Well, the second Secret Space Program Conference in Bastrop, TX is now history, and I've been getting some requests for my impressions of it. Personally, I returned exhausted but re-invogorated that all is not lost in the normally zany world of conferences. Indeed, conference organizer Jeroen van Stratten and his team from the Netherlands - Robert, Joost, and others, including American volunteers Margaret and Chuck - organized a very good conference, notwithstanding huge weather problems that prevented some from attending, including our host, Daniel Liszt, who because of flight delays and so on, made it just in time for the final panel discussion. Daniel did a great job with this, as did "temporary" host Jay Dyer.

For me personally, these conferences are a much-needed breath of fresh air, because they manage to avoid the evangelical-revival-tent-meeting-and-carnival atmosphere that are the usual fare at such events, with everyone - including speakers - telling stories of their latest revelations from the Spirit (or ET, or whatever). Mr. Van Straaten has the goal of remaking the conference culture of the alternative community, and for me, this is not only a worthy goal, but a much-needed one. It's the "conference equivalent' to footnoting books properly. Anyone can get in front of a camera, claim to be a whistleblower or to have had a personal experience, and tell a story (usually one reinforcing the ET meme, or spinning other peoples' research into the "approved channels").  Few conferences emphasize the researchers, fewer still are free of the "advocates". Mr. van Straaten manages to avoid it, and the result is a much better conference with much food for thought.

The highlights of the conference, at least for this author, were some excellent presentations by Olav Philips, my personal friend Walter Bosley, Jay Dyer, and Drs. John Brandenburg and Paul LaViolette. Mr. Philips presented a thought-provoking argument, based on evidence and facts, that the Alternative Three scenario might in fact be a real agenda. Mr. Bosley fleshed out his argument from Empire of the Wheel Two that the airship mystery is a crucial part to any adequate academic discussion of the historical origins of "secret space programs," by adding some new - and in my opinion - very thought-provoking information. I encouraged him to write yet another book about it (I hope he's reading this). Mr. Dyer presented an equally throught-provoking look at the theme of secret space programs in film and science fiction literature, concentrating on two of my favorites, Ian Fleming's James Bond, and science fiction genius Isaac Asimov, and his Foundation series (some of my personal favorites in the genre). Finally, Drs. Brandenburg and LaViolette presented challenging information  about the evidence of nuclear conflict on Mars in high antiquity, and for technologies and models of physics that could indeed take us to the stars (if they already haven't done so covertly). Rounding out these presentations were former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitt's presentation on what a space economy would look like, in which she introduced a well-considered distinction between the economies of low earth orbit infrastructure, and deep space economies, and Linda Moulton Howe(whom I finally had the chance to meet), who did yet another though-provoking presentation on "self-activating" software. Yours truly spoke twice, about what I call the "Versailles Template" for any "cosmic war" scenario, and how this template might have influenced the development of the national security culture in its policies towards UFOs.

All in all, it was an amazing experience, made even more pleasurable by the opportunity to meet many readers of this website in person for the first time, who joined us from New Jersey, Virgina, Maryland, Ontario, and elsewhere. Thanks to all of you who made this conference such a fun time for me, to the speakers, AV team, Jeroen and Robert and the organizers of the event, and most definitely to the attendees and the good people of Bastrop, Texas, for making this, in spite of the weather, a very thought-provoking and fun event!

See you on the flip side...


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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. sjy1969 on November 10, 2015 at 3:25 pm

    Not related to the conference but might be interesting to some nonetheless:

  2. milt on November 10, 2015 at 10:24 am

    It was a great conference. We purchased livestream. However the recording sound was very bad. Bosely had really good information that I could not hear the half of because he tended to swallow his words at the end of every sentence. Some of the other speakers did not have that habit. Dr. Farrell, you do not have that habit in speaking, but some of your presentation was hard to hear.

    I suggested to the organizers of the conference that they have better mics for people. Should have portable mics on their ties, shirt fronts or whatever so that their natural speech inflections are to be heard.

    Other than that, it was really mind blowing!

  3. kitona on November 10, 2015 at 5:11 am

    I just finished catching up with all of the videos and congratulations to Dr Farrell and anyone else out there who might have been involved with the conference. It was very well done and had lots of very interesting information presented. Bravo!

  4. puckles on November 9, 2015 at 5:06 pm

    I just saw this on The Epoch Times.

