Over the years of watching and occasionally blogging about the international scope of the GMO issue, I've also watched the development of GMO geopolitics, as I like to call it. We may conveniently define this in two ways: (1) those powers of nations which are home to large agribusiness cartels and trusts, like the USA or Germany with IG Farbensanto, will pursue agricultural policies on the world stage designed to curtail, and eventually eliminate, natural (or as they're sometimes called, heirloom) seeds, thus gaining control over the world's food supply, and enriching themselves in the process, since heirloom seeds cannot be patented and charged a royalty for use, while GMO seeds can. In pursuit of this nothing-less-than-diabolical goal, any science or counter-arguments about the health and/or environmental safety of GMOs, or, in some cases, studies about falling yields and rising cost studies that would indicate heirloom seeds are a better investment than GMOs, will be suppressed. Farmers who have not planted GMOs will be hauled into court is GMO plants are discovered on their property, and sued for non-payment of royalties, even though the presence of GMOs on their fields might have been the result of natural processes. You get the idea. The counterpart of this is (2) nations or powers that do not rely on GMOs for their agricultural production can, by careful marketing, actually capture a large share of the world's agricultural trade, since many people don't want to eat foods that have been genetically modified. Such nations will also engage in their own counter-propaganda pointing out the problems of GMOs, of GMO corporations and their "behavior", and so on.

With billions at stake in profits on either side, and with the ultimate prize, corporate control of the world's food supply in the hands of people like IG Farbensanto, it should come as no surprise that GMOs have been the quiet "players" in recent events, from the coup in the Ukraine, to... well, we'll get to that in a moment in today's high octane speculation.

But first, consider this article shared by Mr. M.A.:

A Turkish project to preserve 17 varieties of #Syrian wheat

The story is simple enough:

The Agricultural Research Institute has launched “the Southeast Anatolia Development Project” which is a project to cultivate 17 varieties of Syrian wheat in cooperation with the Qatar Red Crescent, to protect these seeds from extinction and re-plant them in Syria in the future.

The director of the center, “Ibrahim Khalil Getner” told Anadolu news agency many plants are vulnerable and will disappear in Syria, and the agricultural activities have reached the point of cessation, stressing that “more than 20 varieties of wheat is threatened of extinction because of the crisis.

He added that Ankara had been forced to move to mitigate the consequences of the crisis on the future of the neighboring country. The Qatari Red Crescent brought 17 types of wheat threatened to disappear, nine of which were for the pasta industry and 8 for bread. (Emphases added)

Now, there's two things to note here: (1) Turkey is playing the role of "concerned regional agricultural citizen", a role which I don't buy for a moment, since it's been instrumental in helping exacerbate the crisis in the first place, and (2) Syria's agriculture, as a result of the crisis, is faced with the extinction of "more than 20 varieties of wheat," varieties which, let us add, have been carefully cultivated and bred through centuries of agronomical practice.

So on to the high octane GMO geopolitics speculation. Ever since the disastrous post-9/11 U.S. interventions in the region, the standard explanations for the U.S. presence have been about oil, about controlling the Middle East's supply of oil and its transportation. Concomitant with that explanation is a corollary: that the U.S. presence is also about counter-acting China's silk road plans, and gaining control of pipeline routes, railroad routes, and so on.

But what if there's been another hidden agenda all along? To eradicate the Middle East's supply of heirloom seeds, and to make the Middle East reliant upon western GMO suppliers? A little thought will reveal that this may not be so far-fetched, because two nations in the region, in particular, had national seed banks storing heirloom seeds:

Iraq, and Syria.

And with that said, one wonders if Iran does as well (and I'd be very surprised if it didn't).

From the standpoint of "GMO geopolitics," it makes some sense. GMOs were a factor in the coup against the government of The Ukraine, as certain large American "agribusiness" companies had obtained special rights and port facilities along the Black Sea. Thus, President Putin's re-incorporation of the Crimean peninsula into the Russian federation may not have been merely about its Black Sea Fleet's base at Sevastopol, but also about denying certain ports to those companies, and about the ability to interdict the rest. Russia, after all, is not a GMO-growing country, as I've pointed out from time to time. In fact, there is serious indication that Russia is playing GMO geopolitics game number two. In terms of the Middle East, controlling and switching its food supply from heirloom to GMO seeds would provide the West with a revenue stream to counteract the outflow from purchasing Middle East oil, and be a means to control a far more valuable resource and commodity: food. On this view, it isn't just about oil, or the threat of Iranian a-bombs, it's about food.

My bet? If the Syrian crisis ever does resolve, I wouldn't expect Turkey to be too willing to sell those seeds or even give them back (after all, they belong to Syria in the first place). Turkey will be "lobbied," threats will be made, payola will change hands under the table, and IG Farbensanto will  be granted "special market concessions." You get the idea.

See you on the flip side...



Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Gaia Mars-hall on March 28, 2018 at 1:06 pm

    What an ingenious insight into King Arthur
    particularly as regards the sword in the stone
    a blade of grass

    • Gaia Mars-hall on March 28, 2018 at 1:07 pm

      My post refers to anakephalaiosis latest offering!

