This is one of those strange stories that, as one can imagine, I simply have to blog about because the implications of certain statements in this article are rife with high octane speculation possibilities. The article was shared by Mr. S. (to whom I convey a big thank you for finding this gem). The story concerns two identical-twin brothers, Scott and Mark Kelly, who just also happen to be NASA astronauts. Scott Kelly proposed that NASA use them as test subjects in a long-term space faring study to determine specific effects on human DNA and physiology; one brother would spend a few weeks or months in space at the International Space Station, and the other would remain on Earth as the "control" group, and the brothers' DNA would be compared both before and at the end of the test.

It's what they found at the end of the test that has my mind pondering all sorts of high octane speculations of the day, but there's one in particular that intrigues me the most. See if you can spot what caught my eye, and what it might portend; here's the article:

Astronaut Returns to Earth With Different DNA

Did you spot it?

What caught my eye was this paragraph:

What they found is quite strange. While many of the changes to Scott’s physiology returned to normal soon after returning to Earth, they found permanent changes as well. It seems that 7% of Scott Kelly’s DNA has been altered permanently. NASA has speculated on the existence of a “space gene,” which might be activated by conditions in space, causing changes in DNA. NASA says the changes to Scott’s DNA “related to his immune system, DNA repair, bone formation networks, hypoxia, and hypercapnia.” Whether these changes were seen as positive or negative were not said. We may have an answer if the retired astronaut suddenly begins a career as a vigilante superhero, or if it turns out he’s the mothman. (Emphasis added)

So permit me to indulge in today's high octane speculation. Two questions occurred to me reading the italicized sentence in the above paragraph. Firstly, how and why did NASA come to entertain the hypothesis that there might be a "space gene"? One answer might be that they determined this based on DNA analyses of prior long-term space missions, perhaps even beginning with the Apollo missions. After all, it is a known fact that upon return from Lunar landings, the astronauts were quarantined as a biological precaution against the possibility of "bringing something back" with them. This in turn implies the possible - and I would argue, probable - genetic testing both of themselves and of all of their gear and equipment, with the best biological and genetic technologies as then existed. But this really only pushes the problem back one step; it doesn't really give an indicators of why NASA would suspect the existence of a "space gene." To get to that question, we have to look at the second thing that caught my eye, the idea of the "space gene" itself.

Most versions of evolutionary theory hold some version of the idea that species develop responses to their environment by prolonged exposure to it, and that these responses can become part of the genetic code. In some more outre versions, some hold that the genetic code is adaptable to all sorts of environments, that it has a kind of "genetic potential" of all sorts, some of which is activated by prolonged exposure to some types of environments. It's the more basic and standard view that intrigues me here, because on that view, if there is a "space gene" in human DNA - as NASA apparently suspected, according to this article - then that gene had to have arisen at some point in human evolutionary theory by means of prolonged exposure to the environment of space.

This carries with it certain implications, all of them rather breathtaking when one thinks about them a moment, for there are three basic possibilities that this implies. The first is that this "space gene" entered the human DNA at some point during its evolutionary development, i.e., it might have entered the code very early and in some other species, and been handed down since then. As such, one might expect it to occur in other, non-human species, which could then be tested for similar results. Depending on where in the "taxonomical tree" one looked, one  might be able to pinpoint where and more importantly, when this occurred. In short, one might be looking at a kind of genetic confirmation of the panspermia idea entertained by some scientists, namely, that life was seeded onto Earth from outer space. The second hypothesis is a more narrowed version of this. Imagine, for a moment, that geneticists were able to isolate this "space gene" but discovered that it only occurs in higher primates, or indeed, only in close human ancestors such as Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon man. If that were the case, then it would indicate our two last implications, namely, that someone from "out there" at some point in human evolutionary history mingled their "stuff" with our "stuff", and the "space gene" has been passed down ever since. One need only recall the biblical tales of Nephilim, or the Mesopotamian tales of the Annunaki, to see how such a thing might have occurred.

And then, of course, there's the final theory or implication that, at some point in the mists of human High Antiquity, we came from "out there", or explored "out there," and the genetic response to this established itself in human DNA.

Any one of these three possibilities give one pause as to why NASA would suspect the existence of a "space gene" and emphasize the importance of that question, why did they suspect it in the first place?

And yes, my bet is that quietly and secretly, they were more concerned about the implications of those ancient texts and hence of the latter two implications, than anything else, given the indications NASA itself uncovered in its explorations of our celestial neighbors like the Moon and Mars that there might be indications of structures, and hence, of some sort of intelligent life on those planets in the distant past.

See you on the flip side...


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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Pierre on March 15, 2018 at 8:44 pm

    Elton sang, Mars aint the place to raise your kids ….unless you have the space gene.
    So if I’d not flushed those space monkeys (powder form, just add water) I had once as a kid down the tube and kept them they might have evolved after all?
    They need to do it again with triplet twins and not vaccinate one of them.

