(Recently during a private conversion, Ms. K.M. shared a hypothesis about the "Russian collusion" meme that the hysterical western media keeps shouting. I have to be honest and say that I never bought into the whole narrative because I just didn't see the point: after all, if one can sell uranium to Russia, why can't members of one's staff talk to them? But the "Russia collusion" narrative keeps droning on (and on and on and...). During our conversation, K.M. said that there was possibly a much deeper level to this, one that few were looking at, a cultural level and even a geopolitical one dating back to the American War Between the States. After listening, I asked her to share the thoughts in a blog, and the following is the result. I have to say, on this "deep analysis", I think that the core hypothesis is spot on, and indeed, I suspect that if one carefully examined the speeches of Mr. Putin and Mr. Trump, one would find agreement on a number of core "anti-globalist" propositions.)


In Russia, during the Stalin era, a bargain was eventually struck between the Russian Christian churches and the government: the Russian Christians could keep their culture alive.  And importantly, Christian clergy would required to quietly serve in the KGB.  They needed each other to a certain degree.  After the Soviet Union melted away and a vast power vacuum developed, the Atlanticists came in to asset strip the world’s largest country, causing millions Russians to die - according to some esitimates, twenty percent of their population at the time. In other words, some of the same people who want to bring you globalism while strumming and singing Kumbaya set up the circumstances where twenty-million people in the 1990’s perished for profit.

In the middle of all this, a core contingent of Russian nationalists in the KGB apparently banded together and with the blessing of then President Boris Yeltsin, promoted Mr. Putin to run the Russian Federation. With the Communists out of power and ideas, and knowing that the rape of Russia by the West had to be stopped, Mr. Putin and those behind and around him instituted a set of programs and operations to regenerate the country.

To replace the now defunct Leninism (I think he is still un-rotting away in his tomb at the Kremlin), the Russian government has turned back to its cultural roots in Eastern Orthodoxy, trying to fill a spiritual void left empty after 70 years of Communism and ten years of abuse by elements in the West. Since then, 25,000 churches have been built or restored in Russia.

In the eighteen years since the faction behind Mr. Putin came to power, the country has been transformed in a way that Western Neo-liberalism would call “regressive." The government and its leaders there speak plainly about the need for morality and virtue (much stronger terms than "ethics" and "principles"). They speak plainly about the need for thriving families and communities. They have mostly practiced a kind of restraint that in fact appears to be quite the opposite to what the spaghetti-western propaganda media would tell you.   In the state of the union address in 2013, Mr. Putin said (as reported in the Telegraph):

“This destruction of traditional values from above not only entails negative consequences for society, but is also inherently anti-democratic because it is based on an abstract notion and runs counter to the will of the majority of people,” Mr Putin said, adding there could be no benefit for society for treating “good and evil” equally.

In his 70-minute televised speech from an ornate Kremlin hall, Mr Putin said traditional family values where a bulwark against “so-called tolerance – genderless and infertile.”

An article in The National Interest underscores the point:

"...in today’s Russia the Orthodox Church is closely partnered with the state. It provides both intellectual and moral support to many state policies, not because it has to, but because it wants to. The current moral framework of Russian foreign policy is, indeed, its view, which the Church promotes because it is convinced that creating a “congenial international order” will assist it in its threefold salvific mission—to save individual souls, to save all national cultures that have been baptized into Christ, and to save all mankind. Needless to say, this is as far from the doctrine of separation of Church and State as East is from West."

