This is a really important story that was shared by K.J. (to whom a big thank you!). Honeywell, it seems, has created the world's most powerful quantum computer, replacing Google's claim. Or at least, that's the story. And we've all been seeing these stories for some time now, about how quantum computers are the next leap forward, able to handle orders of magnitude more calculations than ordinary Tray super-computers, and do so much faster.

So what's the big deal here? Why another story about quantum computing and "the latest breakthrough"?

I have to admit, when I saw K.J.'s email, I thought the same thing, and was tempted to file the article in my "runners up folder", but something kept gnawing at me telling me "you need to read this". So I did, and I found out why K.J. sent it to me. See if you spot it:

Honeywell has built the most powerful supercomputer in the world

Beyond all the usual fanfare about qbits and so one, there is something that made me stop and sit up and ...well... moan, and it was this little gem:

Honeywell is currently ranked 77th on the Fortune 500. The company’s investment in quantum, which Uttley calls “technical debt,” has the potential to help its own engineers on any number of levels. But finding clients for a quantum computer presents challenges of its own. You have to find companies with people who can use quantum computers, in the first place. It’s accessible via cloud—Honeywell has its own API interface—but someone has to know what they’re doing. And then there has to be a clear situation in which they’ll need to use a computer capable of processing information at an exponentially faster rate than any classical computer in existence.

JP Morgan Chase fit the bill. The financial services giant has been beta testing Honeywell’s quantum computing abilities for three months now, and Uttley throws out a number of ways they could be using it: having AI run internal hypotheticals on the stock market, more powerful fraud protection. (Emphasis added)

Now, if you've been a regular follower of this website, or of various interviews - especially those with former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts, you'll know that one of the things we have occasionally mentioned on her quarterly wrap-ups is the phenomenon of high frequency trading, and the fact that now, most trades in equities, securities, or commodities markets are executed by computers and trading algorithms designed largely by - you guessed it - "quants", a nifty term for all those quantum physicists who entered finance, and brought their quantum mechanics models with them and used them to design these trading algorithms. If you've been looking for a reason why markets sometimes bear no connection to  reality, think no further than this, for quantum mechanics little resembles the work-a-day reality most humans live in. It's a bizarre world of path integrals, phase space collapse, non-locality and entanglement, and above all, The Observer Effect for want of a better term.

As a result of this move to High Frequency Trading done by computers, "dark pools" emerged as banks and brokerages began to locate their computer trading facilities as physically close as possible to the actual market, since speed is everything, and a few nanoseconds can determine the success and/or profitability of a trade, even at the speed of electricity. The closer the facility, the speedier the transaction. It's like getting a three foot bonus "start" out of the starting gate at a horse race.

As a result of that, high frequency trading actually becomes disconnected from the reality of real human performance in real human markets, enabling those with the access to the machines and programs a power to drive markets - and prices - in the way they want, thus rendering prices disconnected from human realities, and disconnecting the one signal humans use - price - from reality.

Now add quantum computing to the mix, and you get the picture. If an "AI" can "run internal hypotheticals on the stock market," that ability to drive markets - any market, stocks, securities, commodities, you name it - in ways that are orders of magnitude more disconnected than ever before, creating, via this development, that "human-machine interface" so longed for and sought after by the transhumanists. But I strongly suspect that it will lead to something else, too: a "two economies" situation, the one real and human, and the other increasingly virtual and disconnected.

See you on the flip side...

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. justawhoaman on March 18, 2020 at 7:47 pm

    Then add the Wuhan Flu lockdown to the mix and you get the traders off the floor of the Exchanges and VOILA! No more need for humans, no trading desks on the floor, no little chits of paper, no need for cash. See? All fixed.

  2. marcos toledo on March 18, 2020 at 7:41 pm

    This sounds like a swindler’s wet dream don’t the folks at J.P. Morgan have enough ill-gotten wealth already. The computer that is described looks like a computer from the forties-sixties room size behemoths back to the future again.

  3. Richard on March 18, 2020 at 5:12 pm

    The potential quantum computing imposes on learning curves across the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) associated fields is staggering, not only for its design, as these same devices can be used to enhance the next generation designs in shortened time frames, but also must, by their designs, bring along corporeal development into the programming process to include meaningful purpose oriented architecture and end products worth the effort. The business sector definitely has an interest as it might be used for speculation, calculation, and predictability-based scenarios to secure outcomes and, in some cases, mitigate bad twists in unforeseen developments not in the original prediction set(s).

    One dare say they could lower that flashpoint of your “high octane speculations / suspicions” toward real world results.

    Like most devices the output will be measured according to the input. How and what that ratio produces, no doubt, will depend on the users skills, motivations, and support, given how financing is arranged. The spin-off products seem a mystery for now because they’re not likely to what was intended. Modern devices are a long way from word processors and spreadsheets. Each with previously unforeseen coincidences and consequences.

    The “high frequency” trading aspects might also include with the speed of trade the high energy level input within each trading sequence – The electromagnetic frequency component which does not seem to have yielded enough experience to current users in how to manage that next quantum step. One has a gnawing trepidation somewhere nearby that’s associated with silver-lining thought-forms, but also has observed the damage stolen technology has wrought, lives it has cost, and an awareness of this thing called human nature. This valuation thing perverted or rather converted into monetary wealth already needs work. Energy, matter, and existence already have qualities of the virtual and real worlds. One wonders about that instantaneous probable even speculative combination of worlds.

  4. Westcoaster on March 18, 2020 at 4:29 pm

    This makes me wonder what would happen if you informed the algo running the gold market that there’s a physical limit to the amount of gold. I think it would make rude noises, smoke a lot, maybe burn down the server farm! Two economies indeed!

  5. DanaThomas on March 18, 2020 at 7:40 am

    Financial fraud and price rigging will still reach physical limits despite the efforts of the quants. For example, although silver is very cheap thanks to price rigging, the most popular 1 oz coins are either listed as not available from mints, or sold with a hefty markup.
    And don’t forget those odd phenomena that occur in the vicinity of D-Wave installations.

  6. anakephalaiosis on March 18, 2020 at 7:24 am


    Runix is a great software upgrade,
    that allows thunderbolt trade,
    with temporal collapse
    in central synapse,
    as fastest deal ever made.

    Doctor Who talking to J. P. Morgan from planet Usurius:

  7. NR on March 18, 2020 at 6:15 am

    This little piece, combined with the desolation I am observing at a major European airport in this very moment, drifts my mind to the feeling that those we feel are our “overlords” (Rothschilds, Morgan, Lee etc) are actually just low-mid management.
    They own most of what can be owned already, and I doubt that who really is in charge needs that kind of money and is desperate for Honeywell’s supermegagiga computers to make their hold on the system even firmer.
    So, option n1, this is part of a much wider and far reaching strategy for, let’s say, purposes unknown, or option n2, our overlords share the same stupidity and greed with the lowliest of stock brokers at Nasdaq.

    • Maatkare3114 on March 19, 2020 at 7:21 am

      NR good comment.

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