Mr. C.S. spotted this one, and it's a doozie, if one stops to ponder carefully what's being said. And I have to admit, when I read this, I felt sadly vindicated. Why? Because a few years ago, when blogging about the potential trans- or cross-species effects of GMOs, an interloper angrily accused me of saying things I wasn't actually saying; my "potential trans-species effect" had been translated into an accusation that I was more or less saying that eating a bacon and egg breakfast doesn't turn one into a pig or a chicken. My point rather was that with the lack of adequate long term trans-generational testing of GMOs, we did not really know what, if any, the trans-species effects might be, nor did we really know if they might be "cumulative" in nature.

Well, not to worry, because I.G. Farbensanto is now proposing this precise mechanism to deal with the effects of... well, I'll just let you read it for yourself:

Here's the central core of their "solution" from the article:

Transgenic methods are being touted as the answer to the overuse of chemical pesticides because the crop itself would be killing the pests and there would be no further need for chemicals.

Pest control through genetic crop modification has seen plants producing proteins that are toxic to insects in the past leading to questions about what those toxins are doing when consumed by humans.

This new form of genetic modification, however, does not produce a toxin – but produces RNA fragments that then affect the insects’ genes. In other words, because Big Ag has created a crisis of overuse of dangerous pesticides, Big Ag is now providing a solution. This solution is more genetic modification, however. What was once a business plan has now become extortion. (emphasis added)

Now, I hope you caught what is being advocated here. In effect, what they want to do is introduce a genetic modification that can cross from the plant to the insect, and then interfere with the insects' RNA and ultimately its reproduction.

Voila! solution found! No more nasty insects.

Uh huh. And if you believe this latest bait-and-switch from I.G. Farbensanto, then I have a few bridges for sale in the boroughs of New York City, cheap. (Cash or gold only, please, and if paying in cash, make it in yuan.)

Now, if you're like me, you'll have seen the twin dangers here immediately. The first is mother nature, who can adapt her insects much faster than humans can tinker with their genes via ingesting genetically modified plants and then bringing them to market. And of course, that will prompt yet another round of genetic modifications to deal with the adaptation, and so on.

Yes, these people really are that stupid, and that greedy.

But the second danger is even more disturbing, for after all, if one can engineer such a trans-genetic modification that can pass from plant into this or that insect and modify its RNA and interfere in its reproduction, is it not possible that that very same effect, in spite of all best intentions and scientific precautions taken against it, might do the same into whatever other species might be eating said plants, say, cattle? or humans?

And then combine the two possibilities: for if mother nature will adapt to the modification faster than humans can come up with a new modification to address the modification done by good old fashioned evolution, that means that modifications might occur within those species - say, cattle and humans - in response to their tinkering.

There's a solution to all this, of course, and that's to bust these agribusiness trusts, and to level the playing field once again, and allow seed manufacturers that sponsor the sale of non-GMO seeds a level playing field. And that means revoking the privilege that these companies have bought from politicians and government agencies and corporate "science." Indeed, even though I'm opposed to mercantilism of all sorts, on this issue, I'm willing to entertain the idea of special privileges for sellers and growers of natural, non-GMO seeds.

See you on the flip side...



Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. goshawks on September 22, 2017 at 9:10 pm

    I remember reading an article a while back on scientists’ discovery that some of the ‘junk DNA’ was RNA fragments that exerted ‘controlling behavior’ over true DNA. That RNA could switch-on or switch-off compatible DNA, resulting in changes to the plant or animal at the macro level. No changes in the DNA itself, just in its ‘action’.

    Enter ‘weaponized’ RNA fragments through agribusiness. Nothing to worry about there; move along…

    The main thing I am worried about is whether our gut breaks-down eaten items to the molecular level, before building them back up to ‘useful’ items for our bodies. If digestive processes break down DNA and RNA (weaponized or not) to below-RNA scale, then there is probably nothing to worry about. If, however, digestive processes DO NOT break down DNA and RNA (weaponized or not) to below-RNA scale, then there IS probably something to worry about.

    I would love to have independent verification of those gut-processes BEFORE weaponized RNA is introduced into our food chain…

  2. Robert Barricklow on September 22, 2017 at 11:34 am

    The “pest” being, of course, the public.
    Now we know what all those Hollywood Mutants being generated on the silver-screen symbolically represent us [aka useless eaters]. “Their” mindset is definitely not human.

    • Robert Barricklow on September 22, 2017 at 11:36 am

      us[aka human]

  3. WalkingDead on September 22, 2017 at 9:57 am

    What is the actual agenda here, really? Those who would be “gods” among us will not eat these contaminated foods and will remain totally human; the rest of us will be genetically modified and become “something less than human”. As with their “seeds” we will carry their genetic modifications and according to “law” will become their “proprietary property” while their modifications slowly kill us off as your own body will be producing the toxins designed to kill the insects and, of course, you. This effect will cascade as more modifications will be required to counter natures answer to their meddling.
    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results; and insanity rules the roost in the West.

  4. basta on September 22, 2017 at 9:11 am

    No, we obviously don’t need more genetic modifications (aka doubling down on the criminally evil). What we do need are more class action lawsuits against these psychos, as well as prosecuting these corporations in the Hague for crimes against humanity.

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