In my book Microcosm and Medium, I explored the idea that the arts in general, and music in particular, were a form of mind manipulation, usually (though not always), in the best sense. There is something "intangibly true" about that old adage that music is the universal language of mankind.

But there may be more to  it than that, according to this article spotted and shared by M.W. (to whom a very big thank you for sending an article not having to do with Baal Gates, the Fauci virus, or the magical Gnostic transformations of language wherein rioters become protesters and looters become "alternative shoppers"):

Music Synchronizes the Brains of Performers and Their Audience

There's much in this article to speculate about, because the implications multiply like rabbits. But some things really  stand out for their stunning ramifications if one thinks a moment. For example, what really caught my eye were these statements:

In the study, a violinist performed brief excerpts from a dozen different compositions, which were videotaped and later played back to a listener. Researchers tracked changes in local brain activity by measuring levels of oxygenated blood. (More oxygen suggests greater activity, because the body works to keep active neurons supplied with it.) Musical performances caused increases in oxygenated blood flow to areas of the brain related to understanding patterns, interpersonal intentions and expression.

Data for the musician, collected during a performance, was compared to those for the listener during playback. In all, there were 12 selections of familiar musical works, including “Edelweiss,” Franz Schubert’s “Ave Maria,” “Auld Lang Syne” and Ludwig van Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy.” The brain activities of 16 listeners were compared to that of a single violinist.

All the musical pieces resulted in synchronization of brain activity between the musician and listener, but this was especially true of the more popular performances. Interbrain coherence was insignificant during the early part of each piece and greatest toward its end. The authors explained that the listener required time to initially understand the musical pattern and was later able to enjoy the performance because it matched that person’s expectations.

Synchronous brain activity was localized in the left hemisphere of the brain, to an area known as the temporal-parietal junction. This area is important for empathy, the understanding of others’ thoughts and intentions, and verbal working memory used for expressing thought. It may function in the retrieval of sounds and patterns that give rise to musical expectations.

But it is the right brain hemisphere that is most often associated with interpretation of musical melody—in contrast to the left hemisphere, which is specialized for the interpretation of speech. In the right hemisphere, synchronization was localized to areas involved in recognizing musical structure and pattern (the inferior frontal cortex) and interpersonal understanding (the inferior frontal and postcentral cortices). These sites also involve “mirror neurons,” brain cells that are thought to enables a mirroring or internalization of others’ thoughts and actions.


...The brain activity of that person playing air guitar at your concert is closer to that of a true performer than you might have realized.

What fascinates me here is that this could be a way to explore aspects of the old doctrine of Affektenlehre by comparing performer-listener brain activity during the performance of specific musical procedures.  Additionally, we're all probably familiar with "that person playing air guitar"; for us keyboardists, we play "air keyboards" or tap our fingers on the arm of a chair (or in my case, a crossed leg will do). But that the article is also suggesting is that the more-or-less abstract musical forms themselves - the rhythms, harmonies, the patterns of notes in individual lines of music - are producing measurable physiological and neurological responses, simply by an individual's "active listening" to them.

It's this that I find the most fascinating, because this is straight out of Affektenlehre, i.e., the idea that music can "conjure" more or less general and objective intellectual and emotional responses. An individual's description of that response may vary from individual to individual, and therein lies the reason, perhaps, that many people view emotional-intellectual responses to music as being predominantly subjective. But underneath these subjective descriptions, the article is suggesting that their are synchronous and similar brainwave patterns, and it would be those which would perhaps ultimately be shown to ground certain ideas from the old Affektenlehre cosmology.

And this suggests yet another implication. In Microcosm and Medium I referred to the early (and quite secret) research conducted by neurologists on brainwave responses to particular words. Eventually, this research led to the compilation of what I called "electro-encephalographic dictionaries," literal catalogues of brainwave responses to particular words from several individuals "averaged" to create these "electro-encephalographic dictionaries." These dictionaries, as I outlined there, could in turn be used to "read" an individual's "interior conversation" remotely, and eventually also led to the capability of being able to project a conversation into someone's brain by modulating those brainwave patterns on standard microwaves.

One wonders if a similar technique could be applied to specific melodic, contrapuntal, rhythmic, and harmonic procedures to create a kind of "electro-encephalographic lexicon" of Affektenlehre?

I suspect, given the implications of this article, plus some of the research that I reviewed in Microcosm and Medium, that this very probably has been underway for some time... This of course is MK-Ultra, set to music...

