I'm always astonished at what the regular readers of this website find and pass along. When we started this site, we little imagined that it would grow into this community-driven site that it did, as more and more people started sending articles. And I'm glad that they did, because not only does this site's readership-and-article-submitting community find out more than I ever could, what they find is invariably fascinating. So a huge thank you to you all.

But every now and then, something gets passed along that's just plain... well... delicious. It's the sort of thing that just invites all sorts of high octane speculation done not even at the end of the twig, but in thin air. In this case, it may be appropriate to invoke Mark Twain's observation about the theory of evolution, and apply it to today's high octane speculation, because it returns wholesale dividends of speculation for a minimum investment of fact.

This particular article, however, is not an article, but rather a professional job-offering posting of the type one often encounters when looking for jobs on the internet in...oh...say, astrophysics:

Harlan J. Smith McDonald Observatory Postdoctoral Fellowship

Now, probably very few of us, if any, are looking for jobs in astrophysics or astronomy, so we might have missed this opportunity for the speculation de jour so thanks to K.M. for spotting and sharing it. What caught K.M.'s - and my - attention when we read this posting was this:

Harlan J. Smith McDonal Observatory Postdoctoral Fellowship


This Fellowship is open to anyone who has their PhD in Astronomy or closely allied field or will receive it by 31 August 2020. Applicant’s research interest may be in any area of astronomy and astrophysics. Preference will the given to applicants in the following fields: Galactic archaeology, stellar astrophysics, and near-field cosmology. More info can be found at... (emphasis added)

...and &c &c and so on and so forth.

Now, things like "stellar astrophysics" and "near-field cosmology" are things that one expects to find in a grocery shopping list for PhDs seeking fellowships at an astronomical observatory to "make their name".  But "galactic archaeology"?!?  It's like leaving your home with a grocery list full of the usual items, and then encountering an item like "8 x 12 original Rembrandt painting, or reasonable forgery thereof, in oil, preferably on canvas but will take wood." The oddity of the item is its specialization, and rarity.

Galactic archaeology?  No thinking small here... No obelisks on the Moon arranged in peculiarly regular patterns, or faces and pyramids on Mars, or oddly rectilinear features on Phobos, or eerie resemblances between Iapetus and George Lucas's Death star from his Star wars movies which just happens to have three neat parallel ridges running around its entire equator in a completely explicable-through-entirely-natural-geophysical-processes manner.  That's much too small and ordinary... we need someone with a research background in galactic archaeology...

Now, granted, this phrase might stand for something as trivial as stellar and galactic history. But if so, it's a mighty peculiar usage of the English to convey the idea.

The absolute strangeness of this particular shopping list item (needless to say) has me in Mark Twain mode of getting wholesale dividends of speculation for a minimum investment of fact. So what, if anything, is going on here? Well first, we have a kind of backhanded admission that there are strange things out there that are indicative of someone having built them. Archaeologists do not ordinarily spend time trying to dig up entirely natural things that are not of intelligent origin. There are people that like digging up entirely natural things, but they're called geologists (and so on), not archaeologists. S0 perhaps looking at all these weird extraterrestrial anomalies, they have come to the conclusion that this "someone" did not come from inside this solar system, and hence, need someone to look for "likely places" that "they" came from: "dig here," only in this case the tools aren't shovels and brushes, but optical and and radio telescopes and spectroscopy.

But since we're already flailing away wildly in thin air like Wile E. Coyote, let's just kick over the restraints and get really wild.  Suppose the tools available to spot likely places to "dig" were much farther along than meets the eye. What if tomography, for example, has advanced sufficiently to do it long distance with great accuracy, and unencumbered by the velocity of light? I mean, heck, if we're willing to ponder longitudinal waves in the medium capable of disintegrating planets, then the same stuff might give relatively accurate pictures of what lies beneath another planet's surface. I know that sounds far out and highly improbable (which it is), but after all, the Russians were going to send a probe to Mars equipped with radar tomography to take a peek beneath the surface of the Martian moon Phobos and the planet itself, after the European Space Agency snapped some very unusual photos of the moon, and then the Russian probe mysteriously failed, with some in the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos claiming sabotage. In my opinion, they were planning to do some extraterrestrial archaeology, and someone else did not want them to do it.