    • Yiannis Katospiti on March 27, 2018 at 12:41 pm

      Dit to

  2. goshawks on March 25, 2018 at 8:11 pm

    (JPF: “Ever since the disastrous post-9/11 U.S. interventions in the region…” Actually, the AngloZionist project has been quite successful. The propaganda has been that US was there to help those nations. The actuality is that the US was ‘instructed’ to go there and mangle their politics and infrastructure to where none of those nations could be a threat to Israel. Well done!)

    I’m going to go with the intel side of the “Turkish project to preserve 17 varieties of Syrian wheat.” Various ‘helping’ agencies have been used down through the ages to gather useful intel while going-about their stated business. “Agricultural Research Insti tute” [hah!] and “Qatar Red Crescent” could be just the latest…

    My high-octane speculation is that this ‘effort’ is not about GMOs or wheat-varieties at all. If you go back to Gilgamesh, part of the tale is that he obtained a plant that would give him immortality. (In the tale, a snake – anunnaki codeword ? – ate it while Gilgamesh slept.) Note that Gilgamesh was tramping-around the area currently being fought-over. So, what if the ‘wheat seed’ search was cover for an intensive search for the ‘Tree of Life’ plant?

  3. Robert Barricklow on March 25, 2018 at 5:10 pm

    IG Farbensanto Inc. [the single digit global conglomerate tied to the development of patented GMO. A tightly inter-linked group that controls the global seed, pesticide and agricultural biotechnology markets and related chemicals; controlling inputs into the entire food chain. An unprecedented concentration of power when coupled w/their energy markets, money creation, and control of the global politics – which boils down to: dictating research agendas, trade agreements, global policies in food, energy, and currency.
    And when you look at their industrial track record prior to the 9/11 coup and the financialized capture of capitalism – it speaks to a heartless regime who does not value life nor nature.

    • Robert Barricklow on March 25, 2018 at 5:22 pm

      The 1939 book/Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects by Weston A Price, DDS. speaks volumes about the West’s so-called progress in the technological advances in the way we consume food. Mass produced foods were missing vital nutrients that were crucial for our health. The dentist found no dental disease all around the globe where the West ‘s technology in mass produced foods were absent. Most surprisingly, none of these people had access to, or had even heard of a toothbrush.

      Case Closed.

      • Robert Barricklow on March 25, 2018 at 7:53 pm

        Another gift from the Rockefeller family.
        A health system whose bottom line is $$$’s not health.
        In fact, all the systems are geared to bottom line $$$’s. Education? Is all about $$$; not education.
        [in fact they destroy knowledge]
        Elections? All about $$$’s; not representation.
        [in fact its corporate fascism – destroys freedom].
        Health system destroys health.
        Press destroys information.
        Lawyers destroy justice.
        Religion destroys morals.
        Banks destroy the economy.
        Thank you Rockefeller’s, Rothschild’s, Dupont’s, and all those rich family fortune$ based upon theft/fraud/narcotics

        • Robert Barricklow on March 25, 2018 at 8:03 pm

          A system based upon waste/petroleum; that knows farewell about Zero Point Energy.
          No doubt, all the above system’s ills are well known as well; and what the “real” solutions are for 100% of us; not the less than 1% – instead of the culling they are employing on humanity.

          • Robert Barricklow on March 25, 2018 at 8:04 pm

            Are they employed by aliens?
            It is a very profitable employment opportunity; isn’t it?

  4. Doug Bowersox on March 25, 2018 at 4:33 pm

    Non GMO seeds are heirloom seeds. Anyway, in the USA, non GMO seeds or heirloom seeds can be protected in some manner, if not by patent. This protection enables the variety developer to prevent the farmer from replanting home grown seed, at the gun point of the law. Replanting homegrown seed of these protected varieties may occur by special agreement which involves close monitoring and paying tech fees to the developer. I face this with every variety of seed that I currently find worth planting today. Thanks. The Penna. farmer.

  5. marcos toledo on March 25, 2018 at 12:03 pm

    This is not surprising since energy and food are intertwined the slavers of the West wet dream of total power and control.

  6. marcos toledo on March 25, 2018 at 11:59 am

    This makes what going on in the World worse but this story is no surprise since energy and food are intertwined. Power and slavery is the endgame and has always been that for our elites in the West.

  7. WalkingDead on March 25, 2018 at 8:39 am

    You can also add to this the ongoing privatization of water supplies. Once you control the food and water it’s pretty much over.

  8. DanaThomas on March 25, 2018 at 7:58 am

    Farbensanto – the farming branch of NYMZA?

  9. anakephalaiosis on March 25, 2018 at 7:30 am

    Cattle is blessing.
    Abundant share of Yahweh.
    According to Law.

    Thought and intent are meme. Sequence of memes is a “memory palace” – in Camelot, where Green Man grows – subconsciously.

    King Arthur was dormant asleep in earth, awoken by lady of lake, and they sprouted happily ever after – in the “memory palace”.

    Excalibur – the best of blades – is extraordinary ordinary, and that is plain common amongst grassroots that grow, said Merlin.

    Answer to the riddle is of course sprouting “seed” , that is planted in earthly minds. In Druidry, drawing sword from “stone” is to sprout, as grassroots king.

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