While we're all being distracted with FISA memos and so on, I can't help the feeling that we're being distracted from looking at other problems. For example, why spend more money on nuclear weapons, when in my view these are all but obsolescent. In that line of thinking, Ms. E.C. spotted this article, and in spite of the fact that it's in Spanish (a language I don't speak and can barely read), when I saw it I knew I'd have to be blogging about it because my "suspicion meter" shot straight into the red zone. It seems that while all the "timing shenanigans" have been going on "up here" some equally interesting shenanigans might be taking place "down there." What's the big news? Secretary of State Rex Tillerson arrived in San Carlos di Barlioche yesterday, and as this article points out, arrived in some "secrecy" and then apparently ordered a "natural itinerary":

Un caballo y un "itinerario natural": los pedidos del secretario de Estado de Donald Trump al llegar a Bariloche Rex Tillerson arribó este sábado con su familia en un clima de hermetismo. Mañana viajará a Buenos Aires, donde se reunirá con Mauricio Macri.

The headline and subtitle, according to "google translate", states:

A horse and a "natural itinerary": the orders of Secretary of State of Donald Trump upon arriving in Bariloche

Rex Tillerson arrived this Saturday with his family in a climate of secrecy. Tomorrow he will travel to Buenos Aires, where he will meet Mauricio Macri.

Now, before we get down to specifics, for anyone who has read my books, and particularly the book Nazi International, San Carlos di Bariloche is, or rather, was and may still be, the "municipal hub" of what I've called the post-war "Nazi International," a kind of extra-territorial "state" of post-war Nazis, and various other Fascists after World War Two that truly comprised a network around the globe. In the center of town there is a large hotel with distinctly "Bavarian" looking architecture, which was built during the war as a plastic surgery clinic (gee, I wonder why?), and which functioned as a hotel after the war for visiting guests and dignitaries. Within 100 or so miles of Bariloche, in the Rio Negro province, lies a large compound that after the war was known as the Estancia, the "ranch." This was a large, cordoned off remote area, in which there were large houses (again of distinctly "Bavarian" architecture), which was heavily patrolled by former Wehrmacht and SS officers, and one could not enter nor leave without the requisite "papers". Bariloche is a few miles from the place where physicist Dr. Ronald Richter conducted his nuclear fusion and plasma research for Juan Peron on the island of Huemal.

And that part about "visiting guests and dignitaries" is another part of this very strange story. Just a few years ago, one will recall, President Obama made a pilgrimage to San Carlos di Bariloche, taking many NASA scientists and representatives with him, to conduct a summit with then-newly-elected Argentine President Macri. At least, that's what we were told. What we were not told is that Mr. Obama had joined an apparently long list of presidents who had visited the place on visits that were more or less never announced. Mr. Carter allegedly visited the region shortly after his diagnosis of cancer. And Mr. Eisenhower, as I pointed out in Nazi International, had made a secret trip there in 1954, according to local Argentines, a story which, if true, puts a rather different spin on his "missing weekend to fix a toothache" that has become something of an idee fixe within certain UFOlogy circles, who would have it that Eisenhower made a secret visit to a US Air Force base in southern California to talk with ETs. And if one really probes deeply into this "Bariloche lore," one will discover one name that supposedly did not go there (or in some versions, turned down an invitation to visit), and that was John F. Kennedy, who ran afoul of Mausers - later changed to Mannlicher-Carcanos - in Dallas, Texas. Funny thing too, that in the JFK documents release which Trump went ahead and did after being begged not to do so by the intelligence community, we find files about Hitler survival stories in South America.

Put all that information into the "background context" file for a moment, as you ponder these paragraphs:

El enviado de Donald Trump, acompañado de su familia, aterrizó este sábado temprano en el aeropuerto local.

No tendrá encuentros oficiales y tampoco contacto con la prensa. Sin embargo, agendó una conversación con el intendente del Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Damián Mujica, a quien sólo le anticiparon que el temario versaría sobre la situación de esa reserva natural, áreas de conservación nacional y objetivos de prevención. Pero desde la Embajada de los Estados Unidos no le adelantaron los horarios ni el lugar en que ocurriría la charla.

(The envoy of Donald Trump, accompanied by his family, landed early Saturday at the local airport.

It will not have official meetings nor contact with the press. However, he had a conversation with the mayor of Nahuel Huapi National Park, Damián Mujica, who anticipated that the agenda would deal with the situation of that natural reserve, national conservation areas and prevention objectives. But the Embassy of the United States did not advance the schedule or the place where the talk would take place.)

Uh huh: we're supposed to believe that Mr. Tillerson made a somewhat secretive trip to Bariloche to talk about the local wildlife preserve. That's right up there with Secretary of State John Kerry going to Antarctica to find out about global warming.

It quickly becomes even more ridiculous:

También se supo que el funcionario dedicará unos momentos a una becaria del Programa Fullbright residente en la zona. El “Fullbright Program” ofrece ayuda a estudiantes en todo el mundo y depende del Departamento de Estado de EE.UU. en conjunto con los países y entidades educativas en donde se desarrolla.