And as we're falling to the canyon floor like Wile E. Coyote, we might as well pass from "high octane speculation" into "really wild and crazy high octane speculation." What if some of the tools in our Galactic Archaeologist's toolbox include not just the usual spectroscopy and our "longitudinal wave tomography" but the ability to actually "go there" and "have a look"?

Just a thought.

See you on the flip side...




Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. DanaThomas on November 7, 2019 at 2:13 am

    Galactic archaeology? Presumably travel expenses paid…

  2. Loxie Lou Davie on November 6, 2019 at 3:06 pm

    To Michael…..You might be interested in the David Adair story if you REALLY want to get Red Pilled!!! Check out my comment on the other subject. 😉

  3. Loxie Lou Davie on November 6, 2019 at 3:04 pm

    This lately “woken” Grandmother has SO enjoyed reading the comments by all the intelligent people in this “community”!!! Thank you ALL for helping me to grow in a way I could not have, otherwise!!! 😉

  4. Michael on November 6, 2019 at 1:18 pm


    We’re about to get red-pilled, and we’ll never be the same.

  5. anakephalaiosis on November 6, 2019 at 3:22 am

    When doing spiritual warfare, one looks for the trigger point, that causes panic, then one removes the floor, and sends the enemy into the abyss.

    One does not distinguish between sacred and profane, because that would allow the enemy a place to hide, in the distinction between categories.

    Deified principles are induced principles. It works both ways. Hunting academic brains, and dissecting their dogmas, is waging war against papal decrees.

    • anakephalaiosis on November 6, 2019 at 3:48 am


      Normally, “king” is perceived as deified principle to most people, as they know of no other thing, being born slaves.

      To retrieve the underlying premises, and reduce “king” to an induced principle, is gaining power of definition.

      Celestial agriculture is a faraway abstraction, that deified kingship seeks out to rule, by monopolizing interpretation.

  6. Richard on November 6, 2019 at 1:45 am

    Paraphrasing somewhat: ‘Remember, Remember! The 5th of November,
    Gun powder, Treason, and Plot;
    I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot!’ . . .

    Sorry, just recounting that fateful day in 1605 that a certain Guy Fawkes, with a dark lantern lighting a match, was caught and the Gunpowder Treason discovered. This 5th of November 2019, marks one year out amidst a bunch of other plots and expressive phrases in use. Yes, I know, so what.

    Space Archæology Degree now, you say.

    Not sure why this doesn’t read right. . . .
    . . . “Preference “will the given” to applicants in the following fields: Galactic archæology,” . . . .

    Makes one wonder if they expect to find prehistoric people and their cultures throughout the galaxy since archæology pertains to the study of material remains such as fossil relics, artifacts, monuments, and such of [human] life and activities. Such a plan suggests that one would need to survive off world and be able to recognize what a [human] off world culture would resemble. Of course, they might be hiding an agenda yet to surface or possibly not yet ready to admit there has been past abductions from Terra to an off-world designation that proliferated and went extinct.

    One does not claim to be the master of languages let alone English, but another designation might be better suited for this off-world postdoctoral fellowship. One must admit that “prank” has a possibility somewhere in all this stuff, but where is it hiding, if so?

    At any rate, one doesn’t feel so bad if this is considered a “professional job-offering posting” as one’s English is not good, too.

  7. marcos toledo on November 5, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    By the way, Joseph have you been following the dog and pony at NASA with the testing of the updated Apollo capsules cramp room for seven instead of three astronauts. Galactic Archaeoloest does T.T. Brown or Nicola Tesla airships ring a bell just wondering what other suppress technologies our elites are using at our expense without our knowledge.