Video: Putin on Rebuilding Russian Culture

Since Mr. Trump has come to power, he has moved a great distance closer to Christianity than expected.  His wife, on his first trip after he took office, read (video:) The Lord's Prayer before he spoke.  He picked Pentecostal Christian Mike Pence as his running mate, held an anti-abortion vigil on the White House lawn, reportedly prays every morning with the team in the oval office, attacks the base content of Hollywood media elites and calls out the so-called “perverts.”  On CBN in 2015, he said:

"...As you know, I am Protestant. I am Presbyterian. Most people don’t know that. They have no idea. I’m proud of it...  One of the things I learned this weekend being in Iowa, I met with a lot of national security experts and everything else, that if you're a Christian living in Syria you can't come into this country. Yet, if you are a Muslim living in Syria, who are not under attack, they can come in.  But we have Christians being beheaded all over the world by ISIS. In Syria and in Iraq, in particular, those Christians can't come into this country.  You say what you want but this is really something. That's a lack of respect for us...If you are from Europe and you're a Christian you can't come in…meaning it's almost impossible.   So you tell me about religious liberty and freedom. The Christians are being treated horribly because we have nobody to represent the Christians. Believe me, if I run and I win, I will be the greatest representative of the Christians they've had in a long time."

What if - and it is a speculative case - we might be witnessing the faction that elected Trump not politically colluding with Russia, or financially colliding, but rather culturally colluding with them? What I mean is, as the mainstream Christians in the US are waking up to the dumbed-down culture of darkness they see every day, it seems that with the sudden emphasis on traditional American values being led from the White House, that the US might be on a path to repeat what was done in Russia: restore the rule of law, replace ethics with morality, replace goodness with virtue, reëstablish the arts, and a healthy emphasis on the individual, the family and community. It is a tall order that will take at least two generations to be enacted here if the effort succeeds.  And because this is Washington, it has to be good for business as well.

So next time someone yells “Russian Collusion” in a crowded theatre, stop and think that maybe, the two thousand-year Christian ethos and its reëstablishment in the West might be what they mean by it. One hundred and twenty-one years ago, President William McKinley was gunned down two months after it became clear that he intended to build a railroad between Moscow and New York and eschew the "Special Relationship" with the banksters of Britain. The subject - "Russian collusion!" - was promptly dropped.  An alignment of Russia and America, which first arose when the Russians saved the United States from Europe during the Civil War by sailing their fleets into San Francisco and New York, has been on the menu for a long time.  Who has apparently been standing in the way?

As evidence for the effort towards the prevention of a natural alliance of "Christian civilizational" interests inter alia the US and Russian societies, consider the article that Dr. Farrell referenced the other day on this site. Here is the link for your convenience:

War Erupts Between Soros and Italy

TyranoSauros attacked the new Italian government for pledging to curb the insanity of the EU, which has been running a "bureaucratic Islamic insurgency" against the cultures of nearly every European state while asset stripping the smaller EU countries. He blamed Russian Collusion for the desire of the Italians to chart their own destiny.

"Soros said he is, “Concerned about the proximity of the new government with Russia, if Moscow has financed Salvini, the Italians should know it”.

Yes, Soros is using, once again, the usual Russian Collusion conspiracy theory, a classic of the left-wing globalists on both sides of the Atlantic.

The Northern League’s leader, Matteo Salvini, now the Ministry of the Interior, replied immediately with strong criticism towards Soros and the Festival saying, “Never had any money from Russia it’s a shame to invite such a unscrupulous speculator”.

However, George Soros, also added strong criticism towards Donald J. Trump, saying that, “Trump is a threat to the world including America”,hoping he will be defeated in the U.S. midterm elections, stating incredibly that Trump, who is making the U.S. economy great again, “does not understand the basic elements of economy”.

We hope Italy’s new government will act quickly to declare that Soros’ activities are no longer welcome in Italy."

It seems to me that behind all this a civilizational resonance has been struck; an old chord that suggests Christian civilization and its outgrowths: respect for free will and the individual, freedom of speech, of association, of true representative government, of worship, of protection against the excesses of state power, against compulsion; which, not ironically, is everything the EU and the American left has come to represent.  Their views are analogous to a certain group in power in Germany before the mid-century mark.

Kelly Em

Kelly Em is a contributor to Giza.  Kelly has a degree in philosophy of science, physics and economics.  She studied science journalism in NY and tried to have fun writing about technology for many years.  She is a musician, professional vocalist, and writer.


