Most regular readers here know I have little use for scientism, that attitude so common to most modern scientists that they've solved all the puzzles of the universe, and that all we humans have to do to improve our lot and ward off whatever apocalypse they also confidently predict is to allow them to tinker with the human genome, or this or that animal species, or to spray enough chemicals into the atmosphere to blot out the sun, or any number of other insane ideas they've promoted. Their behavior and attitudes are so outlandish that it makes the burning of poor Giordano Bruno at the stake by the Inquisition look like an act of the greatest enlightenment.

As a case in point, I offer today's article spotted by T.M., as as a warning lesson, to what can go dramatically wrong when all the "science" confidently predicts something else:

Note that was the scientists were attempting to do, and what resulted, were two entirely different and opposed things:

Using the controversial CRISPR technology, researchers at Northwestern University were examining a hormone called vasopressin and its receptor, Avpr1a.

They opted to try and remove the latter from a group of Syrian hamsters, with the expectation it would increase bonding and co-operation between the lovable little critters.

That’s because Avpr1a is understood to regulate things like teamwork and friendship as well as dominance and bonding.

Their expectation proved to be wrong. Very wrong.

‘We were really surprised at the results,’ said Professor H Elliot Albers, the lead researcher on the study.

‘We anticipated that if we eliminated vasopressin activity, we would reduce both aggression and social communication.

‘But the opposite happened.’

The academics found the adorable bundles of fluff turned into mutant rage monsters exhibiting ‘high levels of aggression towards other same-sex individuals’.

Now, if that's not bad enough, one reason that the scientists chose the poor hamsters was because... well, I'll let the article tell you for itself and in its own unbelievable words:

The scientists chose to experiment with Syrian hamsters because, unlike mice, they have a social organisation that’s similar to humans.

I don't know about you, but I have no doubt that the author of the article, Jeff Parsons, may actually have been told by some scientist involved with the project that the hamsters were chosen because their social organization is similar to humans.

Yup, that's why we see hamsters building skyscrapers, dams, airports, space rockets, promoting art and opera and literature and rock concerts and food courts and... well, you get the idea, though I put the point considerably less elegantly than did G.K. Chesterton when confronted with similar nonsense in his day:

If he (man) was an ordinary product of biological growth, like any other beast or bird, then it is all the more extraordinary that he was not in the least like any other beast or bird. He seems rather more supernatural as a natural product than as a supernatural one.... For in the plain matter like ... pictures there is in fact not a trace of any such development or degree. Monkeys did not begin pictures and men finish them; Pithecanthropus did not draw a reindeer badly and Homo Sapiens draw it well. The higher animals did not draw better and better portraits; the dog did not paint better in his best period than in his early bad manner as a jackal; the wild horse was not an Impressionist and the race-horse a Post-Impressionist. (G.K. Chesteron, The Everlasting Man, pp. 166-167, Ignatius Press, G.K. Chesterton, Collected Works, Volume II: St. Francis of Assisi, The Everlasting Man, St. Thomas Aquinas)

One can, however, surmise a sort of "scientismistic" purpose, or "reason" behind the experiment, for if one grants the proposition that human and hamsters social organization is similar (which it may be in all respects that are not important) then if follows if one can use CRISPR techniques and technologies to "edit out" aggressive behavior in hamsters, one might be able to do it in humans.

Except - and this brings us back to the first point, that of the experiment itself - the opposite effect resulted from what was confidently intended and expected: the hamsters became not less aggressive, but more, which is a warning about the limitations and uses of science if there ever was one.

But somewhere there will be a scientismist  who will opine something to the effect of the following: "Well, if those results obtained, then there may have been other unknown or unsuspected influences on the hamsters that produced the results, and hence, the genetic tinkering may not be at fault."

True enough, but that does not eradicate the lesson at all: life - all life - is a complex and open system, and indeed, tinkering with one aspect of that open system may involve other components of that same system in unexpected and even contra-indicated ways. The objection fails, in other words, because it is really making my point, and argues for more caution in such experiments, not less.

