Yesterday I blogged about the huge fusion research reactor project being built by an international consortium in Provence in southern France. As I noted there, the project carries with it huge political and economic implications, if it should prove to be successful. Today, I want to indulge in a bit of my usual high octane speculation. But first, the story:

One giant leap for mankind: £13bn Iter project makes breakthrough in the quest for nuclear fusion, a solution to climate change and an age of clean, cheap energy

Now if your read that carefully, they're spending a lot of money to build a proof of concept reactor that, well, isn't a proof of concept reactor:

"Richard Pitts, a British nuclear physicist working on the project, said that even though Iter has a nuclear operator’s licence and will produce about 10 times as much power as it consumes, the Iter machine will still remain a purely experimental reactor, with no electricity generated for the French national grid. 'We’re not building a demonstration industrial reactor. We’re building the first step towards one that does produce electricity for the grid. If we can show that fusion works, a demonstration reactor will be much cheaper to build than Iter,' Dr Pitts said.

Now all this seems a little more than redundant, especially since the cold fusion phenomenon has been theoretically explained in a model that makes sense (the Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reaction, or LANR, model), which would seem to make the whole effort of billions of dollars for a Tokamak magnetic containment model a bit redundant. Dr. Andrea Rossi in Italy has built a LANR reactor and it is, to my knowledge, still functioning and still producing power.... and it's a lot cheaper.

The difference between the two approaches is encapsulated in this statement from the article:

"The plasma will be heated to temperatures as high as 300 million C to force the atomic nuclei close enough together to cause them to fuse into helium, a harmless and inert waste product that could be recycled as an important industrial raw material. Giant electromagnets powerful enough to trap an aircraft carrier will contain the plasma within a spinning vortex held by the magnetic bottle of the tokamak reactor."

Electromagnets powerful enough to capture an aircraft carrier... hot spinning plasma.... the only thing missing here would be the two electrical potentials and DC pulsing...

All this to say that I suspect they'll be taking very careful, quiet measurements after they "go nuclear" of some other things. Plasmas are a wonderfully non-linear medium, and rotating them perhaps means they're thinking of torsion, and a certain Nazi physicist's comments - that would be Dr. Ronald Richter in Argentina, talking secretly to the US Air Force about his controlled fusion experiments for Juan Peron in 1954, about a cellular (lattice) structure in space, and how it might all function as a mechanism of the detection and manipulation of zero point energy.

But even without the wild speculation, it's going to get interesting, and I hope I'm still around when they turn this thing on.

See you on the flip side.

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. enicar666 on April 30, 2013 at 7:37 pm

    New poster here – Dr. Farrell, I have found your books and insights to be very fascinating.

    I wish to share an interesting resource with you – if you haven’t seen it before – the University of Madison Fusion Technology Institute. Perhaps you will find it interesting:

    You may find the Research Page especially interesting:

    What do you think of Lunar Mining? I have followed the links to NASA – and the images do contain the same anomalies – is it real?

    Tsiolkovsky’s secret:

    OT – Have you seen the video of “The Entity” – very curious and fascinating.

    The Researcher has a video that might show a Sasquatch in “stealth mode”

    Is it a hyper-dimensional creature that can control time/space?

  2. DownunderET on April 30, 2013 at 2:06 pm

    Why are they screwing around with a fusion reactor?

    In Nick Cook’ book “The Hunt for Zero Point”, page 277, it states that Lt. Col. Tom Bearden filed for a US patent for a device called a MEG, or Motionless Magnetic Generator. This device will generate an “infinite” 2.5 kilowatts enough to run two or three rooms in your house. If you link three or four units together you could run a whole house.

    So there you have it folks, Zero Point energy, so why the hub bub about some atomic fusion reactor, well we can’t have free energy can we, just ask the elites.

  3. Robert Barricklow on April 30, 2013 at 11:19 am

    One of “their” signatures is monopoly.
    Kissinger breaking it down to money, energy & food monopolies to control the masses.
    Here we have an energy, that is proported to be coming on line.
    The last one that came on line was a privatized monopoly of a petroleum/waste based economy. Whatever the “flavor”, it’s chose your poison; chose your gmo/chemicle foods/; chose your polluted/radioactive energies; chose to work for slave ages, or invest in minus interest, subject to intitionalized theft, or a baloon birstin g in air stoock market.

  4. marcos toledo on April 30, 2013 at 9:54 am

    Anyone like to make a bet what these Victor Frankensteins are up to. Another insurance policy if they ever lose their strangle hold over the planet Nice cover cheap oops expensive power production and deadly to boot. All hail our greedy and stupid masters.

  5. Yaj on April 30, 2013 at 6:45 am

    Ah yes, the cover story, but how can those working publicly on Iter know for sure that it will work–produce energy at least as a demonstration? A big variation at Princeton never really worked, and the US DoE poured monies into that for years.

    The only way that big science can be sure this Iter project in France could work, is if there’s already a big working project somewhere (could be from the 1960s or even the ostensible failure in Princeton). And that’s the place to have tested rotating magnetic fields and pulsed DC current through a trapped plasma.

    So even if these secret experiments are repeated in France at Iter, there’s no way that’s the first instance of these experiments being done in the last 40 years–int the west.

    More fun would be to play with the ley lines of the French Iter site.

    NB: Farnsworth very likely rotated, and possibly pulsed, the electric fields of his successful FUSOR vessels, though he skipped the magnetic fields.

    • Joseph P. Farrell on April 30, 2013 at 1:28 pm

      Yaj: I was unaware of rotation in Farnsworth’s FUSORs. I’ve looked as SOME of his patents though certainly not all. If you’re aware of something email me…I’m intrigued about the idea, because I’ve often thought he was far too smart NOT to have rotated them.

      • Yaj on May 2, 2013 at 6:57 am

        I can’t point to something specific, I’m looking at his wife’s book again and then there was a collection of patents put together by someone in New Hampshire that certainly suggested more going on, but it’s hard to track down. And I can’t find that collection in my papers.

        And remember Farnsworth was in Nazi Germany in ’35 or ’36.

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