in Africa that portend a return to the kind of 19th century resource imperialism that guided French and British foreign policy in the region in the 19th century. More about that later, but just keep that resource scramble in the back of your mind.

And at the risk of repeating a story I have told here before, I will repeat something else. Growing up in Sioux Falls, South Dakota through the sixties and seventies, like most American students during that era, I went through the elite-sponsored E-Day, or Earth Resources Day, a national orgy that was promoted throughout the country of an entire day of school being devoted to "Earth awareness and environmental resources." We were subjected, all day, to films and readings depicting impending doom from pollution, over-population, and, most of all, dwindling resources. But, similarly, we were also subjected to reviews of practical measures that could be taken to fix things, or even ameliorate them. Litter on highways was picked up and cleaned. Lead in gasoline was curbed and eventually simply gotten rid of altogether, by way of stopovers at catalytic converts and a lower speed limit (thanks to the 1973 Yom Kippur War). Rivers in North America and Europe were cleaned up and corporations quite dumping crud into them (and for those on this site who remember Tom Lehrer, think of his satirical song "Pollution", which came out just before E-Day).

Now, why am I bothering you with all of this? Because one of the things that was part of the E-Day curriculum throughout Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota (that's the one WITHOUT the presidential faces on the mountain folks, so quit confusing North and South Dakota, please! It's like thinking someone from Brooklyn is from Harrisburg, PA), was the mention of the vast field of shale oil in the area where those four states intersect. I was familiar with it, having traveled through the South Dakota portion of the butte country of that region, and looking out and literally seeing the oil-blackened shale standing in the open.

And that prompted the thought in my mind that "there couldn't possibly have been enough dead dinosaurs to produce all the oil still in existence, not to mention all the oil that has already been extracted and refined." During E-Day I voiced this observation in science class, was promptly made fun of, told not to say silly things, and to be quiet. This was accompanied by a roll of the teacher's eyes in obvious frustration.

We know the rest of the story, by now. There is a theory of abiotic petroleum, first advanced by the Russians, another country that seems to be swimming in the stuff (not to mention Russia's gas [I mean, the energy resource, not the gastro-intestinal condition]). This theory, in contradistinction to the "fossil fuel" meme, holds that petroleum is a natural product of the Earth itself and a semi-renewable resource. Translation: We're not going to run out any time soon. The fossil fuel idea was - you guessed it - a product of the Rockefailure clan.

So, with all that context, now consider this:

Peak Oil Bites the Dust

Of course, we'll continue to hear the hypocritical hysterics and histrionics of people like Al Gore who lecture the rest of us on our energy consumption while they jet around the world in their private jets, but that isn't what concerns me here. What concerns me is that while all this is going on, the West scrambles madly to reassert and reinsert its privileged position in Africa, for the simple reason of controlling its resources, and denying them to China, and, of course, the vast bulk of  the African peoples.  Sadly, the game plan of the West is what it has always been: use everyone else's resources up first, then our own.  And this, of course, while the same elites have suppressed the development of alternative energy technologies.

See you on the flip side.

Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Robert Barricklow on January 30, 2013 at 10:18 am

    having trouble with sie. Everything is on the right side of the screen. Can’t see what i am type. Had to make screen small, just to access this. Hope its just a temporary glitch.

    • Margaret on January 30, 2013 at 1:56 pm

      The section headings are missing; no links to other pages. No navigation links . . . yes, hope it’s a temporary glitch!

      • Robert Barricklow on January 30, 2013 at 4:43 pm

        Glitch seems to be fixed.

        Hope your access is A OK, as well, Margaret.

        • Margaret on January 30, 2013 at 6:08 pm

          Hurray! Looks OK now … at the same time my isp connection dropped for a couple of hours … it’s a lot for him to take care of, this plus all his other business! … what a privilege to be here 😉 )

  2. Yaj on January 30, 2013 at 6:01 am

    If that wise man Corsi says abiotic oil is a valid idea, it must be.