  1. anakephalaiosis on June 12, 2018 at 7:00 am

    The Camp of the Saints’ collusion:

    I bring no peace, only sword. (Matthew 10:34). While heaven and earth are, the law will stand, until fulfilled. (Matthew 5:18). I hate with perfect hatred, I count them my enemies. (Psalm 139:22). Now, go and destroy the enemy. (1 Samuel 15:3). Everything has a season, there is time for war, and there is time for peace. (Ecclesiastes 3:8).

    Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
    Bring me my arrows of desire:
    Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
    Bring me my Chariot of fire!

    – William Blake

  2. Curt on June 12, 2018 at 6:23 am

    A very interesting and insightful post, Kelly Em. It certainly strikes a chord with me: for what it’s worth, I think you’re right on target. Thank you for this.

  3. DanaThomas on June 12, 2018 at 4:34 am

    Russophobia is generally discounted in Italy as a bizarre obsession of the Anglosphere. Thousands of Russian tourists come to the cities and beaches here every hear and nothing untoward has ever happened. And Russia-bashers in the Italian globalist media were hilariously “caught with their pants down” in the affair of the non-murder of a Russian/Ukrainian journalist – there was not even time for a candle-light vigil!

  4. Kahlypso on June 12, 2018 at 2:44 am

    Blood flows freely in churches.
    I went to a Baptism this weekend.. The only thing I saw was basic mind control.
    The thing that horrified me, was that we had to pray for the Holy Church.
    I get the Father thing.. Basic Sky Father mythology given to us by the Hurrians. I get the Son thing..Horus’s inheritance.. I can even get the Holy Ghost thing.. Even the Yezidi ‘devil’ worshippers can’t explain what Tawûsê Melek was.. but they really like him, so unexplainable phenomenon (flames bursting out of apostles heads..) I’m totally onboard with, lets look harder, I’m sure there’s an answer.
    However… The idea that you have to be subservient to an administration that was put in place to govern an empire and has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with status, entitlement and personal power…
    I’m having a little bit of difficulty.. especially now that I’ve read into the history.

  5. duncan mckean on June 12, 2018 at 12:37 am

    What a promising possibility for the future ..for one thing christian “consensus” is completely wrapped up in so much basic simpleton basic story line syntax ..if the masses of Christians started to super impose the merging of virtue and the science of consciousness and spiritual logic they may wake up out of these 2 dimensional premises ..like”either/or” -‘ for or against “- how about duplicity .and the realm of all possibilities ..we are already entering the bridge between the material and non local /spiritual etc .etc.. i think the transhuman approach by materialism is absurd ..like a cat trying to do calculus..or doing numeral 10 digit mathematics without a zero or a 2 .soo many profoundly deep thinking christians are out there ..to bad their understanding is not in the intuitive consciousness narrative .a very advanced take on reality if you can go there.

  6. zendogbreath on June 11, 2018 at 11:55 pm

    word walking dead. kind of a cross compilation of celestine prophecy, childhood’s end, revelation, …?

    truthteller, wow. first thought comes to mind – have you considered the protocols wd mentioned? have you heard of hegellian dialectics? perhaps we might consider hegellian trialectics.

    through all this gotta think the script scofield was paid to write is being played out. badly but with hindsight of a few decades in say, 2050 the next ceasar will be able to have his historian paper over details of who really did what.

    reminds me. anyone hear of anthony bourdain getting suicided recently? sounds like he stated the obvious in an undeniably public way. add him to the list of celebrities, doctors, scientists, journalists and whistleblowers suicided?

  7. goshawks on June 11, 2018 at 8:43 pm

    (Kelly Em: “What if … we might be witnessing the faction that elected Trump not politically colluding with Russia, or financially colliding, but rather culturally colluding with them?” Did you mean colluding – colliding – colluding? Or was this a typo, and you meant colluding in all three cases?)

