You'll recall that last Thursday on News and Views from the Nefarium (Dec 19, 2013), I noted that DARPA, the Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency(or the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency, to give it its cover name), is deploying a space surveillance telescope to Australia, ostensibly to watch softball sized space debris. In and of itself, the explanation is entirely plausible and makes sense. After all, who wants to have their multi-million  dollar satellite ruined by a head on collision at thousands of miles per hour with a softball orbiting the Earth? (See SST Australia: Signed, Sealed and Ready for Delivery)

I also talked about two articles concerning Lunar and Martian mineral rights:

Lunar Mineral Rights secured by Dr. Joseph Resnick et al

Mars Mineral Rights secured by Dr. Joseph Resnick et al

Now, in these days of an internet hoax per minute, I argued in the News and Views that the last two articles could be jokes, but I urged that one approach them seriously for the sake of argument, even if they were elaborate jokes. The reason? With all the talk lately about asteroid mining(in parked lunar orbit, remember), and with my scenario that space and what was in it were collateralized long ago, shortly after World War Two, in a hidden system of finance designed in part to fund a long term Manhattan Project on steroids to develop hidden technologies, I think we are looking at the careful, slow, and deliberate social engineering of the public to accept a militarization of space in order to protect commercial interestsIn yesterday's News and Views, I also took a page from Mr. Richard M. Dolan's, and Mr. Bryce Zabel's intriguing book, A.D.: After Disclosure, wherein they observe that the best way to maintain secrecy about the UFO and related space matters would be precisely to privatize, or ccorporatize it. Conveniently, in terms of this hypothesis, the above two articles about mineral rights present an odd list of selenic and Martian landscapes where mineral rights have already by claimed. Amazingly enough (or perhaps not so amazingly), the areas include areas where anomalies have long been debated between "believer" and "skeptic," such as the Cydonia region on Mars.

As I've been arguing, commericalization, collaterization, and mining inevitably imply the eventual militarization to protect those interests. After all, Venice didn't just send commerce galleys to England and the Middle East; she sent war galleys to protect them. It was the beginning of the modern alliance between the military and commerce - and of course, banking - that has so characterized the last five hundred years of imperialism, and the same model is being reinvented.

Now, into this mix we add a healthy dollop of terrestrial geopolitics, courtesy of Russia's defense minister, Dmitri Rogozin, who wants a Russian lunar base(this article courtest Ms. P.H.):

Rogozin: Russia Should Build Lunar Base

Now note a few crucial things: Rogozin, as we've noted on this site before, heads Russia's space and defense ministries (what does that tell you?). And he heads Russia's equivalent of the Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency. In other words, of one looks closely at that is going on here, Russia has the equivalent of the Venetian State Arsenal, and its all about space. Thus, as in the beginning of the age of exploration ca. five hundred years ago,  a new type of technocrat is being born: the space-science-commerce-military technocrat, backed by big political power, and big money. Think Cabot, Champlain, and, yes, Columbus, here. The space-adopted versions of the Dutch East Indies Company and Dutch West Indies Company are not far behind, and, as we've noted on this website, the companies and corporations are already being formed.

In addition to this, Rogozin wants Russia to build a lunar base. Not Russia and Europe. Or Russia and China. Or Russia and Japan. There is no "Russia and..." here, just Russia. I strongly suspect Mr. Rogozin's choice of words here was not merely an oversight, but deliberate, especially in the wake of China's landing of the first soft-landed lunar probe in almost four decades(!). There is, in short, a scramble beginning to take shape; we are on the cusp of an age of exploration, commercialization, and military adventurism in space just as we were a little over five hundred years ago.  Rogozin sees this, and is simply announcing that Russia will not be counted out, and can be counted on to militarize its interests as quickly as it is able.

