A few days ago I blogged about an important story involving the creation of the metallic form of hydrogen by scientists at Harvard for the first time in human history. It is, as the following article shared by Ms. C. states, a goal that scientists have been pursuing for over 80 years. But now, as the following article also states, the sample - just a few microns in size, has now disappeared. But what caught my eye was the manner of its disappearance, which as you might imagine, has fueled today's high orbital speculation:

Scientific breakthrough lost? Unique metallic hydrogen sample disappears

Here's the exact description of the catastrophic failure that led to the depressurization of the "diamond vice" that created the pressures to produce the metallic form of hydrogen:

However, Science Alert reports that the sample has disappeared, much to the dismay of experts. The sample was stored at temperatures around -316 degrees Fahrenheit, the report said, noting that the metallic hydrogen was kept at high pressure between two diamonds in a vice-like device.

Isaac Silvera, Harvard’s Thomas D. Cabot Professor of the Natural Sciences, who led the research, told Fox News that scientists were preparing to transport the sample to Argonne National Laboratory to determine its structure by X-ray analysis. "Before transporting we decided to use our apparatus and remeasure the pressure to see if it had changed," he explained, via email, adding that a very low power laser beam was shone onto the sample through the diamonds. "We heard a noise and the diamonds had catastrophically failed."

When the scientists opened the diamond anvil cell they discovered that one diamond was badly cracked and the other was pulverized into a fine powder. "The gasket confining the sample of metallic hydrogen was damaged and we could not find any residual of the sample (which was very small, about 10 microns in diameter)," explained Silvera. "We did not determine if it is metastable; it might have survived the shock or it might have transformed to molecular hydrogen."  (Emphasis added)

So we have:

1) Very cold temperatures (necessary, one can imagine, to maintain the conditions to create and sustain the metallic form of hydrogen);

2) the sample was stored between two diamonds which were in "a vice-like device", i.e., under extreme pressure, and therefore, under extreme stress;

3) the diamonds were then further stressed by a low-power laser beam, resulting in

4) one diamond being cracked and

5) the other being reduced to a fine powder.

And, with the failure of the high-pressure "vice grip" on the hydrogen, it disappeared, and we may assume, as the article indicates, it may have transformed or resumed its molecular gaseous form (which in my view is likely, though it is just remotely conceivable that under these conditions it might have fused, in which case there would be minor trace elements from that reaction that could have been detected. Why? Because the hydrogen is already under high pressure stress in order to create its metallic form, which, under the further stress of the laser, might have initiated that reaction, releasing enormous amounts of energy from its tiny micron-sized sample, enough, in fact, to crack one, and pulverize another, diamond. In short, we could be looking at one of three possible things: (1) a reaction coming from the diamonds themselves under immense pressure stress and electromagnetic pulsing from the laser (perhaps thus a resonance effect), or (2) a possible fusion reaction from the metallic hydrogen itself under the laser pulse, or (3) some combination of both.

Of course, all of this is high octane speculation based on what information the article gives. But if any one of these three things is even remotely suspected, I suspect that scientists will be giving close - and highly classified - attention, and not simply for the importance of creating metallic hydrogen, but rather, because of this propitious accident (if accident it really was).


Recall that the former Naval Observatory Astronomer and Astrophysicist Dr. Tom van Flandern revived the 19th century theory that the asteroid belt was an exploded planet. In his book, which I reviewed in my book The Cosmic War, he proposed a number of methods that could account for the spontaneous explosion of a planet. One of them was a "containment mechanism" at the core of the planet that contained anti-matter. But now, shift the focus a bit and imagine enough metallic hydrogen contained under the immense pressures in the core of a planet, which, incidentally, is the same process scientists believe transforms ordinary carbon into diamonds. All one would have to do to explode the planet would, perhaps, be a sudden "catastrophic failure" of the containment mechanism. Simply stress the core containment mechanism to the point it cannot damp the stress, it fails, and... well... ka-boom.

It would be akin to pricking the surface of a balloon filled with air to maximum extent with a needle.

See you on the flip side...

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Pierre on March 8, 2017 at 10:19 pm

    so that’s what the Star Wars Death Star did.

    • Kahlypso on March 9, 2017 at 2:09 am

      Need to be careful what you say Pierre. They’re still up there waiting for an excuse to start firing their lazers again..

