Our friends at are reporting on an intriguing, indeed, somewhat breathtaking development in the field of quantum teleportation, but first, we need to set the stage a bit, with apologies to physicists ahead of time for the lack of mind-numbing equations.

Quantum teleporation is made possible by means of the phenomenon of entanglement. Suppose one "creates" two particles at the same instant with the same information embedded in each: same spin, same rotation, , same axial orientation, and so on, and then sends those two particles to very different locations any number of miles apart, and then alters one of the particles. In the wild and wooly world of quantum mechanics, because the two particles were entangled with the same information at the outset, a change of the information data set in the one, will instantly be reflected by a similar change in the other, regardless of the distance. Some theorize that the two particles are manifestations of a non-local field of information because of this phenomenon, making such information transference at a distance possible (Einstein called this phenomenon "spooky action at a distance').

The catch is, the particles have to be so "informationally entangled" to begin with.

That is, until now:

Professor's quantum teleportation theory to be tested on space station

I hope you caught the interesting (and for me, breathtaking) part of this, explaining his idea, Dr. :

"It sounds very jazzy, but quantum teleportation is actually about making connections for information," said Bernstein. "What it does is send the complete quantum state from a single particle that comes specially prepared in that state to a different remote particle which has never interacted with it."

Now, for the physicists out there, this is being done on the Hamiltonian. And for the non-physicists, a little explanation of that rather intriguing idea is in order. The "Hamiltonian" is a kind of hyper-dimensional mathematical technique invented by Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton, who, interestingly enough, is the mathematician who invented the mathematical language of quaternions, which I've discussed in some of my books, and which was the language James Clark Maxwell's equations were originally written in (and which no college physics textbook that I'm aware of actually teaches any more). Hamilton began, with other mathematicians in the mid-19th century, the process of formulating the techniques of geometries in more than 3 spatial dimensions.

His process envisioned, essentially, a technique of imagining dimensions perpendicular to all the spatial dimensions preceding them. We're all familiar with this technique from our middle school geometry, when we are taught to imagine a dimension perpendicular to a line, to create a two dimensional space with all its polygons, and then, to imagine a dimension perpendicular to both of those dimensions to create a three-dimensional space, and the objects like Platonic solids within it. Mathematically speaking, of course, there was no limit to this process of imagination, and I well remember my 8th grade symbolic logic and algebra teacher, Mr. Thomas, asking us, "why not four dimensions? Five? How would you do that?" And the question provoked some significant stabs in the direction of hyper-dimensional languages which we didn't even know already existed, and which, of course, Mr. Thomas did.

Hamilton, of course, by imagining such a dimension perpendicular to the existing three dimensions of space, was one of these imaginative mathematicians, and he modeled this dimension very elegantly using imaginary numbers (such as the square root of negative two). Now, when physicists talk of these perpendicular dimensions and rotations into higher dimensional spaces, they use the word "orthogonal" (meaning perpendicular to the previous dimensions). Thus we could say that a tetrahedron is an orthogonal rotation of an equilateral triangle from two into three dimensions. Thus, the underlying conceptual object is the same, but it looks one way in two dimensions, and another way in three dimensions, and yet, some of its properties remain the same in both contexts(and for those paying attention, yes, we're talking formalized properties of analogies here). The underlying object itself thus becomes the focus of attention, and rather than calling it a polygon (two dimensions) or a solid (three dimensions), we can call it a polytope (n dimensions), and invent a mathematical description of it using the same techniques we used in the transitions from one to two to three dimensions.

And this is, in effect, what is going on here: Bernstein is using orthogonal vectors in n-dimensions to entangle information in systems not previously entangled to accomplish the transference of information "at a distance," and that strongly suggests that we may also be looking at experimental confirmations of the very idea of the existence of hyper-dimensional spaces and objects. It suggests something else, too, something truly breathtaking and reminiscent of ancient topological metaphors, and that is, in n-dimensions, everything is entangled with everything else in a non-local way and to greater or lesser degrees of entanglement(and another famous Irish physicist named Bell had a bit to say about the subject)... but that's another alchemical story altogether...

...for now, this little experiment is one to watch, because the long-term implications for the world we perceive and live in are immense.

See you on the flip side.

(Thanks to "K" for sharing this fascinating article with me).


Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. marcos toledo on November 7, 2013 at 11:01 pm

    Sorry My internet is now tied to my telephone service. No phone no internet service just got it back Tuesday. The article is kind of vague as usual with articles on subjects like these. I wonder what they really hiding as usual.

  2. G Helix on October 30, 2013 at 1:01 am

    From the article:

    “It can also be applied to secure communications and in computing problems that can’t be tackled effectively by ordinary computers. It is already in use for encoding some bank transactions in Europe.”

  3. Ramura on October 29, 2013 at 11:25 pm

    I’m no physicist, either, but I did a couple of times many years ago experiment with smoking Salvia Divinorum (legal). The strong visual effects only last a few minutes but the everything had amazing colors…but more to the point…the furniture and everything I looked at SEEMED to have an “additional” dimension, made of multicolored light, perpendicular (off a bit to an angle, actually) to the regular three somehow! I kept thinking it was a “3rd dimension” until the effects wore off and I realized that we already see three dimensions and that this was “something more!” I have read enough reports of others to know that people see or experience different things, but this was my experience.

    It is very hard to describe and I have not been able to figure out in my regular consciousness just what that “extra” dimension might be. It was like seeing rainbow squares extending off the side of, say, my dresser, which I could see as solid as usual.