There is yet another model being played out as well, the model of direct state-sponsored commercialization and militarization, the model that we see China, and now, to a certain extent, Russia, employing, and the mercantilist model being developed in the West of direct corporate exploration and exploitation of space.  Russia and China, in short, are playing the roles of modern-day Spain and Portugals, and the West, more the role of the Netherlands, France and England.  The parallels are both striking and, to this author, a little unsettling. (For example,  we all know that eventually the scramble ended in a series of world wars between the Big Three of the West, Spain, France, and England, that ultimately left England mistress of the seas with an empire on whose flag the sun never set).

But it means something else, and something profoundly disturbing, something suggested by Msrs. Dolan and Zabel: with the privatization and corporatization of space, comes proprietary secrecy to whatever might be found there, or below the surfaces of the celestial bodies where humanity might explore. A secrecy backed up by DARPA-like organizations able to analyze and interpret discoveries for their corporate masters.

So either way folks, along the Russian-Chinese model, or the mercantilist model that is evolving in the West, I don't see any early end to space secrecy, unless of course, someone else puts an end to it in a rather dramatic and unmistakeable public fashion.

See you on the flip side.

Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. EVERMORE on December 25, 2013 at 8:11 am

    Thanks Larry, and your info adds another interesting aspect….re my comment, full credit must go to the creator of this YT vid:
    Cheers from Australia

    • LSM on December 25, 2013 at 7:33 pm

      just a quick reply from me EVERMORE-

      I’m afraid I forgot to complete the most important sentence as a response to your posting: whoever controls Central Asia/ the ‘Silk Road’ terrestrially controls the planet- but maybe you already understood this with me having failed to complete my thoughts-

      be well- Larry

      • EVERMORE on December 25, 2013 at 9:28 pm

        And my own correction Larry, I should have said “hexagram” NOT “pentagram”, sorry….

        Anyway, the YouTuber Jeff Lewis has just connected some more dots for us:

        And it is being reported that Putin is looking to bring Kazakhstan and the Ukraine into his planned Central Asian economic block

        • LSM on December 26, 2013 at 7:55 am

          wow, EVERMORE, many thanks for this extremely interesting link- obviously someone/something “way back when” had something in mind which was installed in increments for the future (now coming to fruition)-

          and most people consider occultism to be absolutely harmess-

          by the way, who is Jeff Lewis?

  2. EVERMORE on December 24, 2013 at 7:35 pm

    Zoom in on the Exmouth base via Google Earth and you will find a huge multi-faceted pentagram with grid co-ordinantes/alignments pointing to, of all places:

    – St. Onofre nuclear Power Plant – California (also aligned with the upturned pentagram formation in Kazakhstan)
    – Mt Hermon – Golan Heights/UN site – Syrian/Israel border
    – Astana – capital of Kazakhstan – featuring many similar patterns and alignments…

    …a global grid?
    a global communication network?
    a rebuilding of a global communication system (as suggested by Joseph P Farrell) to pre-Tower Of Babel technology?

    …or perhaps the rebuilding of a Giza Death Ray system?

    • LSM on December 25, 2013 at 7:47 am

      hey, EVERYMORE, extremely interesting info and if you will allow me to expand upon this due to my own personal experiences:

      I have a Russian co-worker (extremely sweet lady and a real “babe” to go along with it!) who is originally from Kazakhstan-

      in her own words according to her taught history she reiterated that all the Russian inteligenzia during the late Stalanist era were relocated to Kazakhstan as an exile “punishment” (or not) location-

      so if one continues to connect dots and realises whoever controls central Asia (Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, etc.) the formerly labeled “silk road” and it’s fringes according to some people like demonic Zbigniew “Brzinkszitsky” I think your info is really on to somethng-

      please stay well-

      Larry in Germany

  3. LSM on December 22, 2013 at 5:35 pm

    initially Russia was always waaay ahead of the US in the space race despite the US gleaning the (supposedly) top N**i rocket scientists- I’m not yet convinced they ever lagged behind-

    yes, chide me if you will, but I continue to remain one of those incorrigible sceptics who belives that IF there were any moon landings whatsoever they wern’t accomplished by NASA-

    interestingly enough the rock group REM’s song “Man on the Moon” begins with the following lyrics:

    “if you believe they put a man on the moon…
    if you believe there’s nothing up their sleeve
    then nothing’s cool”

