Ms. C.W. sent this one to me, and it's another one to file in your transhumanism scrapbook. Before we get to it however, you'll recall that one of the things I talked about in Genes, Giants, Monsters and Men, was the implication that if there was genetic engineering involved in any genome or sequence, it was subject to patentability under U.S. law. Additionally, on this website, I have talked previously about the fact that, when one adds up all the various patents already taken out on this or that aspect of the human genome, pretty much the entire thing belongs to someone under some patent. Chief Injusice Roberts and the other injustices of The U.S. Supremes are slated to hear a case on human genome patentability soon.

Well, with that in mind, contemplate this:

"In vitro eugenics" straight from Brave New World

I want to point out the central quotation in this review...:

"Once researchers have succeeded in creating several generations of embryos in the laboratory in the course of researching the genetics of disease, a question will inevitably arise about implanting embryos created through in vitro eugenics into the womb of a woman in order to bring a new individual into the world. Moreover, this question is likely to arise with some urgency because of the potential of in vitro eugenics to serve as a powerful technology of ‘human enhancement’. If it becomes possible to breed human beings in vitro, it will be possible to use all of the techniques of artificial selection to produce embryos with desirable genomes. In effect, scientists will be able to breed human beings with the same (or greater) degree of sophistication with which we currently breed plants and animals. Importantly, there are currently several influential bioethicists [one being Julian Salvulescu] who argue that we are morally obligated—or, at least, have strong moral reasons to—enhance future human beings. Implanting embryos that have been bred for above-species-typical capacities into the wombs of willing women would be one way to achieve this goal."

...and now the conclusion the reviewer draws from it:

"After reading "In vitro eugenics" by Dr. Robert Sparrow in the Journal of Medical Ethics, I have to agree. Dr. Sparrow explores the possibility of creating embryos in the lab, then using the stem cells from those embryos to create egg and sperm cells, and then using those gametes to create more embryos. Essentially, this would take human reproduction into the laboratory not just for one generation, but for generation after generation. These embryos would be 'orphaned at conception.' They 'would have no genetic parents: there would be no living individual—or indeed individual that had ever lived—who could be described as the genetic progenitor of such embryos.'"

Now, let's ponder the not implausible speculative implications. With "no genetic parents" and "orphans at conception" these people could and would effectively be viewed - since they are the obvious products of genetic engineering - as someone's, as some corporation's, property, as a commodity. One can imagine some bank or "foundation fund" sponsoring a commodities exchange and a horrific traffic in human "property" beyond any horror one associates with prior slave traffic. One can imagine wicked people ordering up embryos and babies for whatever horrific practice of old they might wish to revive and practice and their "cremation of care" ceremonies in certain groves where they get together to play, perform ritual mock sacrifices, and plot world domination. Once there are sufficient numbers of such "properties" then the rest of us normal folks will no longer be needed (after all, in spite of all their best efforts, we're not quite property yet).

Now, as if that's not bad enough, there's a "worst case scenario", and that's the one I raised in Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men, and that is, what if the "original owner or owners" who in some scenarios engineered us suddenly shows up and tells the various nutjobs and eugenecists "no you don't, that's our property...."  Well, you take my point I think. It could get messy. Why, "they" and "we" might start shooting at each other. Forget about North Korea and Iran, that's all a sideshow. The last time I looked, those ancient texts that talked in terms of such scenarios also pointed out that the engineers of the time made us far too smart, so smart, in fact, that we were a threat, and had to be dumbed down a bit.

Which brings up the silver lining in this eugenicist dystopia (for that's always what the utopias of the financial oligarchs have turned out to be... think Nazi Germany, Soviet Union here... how'd those work out?). The silver lining has already been explored in any number of science fiction writings and movies: what if the engineered super-solider or special purpose baby doesn't particularly want to be a slave? (and try as they might, I don't think they'll be able to engineer that away). What if in spite of all the nano-implants and injections and drugs and Ewan Cameron-esque "psychic driving" the "new and improved human" proves every bit as recalcitrant to the powers that be as we are, and even more capable of doing something about it?

Worse yet, what if those engineered people got together with the original owner(s) and decided to do something about all of this?

Short answer: I don't think they'll be applying for a research grant from the Rockefailure Brothers' Fund or putting their galactic ducats in the Rottenchild Nimrod Group.

See you on the flip side.

Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Jon on April 21, 2013 at 5:43 pm

    Scenarios such as Blade Runner and the Asgard from SG-1 come to mind.

    One could probably control for “loyalty,” as we have done with dogs. Cats, on the other hand . . . .

    The trade-off would be creativity and original thought. So, if all you want is cloned storm troopers for cannon fodder, that would be easily doable. (It is remarkably easy with people now.)

    You would have to be careful not to make them too smart, though, because even fairly dim people can understand freedom and slavery.

    The other thing is how different they would be – no parents, no family bonding: where would their tribal instincts be? Would they eventually create their own tribe?

    • paul de gagne on April 24, 2013 at 3:42 am

      Here’s a real SHOCKER!

      I don’t know how to place the web-site here— but it comes from a web site called

      B’Mans revolt (site)

      (a rednecks guide to reversing their control of your brain.)

      Titled — Are you just a believer or do you THINK?

      Believe me it’s worth the effort but let me warn you — the photo of the man who lost his legs in the Boston Bombing could very well be the same man in the photo just below it?????? (I’m not absolutely convinced?)

