I've been trying to follow the increasing pressure developing throughout the world against GMO foods in general, and more particularly, the corrupt mercantilist business practices that American "agribusiness" has sponsored in its revolving door between corporate personnel and federal agency staffers.

In that respect, I've reported on the growing list of countries in Europe and elsewhere that, on the basis of various scientific studies, are either partially or completely rejecting America's "agricultural" products as harmful to the health and well-being of their citizenry. It began with partial bans in France and Poland, and quickly spread to other countries such as Germany and Hungary.

Well, it seems that Hungary is particularly intent on making good its ban:

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields

There's a passage here that concerns me and it should concern you too, especially if you live in Europe:

"The free movement of goods within the EU means that authorities will not investigate how the seeds arrived in Hungary, but they will check where the goods can be found, Bognar said. Regional public radio reported that the two biggest international seed producing companies are affected in the matter and GMO seeds could have been sown on up to the thousands of hectares in the country. Most of the local farmers have complained since they just discovered they were using GMO seed."

The free movement of goods in the EU, in other words, can be used to move GMO seeds into places where it isn't welcome.

Yesterday I advanced some modest proposals to the BRICSA nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) for how they might turn the growing issue of GMOs to their advantage and actually help humanity in the process (since the American government certainly doesn't seem to be interested in doing so on this issue). One of those proposals involved the issuance of public statements of support of nations such as Hungary that, while not a part of BRICS, are taking a stand against GMOs.

So we might extend the modest proposal to the EU: Hungary needs to prosecute whoever initiated the transfer of the seeds to that country, and the EU needs to take a long and hard look at its policy with respect to GMOs... Who knows? the issue might even be the issue that either tears the EU apart, or stitches it back together.

And another suggestion to Hungary: rather than plowing the fields under, why not uproot the plants, load them onto a big airplane, fly them to St. Louis, Missouri, and drop them on the company's HQ?

See you on the...

Oh yea, one more thing. If you're not sufficiently pissed off yet, then maybe this will do the trick:

5 Million Farmers Sue Monsanto for $7.7 Billion

Now I can go. See you on the flip side...

Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Margaret on March 24, 2013 at 9:01 am

    The so-called “Monsanto protection act” was sneaked in at the last moment as a rider on the federal appropriations bill. Congress bowed down to Mon[ster]santo’s well-funded lobbyists and voted to allow Mon[ster]santo to grow their poisonous GMO crops, even if a federal court or a regulatory agency rules the planting of those crops illegal.

    So here’s an offering of a couple or three more tidbits to add to the transhumanist agenda reading/viewing list:

    Vaccination Agenda: An Implicit Transhumanism / Dehumanism

    Future Flu Shots Made from Dog and Insect Cells?

    For your friends who still think that genetically engineered food is as natural as breathing, send them this video, ‘What is a GMO?’ (several excerpts from ‘Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives’) to learn about the spider-goat, the cowhide-pig and other ways that the biotech scientists want to replace nature and dominate the food supply.

  2. Frankie Calcutta on March 21, 2013 at 7:15 pm

    Hungarian PM Viktor Orban is just the man to do it. He is being touted in some corners as Europe’s next Hitler. (That is: the increasingly revised Hitler who stood up to the banksters.)

    Of course, the banksters have that ace card– the millions of muslims living in Europe which the bankster media can easily stir up into a bloody revolt and turn Europe into a battle ground at any time. How clever these banksters are and what foresight. Always covering their backsides.

    • Yaj on March 22, 2013 at 7:51 am

      Yeah, making deals with Prescott Bush, Brown Brothers Harriman, the Dulles Brothers and Chase Manhattan bank is really standing up to the bankers, not.

      If “revised” means that the invasions of most of continental Europe, Scandinavia, some of Eurasia, some of North Africa didn’t occur.

      • Frankie Calcutta on March 23, 2013 at 8:58 pm


        I guess I should have said Hitler stood up to the “circumcised” banksters. Possibly at the behest of some uncircumcised bankers as you suggest?

  3. Frankie Calcutta on March 21, 2013 at 7:15 pm

    Hungarian PM Viktor Orban is just the man to do it. He is being touted in some corners as Europe’s next Hitler. (That is: the increasingly revised Hitler who stood up to the banksters.)

    Of course, the banksters have that ace card– the millions of muslims living in Europe which the bankster media can easily stir up into a bloody revolt and turn Europe into a battle ground at any time. How clever these banksters are and what foresight. Always covering their backsides.

