Some time ago I blogged about the creation of small robots designed to look like honey bees. At the time, I speculated on the reasons for the development of this latest gadget in Mr. Globaloney's arsenal of gadgets: colony collapse disorder, i.e., the dramatic drop of pollinator insects that form a crucial link in the food chain. The phenomenon first began to be noticed about two and a half decades ago, though there was no consensus as to why it was occurring. Eventually, however, someone made the link to GMOs and the special herbicides and pesticides developed to be used in conjunction with them.  The end result was "who needs bees" when you can simply develop robotic substitutes.

At the time I wrote that blog, I speculated that the "robobee platform" was being developed to serve several functions, and that it would not be long before we saw the admission of this.

Well, Mr. H.B. sent along this article this week, and it appears that Robobee 2.0 has already been prototyped:

Developers roll out new robo-bee: It can fly, swim, monitor environmental studies… AND people

As the article notes, not only can the platform be used for espionage, but could cause environmental problems as well:

At this stage, the biggest limitation of RoboBee is that it can’t fly right after emerging from water due to the lack of on-board sensors and a restricted motion-tracking system. Yet the team hopes to improve on this in the future. One other thing RoboBee has going for it is that it’s a thousand times lighter than any past aerial-to-aquatic robot — meaning that it could potentially be utilized for even more real-life applications, such as environmental monitoring and search-and-rescue operations.

However, this also means that RoboBee could very well be an effective spy. As was brought up in a 2016 article on the Daily Mail, this tiny robot can land on and rest on just about any surface with nothing more than an electrode patch and foam mount. Essentially, RoboBee would be using static electricity to stick to walls, an action that requires way less power than flying. So a RoboBee that has settled comfortably on your ceiling is one that could stay there for long periods of time.

Furthermore, at its current size, RoboBee could easily be mistaken for an actual bee struggling to get out of water. This could then present an easy opportunity for a free meal to the likes of woodpeckers, shrikes, crab spiders, beewolves, and frogs — all animals known to prey on bees. But instead of getting a quick meal, they risk mouthfuls of potentially deadly electronics and hardware.

The article ends by sounding a note of "cautious optimism" about the technology.


How can one be optimistic, even if only "cautiously", about the development of a technology that could bring about even more environmental havoc, much less take the form of a pesky insect that flies through your open doors as you're hauling in groceries from your day at the market, then perches in some out-of-the-way corner of your house, and proceeds to spy on you?

And watch, even though it's your house and your privacy that's being invaded, Mr. Globaloney will come up with some lame justification to pass laws and regulations that prohibit you from taking out the flyswatter and squashing the interloper. This could range the whole spectrum from "tampering with a protected species" to "causing environmental harm" to "destruction of private property." And if "tampering with a protected species" sounds a bit farfetched, don't forget that the lunatic technocrats of the European Union are already discussing granting the status of "personhood" to robots, even as they deny it to the innocent unborn.

There's only one bit of sunshine in the development as far as I'm concerned, and that is that these people are revealing themselves for what they always were: anti-human, and now, anti-nature.

Next, we'll have robo-honey that will be three-d printed according to the finest laboratory specifications...

See you on the flip side...


Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Richard on August 30, 2018 at 5:49 am

    . . . RoboBee, eh. . . Version 2.0, no less. . . If one is to take that painted illustration as an accurate portrayal of the prototype in operation, . . . Well, . . . It looks like it means business. . . Not quite the “no-see-ums” size my grandmother use to suggest were biting when one couldn’t see the culprit as they’re around 1 – 2 mm in size (wings outstretched) compared to this Borg like hybrid of 20mm. . . Those mandibles and tail stinger like arrangement could easily be razor sharp alloys or durable polymers or graphene like. . .

    I suppose sensor-detectors could be engineered into those formidably looking front mandibles and stinger end of the abdomen, if not some form of flight stabilization or navigation strategy if it’s still needed. . . The utility of such a device boggles the mind while it presents some notions that venture into the light of the practical, but also into the dark side of misappropriation and formidable weaponry. . .

    . . . That there’s a working prototype suggests that there’s significant rudimentary manufacturing hurdles that have been overcome – One will leave that footnote of newsy-news to be revealed, if it does get revealed, to those of the team working on this drone. . . I’ll not be suggesting a flash-point to your high-octane speculations. . . That illustration, as interesting as it looks, looks dangerous. . . A real bee can be lethal to those with an anaphylactic allergic response if stung by one which leads one to those epi-pens and they’re outrageous pricing – Another bad story of cost. . . This one suggests, at least by its elegant design, lethality or a job well done by its makers or a belly-ache for a hungry Bass that might have thought it a tasty treat when it splashed into the fish’s local water habitat. . . Ability to make a splash might suggest water recharging for fuel and with some of its black striping, solar input for power generation. . .

    . . . At any rate, I don’t expect one to get whacked by my weed-whacker or to be sliced to bits by one’s mulching-mower-blade. . . And then there’s DARPA or dark projects by the criminally bent and unscrupulous. . . Thanks for the article and web page. . .