    As for anemia, try increasing deserts and global warming.

  3. bdw000 on January 29, 2013 at 6:29 pm

    What’s the state bird of North Dakota? Mosquito.

    What’s the state tree of North Dakota? Telephone pole.

  4. Robert Barricklow on January 29, 2013 at 3:30 pm

    A litlle story telling. The Rockefellers are part of a sinister organization that recognizes “power”. In fact, they’ve been at the helm even before/”Since Christ was a corporal”. They know that control of money, energy, food/education is key. As a starting point with lets say wood, then coal, and the came “rock oil”. They decided to base the “entire economy on petroleum”, which they would control. They knew it was abiotic, but would claim a finite biotic origin. The military runs on petroleum. Here we’ll take up the story with Stalin learning the role of petroleum in the ultimate defeat of Germany(remember this is Stalin’s viewpoint).Stalin then launched a massive scientific undertaking 1946, comparable in scale to the US Manhattan Project. The goal was to study every aspect of petroleum, including how it was created, how reserves were geberated, and how to best pursue petroleum exploration. By 1951 Professor Nikolai Kudryavtsev article: Against the organtic hypothesis of petroleum origins told the truth.
    Today the goal of Wahington’s long-term project is to completely privatize the control of oil(money, food)by putting it into American (transnationals) hands, to completely control the oil revenue flows from Morocco to the borders of China and everything in between.

    • amunaor on January 29, 2013 at 4:34 pm

      Why stop at the Chinese border. Competition with these people is just a ruse. Same as after U.S. incinerated the population centers of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, U.S. automobile makers flocked to Japan, which by the way is still occupied, and created a semblance of competition.

      The market makers always deal from the bottom of the deck, while appearing to deal from the top.

      Lets not forget, the current Chinese Stock Exchange, is fabrication of the West, thanks to fascist representative Tricky Dick’s opening up ceremonies.

      As for the ‘Biotic’ nature of oil, how do we know that it’s not necessary as a stimulant to lube Gaia’s bowels?

      And…..it can be made finite be destroying the chain that supports it.

      • Robert Barricklow on January 29, 2013 at 4:56 pm

        As many here at this site know, including yourself, there are many great choices for energy; but petroleum is not, by far, the best choice. But it is,
        IF the devil is in the details.

        Zero point energy is the one I’am thinking of.

        And again, we here know the “Rockefeller Way” is NO competition; because, afterall,
        competition is a sin.

        They deal from the bottom, only if they’re feeling humble. Usually they just steal/take it Outright.
        Market makers sleight of hand is preferrable to the “in-your-face” signature of today.
        I mean, we recognize it for what it is: theft.

        As far as the last part,
        I cannot resist Confucius:

        I do not know whether
        I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether now I am a butterfly dreaming I am a man.

        amunaor, I enjoy you insightful posts.
        I sometimes say to myself,
        nothing gets past that guy.

        • jedi on January 29, 2013 at 5:31 pm

          evil of biblical proportions

          when the lord said they would slither as vagabonds

          serpent- defined ;spineless treacherous person, especially one who worms his way in for favour of base ends.
          vagabond..femenine. harlot, whore, prostitute
          masculine worthless wanderers

          you can spot the bruised headed harlots and the marked heeling pirates…..just like ole Larry the land lord and whore club owner and his insurance scamming


    • Elm on January 30, 2013 at 3:03 am

      Obama sleuth Dr. Jerome Corsi is author of the 2012 book, “The Great Oil Conspiracy: How the U.S. Government Hid the Nazi Discovery of Abiotic Oil from the American People.” Based upon their research into & understanding of the natural abiotic process, the Nazis built some 13 synthetic fuel plants.

      Corsi is also author of “Black Gold Stranglehold.” For all its widely touted benefits, this petroleum cartel has & is causing an incredible amount of grief on the planet. Commensurate with patterns in creation, petroleum has also been referred to as the “blood” of the earth. My question would be, at what point will the earth develop anemia?