  2. Diambrini-Palazzi on March 14, 2018 at 10:42 am

    Following on from the 2001 reference, I’m reminded of the subtext in the film GRAVITY. While on a space mission, Sandra Bullock’s character reveals to co-star, she’s ‘drone-like’ (drives aimlessly) when her beloved daughter dies. Disaster then strikes the space mission (their ‘home’ destroyed) and she’s thrown into a live or die drama – first, rescued by co-star – then a powerful scene of her floating unconscious, attached to a life support system curled like a fetus in one of the escape pods (regenerated) and when she finally reaches earth, her pod lands in water and sinks filling with water. She swims out of the opening (birth canal) and crawls onto land – then stands, the camera focusing on her feet panning up her body from the ground. She is reborn, regenerated!

  3. anakephalaiosis on March 13, 2018 at 6:30 am

    Floating in space causes body to gravitate towards its centre. In contrast, walking spin upon planetary surface causes variations along axis, where positions are called Chakras (wheel).

    Space gene is basically soul, centred in solar plexus. Bio robots do not have awareness of this intersection, that defines Vitruvian Man. Not everything two-legged is hue man (human).

    Pyramid angel harp affects the Chakras, and genome is musical score. Everything is objectified, as intersection of spin and centre, into entanglement. That is Yahweh, quintessentially.

  4. paraschtick on March 12, 2018 at 9:33 pm

    We may not agree on all things in political circles. I mean I believe that there was Russian collusion between Trump and Russia before the election. I’m not American and am watching from outside with the same eyes I watched 9/11, the Boston Bombing etc … but that’s enough of that.
    But this is a real WOW moment. One of those little things that make your eyebrows arch to the skies, and a little shiver pass down your spine. This could mean exactly what you say Dr Farrell, and in my own words, and thoughts:
    1) We came from outer space via the panspermia hypothesis which was nominally conceived by my brother Briton, Dr Fred Hoyle, and Dr Chandra Wickramasinghe … and was, like cold fusion, berated and mocked. It now just seems like common sense, as it actually was when they came up with the hypothesis.
    2) We came from outer space … meaning the human race has forgotten its origins in an exoteric sense, but we remember it esoterically from ancient myths and legends
    3) Our DNA was changed by people from outer space who took a primate, and created homo sapiens as we know it, leaving us by accident or design with this so called “space gene”.
    This is a really quite phenomenal story. More powerful for it because it comes from NASA itself. I’m still buzzing with the possibilities … or is it just the coffee? And could this be just another piece of disclosure from the powers that be? Watch this space …

  5. goshawks on March 12, 2018 at 4:21 pm

    The space-twin obviously got exposed-to Larry Niven’s “Tree-of-Life” root. Not enough to turn him into the Pak Protector form, but enough to initiate some genetic changes. Via a SSP visit to the ISS ?

    Seriously, I’m thinking about a variation of the SF movie Altered States (1980). In it, the professor (William Hurt) activates ‘latent’ DNA from humanity’s past and undergoes a (brief) retro-transformation into an ‘ancestor’ type. This was a negative portrayal of humanity’s past – up from apes and all that. However, what if we are degraded forms of illustrious ancestors?

    As a side point, the space-twin DNA changes might not just only be of adaptation-to-space type. What if there were latent PSI changes also coming on-line? After all, ESP-ish ‘adaptations’ would be even more valuable in space. No radio needed, thank you. Pull yourself to an asteroid without thrusters. Avoid meteors by prescience. There are even SF tales where hyperspace is only enter-able (or navigate-able) through psychic powers. The spice must flow…

  6. marcos toledo on March 12, 2018 at 4:01 pm

    This brings up the question what did NASA know and when did they know it. And what are they really hiding there are the gamma-ray scare stories NASA has been pimping to the general public. Is their real mission to prevent human space travel and turn Earth into our prison and who do they really serve.

  7. basta on March 12, 2018 at 3:00 pm

    Despite the article’s anodyne presentation of the effects of prolonged exposure to zero gravity (“space”), all of those changes that are cited are serious manifestations of systemically debilitating results which are so potent as to even alter DNA expression.

    In other words, long-term exposure to space wreaks profound, systematic damage to life. I think this is pretty obvious and it is already widely accepted/anticipated that this would be the case. I think NASA”s appeal to a “space gene” to explain away these deleterious effects is simply a crass, transparent attempt to weasel out of their responsibility for this bit of slam-dunk proof that the astronauts they launch into space all come back with weakened health and vitality.

  8. blakecosmos on March 12, 2018 at 2:33 pm

    I don’t know why, but I was also led to wonder that —- if even as we pretty much accept the fact that the “Powers that ought not to Be” pay an awful lot of attention to bloodlines, as do several religious tomes, (think the Sumerian King’s list and the Bible for that matter, I wonder if anyone has ever looked at what connections exist between those individuals who have gone into space, and climbing out on the twig a bit farther, if perhaps genetic screening isn’t a significant part of who gets selected to go into space in the first place.

