OK...I really don't know what to make of this one, but it is extremely interesting, if true:

A Giant Mystery: 18 Strange Skeletons Found in Wisconsin: Sons of God; Men of Renown

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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. johnycomelately on January 30, 2013 at 8:09 pm

    Curiously, my Grandfather was a subsistence farmer in Bosnia and he claimed that he accidentally unearthed a skeleton whose femur bone was as long as he was tall (about 172cm). Being a pious Christian he simply reburied the bones and thought nothing much of it as according to the villagers Giants were common knowledge.

    Another enduring tradition in Bosnia is the existence of enormous snakes (+10m with an enormous girth) that seems to coincide with the Australia Aboriginies myth of the Rainbow Serpent and is speculated that it may be small pockets of Madtsoidae that are thought to be extinct.

  2. terminally skeptical on January 28, 2013 at 3:53 pm

    I’m not surprised by the discovery so much as the location:


  3. Margaret on January 28, 2013 at 3:19 pm


  4. Tor on January 28, 2013 at 9:55 am

    Another strange creature, now documented by science. No longer a myth. A fact! She followed all their rules. Documented by a veterinarian, complete with DNA evidence, video, and double blind studies conducted by independent labs. It’s a different kind of human, and it lives right here on Earth. The labs call her back and say, “what the heck is this?” Some labs tell her they want no part of it. The other kids might make fun of them, and beat them up on the play ground. How about those Giants? How about those Cone Heads? How about those Packers? So much more fascinating to the average Wisconsinite! These men who throw balls, while other men chase after it. Not unlike a game you can play with your dog called “fetch the stick.” Eager spectators sit in the audience and endure temperatures of 20 below zero. Another strange creature. It wears a strange plastic hat that looks like a block of cheese. How about those Cheese Heads? A real freak of nature!


    • LSM on January 28, 2013 at 11:36 am

      thanks for the link, Tor- looks like Dr. Melba Ketchum is getting more deserved publicity- but all of this was prefaced by David Paulides’ monumental dual-volumn “Missing 411”- if you haven’t yet read read it and truly have interest in this subject you might want to check it out-

      many regards- Larry

      • LSM on January 28, 2013 at 11:48 am

        addendum: and I thought I was the only “crazy” person on this website who was aware of Melba Ketchum’s research

        • Tor on January 28, 2013 at 1:59 pm

          Thanks for the heads up Larry. I will definitely check that out. I’m not really up on the whole Bigfoot thing, and Dr. Ketchum’s Coast to Coast is what really got me interested in it. I’m a bit of a new comer as far as my interest in that, so not all that familiar with the lay of the land as far as the Bigfoot research community goes, and who has already done what. From what I gather by that Coast to Coast interview, it seems that some are upset, and think that Melba is trying to take the whole thing over. One thing is for sure…Life is so much more interesting when you’re a “crazy” person. Bigfoots, and Giants, and Cone Heads…Oh my! So much more fascinating than a game of “chase the ball.” Having spent much time in Wisconsin though, I know that talking too much about the Giants there, is a good way to get attacked by a violent drunk who is convinced that Giants are from New York. 🙂

          • LSM on January 29, 2013 at 8:30 am

            you and me both, Tor- I never gave this topic even a second of thought until I became aware of Paulides on Rense, subsequently ordered and devoured the books (does that make me a papervore? 🙂 ) and then came the Ketchum interviews- all I can say is “Holy s**tt!” and it certainly gives credence to the concept of “reality is sometimes stranger than fiction”-

            “I know that talking too much about the Giants…is a good way to get attacked by a violent drunk who is convinced that Giants are from New York”- lol!- you KNOW it, baby! 🙂

            please continue to stay well- many regards-


          • Margaret on January 29, 2013 at 9:27 am


            …”devoured the books (does that make me a papervore?)”

            not unless you are ‘pica’ … which I hope not 😉
            best to you . . .
            btw, where can we see you perform?

          • Margaret on January 29, 2013 at 10:00 am

            Ohh, please excuse the personal question, sorry. Perhaps you don’t care to say where … ‘Xylophagic’ is the word I was looking for … kindest regards …

      • Margaret on January 28, 2013 at 1:11 pm

        I heard that interview w/ Dr. Melba on Coast to Coast, fascinating!
        See also David Paulides interviews w/ George Knapp about mysterious disappearances in western/eastern US national parks and forests. Inspite of more than 450 cases recorded, the cause is still a mystery and he suspects a coverup at the federal level. [… now why would he think that??]

        Re giants, of course there is also Steve Quayle’s articles, etc., whether you care for him or not he covers a lot of ground … and I’m in no position to comment on his veracity …

        Yes, look up Michael Cremo.