La pretensión de Tillerson es pasar desapercibido en el Sur, por lo que llegó con una escolta personal a la que se le sumó en Bariloche personal de la Policía Federal Argentina y de la Policía de Río Negro.

(It was also learned that the official will dedicate a few moments to a Fulbright Scholar resident in the area. The "Fullbright Program" offers help to students around the world and depends on the US Department of State. in conjunction with the countries and educational entities where it is developed.

The intention of Tillerson is to go unnoticed in the South, so he arrived with a personal escort to which he was joined in Bariloche by the Argentine Federal Police and the Rio Negro Police.)

Yes, that's right. In addition to making a semi-secretive trip to Bariloche to talk to locals about their nature preserve, Tillerson is personally intervening to "dedicate a few moments to a Fullbright Scholar resident in the area."

The article also mentions that Secretary Tillerson will then travel to Beunos Aires for a meeting with President Macri about bi-lateral security matters.

Now I cannot help but jump off the end of the twig of high octane speculation here. For one thing, I don't believe for a moment a "quiet visit to Bariloche" has anything whatsover to do nature preserves and Fullbright scholars, any more than I believe President Obama's visit there with NASA people in tow had to do with his golfing passion or Kerry's visit to Antarctica had to do with global warming. Given the postwar "influences" in that region of Argentina, it appears to me that these visits are liaison visits, virtual summit meetings, if you will, with this postwar group. It's therefore intriguing to me that Tillerson travels first to Bariloche, and only then meets with Macri.

Something big is going down, and as the title of this blog would have it, I cannot help but recall that strange "Drop in" comment the President made during his state of the union address, that the USA needed to beef up its nuclear deterrent against rogue regimes, terrorist groups, and "anyone else". Maybe, just maybe, with Tillerson's visit, we were just given a clue who that "anyone else' might be. Call it "the Swamp, South American franchise."

See you on the flip side...


Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Milton Zentmyer on February 4, 2018 at 10:38 pm

    I’m re reading Levenda’s book “The Hitler legacy, the Nazi Cult in Diaspora: how it was organized, How it was Funded, and Why it remains a Threat to global security in the Age of Terrorism” next will be a re read of The Nazi International by Dr. Farrell. These books are evergreen as the saying goes. It just gets weirder as the story continues to unfold. I mean look at this new information ! We truly are “human dust” to this agenda and these people.

    I wonder if Carter was treated for his cancer there….you know technology that no one gets but the elite and then the story of Carter after being briefed on the UFO issue was seen holding his head and crying….

  2. goshawks on February 4, 2018 at 9:57 pm

    They really must think the average American is truly stupid to come up with the kind of trip ‘excuses’ they do. Never mind…

    This area is remote, so this is a case of someone being ‘summoned’ down there. This, in turn, implies that the summoner is way-above the pay grade of the summoned. Obama was President at the time. Tillerson is probably the most powerful figure in the Trump administration outside of Jared Kushner. So, above them

    Again, I would put this visit in context. The following from a December blog:

    JPF: “And of course, there’s the whole Nazis – San Carlos di Bariloche – Patagonia thing that I’ve written about.”

    Just out of curiosity, I was just looking to see where Lago Escondido is. And lo and behold, it is not that far from San Carlos de Bariloche. That makes for some interesting speculations:

    We all know that the PTB are ultimately country-independent, religion-independent, even humanity-independent (much like the Anthropic Principle of Cosmology, this has weak and strong versions). So, would there be any problem for them positioning hard-core ‘Zionists’ and hard-core ‘Nazis’ so close together? Not if these are KNOWING-parts of this independent ‘fraternity’…

    This would cast the brewing of trouble in the Middle East under a different lens. A studied-guess would be that the entire ME (Israel included) is to be pushed/prodded/false-flagged into a major conflagration. Nukes included. Knock-on effects would probably crash the world economy. So, where is it safest to ride-out the planned Apocalypse, before stepping-in with proffered solutions? (Problem -> Reaction -> Solution at its best…)

    The new PTB Capital of (non)Humanity may turn-out to be somewhere between Lago Escondido and San Carlos de Bariloche, not in Jerusalem…

    • zendogbreath on February 4, 2018 at 11:39 pm

      g, that never occurred to you before? forgot when but i think a number of us talked about it. might be when fort calhoun was flooded and looked to melt 20 times worse than fukushima and we all started thinking rockheads were moving ahead with nuke winter to take down the 95% targeted by the guidestones and pictured in the international terminal in denver airport.

      • goshawks on February 5, 2018 at 12:58 am

        ZDB, actually I first thought about it when I read “On the Beach” long ago. Just tying things up here…

    • zendogbreath on February 4, 2018 at 11:44 pm

      if memory serves well enough though, the idea was that wealthy folk were moving south of the equator fast since almost all the nukes are north. given climate and weather patterns nuke winter will like stay mostly north. i think ben fulford was publishing tripe for forbes and being granted interviews in japan with the rockhead himself. and the rockhead had a boat full of grandkids visiting india shortly after or before. i think that was a few years after we found out about bush’s buying all sorts of land and water rights in uruguay and other parts of south america.