But even if we grant that humans and hamsters are "similar in their social organization," Chesterton has some other cautionary words of warning:

The story of Egypt might have been invented to point the moral that man does not necessarily begin with despotism because he is barbarous, but very often finds his way to despotism because he is civilised. He finds it because he is experienced; or, what is often much the same thing, because he is exhausted. (G.K. Chesterton, The Everlasting Man, p. 195, source indicated above).

The warning, I believe is clear for those who wish to see: we are told that Elon Musk's neural net, or other virtual reality mind manipulation technologies, will bring about a golden age. We were told mRNA injections are entirely safe. Nothing bad will happen if we introduce human brain cells into mice.

To that I reply: "Remember the hamsters!"

See you on the flip side...

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

No Comments

  1. Zorost on June 10, 2022 at 10:54 pm

    Pretty sure I saw this movie already. Some enviro radicals break into the lab, accidentally getting bit and catching the rage virus.

  2. JW on June 8, 2022 at 6:36 am

    Irreducible Complexity.

  3. Maatkare3114 on June 5, 2022 at 9:10 am

    We are in the middle of more experiments. Feb 2022

    ON-Target Adverse Events of CRISPR-Cas9 Nuclease: More Chaotic than Expected.

    However, this powerful tool can induce adverse genomic events. The off-target genotoxicity is well described, predictable, detectable, and resolved by the use of new generations of Cas9 nucleases with high fidelity.

    In contrast, the ON-target genotoxicity due to a DNA double-strand break at the targeted locus is still underestimated.

    They are going to use CRISPR Cas9 on foods in the UK. We are in the middle of more experiments.

    Single-dose CRISPR–Cas9 therapy extends lifespan of mice with Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome…they are looking to increase lifespan of the elite under the guise of research on aging.


    He Jiankui, the Chinese researcher who stunned the world last year by announcing he had helped produce genetically edited babies, has been found guilty of conducting “illegal medical practices” and sentenced to 3 years in prison.
    A major concern has been that He Jiankui’s attempts to cripple CCR5, the gene for a protein on immune cells that HIV uses to infect the cells, also made “off-target” changes elsewhere in the girls’ genomes. Those changes could cause cancer or other problems. Since the gene-edited babies known as Lulu and Nana became international news in November 2018, scientific debate and media speculation have swirled around the potential impacts of modifying their gene for CCR5. One recent study prompted the MIT Technology Review to suggest the twins have enhanced memories and learning abilities…- Science Magazine Did CRISPR help—or harm—the first-ever gene-edited babies? By Jon CohenAug. 1, 2019

  4. Richard on June 5, 2022 at 12:20 am

    One would suggest that that hamster already had cause to be hostile just by being Lab prone & caged. Who in their right mind really finds the tolerance of moronic displays and torture in the name of [some lame patent-for-profit] to be their goal in life, anyway? Animals do know more than the individual (the ‘You’) that is often iterated.

    The Nez Perce knew this attribute about animals & animal spirits long ago and were not twisted over time as the many narratives might suggest. Fancy & superfluous white papers included. Humankind, too, is an animal and part of that greater whole.

    Good that there are exceptions within the ranks of scientists.

  5. Jay on June 4, 2022 at 6:23 pm

    One more thought about gene editing. Assuming that our DNA is at the same time matrix for rather advanced humanoid species and declaration of intent by its Creator ( which in itself is way beyond our understanding of genetic engineering) , removing one gene / hormone/ whatever, most likely going to change sentence…i.e ” you will live in cell, brother/ you will live in celibacy” . Both sounds very similar but meaning is a bit different.

    • Robert Barricklow on June 4, 2022 at 11:15 pm

      Could even be the same exact sentence,
      but different meaning on simply to way you emphasis key words.
      Changing environments; trigger epigenetic changes, in many life forms

      If one knew; one could engineer both the environment and life forms to certain ends.
      Both literally and figuratively; at the same time, along preplanned timeline[s]?

  6. Maria Clarke on June 4, 2022 at 7:02 am

    Anyone remember the movie Serenity? “It was the Pax, that they added to the ore processors, to weed out aggression and calm the population…… It works… everyone just lay down and died”, except the ones who had a reaction… The Reavers. (for those who don’t know the film – the Reavers were beyond mad psychopath killers) They created them…. In the film there is a sad moment when she says – we meant it for good. Sadly, that character did not understand that “they” only every mean it for bad.