        • Margaret on January 28, 2013 at 2:02 pm

          Dr. Melba Ketchum, that is . . .
          hmmm comment waiting moderation??

        • Tor on January 29, 2013 at 10:32 am

          Thanks for the great links Margaret!

          • Margaret on January 30, 2013 at 1:35 pm

            You’re welcome Tor. And thanks for that earlier helpful mini ‘tutorial’ on scalar/torsion. I’m replying here because that thread is by now too old and long. I’m still pursuing that knowledge. I need visuals to lock in the concepts. Do you know the KahnAcademy [dot] org website? His tutorials are presented in such an elementary fashion that I’m making some headway. There is a very basic ‘Introduction to Vectors and Scalars’ section. Nothing about torsion field physics however. So far my understanding is that it is the unmanifest, unseen field/force/medium (unified field?) that is the origin/basis of the physical dimension, and in potential the ultimate weapon of mass destruction in the wrong hands [did we see it used on 911?]. I hear the terms scalar, torsion, quantum kinetics used interchangeably (Hoagland), possibly because the science is not mainstream enough for common terminology. I haven’t read enough of Dr. Farrell’s books yet but Hoagland gives him much credit for being “the” expert! I’ll keep at it, eventually the concepts will take on meaning. Kindest regards …

          • Margaret on January 30, 2013 at 8:34 pm

            oops, typo on address: should be Khan [not Kahn] Academy
            khanacademy [dot] org /science /physics

      • Margaret on January 28, 2013 at 7:53 pm

        7+ hours, still waiting for approval of earlier post? Will try again w/ some modifications …

        I heard the interview w/ Dr. Melba on Coast to Coast, fascinating!
        See also David Paulides interviews w/ George Knapp about mysterious disappearances in western/eastern US national parks and forests. Inspite of more than 450 cases recorded, the cause is still a mystery and he suspects a coverup at the federal level. [… now why would he think that??]
        on C2C …/show/2012/03/25 and …/show/2012/06/24

        Re giants, of course there are also Steve Quayle’s articles, etc., whether you care for him or not he covers a lot of ground … and I’m in no position to comment on his veracity …
        w w w .genesis6giants [dot] com/index.php?s=384

        • LSM on January 29, 2013 at 8:13 am

          I hear ya, Margaret- I also have some problems accessing/manouvering within this website- even though I registered a looong time ago and clicked the “remember me” box (not only initially but like about um-teen times since then) I almost always when re-accessing this website am required to “login to reply”- so do I have to become a lumberjack, chain-saw some trees and schlepp a log for the fireplace each time in order to “login” to post a comment?- sheesh-

          yes, the Knapp interview was great-

          hope you are well- many regards-


  5. marcos toledo on January 28, 2013 at 9:22 am

    This just the Creationist and Holy Science making fools of themselves defending their stupid dogmas. This like the legend of the six blind men and the elephant each has a part of the truth but refuse to put their finding together to come to the real truth.Each intraped in their own towers of ignorance shame on both sides.

    • Nidster - on January 28, 2013 at 5:23 pm

      marcos, can you clarify what stupid dogmas you consider are being defended?

      • marcos toledo on January 28, 2013 at 6:16 pm

        You have heard about the 300000 year old find in Russia or the2.8 Billon metal balls with grovs from South Africa I would reefer you to the book Forbidden Archeology for more information on official supression science of finds that do not fit their party line just like with the religous establishments I hope this answers your question.

  6. LSM on January 28, 2013 at 8:54 am

    if one reads the comments section to this article the author states he is “new to journalism” (good luck, baby, you’ll need it)- his detractors accuse him of “lifting”/”quoting” (am paraphrasing) previous info which means HE RESEARCHED THIS and because of his research and documentation is branded a plagiarist- you go figure it out-


    P:S: Cremo/Thompson “Forbidden Archeology” anyone?

  7. jedi on January 28, 2013 at 7:11 am

    men of reknown re…star light, cosmic light, sun, spirit …..know…..be aware of, recognize, be versed in, have proper knowledge, hence ability, to be ABLE…..ie knowing about the thing in question or what is generally now known.

    and the “spirit” of god moved upon the face of the waters.

    how do you stop water….create a dam….

  8. kamutef on January 28, 2013 at 2:29 am

    “We don’t know it, but we’re surrounded by them. We’re just as ancient a civilization here as you would find in Egypt or anywhere in Europe or in Asia. There were people living here for thousands of years before. We don’t know who they were or what they were doing. We built our cities on top of them, and that’s just the beginning. ”
    Peter Levenda

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