See you on the flip side...

Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. TiananmenTankman on July 2, 2020 at 5:43 am

    I *think* you are on to something, Dr. Farrell. Scratch the “I think”. DARPA and pals must be having a ball with this for all the wrong reasons.

  2. faFik on June 19, 2020 at 5:43 am

    The temporal parietal junction is also used for artificially inducing OBEs using transcranial magnetic stimulation.

  3. Laura on June 18, 2020 at 11:51 am

    Individuals entrain their mind into a larger collective based on emotions.  From an evolutionary perspective, this enabled humans to survive as a group despite entropy. 

  4. Richard on June 18, 2020 at 5:09 am

    Teasing the sensory apparatuses is an old, very old, strategy if not technology conjured by the Ancients and handed down through example. Whether fragrances that tingle the nostrils or offend them, oils and lotions and accompanying massaging that soothe the largest organ system of humankind (innervated layers of skin), resonating strings or chimes or large halls even valleys between mountains and winds over sand dunes that carry sounds of voice and instruments (or a pipe organ positioned within an architecturally well-constructed hall or cathedral) that titillates the tympanic membrane with a favorable response within the cranial cavity, or the different sights that dazzle the corporeal optics, this stuff isn’t new. Seeking that which makes what is, is, can almost seem an obsession if it were not important know that which is.

    Scientizing this business of trying to categorize, quantify, and qualify observations of harmony and the emotive response of mindset through music almost seems an exercise in early psychology with Wilhelm Wundt as he tried to shoehorn science into the study of mind. He said something to the effect of calling it “scientific study of the mind.” It’s all very interesting yet the mind is not, not for a lack of trying, a thing that is public, repeatable, and measurable. This something called mind is very clever at deceiving itself and others of a mind in concocting things of science.

    Like the sensory apparatuses that change through the aging process from cradle to grave, the brain, sometimes abstractly called harbinger of mind, does too. Not remaining the same for anything puts science at very distinct disadvantage for it requires measurable repetition publicly demonstrated that stays the same. That whatchamacallit, mind, is not obliged to follow Galileo and Bacon into the tar-pits of extinction as they’ve defined science method. They who insist on AI and mind control have already failed miserably yet they strive to conquer – an obsessive-compulsive behavior of doom – until put down.

    On with the show maestro!

  5. Robert Barricklow on June 17, 2020 at 12:37 am

    Information warfare is part of the mind control ops.
    Now ZERO HEDGE is being targeted by NBC w/UK thought police; to get it deplatformed from Google ads, and described as far right

    Whoever thought that shaking hands
    would become a revolutionary act?

  6. FiatLux on June 17, 2020 at 12:37 am

    So a bunch of people gathered together, listening to the same music or singing the same hymn (or chanting the same spell), synching their brain waves, then directing their combined intention toward something… Anakephalaiosis’s Shooting Limericks! Oh, and don’t forget: singing in church is a public health risk.

    • anakephalaiosis on June 17, 2020 at 2:35 am

      1. Anyone, who has wrongfully used the Runic Affektenlehre, without understanding its original purpose, is guilty of ideological crime.

      2. So, there is going to be a Nuremberg trail, for hippies in America. And the hippies are going to hang from their tipis.

      3. Also the White House is going to burn, because the American eagle is a featherless chicken, begging for barbecue.

      Bloodwrack has no expiration date:

    • Billy Bob on June 17, 2020 at 12:39 pm

      And one must wear face mask….like a trumpet baffle?

  7. Guinevere on June 16, 2020 at 11:52 pm

    I enjoyed very much reading this. Do ETs listen/respond/react to music? Can the body/mind respond to ‘sounds’ beyond hearing and thus be controlled? Certainly dogs can. When I want to clean the house I put on John Phillips Sousa. What exactly IS sound. Can deaf people respond to music? You probably all know this. I’m just an old hippie who loves Dr. Farrell’s thought processes and his amazing contribution to our world.

    • anakephalaiosis on June 17, 2020 at 1:06 am

      Hippies and nazis have the same Rune symbols in common. It is interesting, to compare the 20th century usage, to the original sixth century usage.

      Since hippies were a mixture of dreamers and drug dealers, they are today seen as both good and bad. Similar nuance is not applied to the nazis, and that is not being objective.

      Idealists get lost in ideologies, and that is fantasy land, where Pinocchio’s affektenlehre can ensnare the senses, and lure the seeker, to take a wrong path.

