Now here's one that went right to the top of my high octane suspicion list, if for no other reason than that I seldom believe the public narratives put out there for bizarre scientific projects. In this case, the narrative strikes me as a case of being :in search of an explanation that will sound plausible," when the real reasons might be very different. Again, that's for the reader to decide, but I'll offer my own high octane speculation in a moment.

The story - courtesy B.H. -  concerns scientists who have cultured small brain cells from Neanderthal DNA:

Scientists have grown mini brains containing Neanderthal DNA

As I indicated, what's interesting to me about this story is the explanation being offered for why scientists are culturing "mini-brains" made with Neanderthal DNA:

The evidence that early humans interbred with Neanderthals emerged in 2010 after scientists led by geneticist Svante Pääbo pioneered methods to extract, sequence and analyze ancient DNA from Neanderthal bones and mapped their genome in detail.
Now, a team of European researchers has taken that science to the next level, growing blobs of brain tissue from human stem cells that contain Neanderthal DNA and proteins, with the hope they will shed more light on how Neanderthals relate to modern humans.
Camp was keen to stress that these were not "lab-grown Neanderthal brains."
"These are human cells, they're not Neanderthal cells but human cells that have Neanderthal DNA naturally inside them," Camp said.
"This is totally different to Jurassic Park. It's more about studying the mechanism than try to recreate something (that no longer exists.) "
Neurons in lab-grown brain organoids, sometimes called mini brains, have been shown to make connections and generate some electrical activity — but they don't yet come anywhere close to a real adult human brain.
In the future, other body-part tissues could be cultured and studied in this way to see how Neanderthal traits might have shaped our own, Camp said.
For example, Neanderthal genes in the stem cells that have links with hair and skin color could be used to explore these traits, given that it's already possible to generate skin organoids that have sprouted hair.
Similarly, it could potentially be used to create intestine organoids to look at how sets of enzymes process food, giving information on Neanderthal diet. (Emphasis added)
So there you have it. They're not really growing Neanderthal brains, and only little "mini brains" with part Neanderthal DNA, and they're only doing so "to see how Neanderthal traits might have shaped our own." It's all just an innocent experiment in empirical evolution.
It's "pure" science. A pursuit of knowledge. Nothing more.
OK, color me "entirely skeptical"  for the simple reason that "pure science" seems to be running amok, doing whatever it imagines to do without any restraint (paraphrase of certain biblical stories entirely intentional). In other words, the "pure science" might not be so "pure." Consider only the implications of such studies for mind manipulation and social engineering technologies. But there's something else that occurs to my "high octane speculation" thinking...
Yesterday I blogged about a strange story from Burundi's president suddenly and unexpectedly dying after his country banished the W.H.O. from its territory. In the process, I also mentioned a recent interview given by Robert Kennedy Jr with Dr. Deisher, who pointed out the large number of "vaccines" with human fetal tissue in them.
I have to wonder, if they're willing to do that, and willing to load "vaccines" with nano-particles, why not load them with a bunch of Neanderthal (and other) DNA, just to see "what happens next"?
See you on the flip side...

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. Pierre on June 26, 2020 at 12:06 am

  2. Pierre on June 26, 2020 at 12:05 am

    @ MT, ta.
    re stonehenge and circles undergroun, theyve just found a large circle around stonehenge

  3. Rheba on June 24, 2020 at 4:09 pm

    Reminds me of the Jean Auel books.

    Could the statistics of more babies being killed by abortion, who are of African-American parents, be related to injections containing aborted baby tissue? Is someone trying to engineer modern humans to be closer to the non-Neanderthal humans like Sub Saharan Africa races?

  4. Loxie Lou Davie on June 24, 2020 at 11:26 am

    All this made me think of Epstein’s ranch????

    Then we have the DUMBS & we really don’t KNOW what has been going on under our very feet, do we??!!!

  5. Maatkare3114 on June 24, 2020 at 7:04 am

    ‘They’ already know how Neanderthal genes have influenced our DNA. I have had my DNA tested being a family historian, and it is well known that Neanderthal DNA is present in the population.
    Our ancestors interbred with Neanderthals.