  4. Robert Barricklow on March 18, 2013 at 7:27 pm

    Germany Withdraws Gold from the U.S.
    Starts speaking approx. 20:00 clicks in
    Wednesday, March 6, 2013
    Karen Hudes/Mark Novitsky
    Very Interesting.

  5. LSM on March 18, 2013 at 1:52 pm

    am not sure how much truth there is to this report- also am not sure the rest of the world outside of Europe is aware of the recent horse meat scandal in Germany (will get back to GMOs in a second) where “authorities” (cough) discovered horse meat in 100% beef-labled pre-packaged foods- granted, horsemeat is more than edible and considered by some to be a ‘sweeter shade of beef’-

    my stupid question is:

    A) was this equine discovery a cover-up for something else they found?


    B) if Europeans just NOW discovered horse meat in pre-packaged foods (as if this already hadn’t been there for a long time), are they also too stupid to realise GMOs may already be in their food?-

    Germany imports many foods from N. Africa, Italy, Spain and Israel- are these foods truly free of GMOs?- I have my doubts- so what food does Hungary import from the same sources?-

    it doesn’t matter what one produces on one’s own soil- thanks to ‘globalization’ one can ban whatever it wants on its own soil but because most Europeans don’t actually eat what is grown on their own soil (just start with most vegetables and fruit- such as green beans in Germany imported from…..Egypt- I kid you not) the whole thing is up for grabs-


    • Robert Barricklow on March 18, 2013 at 2:12 pm

      Salmonella outbreaks. E. coli outbreaks. Ect., These are what they tell will happen, if the sequester is implemented. Of course, if those debts were pd off, the banks would be out of bussiness.
      So the horse meat, is meat. As is dog meat(Korea). As is cat meat(Haiti). Cow meat?(Not in India). So, too me, it’s just cultural. But the point, is that because of the bogus economic con-game going on, horse meat is cheap substitute(because of culture it’s hidden). Of course, like all foods, it needs to be “clean”. Although, they do allow parasites of the worst kind in the banking system. Let’s hope they don’t start allowing them in the food system.

      Oops! Too late …Mont Satan.

    • Robert Barricklow on March 18, 2013 at 2:16 pm

      Was it; however, a over-up for something else?
      Good question.

      • Robert Barricklow on March 18, 2013 at 2:18 pm

        …Cover-up for…

      • LSM on March 18, 2013 at 2:29 pm

        yes, really good question- I don’t have the answer-

        but the point of my posting was to point out it doesn’t matter what is banned on one’s particular soil- all Europeans eat at some point someone else’s dirt, banned or not

    • paul de gagne on March 18, 2013 at 2:20 pm

      I just found out your from Germany. (it’s no wonder the reaction. Good, we’ll probably get a better point of view/perspective from you than us blinded yanks in simulated lala land!)

      Shocked about horsemeat? Try reading Sinclair Lewis’s book –“The Jungle.”(if you haven’t already?) It seems some things never change or we are going ‘backwards in time?”

      I was once going to sneak a few doggy- chewy treats from the dollar store but realized their from China and with that ‘toothpaste scandal” I gave the impulse a second thought and bought my dog a cloth toy instead. (besides I remembered my soon to be EX telling me her Vet gets so many cases of ruptured stomach intestines due to splinting when chewing on the bone! I guess I too have to watch out for all these delicious intellectual posts have got me really chewing on these scraps! Yeah, Paralysis through Analysis!)

      • LSM on March 18, 2013 at 3:03 pm

        “Shocked about horsemeat? Try reading Sinclair Lewis’s book –”The Jungle.”(if you haven’t already?)”

        nothing shocks me anymore, believe me- I actually ate horse meat once in the cantine of the Geneva opera theater while I was working there in the mid ’80s- didn’t taste bad but didn’t like it’s rather dry viscosity)-

        yes, baby, “The Jungle” was required reading in my pitiful NE Ohio education- not that I got much out of it at the time (not only the book but my education)- the only thing I can remember about a slaughterhouse was, during my childhood underway from OH to WI, the stench of them travelling past Chicago (any wonder this city reeks of crime?- not to mention the UN is built over a former slaughterhouse thanks to the Rockefellers)-

        “or we are going ‘backwards in time?””- continually- the more the sophisticated/advanced electronics become the “stoopider” we’re getting-

        but we’ll save that concept for another day

      • paul de gagne on March 18, 2013 at 4:20 pm

        Ah Gee! I thought you were from Germany. I always like foreigner’s opinions or take on matters. But that doesn’t matter too much for we have an interesting member who’s living in China at the moment who sometimes comes around here. His posts are novel. Not the same old, same old spongy, rubber poultry diet one usually gets as food for thought on the internet chat room circuit!

