OK... it's time for another rant on Amairikkuhn Edgykayshun; we're well overdue for one, and my therapist told me after the last electroshock that if I didn't vent the steam soon, they'd have to up the amperage.

Back when Gary Lawrence and I were writing Rotten to the (Common) Core, one of our mutual concerns was that in establishing a kindergarten to graduate school tracking and surveillance system in the guise of an individually adaptive computerized testing system, that inevitably this system would be used to force people into "career choices" that they themselves might otherwise not make. We suspected then that the goal was to impose penalties on individuals for not following "recommended career choices".  One can envision the new Common Core Conversation between an "Edgymakayshun Fasillytator" and a perplexed parent:

"Suzie has a talent for music? We're sorry, but that didn't show up on her test results. Those results show that her optimal career choices lie in the field of office sanitary services, or as a mobile sanitary services engineer."

"What's a mobile sanitary services engineer?"

(Nervous glances, and in a hushed voice): "A garbageman."

(Hushed response) "Don't you mean a garbagewoman? or better, a garbageperson? I'll report you for not being sensitive enough in your pars pro toto usage if you don't change those 'recommendations'".

"Huh? pars pro...uhm... What?"

"You heard me. Change that recommendation - I don't care how you do it, just do it - or else (evil grin) I'll report you and you'll have to undergo (maniacally evil laugh) sensitivity training or attend a continuing education seminar."

(Nervous pleading): "No! No! I beg you! Put bamboo shoots under my fingernails, peel my skin, but not another continuing education seminar or sensitivity training! I-I-I'll change Suzie's recommendation!"

And on and on we could go.

We didn't suspect, however, that the "follow our choices for you or suffer the consequences" would happen so soon in (where else?), Chicago (Mr. C.S. shared this article):

Chicago Schools to Students: Submit to Our Choices for Your Futures or No Diploma

These paragraphs say it all:

Hey, Chicago parents: Are you ready for a bunch of government officials to decide whether your teen has appropriate post-high-school plans?

If you're not, too bad. Your city's school district is pushing forward with its plan to demand—as a requirement to graduate—that seniors prove to the school that they have a plan for the future. What's more, this plan has to match what school administrators think your kid's future should look like.

Reason previously warned that this order was in the works and that Mayor Rahm Emanuel was fully supporting it. It is now officially in place, and it will start applying to students graduating in 2020. Here is a list of options that graduating seniors will be allowed to pursue:

  • College acceptance letter received and returned
  • Military acceptance/enlistment letter
  • Acceptance into a job program (i.e., coding boot camp)
  • Acceptance into a trades pre-apprenticeship/apprenticeship
  • Acceptance into a "gap year" program
  • Current job/job offer letter

The original version was less hospitable to the idea of teens entering directly into the workforce, so at least there's an improvement there. And it says waivers "will be developed" for students with "extenuating circumstances," however the district might eventually define them.

But note the insistent attitude here that moving forward into adulthood and being "successful" at it is assumed to involve putting one's self right back under the control or authority of others. Personal entrepreneurship is not an option. If your kid is a wunderkind in crafts or 3D printing and is making bank on Etsy, that doesn't satisfy the Chicago school system. Will administrators see private contract work as a "job" under this system?

Like all such schemes, it looks good on paper, until one considers (1) the Mayor backing it, which should raise the needle on anyone's suspicion meter, and (2) the consequences that Reason is spelling out: Chicago's "solution" is meant only to keep graduates in debt and subservient to the edgykayshun system and its overpaid mandarins.  The first "requirement fulfillment", i.e., a college acceptance letter received and returned" is the problem: why would anyone want their children to go to an American college, where they will be exposed to revolutionary Gramscian nonsense, learn how to mangle the English language by being forced to use "gender neutral" language, and spend more time learning how to be sensitive and not "offend" anyone, than they will learn history, literature, the arts, the sciences, or mathematics? where their overpriced tuition money will go to pay the salaries of fat and talentless administrators, who do nothing but mangle said academic disciplines, while underpaid adjuncts teach the courses that matter, and overpaid shills teach the ones that don't? Chicago's test bed program, in other words, only fuels the fraud and ensures its continuance. The real point here is that the end result of the Common Core system is being implemented, and, I suspect, Chicago is "the test bed."