    This is a very-complex civilizational, religious, and (not mentioned) spiritual matter. So, I am going to respond with the movie Groundhog Day. *grin* (The plot, not the leading actor. Yuck.)

    This movie is concerned with a very flawed character being ‘forced’ into an extended consciousness-raising event. You can see every stage, from exploitation, to frustration, to acting-out, to ‘dark night of the soul’, to a (minor) form of enlightenment. (If you treat each day as a lifetime, you will see the true ‘meaning’ in the film.)

    In the spirit of Groundhog Day, I would say humanity has been through all the earlier stages, and has progressed to a collective ‘dark night of the soul’. We know all the preceding stages were fun, horrific, etc., but are a current dead end. They are no longer ‘satisfying’. Something new – globally – is needed, but we do not know what it is, yet. Communism is not it. Capitalism is not it. Religion is not it. 1950s family values is not it. LGBTQIA is not it. Etc. Etc.

    If I were to venture into the Christian Bible, I would go to the real ‘core’ of Armageddon: the opening of the Sixth Seal. To me, this is a time when the entire race moves up a notch in consciousness; it is a good thing. That is when we are likely to come out of our ‘dark night of the soul’, as a species. New paths and ways of being, emerging from a spiritual boost. Exciting times…

    • Kelly Em on June 12, 2018 at 12:17 am

      Awe shucks. And i thought it was the best line…omg thank you for pointing that out. Colluding. But even that is just an analogy for a more subconscious resonance.

      Judging by some of the comments, I clearly did not make my point well enough. I’m seeing the early stages of cultural reaonance between peoples the world over. Russia has always understood and experienced the darkness of castle Europe. Russia and America have been on the receiving end for a long time.. Perhaps people will conclude rhat they have wagged the dogs long enough.

  8. marcos toledo on June 11, 2018 at 7:22 pm

    The problem is that the Europeans have been taught to hate Rome and Hellenism since the rise of Christianity. And have put to the torch whole biospheres on whole continents worldwide in its name. They plus with their fellow criminals under Islam have destroyed traditional societies when they have taken power around the world. Europe behind its facade of civilization is, in reality, a tribal society as is the Islamic countries with the exception of Iran Egypt Russia China the last two are Orthodox and Confucian respectfully. Soros might, in reality, represent the new face of the Cillian pirates and their later reincarnation the Barbary pirates. With their old sleeper allies the Barbarians who help destroy the Roman Empire.

    • Eve Leung on June 11, 2018 at 9:00 pm

      hahahaha, China Chinese don’t really care about who believe in what, as long as the God/gods bless them with good fortunate, they will devote themselves to it, now a days A. I. brings them great hope and potential big fortunate, looks to me the younger generation’s religion in China is – A. I.

  9. Levi G on June 11, 2018 at 6:42 pm

    I’m of the opinion that the unifying political, cultural, and religious aspect of life to come, is the effect brought on by the cause, that is these monsters flying under the flag of the past 70 years. WD is right. I want to think that the great work is humanity uniting under expelling these child abusing, mutual blackmailing cowards, that have purported evil for their own benefit. That is the system that must be taken down, and only the best parts of religion/culture exemplify the morals to do so. When everyone starts to stand behind these values such as true family and community building, can we unite. I think Trump is riding the Christian moniker only to further division, he is clearly Jesuit trained and indoctrinated. Places like California, New York, Washington state might be more unified in their division then Bible Belt areas that only agree on a mob mentality, not actual core values.

  10. Doug Bowersox on June 11, 2018 at 5:32 pm

    Revelation 3 English Standard Version (ESV)
    To the Church in Philadelphia
    7 “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: ‘The words of the holy one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens.”

    Even YHWH/Jesus/Holy Spirit is beholding to David for he has the key. Did the Pharisee Torah make the Trinity or did the Trinity make the Pharisee Torah? David was a morally detestable character. “A man after YHWH’s own heart.”