        The Chicago Stockyards are no more. I heard Kansas City is the central point for shipping beef around the States or the World. Makes sense for it’s closer to cattle country.

        Slaughterhouses — There’s a book of Liminal Art Pictures that were taken with a fellow from Paris called George Bataille in mind about a photograph called The Abbatroit (I don’t remember my French spelling lessens much) but it means slaughter house in French. It was in black in white and leaning on some grimmy wall on some grimmy sidewalk were about six pairs of cow legs. Just sawed off legs mind you. The artist’s intention was in the orderly lined in an exact row arrangement of cow legs. As to show a really strange sense of ORDER. (it was weird but I think he was representing an avante guarde style of what he thought of the mechanical holocaust or for that matter the entire 20th Century. ( or was it WW1, my memory isn’t what it used to be. I forgot the date)

        Well, the next time I pass through Farrell’s country – South Dakota which is probably never, I’ll be sure to try some of those famous BUFFALO BURGERS, HA, HA! I heard they were Yum-yummy!

        One thing I wont eat is DOG! I got disgusted watching a video showing some Phillipinos slaughtering some poor pooches hanging on a hooked rope for lunch! (that one shocked my jaded taste. I almost when to a show last saturday over in the people’s republic of Cambridge to see a movie called the ‘ABCs of Death? I thought how interesting but luckly I took a peek at the preview on the internet and became disgusting aware that it’s just another SNUFF FILM faked as entertainment. Down with that shit and I don’t care if it had the attractive word Metalopocolpse in it or however one spells that hybrid word!

        • Robert Barricklow on March 18, 2013 at 5:47 pm

          Just finished The Hard Bounce by Todd Robinson. A black humor noir book. The plot revolved around a faked-snuff film. It went into some detail of the markets for them. Part of the religious supply & demand disciples, under the almighty God known as Proft$.

  6. marcos toledo on March 18, 2013 at 11:46 am

    A name for these legal criminals is LOANSHARKS.

  7. John Q. on March 18, 2013 at 10:20 am

    Also, in the article about the lawsuit, I found the following bit, quoted from a lawyer in the case, particularly amusing:

    “Monsanto gets paid when it sell the seeds. The law gives producers the right to multiply the seeds they buy and nowhere in the world is there a requirement to pay (again). Producers are in effect paying a private tax on production.”

    It occurs to me that because food, ultimately, is nothing but a source of energy, “they” are attempting to do the same to food as was done to energy on the industrial scale, to money, to (meta)physics, etc.

    Essentially, they’re simply closing the system, inserting themselves to roost between Man and God, as it were.

    PISTHETAIROS [ignoring Euelpides]
    Now, if men in their stupidity 770
    think nothing of you and keep worshipping
    Olympian gods, then a large cloud of birds,
    of rooks and sparrows, must attack their farms,
    devouring all the seed. And as they starve,
    let Demeter then dole out grain to them.

    • Robert Barricklow on March 18, 2013 at 12:05 pm


    • paul de gagne on March 18, 2013 at 1:01 pm

      I second Robert’s motion.

      Bring in Literature to match all these incomprehensible-foggy-economical-notions and presto- It’s comprehensible again!

  8. John Q. on March 18, 2013 at 10:00 am

    “So we might extend the modest proposal to the EU: Hungary needs to prosecute whoever initiated the transfer of the seeds to that country, and the EU needs to take a long and hard look at its policy with respect to GMOs… Who knows? the issue might even be the issue that either tears the EU apart, or stitches it back together.”

    I wonder, what sorts of coincidental parallels we might find, were we to look at the economic abduction of Europe via the EU (i.e. Autocratic Banksters, via Goldmans Sachs, etc.) in contexts and timelines shared by the development of the European (and global) GMO discourse, both public and “diplomatic”?

    Furthermore, I wonder, which supranational associations and/or supernational orders and organizations might we glimpse, as we peek behind this gossamer curtain?

    Regardless, I second the notion—should the Cypriot Flare fail to ignite the powderkeg, as it were—that the GMO issue represents prime “leverage” for whomever is attempting to set off the EU.

  9. Robert Barricklow on March 18, 2013 at 7:26 am

    Thank God Hungry is raising HELL.
    As Dr. Farrell suggests,
    Raise Some More HELL, until it catches on like FIRE!

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