  2. James on March 8, 2017 at 10:04 pm

    “Before transporting we decided to use our apparatus and remeasure the pressure to see if it had changed,” he explained, via email, adding that a very low power laser beam was shone onto the sample through the diamonds. “We heard a noise and the diamonds had catastrophically failed.”
    Huuummmm, Perhaps they were not just measuring “pressure” with the laser…..
    I would venture to say they knew exactly what they were doing……. but it was to determine other metrics of interest.
    Perhaps the shear strain delta of the metallic lattice is what they were after all looking at using the laser…… and why? huuuummmmm, maybe, shear and determining the velocity of waves through this substrate is a clue. The data could be extrapolated to determine what it takes to have a “Window Opening.” It is remarkable that sometimes seemingly minor coherent energy input can do at low levels if the milieu is stressed adequately.

    • Kahlypso on March 9, 2017 at 1:55 am

      Fantastic find James. Your supposition is sound (pun intended :))
      The only thing I can think of that puts dust in my gears, is that Metallic hydrogen doesnt exist outside of the metamateriel ‘universe’
      This technique (shear strain) will be essentially vital when scanning alien planets (or asteroids) for mineral ressources.

      • Kahlypso on March 9, 2017 at 3:11 am

        Might end up leaving marks on the planet like these.. Why dig 3 KM under ground when you can pummel the surface with lasers first and check if there is anything worth digging for..

      • Kahlypso on March 9, 2017 at 3:12 am

        Thinking about it another way.. If the scientists wanted to find out how to check for naturally occuring metallic hydrogen… then they’ll need to know what to look for.. Perhaps thats why they bombarded it with low power lasers..

        • Cate on March 9, 2017 at 4:19 am

          I’d hazard a guess that those ships armed with “lazers” who go along the coast of say, NZ, right now and for the last few months at least, are doing exactly that Kahlypso. The earthquake -forecasting crowd are going nuts.
          I meant to comment on the nature of the centre of the earth though, after reading a (not brilliantly written) book on the Crystal Skulls. It was proposed that the centre of the earth could well be crystal due to pressure etc. Made sense at the time. Doesn’t seem so far-fetched in this context.

  3. Roger on March 8, 2017 at 9:54 pm

    It was theorized that metallic hydrogen, once formed, would be stable at room temperature and atmospheric pressure in a vaccum. Did the prolonged pressure pulverize the metallic hydrogen? Or did the hydrogen finally partially penetrate the atomic structure of the diamond at that steady pressure and then the laser expanded the hydrogen enough to break the diamond. The metallic hydrogen being softer than diamond was likely vaporized in the catastrophic failure that resulted at such intense pressures. Either that or this whole story was fabricated before or after the metallic hydrogen stability could be or was confirmed. If it wasn’t stable the researchers would be out of a job if they didn’t pretend something like this happened before they could gradually release the pressure and lower the temperature. And if it was stable then this would be concocted to hide that fact long enough for the military to put it into use first.

    • Roger on March 8, 2017 at 10:06 pm

      Maybe vacuum wouldn’t be a good medium for keeping it stable and a vacuum certainly wouldn’t be atmospheric pressure. Perhaps a better way of keeping it stable might be in an inert gas pressurized container. Would metallic hydrogen react with oxygen to combust and form water or would the new structure be inert? Lithium, calcium, and the other lower metals combust to form their oxides. Perhaps there was trapped oxygen in the diamond that reacted with the hydrogen when the diamond failed.

  4. iZeta on March 8, 2017 at 6:26 pm

    I’d like to know if the residual is similar to the residual in the Kings sarcophagus of the Great Pyramid. I bet they’ll blink a few more metallic hydrogen micrograms to see – they’re not stupid.

    • Kahlypso on March 9, 2017 at 1:40 am

      …. did you just say ‘sarcophagus of the Great Pyramid’…. O.o

      It wasnt a sarcophagus and no bodies were found in the great Pyramid….

      It was however melted on one of its corners. . What residue are you referring to iZeta? The residue may give an indication of what ignited in order to melt Quartz and Granite. You need something around 600-700 degree C to start melting Quartz and Feldspar. If they were smelting Bronze.. then they had capacity for at least..900 +C.. So maybe they brought up a furnace.. then stoked a fire up and kept it burning for at least 3 hours.. in the ‘King’s’ chamber..
      They’d have died from asphyxiation and heat stroke.. but they could have melted a bit of the structure… Though I wouldnt see why they would have done that.. If they wanted to destroy the box, it’d have been easier to pummel it with diorite balls and copper chisels for 20 years..