  11. Truthteller on June 11, 2018 at 2:01 pm

    Another point to keep in mind. Religion has almost always been used as a political tool, both in Europe and in the Middle East. Something shared 😉

    The reason Europeans fear the muslim population growing is that they perceive muslims as a fifth column that might be used by those in the Middle East who use religion as a political tool. And rightly so. The key is to help those people integrate into European society (those that have been born there, at least, or have lived for decades in Europe) rather than scapegoating them. So that they do not act as fifth column for an entity foreign to Europe. I sympathize with countries that want to keep their sovereignty and restrict unfettered immigration — after all, nations were created to keep certain people out, and others in. Protect your culture. Fine.

    Both European and Mideast nations — being under the Abrahamic spell / curse – -use religion as a tool for conquest, infiltration of societies, etc. I emphasize this, because neither Hindus, nor Zoroastrians, nor Taoists, nor most Buddhist (with a few exceptions) used religion for conquest AFAIK.

    What is the point? Christianity is being used as a tool of cultural conquest, even today by the secular West … perhaps not the governments directly, but all those missionaries … Expect a reaction against a Christian fifth-column being created esp. in places like Asia. It is not only Islam that seeks to infiltrate, convert, and subdue other cultures and nations, but Christianity as well.

    China is being targeted for destruction from within by Christian missionaries. Christians in China, Korea, Japan, act as fifth columns for the West. Christians in the middle east also acted as a fifth column, supporting Rome against native empires.

    CONCLUSION: It helps to look in the mirror and see the warts on one’s own face.

  12. Truthteller on June 11, 2018 at 1:20 pm

    And who saved the lives of so many Christians in the middle east, who have been persecuted, raped, and genocided in the most ignominious manner by [wahabbi-not-sunni] terrorists ? Putin? He could not do it without boots on the ground. Who provided boots on the ground?

    • Truthteller on June 11, 2018 at 2:00 pm

      Another point to keep in mind. Religion has almost always been used as a political tool, both in Europe and in the Middle East. Something shared 😉

      The reason Europeans fear the muslim population growing is that they perceive muslims as a fifth column that might be used by those in the Middle East who use religion as a political tool. And rightly so. The key is to help those people integrate into European society (those that have been born there, at least, or have lived for decades in Europe) rather than scapegoating them. So that they do not act as fifth column for an entity foreign to Europe. I sympathize with countries that want to keep their sovereignty and restrict unfettered immigration — after all, nations were created to keep certain people out, and others in. Protect your culture. Fine.

      Both European and Mideast nations — being under the Abrahamic spell / curse – -use religion as a tool for conquest, infiltration of societies, etc. I emphasize this, because neither Hindus, nor Zoroastrians, nor Taoists, nor most Buddhist (with a few exceptions) used religion for conquest AFAIK.

      What is the point? Christianity is being used as a tool of cultural conquest, even today by the secular West … perhaps not the governments directly, but all those missionaries … Expect a reaction against a Christian fifth-column being created esp. in places like Asia. It is not only Islam that seeks to infiltrate, convert, and subdue other cultures and nations, but Christianity as well.

      China is being targeted for destruction from within by Christian missionaries. Christians in China, Korea, Japan, act as fifth columns for the West. Christians in the middle east also acted as a fifth column, supporting Rome against native empires.

      CONCLUSION: It helps to look in the mirror and see the warts on one’s own face.

    • Truthteller on June 11, 2018 at 2:56 pm

      Europe should learn from the mullahs! I know it sounds paradoxical, but …why am I saying this? By helping protect Christians from genocide, the mullah regime has gained new allies: Christians in the Levant overwhelmingly support Hezbollah, Assad, and even the Islamic Republic. Because they have been shown respect, cared for, they do not need to act as fifth columns for the West.

      In my personal encounters with Iraqi Christians here, I have once been hugged and thanked because they credit Iran (not the US, which supported al-Nusra in Syria, and Saudi Wahabbis bent on exterminating all non-Wahhabis) from saving Iraq from the clutches of ISIS. I had nothing to do with it, yet I am being hugged by Arab Christians.