    I assume anybody reading this website is aware of the following but just in case not: it was proven a long time ago (and thanks especially to Jay Weidner) the hoax film footage of the 1st Apollo moon landing was filmed by Stanley Kuberik on his “2001” set-

    has anyone once asked themselves if Armstrong was the 1st man on the moon, who put the camera there to film him?!!!

    more dots to connect: look at the 1st low-key, dead-pan, no euphoria film interview after the 1st moon landing with Armstrong/Aldrin/Collins where Armstrong at one point briefly blinks Morse Code: the letters l.i.e-

    and if Richard Hoagland is to be taken 100% seriously stating that NASA is truly a Freemasonic organization then we need to take a deep breath-

    if my read sources are correct NASA is just simply a money laundering organization and the US Congress was duped into approving funds for a phoney space program being a guise for funneled war funds-

    and the announcement of the “1st man on the moon” by the US was nothing more than a ploy to boost public oppinion of the US gov’t which at that time was at a disasterous low due to the failed Vietnam war-

    my point: it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Russia secretly continues to be waaay ahead of everyone else-

    please stay well all-

    Larry in Germany

    • Robert Barricklow on December 23, 2013 at 1:11 pm

      The Nazi International was waaay ahead of all the players.

      • LSM on December 23, 2013 at 2:14 pm

        hey, Robert, am not sure if you’ve ever read Greg Hallett’s “Hiltler Was a British Agent”- it’s an extremely challenging opus- sort of gives us a new spin on things if what Hallett states is the truth (relatively few footnotes but page upon page of his references at the end of the book)-

        I’ve never ever felt the N**is were ever their own persons- there’s always a hidden hand at play

        • Robert Barricklow on December 25, 2013 at 9:43 am

          Yes Larry
          I’ve read his
          New Zealand: A Blackmailer’s Guide
          I’ve listened to many of his Jim Fetzer interviews. He has some “deep” stories that stretch one’s belief. Yet there is Hallett fire in all that history”smoke” of what “we”‘ve been taught.
          The most recent interview of his that I listened to was:

          I feel the same way

          • LSM on December 26, 2013 at 10:54 am

            Hi Robert,

            many thanks for your kind response- yes, I’ve also listened to various interviews with Mike Sparks and I think the man is genuine-

            but you’ve given me a perspective of which I haven’t yet been aware; maybe I was not yet aware of Fetzer Radio when Jim Fetzer. interviewed Hallett- guess I’ll have to research the archives-

            I guess the biggest problem I have with Hallett’s work is that Hallett professes “James Bond” was Christopher Creighton and Sparks professes Ian Fleming was James Bond-

            so I’m beginning to wonder if both labelings were actually the same person- definitely food for thought

  4. DownunderET on December 22, 2013 at 1:48 pm

    If the memories of WW2, Vietnam and Iraq haven’t been forgotten , then one can imagine a war in space with galactic battleships going at it in star wars fashion.
    The race for space isn’t now so far away, and there are more “players” on the block, I’d hate to think what these morons have in mind for space and what it “contains”.
    To all the members here at GDS, have a happy time with friends and family, these are the “old style” good times the elites hate. For me it’s a non-religious time, it’s a time to think about the little one’s and what this world offers them in the future, because they are the future.

  5. nobodyouwantoknow on December 22, 2013 at 1:13 pm

    The Good Doctor has asked :

    “…who wants to have their multi-million dollar satellite ruined by a head on collision at thousands of miles per hour with a softball orbiting the Earth?”

    I DO !

  6. marcos toledo on December 22, 2013 at 11:33 am

    The same old game again turn lose ignorant killers lose to rape, pillage. Haven’t these clowns grown up yet and what about who ever out there will have to say about this behavior. And why did the USA drag it’s feet for this time wasting all those billions of dollars on useless wars. Instead of investing in it’s space program while it was ahead of the pack make no sense. Moon 44 anyone disgusting.

  7. Robert Barricklow on December 22, 2013 at 10:32 am

    Superb Analyses.

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