  7. eddyminimum on June 3, 2022 at 11:59 pm

    Gene editing for aggression, that sounds relaxing. My libations intake is skyrocketing. I think this planet is going to get creepier than we can imagine. A couple comments brought up the zombie meme (appropriately in my view). Society has been soaked in that metaphor, absolutely inundated.

    A term we used to hear when I was a kid was marauder/marauders. Western shows and movies come to think of it. Maybe it was already out of use back then? Never hear it anymore, but it was a common word and concept.

    Anyway – without water, food and shelter, you’re dead; or, more to the point, soon to be. Dangerous stuff. If our densely populated civilization rolls into collapse, then mythical zombies might be a damn tight fit for the reality of marauding hoards. And that’s just going natural. Add DARPA, mRNA, drugs, gangs/governments, corporate overloads, toxic bullshit emissions, anti-social media, robo-cop-soldiers, eye of newt, bat wings, CRISPR chimeras – and we’re buying the stairway to hell.

    Mmmm, first post here. Have nice evening.

  8. FiatLux on June 3, 2022 at 11:01 pm

    The only thing I find surprising about this study is that it wasn’t done directly on humans. At least, not openly…

    • Richard on June 5, 2022 at 12:28 am

      Decades ago it was all the rage to connect electrodes to implants on bulls and monkeys to observe reactions.

  9. marcos toledo on June 3, 2022 at 8:02 pm

    May I recommend another anime series to stream Assassination Classroom? It has recently done a 180 degree and I think you would find it quite pertinent to today’s post.

  10. dLux on June 3, 2022 at 2:21 pm

    My gut is saying that this is not an oops, but that they are broadcasting what they have ALREADY DONE.
    Super soldier guinea pigs? Or the World population with those mRNA shots?

    The American people stand in their way for World domination. God’s Grace that wiser temperaments prevail.

    • Wu Wu on June 3, 2022 at 5:55 pm

      Refer to my comment below, if you please. 🙂
      However, using solely CRISPR(CAS-2, one cannot modify the current animal/generation. In fact, referencing humans, it would be simpler to use this technique on sperm/ovae. It might, possibly, with some monumental adjustments, be made to work on full-growns, but the infectables( ≡shots) seem to have the effect of making them sterile. Thus, petri dish babies would then have to serve.

      • FiatLux on June 3, 2022 at 10:57 pm

        Are we sure human sterility isn’t the intent?

  11. Robert Barricklow on June 3, 2022 at 11:22 am

    Just like about everything else these Masters of the Universe touch: it comes out as designed.
    Crisis by design is these modus operandi. The crisis of covid 1984 was loaded/stacked w/designs: quackcines; taking over the small businesses market[destroying them]; moving everyone into digital space[work, play, dating, eating, schooling, etc., etc.]; politics[stealing $elections]; and more.
    Now, w/the hamster; a perfect symbolism of moving faster and faster, to get nowhere fast, unless the monster mash was the song playing all along?

    I used to wonder about Hollywood’s and other medias; fascination w/zombies?
    What was that all about.
    But, as time moved on, the pieces of that puzzle began to be getting somewhere.
    Click? Another piece fits into that zombie picture: aggressive mutant rage hamster.

    running late…
    White Rabbit.

  12. Mr Sophistication on June 3, 2022 at 10:40 am

    Now we know what Calvin’s favorite book, ‘Hamster Huey & The Gooey Kablooie’ was about.
    Not looking forward to the “live action” version of ‘The Disembodied Hand That Strangled People’.

    • Richard on June 5, 2022 at 12:33 am

      One prefers the helpful “Hand” of the Adam’s Family TV series a few decades back.

  13. Wu Wu on June 3, 2022 at 9:42 am

    The Avpr1a receptor is, surely, there for a reason. Vasopressin, among other things, decreases blood pressure. In the abscence of a receptor, one might surmise, from the get-go even, that this functionality might not work. It therefore might follow that any vasopressin produced would function at an extremely low level, if at all. This would of course lead to extremes of high blood pressure and uncontrollable rage issues.

    It seems disingenuous, or even outright mendacious, of these researchers, then, to claim surprise at the results. More likely they were aiming to create hyperaggressiveness in an attempt to extrapolate what might happen with a human cohort, and got caught out.
    Perhaps just another experiment towards creating the perfect supersoldier.

