When Mr. T.M. sent along this one, I knew I had to blog about it. In fact, he sent it as I was sifting and sorting through the week's emails and articles, and, as it arrived at "the last minute" so to speak, it actually "bumped" another article off my "finals list" that I was going to blog about. This one, while written in the typical bland sort of style typical of reports about science, is a "whopper doozie", and I hope I'll be able to explain why.

So the background here - laid out very well in the article - is the "Flyby anomaly." Most people are aware that when deep space probes are sent out into deep space, they use a "fllyby" or "slingshot" effect of planets to hurl them further out into space. This is done by plotting trajectories that take the probe into the gravity well of a planet, which increases their velocity, and then hurls them away from the planet. It's sort of like those moments during a golf tournament when a golfer has to sink a very important putt, everyone gets very quiet, he or she putts, and the ball whips around the outer rim of the hole without going in.

The problem, however, is that over the past few years, scientists have noticed that their use of this "gravity well-slingshot" effect isn't working quite as calculated; generally speaking, probes acquire rather more acceleration than there calculations, based on general relativity and so on, predicted.

So with that in mind, here's the article (and see if you can spot what leapt out to my attention):

Juno Isn’t Exactly Where it’s Supposed To Be. The Flyby Anomaly is Back, But Why Does it Happen?

Now, as one can imagine, what caught my eye here was this statement concerning what the real source of this anomaly was:

Their model took into account the tidal forces exerted by the Sun and by Jupiter’s larger satellites – Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto – and also the contributions of the known zonal harmonics. They also accounted for Jupiter’s multipolar fields, which are the result of the planet oblate shape, since these play a far more important role than tidal forces as Juno reaches perijove.

In the end, they determined that an anomaly could also be present during the Juno flybys of Jupiter. They also noted a significant radial component in this anomaly, one which decayed the farther the probe got from the center of Jupiter. As Acebo explained:

“Our conclusion is that an anomalous acceleration is also acting upon the Juno spacecraft in the vicinity of the perijove (in this case, the asymptotic velocity is not a useful concept because the trajectory is closed). This acceleration is almost one hundred times larger than the typical anomalous accelerations responsible for the anomaly in the case of the Earth flybys. This was already expected in connection with Anderson et al.’s initial intuition that the effect increases with the angular rotational velocity of the planet (a period of 9.8 hours for Jupiter vs the 24 hours of the Earth), the radius of the planet and probably its mass.”

They also determined that this anomaly appears to be dependent on the ratio between the spacecraft’s radial velocity and the speed of light, and that this decreases very fast as the craft’s altitude over Jupiter’s clouds changes. These issues were not predicted by General Relativity, so there is a chance that flyby anomalies are the result of novel gravitational phenomena – or perhaps, a more conventional effect that has been overlooked. (Bold & italics emphasis added)

Now, why is this significant? Because in the basic assumptions typically used, the only real phenomenon taken into consideration was mass, not rotating mass, but just mass. Think of it as being a heavy bowling ball on a trampoline, and you're shooting a golf ball so that it uses that gravity well created by the bowling ball to whip around the bowling ball and further out onto the trampoline, checking its trajectory in the process.

But now what happens if one places a rapidly rotating ball on the trampoline? The fabric around the ball will be twisted in the direction of the ball's rotation(the heavier the ball and the faster its rotation, the more the "twist"), and that in effect will add a function of the ball's angular momentum to the golf ball when you shoot it by the bowling ball.

This effect is called torsion, and the combination of several such rotating masses in a medium is called dynamic torsion, indicating the interplay of all these "effects of rotation" with in a particular region.

Now, all this took me back to the revolution that occurred in physics, and the all-too-quick response of scientists to jump on the relativity bandwagon. In the late nineteenth century, scientists proposed the idea of an "Aether lumeniferous," a super-fine matter, permeating empty space and all objects in it, and undetectable. It was, so to speak, the "Dark Matter" of the day. The reason they posited this substance was that in all wave phenomena known to physics, the waves had to have something upon which to "wave." Two American physicists named Michelson and Morley reasoned that the best way to detect the presence of this "aether" would be to detect the very subtle dragging or "wind" of this aether as it "blew past the Earth", and the best way to detect this slight drag would be to use light. They set up an apparatus where a beam of light was split, and one beam run in the direction of the Earth's rotation, and another perpendicular to it. They reasons that if the "aether" was there, it would cause the beam of light traveling in the direction of the Earth's rotation to shift in the phase of its waves, and that this shift would be detectable by an interference pattern when the two split beams were merged on a plate.

Unfortunately, try as they might, Michelson and Morley could detect no such phase shift, and that meant, by the assumptions of the day, that there was no aether. Physics was deeply shaken until Albert Einstein came along and stood everything on its head by accepting the results of the experiment, and saying that there was no aether detection because the speed of light was constant to all frames of reference.  And thus the relativistic age was born.