    While it is not totally clear if this is a new element or not, certainly the weathering on parts of the astronaut tend to indicate age; the figure was vandalized, and required restoration, as the article notes. Also, the Cathedral was updated during a restoration process, and as the article states, often modern elements are added when that occurs. However, the weathering appears to be quite significant on parts of the astronaut, in league with the rest of the original cathedral carvings. I daresay that this requires some manner of investigation by those capable of so doing.

  5. marcos anthony toledo on November 9, 2015 at 12:28 pm

    Do you know someone in France Joseph if you do. Tell them to look up Jules Verne notes for one of his last novels “Master Of The World”. I think we would be in for a surprise what did Verne know and when did he know it.

    • valaren105674 on November 9, 2015 at 3:29 pm

      A fictional tale about invisible, high-speed, 10-meter long, flying objects written in… 1904! The rabbit hole never ends, does it?

    • DanaThomas on November 10, 2015 at 3:33 am

      A lot of material on Verne is available and it might be worth taking a new look at that writer’s works from a more specifically “breakaway civilization” point of view, looking at the technology itself and not just the literary setting. There are a number of articles (mainly in French)on the web about esoteric and masonic reference in Verne’s works, and this seems to hint at his connections with “hidden elites” which may have given him some of his ideas.

    • Khobe on November 10, 2015 at 8:20 pm

      ‘Maître du Monde” is only a small part of a bigger puzzle. Lucky for you, you don’t need somebody from France to answer your question because the french culture is quite present in north america even though most americans don’t seem to be aware of this fact_ It’s the big chunk in the north east of “america the continent”_ Québec.
      Concerning Jules Verne, he was a freemason belonging to a catholic monarchist lodge. A few very good french authors wrote interesting books concerning our friend Jules. One is from the erudite Michel Lamy “Jules Verne_ Initié et Initiateur” , the sub title is “La clé du secret de Rennes-le-Château et le trésor des rois de France”, éd. Payot. What it has in common with other serious and very well documented books, one titled “Rennes le Château” by Daniel Dugès, éd. Trajectoire, and ” Le Véritable Secret des Rois de France” by Arnaud de L’Estoile éd. J’ai Lu, is they demonstrate that the great french writers of the time (George Sand, Alexandre Dumas, and more modern writers like Maurice Leblanc and Gaston Leroux) all have left important codes and clues in their literary works about gnostic revelations concerning the origins of french royalty and the authentic merovingian lineage tied to occult masonry, rosicrucianism, illuminism of Bavaria and other secret societies like the Golden Dawn. But more interestingly it’s all tied to sacred architecture, certain mysterious works of art like the one from Nicolas Poussin “les Bergers d’Arcadie”, the Prieuré de Sion, the secret treasure of Rennes le Château and the priest l’abbé Saunière long before the subject ever made Pierre Plantard and Dan Brown famous. This rabbit hole goes very deep indeed.
      Has we’re speaking an underground very royalist catholic legitimist movement tied to the new world order is being pushed in France to reestablish the monarchy in the person of Louis the XXth, Duc de Bourbon, duc d’Anjou, oldest of the Capétiens third royal french dynasty. Today Capétiens blood runs in all european royal families, even did in two brazilian emperors. He’s also spanish being general Franco’s grandson, and he’s a banker!

  6. valaren105674 on November 9, 2015 at 11:46 am

    It was a good conference. I didn’t watch the stream, or attend the conference, but I did purchase the MP4’s for Dr. Farrell, Dr. Paul LaViolette, and Walter Bosley’s speeches. I liked LaViolette, but I couldn’t understand any of the stuff he was talking about. That’s my fault, not his, because I’m not very scientifically literate as it pertains to the concepts he covered. Hopefully with time that’ll change. Your (Dr. Farrell’s) Versailles-Cosmic War hypothesis was spot on, and I couldn’t help but sit back in my chair and look out the window for a few moments and consider the vast implications if indeed that’s what we’re dealing with. Bosley’s was wonderful because I never really considered the possibility of a breakaway civilization pre-1900. I felt like his evidence was somewhat lacking in the department of identifying the “who” in NYJMA, however I did find the Prussian-South American connection highly significant, as well as the evidence of flying machines pre-Wright Brothers. Overall, it was money well spent. Congratulations, Dr. Farrell, and I hope to see you again on the panel next year (if there’s going to be a next year).

  7. neru on November 9, 2015 at 10:00 am

    Fantastic to hear and hopefully something to look foreward to in the future on youtube.

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