  5. goshawks on March 8, 2017 at 2:26 pm

    Dr. Farrell’s speculation reminds me of Arthur C. Clarke’s “2010” movie/book. In it, the super-beings ‘squeeze’ Jupiter until the core ignites hydrogen fusion, producing a mini-star. In the same vein, what if some process – either random or technological – could push metallic hydrogen over the brink to where it would fuse. Any planet that had enough mass (gas giants?) and metallic hydrogen at its core would be vulnerable. (I’m thinking of carefully thought out and placed ‘shaped charges’ to converge shockwaves at the core, for example.) It may be possible to ‘induce’ mini-suns out of brown dwarfs or even massive planets…

  6. LSM on March 8, 2017 at 1:55 pm

    now I have a really ‘stoopid’ question (please don’t shoot the messenger); could chemtrails be part of this?-

    here in SW Germany we continue to be inundated on almost a daily basis by extreme chemtrailing-

    Larry in Germany

  7. Robert Barricklow on March 8, 2017 at 11:10 am

    The diamond’s cleavage was exploited by the extreme forces.
    Cleavage tends do that to me at times

    • Robert Barricklow on March 8, 2017 at 3:51 pm

      and carbon diamonds will burn out with oxygen & a hydrogen flame.

      • Robert Barricklow on March 8, 2017 at 6:19 pm

        The most logical explanation appears to be at the molecular/quantum level where extreme pressures produced nucleosynthesis. I wonder, was telltale trace elements/molecules present after…. ?

        • Kahlypso on March 9, 2017 at 1:26 am

          apparently they couldnt find any trace of ther metal hydrogen.. If it reverted..

      • Robert Barricklow on March 9, 2017 at 11:17 am

        I wonder if this has anything to do with quantum diamond computing research?

        • zendogbreath on March 15, 2017 at 11:53 pm

          nah probably just a new needle for one of them new old retro turntables to play all our old giant vynyl from the 60’s on.

  8. Vomito Blanco on March 8, 2017 at 10:16 am

    I was buying some Bruins tickets the other night from a scalper and he ended up selling me some metallic hydrogen which my date and I wound up smoking after the game. It wasn’t an aphrodisiac like the scalper said it was going to be, but I did have some amazing dreams that night. It turns out the hadron collider is really just a giant machine that is going to turn the entire core of the earth into a diamond which our elites plan to sell to the highest bidder somewhere out in the galaxy. Th’s why they don’t care what happens to people on the surface because we are toast anyway. We’ll never be able to survive our planet being dragged to another solar system in the first place, let alone having the crust peeled away to get to the massive diamond on the inside. Apparently the asteroid belt is just the shell of the diamond that somebody in our galaxy bought a long time ago and which is now kept hidden at the center of a massive gas cloud which we know as Jupiter. When a diamond is that big, there is really not much you can do with it except admire it from a distance. Problem is: thieves are always coveting it because it is so dazzling. Truth be told, the cosmic war was really a war between the diamond’s owners and some intergalactic bandits who were trying to swipe it. That is why the diamond is now hidden. Unfortunately nobody gets to see it now. In fact, the people who hid the diamond are long since gone and now, thanks to the metallic hydrogen I smoked, just me and some post-war nazis are the only one who knows there is a massive diamond at the heart of Jupiter worth quadrillions of dollars.

    • george on March 8, 2017 at 11:20 am


    • iZeta on March 8, 2017 at 6:22 pm

      You, the post war Nazis and the rest of us Gizars ! Now I know why I check this blog every day – it completely embellishes my day 🙂

    • goshawks on March 9, 2017 at 2:26 pm

      VB: Great! Jupiter as a safe deposit box…

    • zendogbreath on March 15, 2017 at 11:51 pm

      i dunno you guys. sounds a little far fetched to me. you really think debeers and rottenchildren would let anyone mess with their vise grip control of diamond supply and demand? and for a few puny quadrillion?

      another sure sign of vb making stuff up: nary a mention of the necessarily huge munchies that immediately follow smoking metallic H2, H3,….