      • Robert Barricklow on January 30, 2013 at 1:33 pm

        Red them both.
        Also F. William Engdhal’s Myths. Lies and Oil Wars is very good.
        Really liked your Milk book and also got the Psyche War book you mentioned.
        Having some trouble accessing this site.
        Someone/thing has put a glitch in my ability to use as I used to be able to do..
        Really enjoyed The Untold Story of Milk.

        • Elm on January 31, 2013 at 12:53 am

          If you haven’t already, You may also wish to read, The Deep Hot Biosphere by Cornell Astrophysicist Professor Thomas Gold. Gold’s scientific perspective provides more foundation.

          Glad you liked Schmid’s book on the history of milk. Definitely a modern classic in agricultural anthropology.

          • Joseph P. Farrell on January 31, 2013 at 3:56 am

            Funny you should mention the Deep Hot Biosphere because that is one of the books in my research pile!

          • Robert Barricklow on January 31, 2013 at 9:41 am

            I’ll pick that one up as well.

            Bye the bye, reading nexus/mankind gets an upgrade by Ramez Naam. You both should take a look at that one.
            It’s a near future novel of transhuman/posthuman eveloution/revolution.
            For a taste, just check out chapter 22 “The Bazaar of the Bizaar”. (It’s a short chapter that doesn’t reveal any spoilers).

          • Robert Barricklow on February 1, 2013 at 8:45 am

            Spoke too early.
            Hadn’t finished the book.
            But chapter 22 was an imaginary market place in transhumanism’s dark side.

  5. Jon on January 29, 2013 at 1:10 pm

    On the subject of All Bore, I mean Al Gore, He spends more on electricity in one year at ONE of his mansions than I have in total in the last 40 years.

    Conservation, yeah, right. Would you buy used co2 from this man?

    Infinite Energy ran a great article many years back on abiotic oil and also one on odd sources of fresh water also seemingly coming up out of the ground from nowhere.

    Yeah, probably dinosaurs in Middle Earth. Oh, wait, the dinosaurs are on Wall Street now . . . .

    • Yaj on January 29, 2013 at 2:22 pm

      You have access to Al Gore’s electric bills? Not just speculation about said bills.

  6. Margaret on January 29, 2013 at 12:42 pm

    Alcohol can be a gas! I’ve heard David Blume on many talk shows. He’s promoting small scale energy independence using alcohol as fuel, which can be distilled using local byproducts, i.e. agricultural biomass waste (i.e. cornstalks), cattails, day-old dunkin’ donuts… Farmers used to make their own this way to power their farm equipment. Small independent distilleries are legal and can receive federal permits and get government handouts, just like the big boys. It will never be a complete solution, but would remove big oil’s stranglehold at a smaller scale … many advantages and there seems to be a lot of interest … permaculture.com .

  7. Tor on January 29, 2013 at 11:41 am

    Hey…Teacher…Leave those kids alone. Ethanol…So much better for the pretty Earth. And you can make it out of Kudzu.


    How about Earth day shop class. Instead of watching films… “Hey kids, here is a simple way to actually do something about the problem…Now go home and show your mom and dad.”


  8. marcos toledo on January 29, 2013 at 10:47 am

    This is all a scam for the Elites favorite passtime killing and enslaving every living creature on this planet power like in 1984.

    • Elm on January 30, 2013 at 3:10 am

      Such an incredibly bad motive. This alone wastes incredible amounts of energy that could be directed towards productive rather destructive purpose. The elites are energy hogs, grossly disproportionate to their numbers.