    Remember, remember, the hamsters dismember.

    • Awake on June 3, 2022 at 10:08 am

      My guess is the super soldier has already been created and deployed. Think of all the mass shootings going on and how the alt-media keeps pushing the crisis actor angle…why? They have had super soldier sleeper cells for decades. They are raised by normal families and activated and deployed at a moments notice. Every mass shooter that I can remember, always gets killed or kills themselves…why? Because they are programed to self destruct so there are no surviving shooter accounts. Now, with that in mind, think about Antifa and BLM activities worldwide. Many of these people seem to have serious military type training and instinctive programming. Funny how that works. The question to me is are they all clones, replicants or actual real men and woman with souls that have been corrupted? Happy Friday…lol.

      • dLux on June 3, 2022 at 2:03 pm

        Latest Greg Reese Report

      • Jay on June 3, 2022 at 8:02 pm

        Not a super soldiers – these I imagine are for other tasks and expensive to make too. What you described fits more into MKUltra programming – remember that one can have multiple personalities which does not know about each other. And most likely we are dealing with this kind of drones.

  14. Galaxygirl on June 3, 2022 at 8:42 am

    I miss seeing Dr. Farrell!
    Prayers and hugs.

  15. zod1ac5corp1o on June 3, 2022 at 7:43 am

    Having bred Syrian hamsters I can say they may look like cute balls of fluff but they can be aggressive. A bit like buck rabbits who will fight to the death. Clearly this has been exacerbated. What happens when they start using CRISPR on people. Is this why the CDC had the training programme on their website last year on what to do in a zombie apocalypse. It was there. I saw it. Weird.

    • S Klein on June 3, 2022 at 2:26 pm

      Aggressive behavior is usually defensive actions. I raised love birds for quite a while and I can tell you they were incredibly aggressive/defensive. “Love birds” was a complete misnomer. I have also kept honey bees for decades and I can tell you they can be incredibly aggressive. We always called the behavior “defensive” in the honeybee research world. The Africanized honey bees are remarkably aggressive/defensive.

      It will be interesting to see how aggressive/defensive humans become in the near future as many professionals are waking up.

    • Richard on June 5, 2022 at 12:50 am

      In some biology labs there are folks whose job is to [handle] laboratory property (being the mice) of multiple experiments, for instance, so that the lab technicians do not get too many bites, if any, while handling the little beasties. Those animals that are considered to be sacrificed during an experiment usually are not. There’s a remarkable difference between the handled beasties and those simply caged until their last time is nigh.

      Animals taken home often have an amount of experience at being handled by human handlers. The more the pets get the more familiar they become with their human handler who becomes their pet master. Sometimes the difference between feral and domesticated is how much handling the animal has had prior. Pavlov’s repetition in a way.

  16. Galaxygirl on June 3, 2022 at 6:33 am

    If our DNA was manipulated by the “gods” years ago, then maybe that would explain our inherent aggressiveness and why the “gods” had to destroy us with a flood?

    • Barbara on June 3, 2022 at 9:28 am

      We firmly by now, have entered the era of mad scientists/bio warfare. Lord have mercy on all of us. As far as flood concern, as promised in Old Testament, no more floods. This does not mean that God will not chose any thing else for us. Most of the XX century Marian apparitions talked about some kind of hour of trial, if men don’t correct their ways. ” Ball of fire” was mentioned in some of them.

      • Wu Wu on June 3, 2022 at 1:07 pm

        Trial by firing squad —— line up and get( the) shot.

  17. anakephalaiosis on June 3, 2022 at 5:30 am

    Feminist killer hamsters have been epigenetically modified, to attack spouses, and follow latest Hollywood fashion, designed by Khazarian movie moguls.


    Bloodthirsty was swampy vampy,
    ditched by roadside muddy,
    in harpy’s self-dug hole
    by lack of soul,
    as Gorgons are too greedy.

  18. Mark Sean de Cantual on June 3, 2022 at 5:09 am

    Ah, the plan for an new ISIS, once depopulation of humanity has achieved, and the 0.001% begin to focus on each other….now how to grow the hamsters to near human size and chip them.

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