      Perhaps Europe could learn a lesson, and turn its muslim populations into an asset, not a liability, or a fifth column. If it does not, then it would have to expel them, and we saw what happened when Hitler tried this on the Jews. It backfires.

      When you oppress a minority, they turn to outside powers for help. If you integrate them, as Christians of the Levant are in Lebanon and under Assad in Syria, they need not turn to foreign powers for help.

      • Truthteller on June 11, 2018 at 3:01 pm

        And to clarify. Muslims or Christians are just ordinary people brainwashed by Abrahamic memes. The victims are not the perpetrators. The evil is in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, which can turn naturally decent people into monsters, not the muslims or jews or christians in general, but perhaps the few controllers at the top who enslave people mentally.

  13. Sophia on June 11, 2018 at 1:01 pm

    Dr. F:

    Related? “American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family” by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


    • zendogbreath on June 11, 2018 at 11:38 pm

      perhaps rfk is our putin to trump’s yeltsin and obama’s gorbachev.

      • zendogbreath on June 11, 2018 at 11:38 pm

        rfk2 that is.

  14. Truthteller on June 11, 2018 at 12:54 pm

    The [at least perceived] strength of the West is in having outgrown Christianity, separating religion and state, and therefore finally freeing creativity from the shackles of obscurantist religion. And all religions are obscurantist, to varying degrees, and Abrahamic religions are by far the worst of them all (notwithstanding reformation in Europe). All that everyone admires about modern European culture of the last few centuries gone, to be replaced by a fundamentalist Christian state.

    But at the same time, I can sympathize somewhat with the concern about the disintegration of society in America (and in Russia, after the break up of the Soviet Union), as seen in high unemployment figures in some areas of the country, the opioid crisis, and all the other excesses of modern secular society. There is certainly decline in some quarters of the US, and Hollywood’s output of movies that promote mindless violence, explosions, blood, special effects with a predictable boring plot … I never go to movie theaters, because I feel bored, assaulted, or both.

    But the solution being a return to the past? It might work in some parts of America, but say in a multi-ethnic multi-religious state like California, this is not going to work (and not in NY City either). A forcible imposition of Christianity is going to cause even more problems, esp. in the only areas of the US where creativity is at its highest level (e.g. take Silicon Valley). Almost all the innovations in Silicon Valley are made by brown-skinned or yellow-skinned non-Christian people.

    Dr Farrell’s suggestion would require certain states to band together and form a Christian (and perhaps “whites-only” country, since the Christians hate all non-white immigrants, more or less, unless they convert to Christianity, and even then .) Good luck with that. We in California will not allow this to happen. We do not need a new bunch of mullahs taking over this country. We have seen what they are capable of: RUINING a country, and exporting RUIN to other countries. But in the case of Iran, in the 1970s, there was a real reason for this shift — the society had been destabilized by superficial and mindless westernization (the kind we see nowadays in east Asia) happening much too fast. So, for a very traditional society, it seemed as if religion would bring morality, virtue, and all will be good once religious values are enforced again. In some sense, it made sense, because the changes were happening much too fast and people were unable to cope with a society modeled after Sweden, imposed form the top, when used to traditional lifestyle for centuries. In the case of Iran, the theocracy actually encouraged people to move away from Islam in droves. You might say Islam is evil, but Christianity is good. Not really, both are evil IMO (to put it in simple terms) in their original forms. On the plus side, the theocracy pushed the ignorant masses to ask for freedoms they never asked for before, and therefore nowadays even the lower strata of society are becoming more and more enlightened. Just as Europe took hundreds of years to reform, Iran will need decades in these times … so, my point is, the theocracy (if it does not destroy the country) actually is now being forced under people pressure to reform itself. Bottom up reforms are being asked.

    America is not a Christian-only, or white-only country, anymore. This is bound to create only more tensions, separatism, and civil war in the United States (because the US is not Iran in the 1970s with 50% illiteracy).