  9. LSM on January 29, 2013 at 10:26 am

    former USAF Col. L. Fletcher Prouty was one of the first to have the guts to go public about the scam behind the concept(s) that oil is a fossil fuel and rare (his testimony is on YouTube if it hasn’t in the meantime been deleted) not to mention his insights into the JFK assassination (were partly sourced in Dr. Farrell’s “LBJ”)

  10. Frankie Calcutta on January 29, 2013 at 9:29 am

    I remember those days well. They even subjected us to a skit performed by the Earth movement’s equivalent of the Chinese cultural revolutionaries where the actors gave us a glimpse of the bleak and polluted future where everyone had to wear oxygen masks and were only allowed a small sip of water per day. “The Man” was also always trying to scare the pants off us with dreadful, graphic discussions about the impending nuclear holocaust with Russia and how we were all going to die a horrible death on account of this. They would even subject us to movies showing the after effects of the Japan nuclear attacks to warp our young impressionable minds. Afterwards, we would go back to our experimental classrooms with the couches and television in the center of the room and we would be beaten up by kids who were much older than us but were put in our classrooms for experimental reasons as well.

    Thankfully, by this time, even the middle schools were flooded with illegal drugs and the students could dull their anxiety about the grim future with narcotics.

    Of course the highlight of my time spent in the public education system of New York was when were herded gleefully to the school auditorium to watch “Felix the Cat” but we were accidentally (?) subjected to “a “Fritz the Cat” movie instead. No joke.


    • LSM on January 29, 2013 at 10:18 am

      “Of course the highlight of my time spent in the public education system of New York was when were herded gleefully to the school auditorium to watch “Felix the Cat””-

      you were lucky- you should’ve attended the despicable public school system in NE Ohio as I did- we weren’t even made AWARE of something like “earth day” let alone shown “Felix the cat”- nor were our classrooms flooded with drugs (yet)- we were already so dumbed down by the system that the system probably thought we were already too stupid to even know how to take drugs-

      and the Rockefellers previously chose NE Ohio as their 2nd residence- do we see just even a slight connection here?

      • incognito on January 29, 2013 at 10:46 am

        Take a look at what the establishment stooges are writing these days:

        Exclusive: More than a Right-Left battle, the conflict for the world’s future is between empiricists and fantasists, those who are committed to reality and rationality and those who happily embrace propaganda as truth. It is a struggle with global implications, writes Robert Parry.

        What a stupid mother. With so much hidden going-ons and quiet weapons for silent wars going off, this idiot thinks he can discern between reality and disinformation. He also features JESUIT stooge Ray McGovern all the time.

        Robert Parry: Stooopeedo Extraordinaire!

    • jedi on January 30, 2013 at 6:36 am

      note the cops depicted as ham….from the 16th century, Abramham-man wandering beggar feigning lunacy or a lunatic. Think about that the next time you get a shake down ticket from porky the pig…looney tunes indeed.

  11. kamutef on January 29, 2013 at 8:15 am

    Huge oil deposits seem to be cropping up everywhere in Africa recently, Tanzania, Madagascar, Congo, Uganda, not to mention the vast uranium deposits under Mali.
    However, unfortunately for the Western imperialists the Africans have now gotten used to soft Chinese imperialism as opposed to the Western version.
    The Chinese pay for the education of a new young African managerial class in Chinese universities. Chinese farmers, traders, teachers, architects and engineers are encouraged to settle and make their homes in the various African countries, and the Chinese presence in visible in the building of roads, dams and other major infrastructural projects; and all this without a Chinese soldier or military advisor in sight.
    And the same thing is happening in South America and the Caribbean, so while the US pivots East with hard power China is pivoting into their backyard using soft power

    • LSM on January 29, 2013 at 8:56 am

      Hi kamutef,

      if my read sources are correct China’s soft power was behind the expansion of the US railroads in the 19th century; the “Coolies” were not ‘stoopid,’ slant-eyed ‘gooks’ but were highly trained/skilled workers gladly ‘lent’ to the US by China to help the US expand in order to help the US become a buffer to the British Empire- no Chinese soldiers/military advisors were involved- only skilled workers

      • kamutef on January 29, 2013 at 1:55 pm

        Hi LSM,
        Of course you are correct. The Chinese have had over 5000 years of practice in political strategizing, so it was always going to be an uneven contest vis a vis the rest of the world once the game really got going. I remember reading somewhere that while the West has five year plans the Chinese have 50 year plans, I think the West is just waking up to the consequences behind the steady assimilation of African and other countries into the Chinese sphere of influence.