      There has been no Nuremberg trial for American hippies yet, who share ideological symbols with the nazis. Why is that? Is it too close to home?

  8. marcos toledo on June 16, 2020 at 8:41 pm

    Anybody for the opening of the old tv show The Outer Limits.

  9. marcos toledo on June 16, 2020 at 8:37 pm

    This is the kind of technology that our what to be gods would be trying to control. Being power freaks addicts they can’t help themselves and they don’t care anyway.

  10. anakephalaiosis on June 16, 2020 at 7:57 pm

    1. Today, one does not speak of antisemitism, because everyone knows, that six million pants are on fire.

    2. Instead, one starts to point out domestic traitors, who have opened the door, so deception could take place.

    3. There is no point in creating music today, because that would be praising a thick plot, that has no ethereal quality.

    Pinocchio’s affektenlehre is the end of the road.

  11. zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 5:35 pm

  12. zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 4:53 pm

    Gosh? OC? Anyone more tech than this OG?
    Got this recommendation today from

    Has me tempted to explore more on
    for better searches, news feeds, email? Thought I read someone here describe protonmail as another blind alley. Any input?

    • zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 4:54 pm

      Speaking of mods
      Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.
      June 16, 2020 at 4:53 pm
      Gosh? OC? Anyone more tech than this OG?
      Got this recommendation today from
      healthimpactnews dot com/2020/how-to-beat-internet-censorship-and-create-your-own-newsfeed/

      Has me tempted to explore more on
      https:// protonmail dot com/
      for better searches, news feeds, email? Thought I read someone here describe protonmail as another blind alley. Any input?

  13. Kaibosch on June 16, 2020 at 3:56 pm

    I was in a music store some months ago and had to leave owing to the debilitating and migraine-inducing noise that was coming from the sound system. It felt as if I was being subjected to some kind of energetic and psychic torture. Needless to say, the din emanating from the speakers was the ubiquitous screeching female of RnB which “music” appears to be pitched so as to aggravate and overload the central nervous system with discordant frequency. I’ve no doubt this is deliberate and explains why many of the younger gen are in an almost permanent state of anxiety, sleep deprivation and discombobulation. It reminds me of a film from the 1970s called The Shout in which one of the lead characters (played by Alan Bates) could literally kill with his voice… Also, lets not forget The Hum: a frequency which has been reported by many people around the world and which has caused considerable distress to those who hear it – bad enough to cause suicide. I was subjected to it myself some years ago. It was torturous. There are plenty of videos on yougoo about the hum and tales of unexplained sounds (frequency) coming from who knows where … Naturally the mainstream media finds it most amusing and presents those who hear it as (thinly veiled) basket cases…whilst pretending to investigate…

    • Tim H on June 17, 2020 at 5:36 am

      Thanks for bringing up The Shout, it was an excellent film.

  14. zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 2:11 pm

  15. Miguel Oniga on June 16, 2020 at 12:24 pm

    Everybody gets the blues.

    • zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 4:46 pm

      I Don’t Worry About A Thing

      Brings to mind another aspect Doc brought up. Has anyone else watched a movie without the music?

      • Billy Bob on June 16, 2020 at 6:40 pm

        The old silent movies added live music at the theatre before the sound tracks were added. They can be viewed with the mute on YouTube.

      • DanaThomas on June 17, 2020 at 8:22 am

        The best way to analytically view a film is to turn the sound off, take notes and then look with the sound on. Alternatively, take a film you’ve never seen and just listen to the sound FIRST as if it were a radio programme – this would conjur up pictures in the mind probably having almost nothing to do with the movie itself as seen after. Never done this – has anybody else??

  16. Robert Barricklow on June 16, 2020 at 11:51 am

    Many tools in the MK-ULTRA bag of tricks; but music really strikes a cord; in that, the CIA has double-down on the music industry for decades. Just listen to the junk that is spiraling out of GITMO control.
    [No escaping the stupidity ops/covid1984 etc., etc.]
    What this music/oxygen test exemplifies is the electromagnetic sphere in which life lives. Music is expressly and literally synced into that sphere of electromagnetic strings[frequencies].
    [Thus, 5G screams doomsday]
    The brain is also beyond belief in story telling. The brain can align the “facts” to support any Sheriff. Music can therefore be corrupted[IMO]; used for streamlining certain agendas. Just look at how music is used in Hollywood productions.
    Yes, not only is beauty in the eye of the beholder; but it seems there are keys to another realm that prefers a darker themes/operas.