"Now wait just a minute," said a French physicist by the name of Georges Sagnac in 1913, a few years after Einstein's relativity revolution was already well under way. Sagnac criticized the whole Michelson-Morley experiment by pointing out that if one wanted to detect the presence of an "aether drag", then the measuring apparatus itself needed to be in a rotating system. Michelson and Morley's was not (other than the rotating earth itself). Sagnac actually set up a beam-splitting experiment on a large rotating platform (using a grammophone for the purpose), and split the beams, making one run in the direction of the rotation of the platform, and another counter to it, and voila, on this occasion when the beams were re-interferred, there was a detectable interference pattern, and a detectable phase shift. In effect, Sagnac was saying that Michelson and Morley were looking for the right thing, but in the wrong way.

In effect, what Sagnac was saying was that there is some sort of "aether drag" effect, but this required rotating systems, and these rotating systems were twisting the warped structure of space around them. To put it country simple: mass not only had to be considered, but rotation - the angular momentum of a system - had also to be considered. Both can serve to stress the lattice work of the medium, and to warp and/or twist it.

And this is where we run into some trouble, not only with today' article, but with respect to an earlier phenomenon I noted in my book The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: in the days of the early space race between the Soviet Union and the USA, both nations lost space probes that they were sending to the Moon to this "flyby anomaly" effect: some probes would go crashing into the planet, and others would be whipped out into deep space and lost. There are only three ways to explain this: (1) the calculations of the Moon's mass were off (perhaps significantly so), and (2) no reckoning of this torsion effect was being including in trajectory calculations, or (3) some combination of both. In yet another version of the anomaly, an early US military rocket carrying an American satellite into orbit ended up being much higher up than calculated, causing Von Braun's rocket team to find out why, and the "why" turned out to be very simple: the rocket was spinning.

After these "false starts," scientists were able to calculate things accurately.

In other words, by parity of reasoning the anomaly had to have been noticed at the dawn of the space age, and its indicators had to be made part of equations. Yet, now, here we are again apparently, recognizing the same "anomaly", with the same indicators being given for its solution as Sagnac guessed at something ago. In fact, as I pointed out in SS Brotherhood of the Bell, Walther Gerlach was carrying on a correspondence with Austrian physicists Lense and Thirring, over precisely such dragging effects on artificial satellites, and for that matter, satellites and the companies who own them, know all about this effect, otherwise, this global network would break down, and break down in a hurry.

So the question of the day is, are we looking at simple incompetence of a sort, of the graduate student relying on the "knowledge" contained in textbooks of satellite and space engineering that have not been adequately updated? Or are we perhaps looking at a bit of knowledge that is more closely and deliberately held? And if the latter, why?

Perhaps, just perhaps, the answer lies in the connection between rotating systems and DARPA's 100-year "make America warp capable" project. Torus-shaped engines, anyone?

See you on the flip side...

Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Kahlypso on December 4, 2017 at 9:36 am

    Its all good and well taking the torque into account, and they’ll do a better job of calculating it when they go back into base 12. But remember.. the planets are revolving as they revolve in a system that is revolving in a system that rotates and kind of wobbles at the same time…that goes round in a huge circle as it rotates around another central point.. but the point is moving as well. and its either accelerating.. or deccelerating.. depending on what shills are squawking the loudest.
    But it’s time.. measured as distance..
    Once they start calculating that force, they’ll be glad that they went back to base 12 for the fractions.

  2. Maatkare3114 on December 4, 2017 at 5:41 am

    Good comments Basta , Yannis and Zendogbreath.

  3. bdw000 on December 3, 2017 at 1:22 pm

    “Unfortunately, try as they might, Michelson and Morley could detect no such phase shift, and that meant, by the assumptions of the day, that there was no aether.”

    FYI: (this does not contradict your article, just relevant) if you get the original Michelson/Morley paper you will see that their result was most definitely NOT “null.” iirc the result was about a third of what was expected, maybe a little less. And a third of expected is in no way the same thing as a “null” result. One of the great founding lies of Einstein’s Relativity theory.

    • zendogbreath on December 3, 2017 at 2:45 pm

      aren’t we and didn’t einstein get over relativity. especially as it revolves (get it?) around the speed of light? which is clearly not constant. just as carbon dating has been proven unreliable as the decay of carbon 14 et al have proven not constant? which by the way throws out most of the dating data for historical “science” on the planet for the last few decades.

      • zendogbreath on December 3, 2017 at 2:46 pm

        btw, we all remember how carbon dating got shaken up right? by noting that nuclear decay changed rates during solar flares?

      • goshawks on December 3, 2017 at 8:52 pm

        ZDB, you have a slight mix-up on Carbon 14: The C14 decay rate has remained constant over the eons (i.e., the half-life). What has turned-out to be somewhat variable is the creation-rate of C14 itself.

        C14 is produced in the upper atmosphere via different solar-wind & interstellar cosmic-ray interactions, and it turns-out that those do vary. So, more or less C14 is created than an ‘average’ production. This, in turn, causes the measured remaining-amount of C14 after the decay-period to ‘drift’ from an amount relying only on an average production. So, archaeologists found C14 datings deviating from pottery-form dating or kings-list dating.