    • zendogbreath on February 4, 2018 at 11:53 pm

      i also thought doc clarified somewhere (a few places?) already how these hegellian dialecticized sorts are not so stupid as to be seriously opposed. it only takes a tiny fraction of 1% of any group to do something stupid (or in the case of a hundred false flags in ussa in the last few years to appear to do something stupid) to make warfare overt and/or covert appear inevitable and tragically unavoidable by the authorities (who about 4 decades later admit to their gladio’s and repent briefly). arlington road comes to mind.

  3. Milton Zentmyer on February 4, 2018 at 9:07 pm

    “A Fulbright scholar in the area”…What? Any ideas or comments?

  4. Kenny on February 4, 2018 at 3:15 pm

    Die Dinge sind so, Herr Tillerson

  5. Robert Barricklow on February 4, 2018 at 1:18 pm

    I wonder where AI singularity fits into all of this & Antarctica?

    • Robert Barricklow on February 4, 2018 at 1:26 pm

      I just found out the guy who wrote its code was supposedly Dr. Ben Goertzel; the code of the AI, that wrote the code for Bitcoin’s blockchain. I posted a video here on him extolling the virtues of AI, & thought of him as an AI Dr. Frankenstein.
      Little did I realize: He’s The guy!

    • Tommi H on February 4, 2018 at 3:13 pm

      Bitcoins=money for nazis and their new jogging outfits (apparently they jog a lot around Antarctica).

      • Robert Barricklow on February 4, 2018 at 5:11 pm

        Bitcoins sine qua non
        the Nazi Gold = Drugs

  6. Kelly Em on February 4, 2018 at 12:10 pm

    The news article goes on to say:

    “Before traveling to South America, where Tillerson has an intense agenda, official sources of his country clarified that the official arrived in Bariloche to talk about “scientific and research exchanges that are taking place between both countries. And in that National Park (Nahuel Huapi), it will highlight how the conservation of the park is also promoting important objectives “.

    After spending Saturday in Patagonia, Tillerson will travel to Buenos Aires, where he will meet with President Mauricio Macri.”

    The agenda will focus on “the bilateral growth agenda and cooperation in security matters “, according to reports.

  7. Robert Barricklow on February 4, 2018 at 11:58 am

    There’s been an implied assumption that these aliens could care less about the indigenous populations; as kind of elitist attitude mirrored in the way the elite oligarchies view the alien visitors[another framing of words].
    Therein, is the alien thought processes of those in charge.
    Earthlings need to reshuffle the deck
    deal death of the planet out
    and life back in, as the winning hand.

    Alien thinking[no matter where, or of what origins…
    needs to be of, for and about life on Earth!

  8. anakephalaiosis on February 4, 2018 at 11:28 am

    It makes sense, to cloak oneself in disguise of the Catholic church. The hidden Roman empire never ceased to exist. It went underground. Survival is instinct.

    Spiritual warfare never stops. Between father and son there is a spirit, that is holy triad. Morphogenetic field is manifested in various degrees, in different places, at different times.

    Spirit makes footprint here and there. Always on the move. Land power is footstep into ocean, rising as continent out of sea. Flying mountains are planetary.

    • Tim H on February 5, 2018 at 5:22 am

      Hey Ana, roll me a number of whatever it is you’re smoking?

  9. Aridzonan_13 on February 4, 2018 at 10:43 am

    This is getting weirder by the minute. Tillerson definitely tried to mix this trip into his anti drug itinerary to to Latin America as to hide it’s purpose. However, you can no longer ignore this elephant in the room of US foreign policy. So again, questions loom. IMHO the Break-Aways, SPECTRE, BCCI and or worse is lurking about on the Southern continent and their presence is apparently requiring some serious attention from the rest of the planet.

  10. Roger on February 4, 2018 at 10:27 am

    I have yet to take a foreign vacation. Perhaps I should take one down there and see who I meet. I hear the preserve has some critters from out of this world.

  11. Beckysue on February 4, 2018 at 7:40 am

    My God! Has Trump told the Nazis and Mossad to bug off? Stones, man.

    • Don B on February 4, 2018 at 2:48 pm

      He supposedly told Soros to “go to hell” when he met up with him while in Switzerland. db

  12. Tommi H on February 4, 2018 at 7:19 am

    4th Reich Nazi swamp.

  13. DanaThomas on February 4, 2018 at 6:47 am

    Bariloche: the official story (see below) is the discussion of “concervation practices”. In a Bavarian chalet, undoubtedly. When will he be going to Antarctica to report on “climate change” or holes in the ozone?

    • DanaThomas on February 4, 2018 at 6:50 am

      “Conservation practices”: who or what is to be conserved?

  14. WalkingDead on February 4, 2018 at 6:43 am

    Let us not forget that “Israeli soldier vacation resort” in the neighborhood, an undeclared “nation” owned by one of Soro’s buddies. One might speculate that this may be the command center for that off the books, hidden system of finance and other shenanigans.

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