      The co-ordination necessary to pull this off must have been really precise ( I don’t know about this kind of precision in humans?) but one thing for certain—- no conscience was is allowed among these actors from hell!!!!!

  2. DownunderET on April 21, 2013 at 4:12 pm

    I’d like to quote some passages from “The Cosmic War” specifically page 264.
    Where Lt. Col. Tom Bearden says the following and I believe that it fits perfectly with the article that Joseph has posted.

    1) When God created life and living systems He also created the process for making life and a living biological system.
    2) Once the process is discovered and modeled, technology can be developed to apply the process at will.
    3) Scientists can thus make a living mind and living biological system, and tailor it to form and whatever behavior is desired.

    Now If I am reading this correctly, we have a physicist talking about the dangers of screwing around with the human DNA, aka Transhumanism.

    I would also like to mention that in the first Cosmic War (1) interview with George Ann Hughes, Dr. Farrell talks about the connection between physics and biology. I have to say that the first time I listened to this interview I must have missed the comment, but that’s not unusual for me and it goes for his books as well, that’s why I have to read them two or three times.

    Also can I recommend that members and guests listen to the following interviews with George Ann Hughes, as they are probably the best in the Cosmic War series, ie

  3. marcos toledo on April 21, 2013 at 12:31 pm

    Besides Brave New World Aldous Huxley wrote a follow up to this novel which consisted of essays entitled Brave New World Revisited which came out about 1950’s. Even then he was saying what he wrote in the novel wasn’t something to scoff at. He must known more than what was writing about in his books.

  4. Frankie Calcutta on April 21, 2013 at 10:07 am

    After watching those moron mobs in Boston chanting “USA USA,” I’m for anything that will make people smarter. Human beings could definitely use a boost. And who is to say that laboratory creations will automatically be evil or at least automatically compliant to their creators? The final determinant of that is solely in the stars and planets. Isn’t this the can of worms our creators ran into? A creation with higher aspirations than being just some slave owner’s commodity? As our education system can not produce leaders to deliver us out of this mess, maybe our leaders need to be created in a laboratory. As Boston demonstrates, we are definitely an unfinished product that needs more tinkering. I think there is undoubtedly a glitch in our DNA (put there on purpose I suspect) that needs to be removed so humans can more easily access higher states of consciousness. This might be the genie that the genetically flawed humans at DARPA might unexpectedly let out of the bottle. A laboratory created Avatar?

    As far as In Vitro eugenics goes, I think it has l already started. Who knows the true source of sperm and egg donations? Bankster DNA spread far and wide? I have good reason to suspect that it is even more sinister than that. I can’t even imagine what takes place in that vortex of evil over in the Middle East. I’m sure the trafficking in laboratory humans has already commenced alongside the old fashioned slave markets. And the horrors inflicted on these humans in those “revived” sacrifice practices would make what the Romans witnessed after sacking the Temple in 70 AD pale in comparison. I imagine these vile demons have really ratcheted up their wickedness as they get closer to grasping that brass ring of global domination. They believe the source of their power comes from human sacrifice… and maybe that is true.

    • LSM on April 22, 2013 at 6:49 am

      I originally hesitated to post my thoughts but decided to damn the torpedoes (may still come) and full speed ahead-

      “maybe our leaders need to be created in a laboratory”- could be many already have been- I know that sounds really fantastical but I’ve always believed that, as so many have already stated, the minute a new technological ‘possibility’ is announced it’s already been there in all its glory for a long time (look at something as simple as the bar code: was invented in the 1950s)-

      interestingly enough (or not) to take one to the twilight zone of speculation: an anonymous blogger during the time of the Vancouver Olympics stated “Obama’s children are not his biological children- he is steril”- yes, yes, I know: anonymous bloggers may be your local, well, whatever…


      I immediately sent this off to a very dear former co-worker (Afro-American) figuring she wouldn’t think “they all look alike” and she answered immediately: “this wouldn’t surprise me- I never felt his children bear any physical resemblance to him whatsoever”- it’s, of course, only her opinion and other blacks may disagree with her-

      my point: no other head of a nation state has a murkier past than Obama- who is this man really?- from where did he really emerge?-

      and just to confuse matters more: look very carefully at photos/film footages of A. Merkel and compare them to photos/film footages of the former dictator with the funny moustache who couldn’t keep his right arm down and one will see uncanny, unsettling albeit absolutely blatant similarities-

      I know this all sounds bat-shit crazier than a loon (tell me about it!) but I just think we all need to keep our minds open and realise there just MAY already be a whole lot of “scary shit” out there that goes waaay beyond what we think is presently possible- just start with radio show host Peter David Beter’s testimonies during the mid/ late70s-early 80s where he mentions humans (well, politicians) being replaced by “robotoids” (his labeling)- and then continue with Sauder’s “Hidden in Plain Sight”-

      “They believe the source of their power comes from human sacrifice… and maybe that is true”- obviously they believe this otherwise they wouldn’t continue to practice this-

      stay well, Frankie- regards-


  5. Robert Barricklow on April 21, 2013 at 9:33 am

    A new “factory” with the “living product” being eugincally-stamped with a logo, whic when removed causes death. They will be traded by a trafficking clearing houses, with binary encrypted ones & zeros, by analogue programs, like those from Goldman Sachs Inc., to others from this very system, the first generation.
    One’s imagination could run wild,
    if so programmed, with the upgraded genome ltd. patented imagine allels.

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