  9. WalkingDead on March 8, 2017 at 8:58 am

    To be honest, of what practical application is something of this nature, really? It can’t be made in large enough quantities for any actual application; it can’t be stored long enough to be anything but a novelty; and the storage mechanism, itself, is susceptible to massive failure during transportation or the verification process. Maybe they made what they think they made, maybe they didn’t. Can it be duplicated and re-verified?
    Time will tell…

  10. Kahlypso on March 8, 2017 at 8:09 am

    Interesting.. But the diamonds were cracked by the application of a laser no? Ansd as soon as they cracked, the enormous pressure maintaining the metal H would have disappeared..
    Wouldnt the interior of a planet be extremely hot due to the pressure?
    I thought that the diamonds cracked due to the extreme cold..

    I know nothing.

    However metal hydrogen being ignited and allowed to explode… that might make something go boom.. Dr Farrel.. Do you think that Metallic Hydrogen could be made out of the Deuterium or Tritium??
    I think that the asteroid belt was certainly a planet. And the comets in the solar system that rotate in opposite orbits to the planets, and the fact that mars rotates VERY slowly, and Earth rotates on a wobble, and Venus rotates the wrong way in relation to the other planets.. All point to outside forces affecting almost every planet in the system.
    The intense and concentrated double impact craters on mars seem to point to directed energy explosions and I remember seeing an article of craters on the moon that seem to collaborate a thesis about a big war having taken place and these craters would have been the result.. (like.. if the moon doesnt rotate.. (or reeeeeeeally slowly…) then why are there such BIG huge craters on OUR side of the moon… Unless it does rotate, albeit it taking a billion gazillion years to do so and was duely slammed by huge asteriods when it was sticking its bum out into the void..But it seems ‘suspect’..
    Moon is too big for our planet as well. And it rings like a bell when struck.. (hollow??) and spits out titanium laced lava..for a dead astral body with no tectonic or volcanic activity.. (so what the heck is that tower…)
    sorry I went off on a tangent there..

    • Kahlypso on March 8, 2017 at 8:16 am

      Oops.. Forget what I asked about the isotopes.. Just went and wiki’d Metallic Hydrogen..

    • goshawks on March 9, 2017 at 2:30 pm

      Kahlypso, the Moon is a nearly-pummeled-into-submission Berserker ship (Fred Saberhagen)…

    • zendogbreath on March 15, 2017 at 11:40 pm

      doesnt the moon rotate in phase lock (think electric) with the earth so that as it revolves aroujnd the earth the moon’s rotation keeps the one side facing the earth?

      • zendogbreath on March 15, 2017 at 11:42 pm

        and don’t all planets, satellites and such ring like a bell? aren’t we all be constantly hit by plasma coming off the sun (formerly called solar wind?)?

        • zendogbreath on March 15, 2017 at 11:43 pm

          and aren’t craters more likely formed by interplanetary lightning? aka plasma arcs when charges are equalized between two formerly unequally charged bodies coming in range of each other?

  11. basta on March 8, 2017 at 7:47 am

    ” scientists were preparing to transport the sample to Argonne National Laboratory …”

    “… In short, we could be looking at one of three possible things: (1) a reaction coming from the diamonds themselves under immense pressure stress and electromagnetic pulsing from the laser (perhaps thus a resonance effect), or (2) a possible fusion reaction from the metallic hydrogen itself under the laser pulse, or (3) some combination of both.”

    Or more likely it was (4) the guys from Joe’s Movers, who dropped the box in the stairwell and pretended nothing happened.

    Which of course begs the question of why anyone so clever as to have produced metallic hydrogen in the first place would be dumb enough to attempt to move such a clearly rare and unstable thing. And further, what did they expect would happen to it during testing? Honestly, idiot savants.

    • basta on March 8, 2017 at 8:00 am

      On the bright side, since it has now been demonstrated that only a few atoms of the stuff can shatter diamonds, DARPA has jumped in with massive funding and the Harvard chemistry department is now on semi-permanent lock-down.

    • Kahlypso on March 8, 2017 at 8:11 am


      oops.. no more Hydrogen..

      • george on March 8, 2017 at 11:24 am

        And what other superconducting substance do we know that does a disappearing act? ORMUS…

        • Kahlypso on March 9, 2017 at 9:16 am

          Hi George, I think that they needed mono-atomic gold in order to disperse it properly in their atmosphere..

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