Folks part Two to Catherine Fitts' and my annual wrap up is now posted in the members' area.

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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. DanaThomas on January 16, 2018 at 2:26 am

    A real “cosmic” conversation, especially the discussion at the beginning of templates, local fields as defined by Sheldrake and how we as individuals can act in relation to this.

    • anakephalaiosis on January 16, 2018 at 3:32 am

      In God we trust. Community based rule is popular demand. America was apparently founded on that idea. Even though human cattle ships to the New World was a design, disguised as freedom.

      A Pyramid Coin in exchange for a pyramid dollar bill could be a symbolic blockbuster. Masonry founding fathers did connect money and pyramid. They must have had a reason to do so.

      My guess is, that they identified Yahweh as pyramid, even though they did not know the Rune system. Had it been known, it would have been crafted into the Constitution.

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