But wait, there's more, because apparently this new "scheme" is just that, a scheme to raise more money for - you guessed it - more administrators, not teachers in the classroom, not textbooks, but administrators (after all, we have to supply jobs for the illiterate but sensitive people being graduated from the edykayshun system, don't we?):

Chicago school leaders don't really see that unintended consequence, because that's not their goal. As I noted the last time I blogged about it, this entire "plan" appears to be a mechanism to lobby for more money and more staff for administrative, non-education-focused purposes. The Washington Post's coverage of the policy on Monday makes it clear that this system is intended to shake out more money and support for guidance counselors and to create new programsthat further entwine administrators into students' lives. Here's what's going on at Morgan Park High School:

Given the new graduation requirement, seniors beginning this fall will take a year-long seminar on planning for life after high school. [Principal Carolyn] Epps said she hopes to reach younger students through assemblies, parent meetings and instruction in home-room classes.


The official description of this new demand notes that the mayor and district are attempting to raise $1 million to create new positions for "college and career coaches." This a jobs program for them. Installing this system is meant to create leverage to ratchet up administrative funding. It's not just about blackmailing students and parents into declaring they'll conform to a set of roles in order to get out from under the state's thumb. It's yet another way for the school system to demand more money by making it harder for students to graduate if those who hold the purse strings don't agree to more administrative spending.

Now, call me old fashioned, but I thought seminars on life after high school was the parents' job... oh, wait, I forgot, the progressivist nuts in edgykayshun don't like things like families, babies, children, fathers, mothers, &c.

The root cause, I submit once again, is having a class of "professionals" called "educators" that are allowed to foist all this progressivist claptrap and codswallop on people in the first place, and the root of that problem is the idea of teacher credentialization. This is at the central core of the steaming piles of horse puckey that Amairkuhn Edgykayshun - with its Doctors of Edublither and its "fasillytators" and "administrators" has become.

Surprise surprise: when the Common Core centralizing "one-size-fits-all-one-size-suits-Mr.-Gates" agenda is dropped, low and behold, things improve when teachers don't have "administrators" and Doctors of Edublither breathing down their backs:

Florida school dumps common core then skyrockets to number one in English Language Arts, with 90 percent scoring proficient

In other words, it's very simple: Want your son or daughter to learn English skills, and learn them well? Hire someone who knows English literature thoroughly. Want your son or daughter to learn math? Music and/or a musical instrument? Biology? Then one clue is: how much time did their teachers spend learning those subjects themselves? Clue: when you see "Ed" in their degree, that means they spent a lot of time, not learning the subjects themselves, but in classes of edublither learning how to fasillytate. And yes, I am being harsh, because that's the reality. Ask a teacher who has had to endure all that nonsense, if they had rather been able to use that time to learn more about their disciplines. Those that say "yes" are the ones you need to hire. Those that said "oh I wish I had more time to learn educational psychology, or pedagogy and methods," those are the ones to avoid like mad cow disease, for effectively, they're just as brain dead, and they're usually the ones you see out protesting something. Question them, and you will discover that they are amazingly, consistently, and thoroughly progressivist-bordering-on-outright-Gramscian Marxist in their ideology.

But there's good news: Illinois is going down the tubes financially. Other states will quickly follow. The trough is running dry; there will be less for the pigs to feed on, and eventually, nothing at all. That's when you'll have the opportunity, once again, to fire the administrators, the doctors of edublither, the professors of methodoloboggle, the lecturers on lavatory leveling, the educators of equality, the sensitivity squatters, and also be able to get rid of the pseudo-disciplines that empower them with paid positions in the quackademy.  You'll be free to be insensitive again. And your children will be literate and educated.  And they probably won't be sensitive, but they'll probably be courteous.

OK. Rant over.

See you on the flip side...


Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Sandygirl on July 12, 2017 at 9:44 am

    Beginning on the first day of school ‘they’ have the children learn their computer password to create a ‘profile dossier’ that will follow them for life.

  2. Eve Leung on July 12, 2017 at 9:02 am

    waaahhh, that makes me wish our Earth is flat and when the comet does strike, it cause the Earth “flunk” all these crazy common core people into space.

    Why I see similar type of scenes in the movie? Those futuristic type which the government will tell each individual where to live, when to sleep, when to wake up, what to eat, what to do, what is the different between the school “recommended career choices” and the movie’s scenario? Recommenced? Looks compulsory to me!

