Some scientists have long been puzzled about why human beings appear to die so young, i.e., between 70-80 years. And some have opined that if one looks at things, it appears that humanity was designed to live much longer, some offering the figure of 120 years. With the advent of genetics in the latter half of the twentieth century, one objective was to zero in on the gene responsible for "turning us off" and find out if that switch could be modified to turn us off much later. This, of course, has fueled an enormous interest in "life extension" technologies among the transhumanist crowd, using nano-technologies to repair diseased cells on a cell-by-cell basis, and genetic techniques and therapies - already coming on line - to treat diseases, grow new organs from an individual's DNA when old ones wear out, thus avoiding the problems of rejection occurring with current transplant techniques, and, as we've seen in the last year, even the use of 3D printing or additive manufacturing to "print" biological material, up to, and including, synthetic skin.

And now, thanks to Ms. K.M. who shared this one, it appears that we are a step closer to cracking the genetic code for that off switch:

Telomere extension turns back aging clock in cultured human cells, study finds

Note two things here:

"'Now we have found a way to lengthen human telomeres by as much as 1,000 nucleotides, turning back the in these cells by the equivalent of many years of human life,' said Helen Blau, PhD, professor of microbiology and immunology at Stanford and director of the university's Baxter Laboratory for Stem Cell Biology. 'This greatly increases the number of cells available for studies such as drug testing or disease modeling.'

"A paper describing the research was published today in the FASEB Journal. Blau, who also holds the Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Professorship, is the senior author. Postdoctoral scholar John Ramunas, PhD, of Stanford shares lead authorship with Eduard Yakubov, PhD, of the Houston Methodist Research Institute.

"The researchers used modified messenger RNA to extend the telomeres. RNA carries instructions from genes in the DNA to the cell's protein-making factories. The RNA used in this experiment contained the coding sequence for TERT, the active component of a naturally occurring enzyme called telomerase. Telomerase is expressed by stem cells, including those that give rise to sperm and , to ensure that the telomeres of these cells stay in tip-top shape for the next generation. Most other types of cells, however, express very low levels of telomerase."

And this:

"'We were surprised and pleased that modified TERT mRNA worked, because TERT is highly regulated and must bind to another component of telomerase,' said Ramunas. "Previous attempts to deliver mRNA-encoding TERT caused an immune response against telomerase, which could be deleterious. In contrast, our technique is nonimmunogenic. Existing transient methods of extending telomeres act slowly, whereas our method acts over just a few days to reverse telomere shortening that occurs over more than a decade of normal aging. This suggests that a treatment using our method could be brief and infrequent."(Emphasis added)

Granted, it's not "life extension" just yet, at least not in the sense that the transhumanists are singing about, but it is a step in that direction, and a significant one perhaps. Time will tell, as the new technique begins to be applied in actual medical testing.

And it forces us, once again, to confront the moral and ethical issues, and even a social and political one. Suppose this technology does constitute a step toward life extension in the transhumanist sense. Like all human technologies, it will at first probably only be available to the very rich, because it will probably be more expensive (is life extension covered under Obamacare?). The question posed is thus one I've posed before (all the way back in my first book in the alternative field, in fact, The Giza Death Star): imagine our current insane and psychopathic elites - imagine the American neo-cons, for example - living not a mere 70 or 80 years, but perhaps 150 years, 200 years, to "do what they do", while the rest of us continue to live "normal" human life spans of about 70-90 years. One consequence of such a two-tiered society based on access (or the lack thereof) to such medical technologies has already been outlined in ancient texts, where one sees dimly described a similar situation: an elite of longevity, and a much larger population that is not. Longevity might produce declining birth rates in the population with access to it, even a kind of spiritual decline and malaise that accentuates the already psychopathic behaviors of such elites. As I put it in that book, imagine a Chairman Mao or a Josef Stalin having more than a century to "do what they did" and one gets the idea. When life is longer, in other words, it might paradoxically become much less precious.

Of course, the  flip side to this is that it  also might become much more precious. Again, as I  put it in that book, imagine an Albert Schweitzer or a mother Teresa having a century or more to do what they did. In other words, life extension technologies would seem to end up exacerbating the already inherent moral contradictions of human nature.