    If the plan is to split the US into several smaller states, that will mean civil war, since the US constitution does not allow it. If the plan is to have a unified theocracy, there will be civil war too.

    So, would you like civil war to reign in America? Who would this help? Sure, it would help empower other countries. They will be happy to see Americans fight among themselves. I am sure a lot of people would like to see that happen.

  15. Doug Bowersox on June 11, 2018 at 12:23 pm

    I am mostly on board with main stream protestant christian values and it’s value to society. But, YHWH/Jesus/Holy Spirit is a two-faced god. The church has done a magnificent job twisting and scrubbing (lying) the biblical story, fully eradicating the story of the maleficent godhead’s treatment of and evil plans for mankind. Kudos to the church, it makes the modern, worthy, christian values (non-biblical} palatable. But the evil is still in the pages and I fear in the heavens. Read the bible, not the commentaries to know what I speak.

  16. Robert Barricklow on June 11, 2018 at 11:51 am

    My first thoughts before reading; the collusion is a Cassius
    The lady doth protest too much me thinks?

    Now into the first part.
    Is the rape of Russia going on here in the U.S.?
    Where’s the U.S. Putin cavalry?
    The privatization of the U.S public assets & policies are not in the peoples’ interest.

    Culture is definitely being murdered by the Soros gang.
    Perhaps the Trump gang is fighting against that aspect.
    Still, privatization portends an ill winds blows this way.

  17. WalkingDead on June 11, 2018 at 9:40 am

    “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
    The Pharisee Torah and its 5000 year plan to conquer the Earth and bring all under the rule of the “chosen” in Jerusalem senses its goal is near and they will “engineer” the “Apocalypse”, if need be, to accomplish this goal.
    This is why you always hear about the “holocaust” of the “Jews” but never hear of the 100 million plus Christians who have been murdered in Russia, China, and other nations at the hands of the “chosen”. This is “antichrist” defined. This is why you are not “allowed” to criticize those who rule over you from the shadows and control the media/money/history/governments thus controlling the narrative.
    One need only note today’s headlines and compare them to the Protocols to understand what has been in the works since the Rothschild initiated “Illuminati” was established. The corruption of everything decent has spread like a viral cancer worldwide.
    Our common enemy isn’t Russia or China, it’s Judea, Inc. and it’s desire for world conquest. It’s time we noticed the elephant in the room.

    • justawhoaman on June 11, 2018 at 10:34 am

      This is another one of those moments when I wish I could hit the “like” button. Well said, WD.

      Thanks for publishing this “blog”, Dr. Farrell. Absolutely spot on.

    • Robert Barricklow on June 11, 2018 at 11:55 am

      I second that.
      Well said WalkingDead.

    • Ronin on June 11, 2018 at 3:19 pm

      Couldn’t have said it better, myself.

      IMO, the ruling parties haven’t made any effort to hide their agenda from an informed public. However, they have made a conscious effort to control the narrative, and cry “conspiracy!” to those who challenge the status quo, which we are force fed through the controlled media outlets.

    • BetelgeuseT-1 on June 11, 2018 at 6:48 pm

      Well said WalkingDead, spot on.
      You’ve painted the Big Picture, where the individual brush strokes reveal the whole picture, not seemingly separate events.
      Religion is used to execute the agenda, has been used that way for the past millennia.
      The clash of civilization (religion) to gain global control. This isn’t about Christianity against Islam, that’s just another tool in the toolbox.
      This isn’t the West against Russia/China, that’s just another step in the plan towards the ultimate goal.

      • Cate on June 12, 2018 at 5:56 am

        Another who wishes for a ‘like’ button. Agree with WD wholeheartedly.

  18. Eve Leung on June 11, 2018 at 8:16 am

    The government and its leaders there speak plainly about the need for morality and virtue (much stronger terms than “ethics” and “principles”). They speak plainly about the need for thriving families and communities. End Quot.

    Right there!!!! That is what and where humanity truly define!

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