    I would like to propose – if that is the way they want, let Bill Gate’s children’s children participating those public school, as well as whoever supporting that program’s children. Why some children can’t chose what they want to do when they grow up, while some children can? Privilege class? Can we say that is a form of Class Discrimination? I thought that is politic incorrectness!

  3. Robert Barricklow on July 11, 2017 at 9:04 pm

    Naturally the bots takes offense when brought to task.
    But that’s moderated censorship control. Yes, the internet is completely commercialized in the long established draconian tradition.

  4. Robert Barricklow on July 11, 2017 at 9:01 pm

    What is going on are many control grids being laid out in parallel at once. These tracks are, of course, privatized for proprietary purposes[sorry you aren’t allowed to know the details/but trust us; it’s for your own good].
    Thus common core, though a public connection, is a privatized entity. Chicago is a privatized city. What happens is a lot of looting[Russians call it grabitize]After the looting comes the Trash-It phase.
    Just look at what educators are doing to students across the country in higher education. Why do educators who are in a position yo initiate positive momentous changes, encourage their students, already burdened w/the need to find paying work, to take time away from school to work w/o pay, subsidizing the operations of cheepskate companies & spineless nonprofits? Evidently, schools believe they can control a system they have done so much to create & learned to benefit from.

    • Robert Barricklow on July 13, 2017 at 11:48 am

      This is the school intern racket of which mickey mouse is the undistributed dungeon master.

  5. goshawks on July 11, 2017 at 7:40 pm

    Later in my life, I thought about becoming a teacher. Probably on the math (or science) side. After all, I’d had YEARS of tough, engineering-level math drilled into me along the way. Plus, I had heard there was a shortage of math-qualified teachers. (I also had the MA Psych degree and practice, so I could probably actually Connect with the kids – a part of teaching!) So, I went to see what was needed for me to become a teacher. Argh! There was essentially no acknowledgment of my earned skills. I would have to take innumerable course-hours of “educational psychology, or pedagogy and methods.” Probably half or more of a new degree. So, I said Pass and walked away. Joseph, I hear you…

    “(Mayor) Rahm Emanuel was fully supporting it.” Not only red flags but also skyrockets and biplanes towing signs! (No way he won the mayoral election legitimately, in my humble opinion.) BTW, his energy is terrible…

    I DO want to make a minor point. Chicago, along with many American cities/areas, has been devastated by multi-decades of shipping manufacturing overseas. (Single finger salute at perps.) Working-class families have borne the brunt of this, with many descending into chaos and the resulting divorce, drugs, alcoholism, etc. (Single finger salute at perps.) At this point, many parents are barely (if at all) capable of meaningfully counseling their kids. (Single finger salute at perps.) So, Somebody does need to show those kids that there is more than their parents’ ‘path’. (Single finger salute at perps.) This is probably better-done by folks ‘outside the system’ who understand the Real World. (Gizars take a bow.) But, it is a real need. (Single finger salute at perps.)

    “OK. Rant over.”

  6. Yiannis Katospiti on July 11, 2017 at 6:58 pm

    Time for a De Hart, Farrell, Rappaport, Fitts- Trivium school for online learning and expansion… feel free to add a your faculty member.

  7. Yiannis Katospiti on July 11, 2017 at 6:54 pm

    Ron Paul Curriculum – $50 a course +- and students may take CLEP’s and test out and earn college credits all from the comfort of one’s own home, apartment, Starpukes or library. No ACT SAT required. No GRADES.

  8. marcos toledo on July 11, 2017 at 2:28 pm

    Same old story selling the good old snake oil patent medicine to the public. Well in the end it comes down to educating your self by hook or crook the schools can in the end only introduce you to seeking knowledge at best at worse prevent you from getting knowledge.

  9. enki-nike on July 11, 2017 at 10:29 am

    There is no place for an “informal economy” in a cashless society. There is no further need for entrepreneurs unless they are spin-offs from corporate R&D or university laboratories.

  10. basta on July 11, 2017 at 10:00 am

    They forgot the option: “Provide itinerary, tickets and hotels for one year of travel, because my parents are rich and I am privileged.”

    But seriously, do you need any more proof that the gubmint considers you a debt serf and a wage slave?