But another thought that this prompts is that we may be looking at the public tip of a much larger secret research iceberg, a controlled release of information if you will. And what makes me think this is the uncanny longevity of certain people - people in positions of power and influence - that we already see: David Rockefeller, Zbgnw Brzznsk(oh for some vowels!), the Queen of England, who for her 88 years looks extraordinarily young and fit(of course, longevity seems to run in the female genes of that family. Recall Edward VII's complaint that he had an "eternal" mother, referring to Queen Victoria). Perhaps those elites have already been accessing such technologies. If Ben Rich can offer that in the black research world "they found an error in the equations and can now take ET home," it is equally possible that they might have found "an error in the coding, and now we can live much longer."

See you on the flip side....

Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. jurassiclove on January 27, 2015 at 3:02 pm

    And if it’s possible to arbitrarily lengthen an individual’s telomeres would not the inverse also be true?

  2. nobodyouwantoknow on January 26, 2015 at 10:07 pm

    I’m sure we can work this out like mature adults, can’t we, Mr Poopy Pants ?

    Here is Blau, et al.’s patent application @ the marvelous European Patent Office online :

    US2014242154 / WO2014130909

    Blau, et al.

    Compounds and compositions for the transient expression of exogenous telomerase activity in a cell are provided. The compounds and compositions, which relate to a ribonucleic acid coding for a telomerase reverse transcriptase, are useful in the extension of telomeres in cells needing such treatment. Such cells include, for example, cells that contain shortened telomeres and cells from subjects that may benefit from telomere extension, for example subjects that suffer from, or are at risk of suffering from, age-related or other illnesses. Also provided are methods of extending telomeres through the administration of the provided compounds and compositions to animal cells, either in vitro or in vivo, and kits including the compounds and compositions and instructions for use.


  3. nobodyouwantoknow on January 26, 2015 at 10:06 pm

    I’m sure we can work this out like mature adults, can’t we, Mr Poopy Pants ?

    Here is Blau, et al.’s patent application @ the marvelous European Patent Office online :

    US2014242154 / WO2014130909

    Blau, et al.

    Compounds and compositions for the transient expression of exogenous telomerase activity in a cell are provided. The compounds and compositions, which relate to a ribonucleic acid coding for a telomerase reverse transcriptase, are useful in the extension of telomeres in cells needing such treatment. Such cells include, for example, cells that contain shortened telomeres and cells from subjects that may benefit from telomere extension, for example subjects that suffer from, or are at risk of suffering from, age-related or other illnesses. Also provided are methods of extending telomeres through the administration of the provided compounds and compositions to animal cells, either in vitro or in vivo, and kits including the compounds and compositions and instructions for use.


  4. johnycomelately on January 26, 2015 at 8:50 pm

    An interesting tidbit I got from my grandparents from Eastern Europe was a common phrase they used to utter, “The person was so old they grew a third set of teeth.”

    I questioned them about this and they simply thought it was common knowledge and had witnessed it themselves on several occasions.

    The last one they witnessed regrew the third set at 120 years of age, interestingly the woman was very poor and didn’t have a chimney to vent her fire so the soot vented through the front of her thatched hut and accumulated inside the hut.

    Given that carbon soot is a very good radiation shield, it may be the case this woman was partially protected from solar and celestial radiation which increased her longevity.

    It’s interesting that every celestial catastrophe (the flood, Sodom, Exodus etc.) resulted in lower life spans, perhaps the atmospheric radiation shielding is slowly being stripped away or degrading.

    If that’s the case chem trails would make sense, radiation shielding.

  5. Churchless Mouse on January 26, 2015 at 11:00 am

    Since this extension is based on a form of MT RNA, it should be a fairly simple step to combine this RMA process with a plant, One could even brand it, “the tree of life ”

    I recall the Sumerian tablet where the visitor to niburu was not permitted to eat of the tree of life, lest he live forever.

    • WalkingDead on January 26, 2015 at 2:36 pm

      I believe the story goes they left that particular set of genes out of our synthesis…

  6. marcos toledo on January 26, 2015 at 9:47 am

    Do our oligarchs know that there is no afterlife that’s why their afraid of death. Or does their insatiable lust for everything drives them to seek immortality so they can devour more and leave the rest of us to fight over the few crumbs that are left and exist in squalor and misery and is what turns them on and gives meaning to their evil existence.