    Our Neanderthal Inheritance
    As a result of interbreeding between Neanderthals and modern humans, over 40 percent of the Neanderthal genome lives on today in our gene pool. Non-African populations, in particular, carry that ancestry forward, sharing on average 1-2 percent of their DNA with Neanderthals. However, Sub-Saharan African populations have virtually no Neanderthal ancestry given that migratory paths of Neanderthals spanned from Europe to Western Asia.

    Neanderthal Genes Today
    While our Neanderthal heritage may be limited, it does have a handful of associations with our traits. For instance, Neanderthal genetic variants are associated with having straighter hair and with being less likely to sneeze after eating dark chocolate. And counter to the popular perception, Neanderthal variants are actually associated with having less back hair! Perhaps most intriguingly, some scientists believe that interbreeding with Neanderthals even provided modern humans with evolutionarily advantageous traits as they migrated into Europe.

    On MtDNA which has no Neanderthal input:
    Haplogroup L 180,000 Years Ago
    If every person living today could trace his or her maternal line back over thousands of generations, all of our lines would meet at a single woman who lived in eastern Africa between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago. Though she was one of perhaps thousands of women alive at the time, only the diverse branches of her haplogroup have survived to today. The story of your maternal line begins with her.

    For those who have read authors who talk about our genetic engineered past, this will ‘ring a bell’.

    So, if scientists are now playing around with Neanderthal genes, I share Joseph’s high octane speculations as to why.

    • Richard on June 24, 2020 at 6:40 pm

      Excellent point, . . “‘They’ already know how Neanderthal genes have influenced our DNA. I have had my DNA tested being a family historian, and it is well known that Neanderthal DNA is present in the population.”

      One has had DNA testing several times, all different sources, do to that “WHAT?!” moment after the first time. The startle reaction wore off after the third result. Each consistent with the others.

      There are several folks studying this “interbreeding” presumption but lack the evidence to support the notion that it was social and physical intent of copulation verses very early genetic tweaking that produced capacity where social and physical intent came afterwards from compatibility. As far as one knows, at least those two hypotheses remain contentious despite the propped up linguistic support for probability that it was a natural course of biology. One must admit, with the high percentage of Neanderthal ancestry floating around in ones veins and arteries, one does not know whether it was great-great- gr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t Grandpa and Grandpa newly out of the garden by way of Yee who art or the Others tweaking early Beings into a likeness of themselves; or maybe both with a third that introduced another Being into Being viably fit with the capacity to survive and populate this Earthly environment. Haven’t a clue but the observations acquired during pursuit of such ancestry is most fascinating when it does not provoke a primeval shock reaction within the psyche. Well beyond pursuing Fermi’s Theorem.

      • Maatkare3114 on June 25, 2020 at 7:49 am

        Interesting to learn that Black Africans originally had no Neanderthal genes, until modern humans migrated from Europe back to Africa, taking some Neanderthal DNA with them.

        • Richard on June 25, 2020 at 6:45 pm

          One question that goes begging, “Were there multiple periods even cyclic migrations spanning eons of this seemingly natural diploid and haploid exchange, mixing or tweaking throughout the ages that history has yet to document and archive?” Tracking the variables seem insurmountable. Another question, “Could one be an observer within an ongoing experiment?”

  6. Richard on June 24, 2020 at 4:18 am

    An “innocent experiment in empirical evolution.” You don’t say. With just a tweak into the wireless. A step or two up from the early wired monkeys and bulls.

    As for “pure science,” it is not science but the Jekyll’s and Hyde’s under the guise of science run amuck. Twisting and mixing chemicals is a long way off from an actual brain, Neanderthal or otherwise. And then there are the funders in for the profits with a margin of high mindedness attached to a by line from a questionable publishing source as a smoke screen others would rather not have, to their annoyance, asking questions to drive a different narrative that paints a picture best seen with rose colored glasses. Ask yourself, “Why construct a brain when you can take over already existing brains, given the opportunity?”