  17. Tom on June 16, 2020 at 11:30 am

    Ancient tribes would have someone beat a war drum for a week or more, no doubt synching everyone’s brain to the grim work ahead. Listening to the press drone on everyday in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq, I couldn’t help but think it was a modern day version of said drum.

    • zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 4:19 pm

      Same going on now (for the last how many years?). Can we list the outrage culture ops? Cancel culture? War-on-………?

      Trump Derangement-ism
      Addicitive-nonaddictive opioid-ism
      Non-vaccine induced aut-ism
      Giant sucking sound nafta-ism

      What did I miss?

      • Wu Wu on June 18, 2020 at 7:45 am

        Everybody’s talkin’ ’bout
        shadism, badism, madism, had-ism…
        All we are saying, is
        Give Peace a Chance…

  18. Melodi on June 16, 2020 at 10:45 am

    I used to perform a lot when I was younger and I’ve noticed myself the amazing and powerful “energy” that can take place between a musical performer and those who are listening.

    I also once saw a rather famous traditional Irish band during the last of “The Troubles” rile my local village hall full of people (several hundred of them) into a frenzy over the situation in Northern Ireland (which is about 4 hours away, you are not getting there tonight).

    Having no place for this energy to go, the crowd was already kind of split into rival sports teams for the “big match” the next day complete with colors and uniforms.
    To make a long story short: my friends and I made our escape just as folks were screaming and jumping on tables one collapsed.

    Soon after fistfights broke out and it is still known to this day, nearly 20 years later as “the Great Village Riot.”

    At the time I was FURIOUS at the Band and said to my friends: “How dare they whip of those kinds of emotions with their music and then stop leaving people with nowhere to take them, what were they thinking?”

    That was because I thought they “had to know” the power of their music and the importance of “bringing a crowd like that down to Earth.”

    But maybe, they were just ignorant (or bored and wanted to see feisty cuffs?)

    • zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 4:09 pm

      Most musicians are well aware and work their sets to pace emotions the way good athletes pace themselves. Brings to mind the mess the Rolling Stones and the Hells Angels made decades ago.

      • Melodi on June 17, 2020 at 9:38 am

        Yep, that is exactly what that situation reminded me of – the older gentlemen I was with (his 13-year-old son wanted to go to the concert) had been to Woodstock – when the tables started to collapse and the sports teams started screaming we looked at each other and with no words exchanged started piling chairs in front of us.

        His young son asked “what are you doing” and I said “do you see those people? That is what a riot about to happens to look like, you Dad and I are putting up a barrier and then all three of us are going to start calming walking out the door – if there’s a rush, either get out or hide in the bathroom, you can be crushed!”

        We got out just as the fighting started to spill out on the street – and yep it was the Rolling Stones at Atimont, in minature with Irish accents.

        • Melodi on June 17, 2020 at 9:39 am

          Sorry for the grammar and spelling errors it won’t let me edit and my finger computer interface jumped the gun on posting.

  19. gord on June 16, 2020 at 9:43 am

    Absolutely anything can be used as a tool, a toy, or a weapon, and it would appear that a great many things have been weaponized. The two most despicable, from my viewpoint, being music, and human emotions.

    • zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 2:58 pm

      You do realize who the primary person of interest at FBI was during tryouts for the Unibomber – before they pulled Ted Kazinski out of their hat? The guy was the inventor of Tickle-Me-Elmo. Retired robotics engineer. He was in midst of getting his doll business set up when they crimped his life bad. Wonder how much Elmo had to do with Atlas?

  20. Seashore on June 16, 2020 at 8:10 am

    Hi Dr. Farrell, very interesting article. You had mentioned many times of “electro-encephalographic dictionaries”, do you or anyone know where we can find them?

    • zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 2:55 pm

      Yeh. DARPA. You might not want to pay what they will charge you though. BTW, at least you won’t have to ask for it. Just give it a thought. They’ll know.

  21. Katie B on June 16, 2020 at 8:01 am

    This is from memory so details aren’t refined but when doing experiments on monkeys – if a monkey watched another monkey or a human reach for some grapes in front of them, they too would make the reaching motion with their hand. The region of the brain that this empathic action stimulated was the same as that of the human or other monkey actually performing the grasping motion – so it was mirrored, as if the monkey watching was actually performing the action. Also, another key point, an area in the brain that was also stimulated in the watching monkey was the same place as a human’s language centres (I can’t remember which now, maybe Wernickes). Gives a fresh meaning to the Watchers and Voyeurism and surveillance society in general. And one could go in – such as plays, theatres, Hollyweird, state actors etc.

    • zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 2:53 pm

      Ever watch a Mom feed her kid with a spoon? Ever do it yourself? Who does not open their mouth with the kid? Consider back when there were pro athletes (what a quaint time) and a golf sliced a shot down a fairway. And leaned back hard and left as he watched his ball head toward trees. And the whole gallery leaned with him.

      • Katie B on June 16, 2020 at 5:07 pm

        Ha yes, well illustrated. It seems all of these natural actions have a basis in reality that’s universal and connected to language as tp how to communicate those specific actions. Which, really when you deconstruct seems a natural enough and logical process.

        • zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 11:25 pm

          In another life, took a few ASL classes. Turns out, sign languages are carefully designed and mostly pantomime. In fact signers are quite divided by those who consider signs incorporating the alphabet are considered less literate, less skillful and “Englishy.” Signers who have never had hearing are considered faster, higher quality and infinitely more beautiful and “Deaf.” I may be biased. The little experience I have compels complete agreement.

          • zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 11:26 pm

            In other words, deaf signers use WAY less English based signs (letters spelled out).

  22. anakephalaiosis on June 16, 2020 at 7:28 am

    1. Collective manifestations are cosmic focal points, with many individual faces.

    2. Druidic is to synchronize collective brainwaves accordingly.

    3. One crucifies the ego, and enters into the higher self.

    Collective tree has many branches, twigs and leaves.

  23. goshawks on June 16, 2020 at 5:57 am

    (Our favorite Modding system had trouble with the word “h0mologous.” Sigh. Once again…)

    The differences in Western versus Eastern responses is interesting:
    “Which side of the brain engages with music can also be subject to cultural influence. The Japanese process their traditional popular music in the left hemisphere, whereas Westerners process the same music in the right hemisphere. Music and language are processed separately; they are localized in h0mologous regions of the opposite hemispheres.”

    Further differences here:
    “Either way, the physiological characteristic of Japanese to hear natural sounds in the language sphere of the brain, and the linguistic characteristics of the Japanese language which has highly developed onomatopoeia, together with the Japanese view of nature which finds gods residing in all natural beings, are all very well represented within the Japanese psyche.”

    • anakephalaiosis on June 16, 2020 at 7:10 am

      Affektenlehre, in practice of spiritual warfare:

      “The penetrating alertness, that rises above, and enters crux of matter, is the samurai.”

      “When archer and target are one, the arrow knows the way; and the limerick reaches its target, before it leaves the bow.”

      “You never know who you are, before it strikes you, right between the eyes.”

      – Zen, and the Art of Shooting Limericks.

      • zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 2:50 pm

        Dang Anak. Write some books will ya?

    • Robert Barricklow on June 16, 2020 at 11:53 am

      Thanks for the moderated spelling.
      Another pitfall I can avoid.

    • zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 2:48 pm

      At least the mod is consistent, right? Makes it much easier to work with than the old one.

  24. goshawks on June 16, 2020 at 5:55 am

    The differences in Western versus Eastern responses is interesting:
    “Which side of the brain engages with music can also be subject to cultural influence. The Japanese process their traditional popular music in the left hemisphere, whereas Westerners process the same music in the right hemisphere. Music and language are processed separately; they are localized in homologous regions of the opposite hemispheres.”

    Further differences here:
    “Either way, the physiological characteristic of Japanese to hear natural sounds in the language sphere of the brain, and the linguistic characteristics of the Japanese language which has highly developed onomatopoeia, together with the Japanese view of nature which finds gods residing in all natural beings, are all very well represented within the Japanese psyche.”

    • zendogbreath on June 16, 2020 at 2:47 pm

      Rick Beatto has hours of youtubes – performer, producer, former college music teacher. He helped his kids get perfect pitch. It’s not purely genetic. The window of opportunity to acquire it is brief – first year or two? It’s all about the range and complexity of the music we hear as we build language. There is a genetic component as well. Not all individuals have genes needed to aquire it. And apparently Asians have a much higher percentage of the population with those genes. Much higher. My first thought is that epigenetic influences spanning thousands of generations make tonal language people hear more in every sound than consonant based language. Aka – pitch is vital in many Asian languages. For Western languages, tone is mostly considered part of body language.

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