    The old USSR’s Bolshevik infiltration of the US has reached full fruition and the Commies are everywhere. Forward, comrades!

  11. WalkingDead on July 11, 2017 at 8:52 am

    I think we have the ultimate goal of the agenda accomplished in Baltimore. But wait, would you like to know more? Rather than require the students learn, let’s just lower the standards and bump them along. There are no jobs out there anyway, unless you migrate to China or some other first world country. Oops, Trump is building his wall, not to keep illegal immigrants out, but to keep the world safe from the total ignorance of the USSA by not allowing us to leave.
    Oh how the mighty have fallen…

    • WalkingDead on July 11, 2017 at 12:56 pm
      “Senior leaders of the United Nations gathered recently to continue plotting the future of globalized pseudo-education, which they said must be imposed on every child on the planet to advance the UN’s radical plan for humanity known as “Agenda 2030.” Speakers at the so-called “High-Level Event on Education,” including Muslims and communists, all agreed that UN-led “education” was the key to realizing their globalist goals.”

  12. Kahlypso on July 11, 2017 at 8:36 am

    I love seeing Dr F blog about the Education system…
    “Those that said “oh I wish I had more time to learn educational psychology, or pedagogy and methods,” those are the ones to avoid like mad cow disease, for effectively, they’re just as brain dead”
    To my personal point of view, these type of educateurs are coming from social research pedogogique backgrounds.. in a Tavistockonian flavour.. hmm.. Just googled tavistock and common core, looks like I need to buy another one of your books Dr Farrel..

    This link seems to have some good info on Common Core and the bringing about thereof..timelines.. names to be goggled..

    Lets think for an instant that the entire World was indeed a unified, harmonious one world society, with no borders, no barriers and no wars, and we did get out into space and colonised planets and galaxies near and far.
    Would there be a problem with teaching our children to be socialist globalists, because they are of this one globe..
    (Evidently, it isnt, we might get as far as the banks are willing to pay to get to the nearest platinum asteroid)
    Even if that wasnt a problem and it didnt inevitably make our children stupid and uninterested. Check out whats on the TV,(or rather, no dont, turn it off) gameshows where people beecome famous just because they’re on tv and filmed 24hrs à day.
    Thats a technique called ‘puffing’ (become famous for nothing, because they are worth it – people end up becoming horribly narcisstic and dependant on privilege.
    They also do it to mediocre singers and actors/actresses.. and Artists, have you seen modern day art? Monstrosities called Art by rich critics..who then buy it for an extravagant price (all paid back through tax cuts.. Im sure..) and control the direction of modern day art.. well, thats just me thinking of the Saatchi bros in London.. such horrible taste in art.
    So yeh, sorry I digress, this is education, not the degradation of Art and Culture (and by definition Identi ty)..
    So Even if Common Core needed our children to become socialistic retards..

    I’m having difficulty understanding why our children need to become transgender and have sex education from the Kindergarten and I’m sure people here have seen this.

    from 2014..

    I know that it deviates a bit from the edukeshonal rant.. but there is a real problem here.. Kids shouldnt be this exposed to this level of crudity..
    It makes me think a lot about what Crowley said about making children partipate in these kinds of activites, so that they are un-illusioned about adult life..
    Another poor excuse from a pervert to justify his own deviant desires.

    I know it sounds crazy, but when you take a step back and look at the big big picture, it feels like a concerted turn the next generations into “hotards”

    • goshawks on July 11, 2017 at 8:02 pm

      Kahlypso, a good point about the effect of humans getting out into space (as a species) and looking back at the planet. I am of one generation that looked at the photos of Earth from on the way to the Moon (not just low Earth orbit). The images of a whole Earth were profoundly affecting. To see it! One Earth, not just some squabbling tribes. I have a feeling that Mankind had some kind of an ‘aha’ moment at that time. TPTB have had a tougher time trying to re-introduce the ‘squabbling tribes’ mindset since then…

  13. johnycomelately on July 11, 2017 at 8:17 am

    I guess castes will be the thing then?

    I always wondered why the 12 tribes of Israel were never seen as twelve castes, with the Levi as the Brahmins.

    Oh well, I guess that makes me a Dalit, wooo hooo, that means I don’t even need to go to school.

  14. DanaThomas on July 11, 2017 at 7:19 am

    Presumably none of this applies to students (and teachers) at private schools…

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