        Once the deviations in C14 production were known – through comparisons with known-date tree growth-rings, for example – they could be used as a ‘correction factor’ to an average C14 production. So, you can now back-out a reasonably-true date using C14.

  4. Robert Barricklow on December 3, 2017 at 11:10 am

    Once again
    putting on Professor Irwin Corey’s hat…

    Like in shooting pool, you put “English” on it[or spin]
    and just like English, the spin comes in different dialects.
    My favorite, is getting an almost 90 degree stick on the cue the do a…
    polar-shift, to shoot the ball out-and… back, after kissing the desired target.

    There is a relationship between gravity and magnetism coupled w/electric current in rotation. Yet, there are dimensional anomalies that, no doubt, real physics is aware of. But, there are still yet, even stranger “real dimensional” time effects.
    [and does the sun’s polar shifts have effects/affects link to this?]

    • Robert Barricklow on December 3, 2017 at 11:20 am

      A bipolar sun
      so to speak
      w/cycular/cyclical episodes
      of boom$ & bu$t$
      expressed… elsewhere


      out there.

      • Robert Barricklow on December 3, 2017 at 11:21 am

        Don’t worry about me
        I’m having a bipolar… moment.

  5. anakephalaiosis on December 3, 2017 at 10:20 am

    There are jumping sand worms in Dune. They are gravity. And gravity spoken, is a strong word, that makes stone crack and seed sprout, in total clarity. Son of a gun is a firecracker.

    There is correlation between inner and outer gravitational spin. By “inner” I mean mind. Rune system is deep space. Rise & Spin of Hakenkreuz is synchronized with centre of galaxy, the Black Sun.

    Supreme patriarchy is cigar smoke in deep space. Cow is moon jumper in nursery rhymes. Rawhide spins!

    • basta on December 3, 2017 at 12:11 pm

      Hi anakephalaiosis,

      I quite enjoy your occult-imbued posts and your lively, witty and poetic bent but sorry, the Black Sun and those who worship it are not your or my or anyone’s friends. The Black Sun (BS) is a tawdry simulacrum dangled before fools. The Light emanates from the center of the galaxy, as the Gnostics well knew.

  6. Svarun on December 3, 2017 at 6:51 am

  7. basta on December 3, 2017 at 6:36 am

    Some scientists — and I believe it is those working for the MIC and aerospace industries — are fully aware of all this (ref. Ben Rich) and are acting as gatekeepers, continually being surprised by these “anomalies” that have been occurring regularly since the dawn of space flight, and — while theatrically scratching their heads and tugging their beards, go back and “revise” their calculations to make them conform to reality.

    Most scientists, like most of your Average Joes, simply can’t or won’t challenge the ruling paradigm and recognize that they’re being played. The Big Lie is just too big for them to believe it can be a lie, and that is how these lies perpetuate themselves and the matrix re-enforces itself.

    How many times have we seen this occur, in how many fields? When do we come to the conclusion that we have mushroom science, just as we have a mushroom population? (Kept in the dark and fed manure?)

    Well yes of course it’s as obvious as the nose on the end of your face that there are torsion effects occurring between massive axially rotating bodies, and that “empty” space is an oxymoron, emphasis on the moron part. And of course the truth lies in magnetism, in electromagnetism and in Maxwell’s equations and how they relate to torsion physics and toroids.

    All of this is an open secret and everyone in an official capacity is pretending that it doesn’t exist — because this is the basis of all the secret goodies that would give us UFO tech and “free” energy. It’s a tired lie and threadbare theatre, but it still goes on. The real question is, how can they keep the charade going so long?

    • Yiannis Katospiti on December 3, 2017 at 11:28 am

      Good comment. Basta – I skimmed through DrJ post and as I was getting more and more what’s the word? Hmmm p.o.ed.
      KISS philosophy = keep it (country)simple stupid. Van Allen radiation belts, CGI on all NASA “ships” satellites. No info or records of wonderful trip of Apollo 11. No one dare return or can return. Trillions annually missing. These little D.U.M.B.’s all over the place . Not buying, sell, sell, sell. The Big Lie indeed and science circle jerking around tweedle dee tweedle dumb. What we have are Astronuts, not nauts .

      I call BS “show me the money Jerry, show me the money”
      Juno space craft , Mickolson Morelly experiment. Pfft.
      Predictive programming science and their matrix deceit.
      Time to roll the Truman shows credits back to sleep caffeine wearing off , feeling sleepy, very sleepy. That’s it snoorrrrrrrrr. Why should one eat this crap whole ?prove to me that above points raised aren’t true. No ones going anywhere on the tin foil space ships or satellites.

    • Robert Barricklow on December 3, 2017 at 11:33 am

      helping those
      that usurp us
      and all of humanity
      not to mention
      our living earth.

    • zendogbreath on December 3, 2017 at 2:35 pm

      thank you basta.

      brings to mind. everyone remember the shape of magnet fields? doesn’t it usually work out to be toroid?

  8. LGL on December 3, 2017 at 5:59 am

    See for yourself.
    Saignac effect recreated with interferometer rotating in verticla plane.
    First, the Michelson-Morley is repeated for comparison.

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