  7. Meritt Conley on January 26, 2015 at 9:44 am

    I spoke with Aubrey De Grey a few years back and brought up the subject of telomere shortening. He was more concerned with proper protein synthesis and enzyme levels. I think his reasoning was sound, in that the end result should be back engineered, but the telomerase transcoding is huge! Very exciting times! Imagine an elite trying to do what they do in a cross-disciplinary world, because the sequences and methods to do this life extension would hit torrent networks the day after implementation.

  8. moxie on January 26, 2015 at 9:42 am

    Well, if they’re now (or have long been) growing organs, combine species with another, upload a worm’s brain into a computer/robot, observe things on a nanometer scale, and now this..just connect the dots and go figure. And the fact that there are creatures able to “reverse their life cycle” again and again..
    the elites have or will avail of this enabling them to see their plans through.. as for us, come on..they’re culling the herd, remember?

  9. Robert Barricklow on January 26, 2015 at 9:17 am

    Looks like the devil’s household is going to be extended; if it hasn’t already. The current crop of the Devil’s disciples will now not have to explain their continued evil presence on Earth. At least until the Devil’s little helpers finally extinguish a “living Earth” as currently we know it. They’re goal, is no doubt, to turn it over to their kind – the living dead(at least in spirit). The living dead, their slaves, and their spiritual leader – the Devil incarnate – will rule the dead Planet Earth, in all it’s dead-end glory.

  10. Robert Barricklow on January 26, 2015 at 9:16 am

    Looks like the devil’s household is going to be extended; if it hasn’t already. The current crop of the Devil’s disciples will now not have to explain their continued evil presence on Earth. At least until the Devil’s little helpers finally extinguish a “living Earth” as currently we know it. They’re goal, is no doubt, to turn it over to their kind – the living dead(at least in spirit). The living dead, their slaves, and their spiritual leader – the Devil incarnate – will rule the dead Planet Earth, in all it’s dead-in glory.

  11. nines on January 26, 2015 at 8:11 am

    The brand name, of course, will be Telomore and the commercials are already being storyboarded.

  12. old97polarcat on January 26, 2015 at 7:06 am

    Since you mention the black-budget world, and since the Euro looks like its teetering on the edge of a cliff this morning, I’d like to suggest you write an article on how the black-budget portion of the economy prevents inflation and erosion of the petrodollar.

  13. Cassandane on January 26, 2015 at 6:55 am

    In an interesting aside to this, some time ago I saw an article about a woman who had died at the age of 109 and had been billed as the “oldest person on earth”. The reason I found this interesting is that I collect stories of people who die at, or are alive to, a great age and have done so for most of my adult life and I have noticed that, during the course of the past 30 years or so, the reported age of the oldest person on earth has declined by at least 15 years. I have a newspaper story from the 1990s that talks about a Frenchwoman who died at the age of 125 which includes a comment that the person who was previously billed as the “oldest person in the world” had died at the age of 130. The Guinness Book of World Records supposedly keeps track of these things and now claims that the Frenchwoman was the oldest person “ever”. It would be par for the course if the true facts about human age were just as obfuscated as the amount of gold in the world, etc.

  14. WalkingDead on January 26, 2015 at 6:52 am

    If you have read the Bible, it states that the length of mankind’s life is 120 years (post Eden). This would be true if we weren’t subject to the constant poisoning of our atmosphere, food, etc. Diet alone can insure a healthy immune system and extend ones lifespan, if you eat properly, which the elite most certainly do.
    Access to organically grown crops, fish, etc. is affordable for some, but not so affordable for the masses. When we lived in small communities, raised our own food, and consumed it locally, we were much healthier than we are today packed into large cities consuming crops which are soaked in poisons on commercial corporate farms.
    The GMO issue is tied to this and is, no doubt, just one of the reasons for their pushing it on the world. It gives them a young, renewable workforce which dies much earlier, is replaced more often, eliminating the need to care for the aging. Obamacare also is designed to eliminate the aging by denying them care.
    Some of David Hudson’s research indicated that trace amounts of certain of his ORMES helped to insure a healthy immune system and repair DNA, Insuring your food supplies the essential vitamins and minerals in the proper trace amounts is another way to insure a healthy immune system.

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