    Did you hear the one about a past president that said unto the Others, if you come and get them, we’ll not stop you? Skepticism will not deter them [certain Others] when they go shopping for corporeal parts. One would introduce you, but it’s a long distance number and only by their unannounced appointment their way.

  7. JD on June 23, 2020 at 10:37 pm

    Strange case of synchronicity I guess. I was just thinking this last day about neanderthals and their brains. As I fantasized/theorized about the problem of them having apparently bigger brains than we modern humans but officially should have lacked the ability of speech. My thought there is, what if the bigger brains gave them the ability to communicate with telepathy, no need for speech than. Maybe even a “worst” case of a kind of hive mind. No need for written record than too, as no information would be lost even with the death of an individual. Making very long term observations of the stars, moon and what not possible (earth 25000 something year precision?!).
    Wanting to find out what part of their DNA would “cause” those abilities would be nice to have around, especially if you need to find a way to have you elites immune to the ongoing dummyfication, as we are, as I think, already in the middle of a tower of babel moment, considering how speech is weaponized to further confuse humanity. And we all know that a mind, if confused, scared and filled with anger and no real way to know the reason why, is like putty in the wrong hands.

    • goshawks on June 24, 2020 at 4:56 am

      JD, exactly! Well thought out…

      You might like to read a couple books by Michael Tellinger:
      Slave Species of the Gods: The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth (2012)
      Temples of the African Gods: Revealing the Ancient Hidden Ruins of Southern Africa (2013)
      In the second book particularly, Tellinger notes the huge human population in south/central Africa, as witnessed by the large number of ancient ‘habitation circles’. The strange thing about these stone-built circles is that they have no entrances/exits; the stones completely-encircle an area. Plus, stone-built ‘habitation paths’ run between the stone-built circles without any entrance/exit breaks; they just butt up against the circles. Very strange…

      In line with your thinking, these ancient humans (pre-neanderthal) might have been ‘corralled’ in what looks very much like pens. Hive mind works both ways: If you have a Borg Queen (Anunnaki), she could control not only herd behavior but where the ‘herd’ safely bunked-down for the night.

      Coincidentally, there are ancient gold-mining pits all over those areas. If all you wanted was the intelligence to scrape-out gold, you would ‘build’ a sub-species with hive-mind, little self-volition, and little creativity. Herd to gold-pits during the day; herd to circles for the night…

      As a side note, Tellinger discovered a sizable layer of fine deposits draped over each ancient ‘habitation circle’. They were half-blended into the terrain, which is why they only show-up in aerial views. Given this universal state, Tellinger wondered if the inhabitants were wiped-out when the gold-fields were no longer yielding by hand…

      Which brings us to neanderthals and their brains. What if neanderthals were a subsequent (created) sub-species? Keep enough hive mind that their brains were ‘pliable’ from without, but diminish it to where they were now self-reliant individuals. Some telepathy, but less. The Tower of Babel “moment” may have gone-on through human history…

  8. Margaret on June 23, 2020 at 9:27 pm

    We all carry at some Neanderthal traits. Some more than others. The black population does not carry these traits. But they had to use subjects that had a very high percentage of Neanderthal plus looking at the Haplogroup where the subjects DNA shows.

  9. Pierre on June 23, 2020 at 9:00 pm

    Can’t they just experiment on the actor Ron Perl?
    Pure Science sounds like a lot of that Pure Religion .
    Maybe they are looking for the Lost Thoughts of the Missing Tribe, trying to answer the question (as put in a Neil Young song) ♫Why Do I Keep F#&#&$(‘ing Up?♫
    Or trying to back to the good old, old, old days when slaves were blind and loyal and Spartacus not even a twinkle in his mother’s eye.
    ( can anyone recall the name of a movie, Ive looked up Chimera and it want that, that had an ape/human hybrid creation and the final scene (SPOILER ALERT) panned along a factor floor full of incubators with these creatures in it?)

    • marcos toledo on June 24, 2020 at 1:07 am

      Pierre Chimera was its name it was a UK tv movie I don’t know if it was a BBC or ITV production. But I remember watching it on tv.