        • LSM on January 29, 2013 at 3:11 pm

          I think your right, kamutef- I work daily with Koreans (the majority of Asians with whom I work) but also with some Japanese and Chinese- all I can say is once they get past their “westernization” baggage (they seem to be able to sluff this off at will) they have a completely different view of the world than we occidentals: they are normally very calm and serene and because of that once they are required to apply themselves to “work” are extremely focused but do it in such a calm manner- I think we could learn a lot from these people- enough for now, but on a closing note:

          not one of my Asian co-workers is arrogant- food for thought-

          hope you are well- many regards-


          • LSM on January 29, 2013 at 3:21 pm

            addendum: forgot to mention that my one Japanese colleague (incredibly sweet co-worker- not very animated but he always radiates calmness) meditates constantly in our work-breaks- I once asked him if he is Buddhist/Taoist/Shintoist, etc.- he answered: “I am nothing” but continues to be a very sweet, extremely calm person with not a mean bone in his body- I think we need to take example of this, read between the lines and learn a thing or two

          • Yaj on January 29, 2013 at 3:39 pm

            “‘I am nothing'”, what other statement would a Buddhist make?

          • Antoine on January 29, 2013 at 7:26 pm

            hi guys,

            I’m the one in China having moved here with the kids and my wife. Chinese will rarely display openly what they really think or feel – unless there’s an edge in doing so.

          • kamutef on January 30, 2013 at 10:39 am

            I can vouch for that. I grew up with a Chinese family as next door neighbours, two sons and a daughter. I know exactly what you mean about the calmness. When I was over at their house, which was almost always as we used to play together, it was always very peaceful and calm. They used to make the most fantastically detailed models, gliders, trains, ships. I always felt like I had two left thumbs watching them creating.

  12. incognito on January 29, 2013 at 6:47 am

    We were subjected, all day, to films and readings depicting impending doom from pollution, over-population, and, most of all, dwindling resources.

    Wow, what a blatant brainswashing. Wonder what they’re telling them now?

    Sadly, the game plan of the West is what it has always been: use everyone else’s resources up first, then our own.  And this, of course, while the same elites have suppressed the development of alternative energy technologies.

    I don’t think it’s about using others’ resources before “ours”. I think it’s because these countries are so disorganized that they can go in there and get it on the cheap. But not just that, they were getting it here on the cheap towards the 80s. I think it’s about control. Wealth that can be used to finance despots and enslave people.

  13. jedi on January 29, 2013 at 6:38 am

    Doc thats no “Russian” theory, that’s a fact, a quick observations of oil fields that were depleted, and now back to full production after a few years of rest..leads one to a conclusion that dinosaurs are living and dying in hollow earth and they have postulated/ hoaxed that theory., or that …the Russian theory has merit. hey who would of thought, energy produces life.

    Aldous Huxley once commented, people are genius until they reach the age of 10…or something to that effect.

  14. terminally skeptical on January 29, 2013 at 6:07 am

    I read somewhere that John D. Rockefeller, the one who started all this oily mess was the perpetrator behind the myth of organic based origins of oil.

    • incognito on January 29, 2013 at 7:06 am

      They started at some conference somewhere. That’s how they disseminate the memes. Kind of like that conference to the medical establishment were some guy spelled it out for them. There’s a video of the fossil fuel fraud by some credible guy who exposes all the details.

  15. Yaj on January 29, 2013 at 5:56 am

    Sort of like the peak gold everyone at the DB goes on about, in these comments too. But they can’t see the connection.

    The problem with oil, and to a greater extent coal, is the pollution from extraction, use and refining for use. More very problematic things that the Daily Bell ignores.

    (This is separate from any claims about global warming, though I’d point out people like Viktor Schauberger predicted that back in the 1920s and 1930s and very clearly related such claims to burning things.)

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