    • Joseph P. Farrell on November 5, 2019 at 10:33 pm

      Sorry I’ve not been following that

  8. goshawks on November 5, 2019 at 5:53 pm

    On the mundane side of things, Galactic Archaeologist refers to the increasingly-popular field of Milky Way ‘history’. As it turns out, our home galaxy has had a myriad of collisions and sideswipes with minor (mass-wise) galaxies over the billennia. Scientific instruments and spectroscopic surveys have gotten good-enough that we can pick-out the remains of these interlopers. To date, we have mapped-out several star-streams from these collisions, some exceedingly ancient (Z’ha’dum?) The ‘Galactic Archaeologist’ position likely refers to work of this nature…

    On the more speculative side, remember Philip J. Klass? He was a well-regarded Aviation Week & Space Technology journalist. He was also known for his rampant skepticism regarding UFOs. Low and behold, he was ‘outed’ after his death as a CIA informant or plant. This explained a lot of things.

    Extending this state-of-affairs, a Galactic Archaeologist would be in a perfect position to know (and gatekeeper or spin) anything “unusual” that turned up…

  9. Robert Barricklow on November 5, 2019 at 11:34 am

    Before even reading the blog[from the title only]:

    Get Your Agreed-Upon-Fables In Space Archeology Now!

    • Robert Barricklow on November 5, 2019 at 11:53 am

      They should have added: the professor teaching this has an unusual background[as in off planet origins].

      Well, you beat me to the punch line:
      Must be willing to travel…
      far, far, away….

    • Robert Barricklow on November 5, 2019 at 11:56 am

      Loved your Mark Twain quote!

    • Billy Bob on November 5, 2019 at 8:24 pm

      Oh another expert to help control the narrative?

  10. Hidden Wally on November 5, 2019 at 9:46 am

    Fun burlesque of the term galactic archaeology, but you have the telescope pointed the wrong way. Turn it around.

    “Galactic archaeology deals with dissecting the Milky Way into its various components with the objective to disentangle processes contributing to the Milky Way formation and evolution. This relies on precise estimation of positions, velocities as well as stellar atmosphere properties of individual stars belonging to different stellar populations that make up each of these components. Thus this field relies on photometric, astrometric and spectroscopic observations to measure the above mentioned stellar properties in detail in addition to accurate models to compare the observed results with.” Govind Nandakumar, on Researchgate

    • Joseph P. Farrell on November 5, 2019 at 10:35 pm

      I believe you’re ignoring the fact that I DID refer to spectroscopy and so on. It’s a burlesque in a sense, but more importantly, a SPECULATION. That’s what we DO on this website. If you’re looking for the purely mundane, there are plenty of other sites for that. In a weird sort of way, you’re making my point from another angle. There’s the mundane explanation for the use of the term “archaeology” here, and then there’s the ambivalence of the term itself in its more accepted usage, which invites potential speculation on hidden meanings.

      • Hidden Wally on November 6, 2019 at 9:17 am

        OK, have fun with it. I’ve been here for years and I’m not going anywhere. I come because of your universal vision of hidden facts and forces and because you shine lights into hidden corners. Taking the term as it would look to someone who has read Hoagland, your speculations seem reasonable enough.

  11. OrigensChild on November 5, 2019 at 9:10 am

    Richard Hoagland should take note of this one with satisfaction. I realize we are now dealing with one or two generations of scientists since many of his first arguments were published. Though they were ridiculed by the contemporaries of his day, the new generations are less likely to do so. These new minds are more apt to look at all of his careful measurements and symmetries with a sympathetic eye than pure disdain and material sophistry. This item on this list suggests there not only is a place for this type of sophisticated thinking, but that such thinking does occur deep within the bowels of astronomical research. How else can you explain Tom van Flandern and John Brandenburg–both of whom are in the same generation as Hoagland? These three names alone would almost ensure there would be an interest in the discipline for no other reason than to cover their bases. No one here believes for one minute that such a superficial rationale is actually the one in play. Someone suspects something, and there remains a foreign ideological component within the scientific community with influence in these matters. IMHO, this is absolute proof of their present health within the science establishment.

  12. anakephalaiosis on November 5, 2019 at 6:10 am

    Galactic archeology is Druidic faculty, and it’s symbol is a rotating cross, derived from Runic study.

    “Leap between lives” is an idea, that finds dogmatic resistance. Yet, the objective idea has osmotic effect.

    Taking cycle for a spin, is inducing whirling principle, causing local gatekeeper to fall off carousel.

    Day spin – Year spin – Life spin.

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