    I do NOT recommend it….but reading about an “extra perpendicular dimension” is something I have actually experienced…if only briefly.

    Word of warning: Salvia causes you to immediately lose motor control and you could easily drop pipe and set yourself on fire. NEVER do it alone, and use a table pipe or something that doesn’t need to be held. Also, I did NOT enjoy the experience — it scared me because of the loss of control — and it is not for casual use in any case.

    I would never do it again…but reading about an “extra perpendicular dimension” is something I have actually experienced…if only briefly. At the very least, it helped me imagine just what these physicists are trying to describe!

    • jedi on October 30, 2013 at 5:19 am

      you view a 2 dimensional world in a 3 dimensional box.
      A box within a box is still a box.

      • jedi on October 30, 2013 at 5:32 am

        you can view to a vanishing point, but does it really exist? It does if you go there, or did the box go there, and is your mind manifesting your reality as suggested in the matrix?
        Something Kubrick revealed in the moon landings with the back ground projection…..and then the sideway movie screens in 2001.

        • Robert Barricklow on October 30, 2013 at 8:38 am

          Recently watched Room 237.
          Raised more questions than it answered. Still, full of information; however, mixed with the usual suspects – (Mis & Dis prefixes).

  4. bdw000 on October 29, 2013 at 12:22 pm

    Certainly I am no expert in physics. What follows is just a complaint, it is not a claim to certain knowledge.

    I’ve always been a big fan of physics. But any time anyone talks about “extra dimensions,” I become very skeptical. Perhaps there are mathematical techniques using what they call extra dimensions that can be MATHEMATICALLY useful in some situations.

    But until physicists can actually point to JUST ONE physical dimension using purely physical means (perhaps an experiment, perhaps?), I don’t see how talk of “extra dimensions” can have any scientific validity at all.

    As I see it, there is just “the world” or “the universe” that we inhabit. We use the idea of “dimensions” to help explain and describe the world to ourselves. But this does not prove in any way that “dimensions” are things that exist like bricks that can be thrown together in any way desired to create universes. It is certainly possible, but it is without any scientific evidence whatsoever in my opinion.

    Until someone can actually “resolve” (for lack of a better word) our space into three separate, independently existing “dimensions,” I remain unconvinced about any talk of extra dimensions. Think about that for a moment: how would anyone even begin to think about such a project? Does the existence of a triangular piece of plywood of a certain size and shape prove that the wood is permeated with “square root signs”? Of course not (unless someone wants to provide hard, physical evidence of such, whatever that would be).

    I am reminded of a comment I read years ago on some forum, where someone was complaining:

    “Sometimes the math guys treat the real world like a leper colony.”

    And by “math guys” they were referring to “physicists.”

    • bdw000 on October 29, 2013 at 12:30 pm

      A perfect analogy would be chemists claiming that water was made up of hydrogen and oxygen, but no one was able to actually take a glass of water and produce hydrogen and oxygen from it. And until someone can actually produce hydrogen and oxygen from water, it simply remains an interesting idea, that has NOT been scientifically proven in any way.

      And so it is with “dimensions.”

      • jedi on October 29, 2013 at 12:37 pm

        take a car battery, over charge it till it bubbles, light a match.

        …..think. (that is after you get out of the burn unit.)

        • Margaret on October 29, 2013 at 7:38 pm

          Jedi, I hope you’re not speaking from experience!

          • jedi on October 30, 2013 at 6:05 am

            A long time ago in a galaxy far away, I hopped on a motorcycle, stepped on the gas and burned my bottom.

    • LSM on October 29, 2013 at 5:41 pm

      ” I am no expert in physics”- neither am I (anything BUT!)- just a curious person trying to connect dots-

      supposedly Tesla was not using conventional physics which is why he was able to accomplish so much more than any other scientist in modern human history-

      sadly, conventional science/mathematics cannot explain explain extra dimensions; it’s why these rigid/blinders belief systems were set up to begin with: to obfuscate, bar and distract us from any kind of info proving that our 3-D world is an optical illusion-

      now back to conventional science: we’ve been told we can only see something that reflects visible light, right?- and we see holograms/holographs (if one believes in a 3-D world according to conventional science)-

      one step farther: a hologram is a distortion/fractionalistion of the original light source-

      Lucifer (whoever that cat may have been) is/was considered to be the bearer of light; so what kind of light was he bearing?- the original pure light source or the 3-D fractionalisation of it? (the fall of man?)-

      no-one can can convince me there aren’t other dimensions out there; I’ve had too many freaky experiences in my own life that defy conventional explaination- just because the majority of people don’t experience paranormal incidents doesn’t mean paranormal activity doesn’t exist- enough said-

      stay well- Larry

  5. jedi on October 29, 2013 at 12:15 pm

    if people want walk around a cube in there space time after reading this research who am I too stop them…..from being dingo food.

    apology accepted.

  6. QuietRiot on October 29, 2013 at 9:23 am

    I did a little more digging on this and while Dr. Bernstein did not invent the quantum teleportation described here, he did extend it n-dimensions, which means that much more information can be encoded. Dr. Bernstein also discussed its use as a method of apparently instantaneous communication in “deep space.”

  7. Robert Barricklow on October 29, 2013 at 8:28 am

    As time moves on,
    the revelations are giving more weight
    to your tag line, See you on the flip side.

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