  2. Eve Leung on August 29, 2018 at 8:56 pm

    Imagine each neighborhood has one “colony” of these robo bee, that makes each family or each person has a robo bee follow them around, not just spy, it can broadcasting message or whatever signal down to the lowest individual possible level.

    We can turn off our Mobil phone, TV, internet or whatever, but we have no control on the robo pest!

  3. marcos toledo on August 29, 2018 at 6:49 pm

    You left out Joseph one other use of robo-bee it would be the perfect tool to eliminate opposition think assassin-bee.

  4. Robert Barricklow on August 29, 2018 at 2:37 pm

    There was no consensus as to why.
    [Read: There was no investigative journalists getting ink.]
    Apparently its baptism didn’t take? Perhaps it’s inherent Satanic features didn’t quite wash w/the living spirits?

    • Robert Barricklow on August 29, 2018 at 2:42 pm

      The plutocratic designs for IoT, the intelligence of things combined w/velocity, interactivity, networking, and “doing the right thing[shades of googleplex duplicity] – to complete the emergence of a real-time supply chain mimicking the ecosystem’s living supply chain -w/aims to completely extinguish it, and replace it over time.

      • Robert Barricklow on August 29, 2018 at 2:44 pm

        Serendipity: just got my copy of
        Microcosm and Medium.

  5. Robert Barricklow on August 29, 2018 at 2:28 pm

    Many here have had to deal w/their work in the cyber world going, going, gone…
    It’s inherent in an “open system” being squeezed into an ever tightening “closed system”. A prioritized feature of that is censorship; in all its myriad digitized shapes, being boticized thru numerous surveillance/marketing platforms, to virtually command and abet your attention – transforming it, by slicing & dicing it into attention deficit/cognitive dissonance pieces.

    I’ve had my brief & sweetbitter rant.
    [bitter but w/a sweet after taste].

  6. Robert Barricklow on August 29, 2018 at 11:34 am

    [Take two; to continue….
    Wrote a long piece.
    Yet, we all have our crosses to bear.
    I will get back to this post later.]

    • Robert Barricklow on August 29, 2018 at 11:41 am

      “If you want to know what God thinks of money,
      just look at the people he gave it to.” – Dorothy Parker.

  7. WalkingDead on August 29, 2018 at 11:00 am

    So now it seems we will have robobees spying on us, robomosquitoes vaccinating us, robots taking our jobs, and an all pervasive AI to run our lives for us all running on a 5G network slowly killing us off after we are herded into those Agenda 2030 stack and pack cities. What could possibly go wrong with that?

  8. purplelama on August 29, 2018 at 8:18 am

    Perhaps another invention will come on the heels of such a technology: a low power, limited range EM pulse device. Just stick all your electronics in your household faraday cage, and make a quick sweep of your environment.

  9. DanaThomas on August 29, 2018 at 6:15 am

    I agree with Goshawks that this looks like spin for spy bots, with or without a sting.
    But there is more: they launch weird tech just INVITING web discussion; discussion which might actually contribute to the development of corporatize contraptions, by sweeping the net for useful suggestions. On the other hand, if such discussion-development networks are also AI-driven, the discussion could, according to Q. Michaels, conceivably inject “morality” or at least prudence into projects by using the right keywords in the discussion….

  10. anakephalaiosis on August 29, 2018 at 6:09 am

    AI was introduced into the genome in high antiquity, and since then, Man has been a dying species. All countermeasures have been met with fierce resistance.

    Today, robotics is AI cleansing itself, getting rid of the flesh tent all together. Satanic world view is a glimpse, into the mechanical mind of soulless creation.

    Solar year – in image of heaven – is profoundly different from bureaucratic calendar approximation. The discarded image is the self-reflection in Genesis.

    Elohim, as wandering lights in heaven,
    by his image, at count of seven,
    he places upon the globe,
    a giant horoscope,
    and calls his footprint Eden.

  11. goshawks on August 29, 2018 at 5:45 am

    Any news stories that robo-bees will have environmental applications are only spin for public consumption. Robo-bees will be insanely expensive for crop pollination, etc. No, the only ‘application’ for these menaces will be for Surveillance.

    “Yet it’s fully capable of smoothly leaping into water, back out, and then making a proper landing.” Why would you even consider making an automation capable of doing this? Using a DARPA state of mind, I would say to ‘infest’ ships or submarines. Get a few of these attached and you have location data on the craft. (Or even within, and hear the Captain issuing orders to the crew. Maybe even missile launch codes…)

    And another thought, considering the robo-bee’s Achilles’ Heel: Power. There is a recent ‘push’ for smartphones and tablets to be charged through induction (also known as wireless charging or cordless charging). Once this method becomes ubiquitous enough, a robo-bee can be designed to just waft down to the charging plate at night and juice-up. Diabolical…

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