  10. anakephalaiosis on June 23, 2020 at 8:52 pm

    Satanic feminist-frustration is the inability, to grow a male brain, capable of breaking the seventh seal. Satan seeks to become God.

    Objectivity is the essence of scholarship, refraining from identifying with the phenomenon. This rule has only one exception:

    One must necessarily endorse the process of learning, in the beginning and in the end. It is the latter, that breaks the seventh seal.

    Applying logic and reason on logic and reason. Paradox. Transcendence. Pendragon.

    • anakephalaiosis on June 23, 2020 at 9:33 pm

      Filioque is bypassing the process of learning, by false degree of scholarship.

      Schism was never between right or wrong, but creating a crack between factions, for insect pope to take imperial position.

      Papacy is a study of a budding empire, whose method is always divide et impera.

      Feminism is imperial Stockholm syndrome.

  11. marcos toledo on June 23, 2020 at 7:37 pm

    My take on this story is what they are growing is not mini-brains. But whole Neanderthals think a humanlike Dolly the sheep. Now the question is do they have the technology of artificial wombs or are they using surrogate mothers and what are the conditions of these women in these breeding programs. Another scenario of horror for a rebooted Fullmetal Alchemist series.

  12. Laura on June 23, 2020 at 2:02 pm

    I know that I am treading into delicate territory, but I do not find this research creepy at all.  After 23&me informed me that I had hit the jackpot on my percentage of neanderthal genes, I realized that using the term knuckle-dragger in a derogatory sense was in disregard of the mixing that occurs in evolution.  However, the anomaly could explain my pathetic grammar. 
    I am extremely curious about how the homo sapiens and neanderthals blended genetically and culturally, it is part of the human story.
    This link has some good comments:  https://www.sapiens.org/column/field-trips/neanderthal-brain/”I’d suggest that if art originated as a supplement to memory, there might be fossil traces of the shift in information processing, from simply brute-force rote remembering things chimpanzee style (and being limited to what you can remember) to using art to find work-arounds to get around the limits of rote memory by recoding information from forms that are hard to remember (like lists) to things that are easier to remember (like trails, songs, etc.). After all, if you’re a hunter-gatherer, you need to remember where every source for food, water, shelter, firewood, medicine, and danger is during each season, as well as how to deal with them appropriately. You try keeping that all in your head.”

    • goshawks on June 24, 2020 at 4:08 am

      Laura, you might like to read a good book by Julian Jaynes, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (2000) :
      https://www.amazon.com/Origin-Consciousness-Breakdown-Bicameral-Mind/dp/0618057072 (plus abundant comments)
      Jaynes notes that many of our myths and ‘mental illnesses’ could correspond to a gradual breakdown in the unity of our physical brain. As the left & right brain hemispheres gradually lost touch with each other (with the left brain in ascendance due to reading/writing), the intuitive ability of the right brain could only break-through in odd moments like reverie, dreams, or meditation. Jaynes does not really know what happened to physically cause this, only that history implies it happened. (And stuff like Anunnaki experimentation is definitely not mentioned…)

      It is possible that neanderthal/cro-magnon ‘mixing’ might have changed brain processing – for better or worse in descendants, who knows? Incidentally, grammar is left brain. If neanderthals were more either right brain or unified brain, that might mean that your grammar was a little worse (looks fine to me) but your creative side – right brain – was better…

  13. Robert Barricklow on June 23, 2020 at 12:31 pm

    Just from the title one can see Frankenstein abounds in the 20th-Worst Century. Also, those long ago Neanderthals, when they saw their father, brother, lover, move on to the spirit world; had no idea his brain would be reanimated in some hell on Earth, “they” called the future. Then the family be told that this future is “progress”.
    That’s it’s all good,
    because its part
    of the glory to be all
    “part of the process’.
    Good, I’ve had my pre-rant.
    Now to read today’s post.

