This one speaks totally for itself. It's one of those things that make you go "hmmm..."


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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. marcos toledo on October 19, 2013 at 12:11 pm

    This truly strange the World Trade Center was seen from above form Orion’s belt. One wonders what other modern groups of buildings are were built to form Orion’s belt exist today around the world.

    • jedi on October 19, 2013 at 2:46 pm

      Giza does, but that is ancient and probably doesnt count, a conspiracy theory.
      Seems the ancient people build pyramids, then moved into caves, worshiped the afterlife and started mining for the solar boat pharoah.

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