  9. Katie B on March 12, 2018 at 11:59 am

    I did read this and wondered why the results of the actual study have not been published, just a controlled summary, I wonder if we will be privy to the particulars?

    However, what jumps out at me from the perspective of current earth health problems rather than the entanglement findings are a number of things:

    1. Folate levels went up, which may indicate perhaps CLEANING up certain DNA mutations or explain why a low folate gene (amongst other things) evolved in the first place.
    2. They were both subjected to the FLU VACCINATION preflight, inflight and post flight, indicating a potential NASA-military industrial complex role in vaccinations and the aggressive dissemination on the wider public using them as test subjects. A flu vaccine before the flight (to turn on certain undesirable gene mutations) and how potent is space/lack of gravity in protecting DNA against vaccine damage? And not just protecting but allowing to be expressed to its fullest potential? How do the military control/mitigate these potentially individually empowering effects?
    3. The admonition that a genetic and epigenetic specialist has been studying them and the article concedes space travel has the ability to turn genes off and on. There are no hidden or new ‘space genes’ here only genetic mutations that they are experimenting with and finding out how they can turn them off and on. They are looking for something in the genome that cannot be expressed properly on this planet earth but is ripe in different environments.
    4. Hypercapnia. Higher levels of carbon dioxide in the blood may infer the body is using light from the sun to photosynthesise. Green man. If you move around the molecules in a cell with extra magnesium molecule you could potentially have a green hue to the skin due to photosynthesis. A brown dwarf star for a sun could potentially evolve this, emitting a warm purple glow.

    • jenuspect (Jeannette B) on March 12, 2018 at 2:19 pm

      Regarding point 2, I wonder if the brothers were given mercury preservative containing flu shots? If so, then this part becomes more potentially dubious to me.

      “Being in space had no effect on his cognition, yet after returning to Earth his mental speed and accuracy began showing slight decreases. Perhaps this is due to returning from a year of peace and quiet in space to a life of medical tests and interviews on terra firma.”

      (They wouldn’t take something like a multidose vial into space and see if the ethyl mercury salicylate stays in that form for a reasonable period of time, of course properly stored out of direct lighting, and then try to make sure they can distribute the poison fairly equally but not perfectly via standard methods of shaking the vial well immediately before withdrawing a dose, etc, etc, etc? Would they?)

      And I’m surprised NASA would want an exposure with potential (at least I’m not sure the flu vaccine is exempt from these effects discussed in the link below) to alter gene function, possibly confounding their study…
      …unless the effects of being space on the effects of a vaccination’s effect on gene regulation compared to a vaccine’s effects here on Earth was part of what they wanted to study? But can NASA be expected to be up to speed (maybe beyond) with non-specific effects of vaccination research? Pretty much none of the earth bound medical community is…

      • Katie B on March 13, 2018 at 12:21 pm

        I think the flu vaccination part of this study is the most salient feature of it.

        You also raise a very good point, namely that without the particulars of the study, we are left guessing as to exactly what gene, what cocktail was in the vaccinations etc.

  10. Eve Leung on March 12, 2018 at 11:27 am

    I’m 100% to Earth, no space gene in me ROFL!

  11. Kelly Em on March 12, 2018 at 8:35 am

    What is interesting to me, is the fact that 7% of his DNA was changed. The difference between humans and chimpanzees is only 3% of the DNA. In a sense that extra 4% may take us back much earlier than the primate split

  12. WalkingDead on March 12, 2018 at 6:50 am

    One also might question why our circadian rhythm more closely matches Mars than Earth.

    • goshawks on March 12, 2018 at 4:32 pm

      I remember reading about that. Definitely an eyebrow-raiser…

  13. LGL on March 12, 2018 at 6:38 am

    Some traditions consider Space as the 5th Element.
    “Element” then can be viewed as the primary characteristic of the immersive medium.
    In that context, the study in fact compares Human DNA in Space vs Human DNA in Air.
    During gestation, the genome develops within the Water Element of the Amniotic Fluid.
    I wonder if anyone has conducted any such studies for submariners and their Air bound Twins.
    Comparative tests with subjects residing in caves would extend the study.
    Tests for the Fire elements might be challenging. Perhaps, subjects with mastery of the control of their Aura might be candidates for the Fire Element studies.
    At the very moment conception, flashes of Light have been photographed.

    The genome goes from Water to Air. Space seems to be next. LIFE seems to want to migrate from Element to Element
    Also, keep in mind (pun ?) the expanded consciousness reportedly experienced by some astronauts.
    This DNA article also evokes the image of the floating embryo in space in the final shot of the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.
    Perhaps, Man’s destiny truly lies in the Fiery Stars.

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