    For a minute there I though I was reading about The Spy Who Shagged Me and/or Goldmember; but that was another bygone mini-me.
    These are bygone mini-brains being reanimated in many many Dr. Frankenstein franchised labs[WHO knows, Fauci fits somewhere in that F-d consonance]
    Although not specifically a Neanderthal brain, the concept is unfortunately not extinguished.
    Jesus, now the truth comes out.
    Human mini brains.
    Welcome to my nightmare.
    Oh, don’t worry, it’s a baby brain!
    Now the f-d Frankensteins are in a mumbo-jumbo song and witch doctors dance routine of telemarketing bullet point rebuttals[aka, pure Bravo Sierra].

    Now these 20th-Worst Century Frankensteins are injecting mini-me-baby-wanna-b-Neanderthal-brains in to the dumbed-down-masked-society.
    You got to hand it to these Frankensteins Gone Wild Bunch; nothing shames them, nothing strikes them as odd[now that normal is forbidden].
    This then is part of the new normalized Gates of Hell scheduled injection updates.
    Once 5G launches,
    and the injection final solutions are rolled-out; its hasta la vista humans.

  14. NYMZA Flugzeug on June 23, 2020 at 10:18 am

    “The research, which was published Thursday in the journal Cell Stem Reports, used stem cells from the Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Initiative (HipSci), which recently generated a living biobank of stem cells from many different humans. Nearly all of the cell lines in the biobank are from people of UK and Northern European descent — a population highly likely to have Neanderthal genes, Camp said.”


    • goshawks on June 23, 2020 at 4:29 pm

      Yes, that is the part from the cited article which zoomed-out at me. Additionally:
      “‘We analyzed the genome of each one of these individuals for which there are stem cells, and by comparing to the reference genome generated by the Pääbo lab, we could figure out which parts were likely derived from Neanderthals and which parts were not,’ [Grayson Camp] said.”
      “If you then look at 200 individuals, you end up recovering about 20% of these Neanderthal genes. This means that altogether this stem cell resource has most of the Neanderthal genes present in Europeans inside.”

      The emphasis is on stem cells and amassing Neanderthal genes. Camp is leaning over backwards to state, “These are human cells…” However, it is unclear from the article whether – either now or in the future – all 20% of the known Neanderthal genes in human cells will be cut-n-pasted together in one human stem cell (and grown). Camp’s words could include this possibility. That might be the logical ‘end goal’ of this research…

      Joseph is right that scientific research is often not ‘pure’. Funding and resources have to come from somewhere. This allows the intent of the funders to interweave with the research. My guess is that there is something of interest in those genes. Useful stuff that can be applied now. Perhaps genes that were disabled (epigenetically?) in the Tower of Babel aftermath?

      • Robert Barricklow on June 23, 2020 at 5:08 pm

        Loved it!
        “Perhaps genes that were disabled(epigenetically?) in the Tower of Babel aftermath?”

  15. Melodi on June 23, 2020 at 8:17 am

    When I saw this yesterday I found it disturbing but didn’t send it on because I’d already sent the one about tiny brains emitting electrical signals (mini modern human brains) and that was creepy enough.

    As someone whose teacher 40 years ago dropped their instruments saying “My dear, you have a perfect Neanderthal skull, it should have disappeared 40,000 years ago” I think it would be a lot safer to just test a lot of people who look like me and combine that with the actual Neanderthal genomes they are unraveling and look at the differences?

    The main reason I can see for growing “mini-brains” of anything is the same one I asked about months ago – and that is to make tiny “brainlets” that go into “machines.”

    The question then is, what happens if they start thinking for themselves…Neanderthal or the more modern cousins?

  16. FiatLux on June 23, 2020 at 7:43 am

    A cover for research whose actual goal is learn how to grow Homo sapiens sapiens brains? You know, to put lab-grown brains into robots or AI devices of the future. And other “fun” stuff like that.

  17. anakephalaiosis on June 23, 2020 at 5:45 am

    From European perspective, the American is already a Frankenstein’s monster, and a Tolkien’s orc, bred for the purpose of papal war, against European heathenry. Dale Cooper is uneasy, about what he sees in the mirror. When Odin gives himself, to himself, he is confronting himself. So did real Christ.


    Then I fell rock bottom clash,
    like rotten tomato trash,
    and my wild rover
    in hangover,
    was dead drunk backlash.


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