I'm publishing this early, on a Sunday, because there's a little bit of chatter on the internet about a very strange Russian television commercial that's been making the rounds, mostly on YouTube. That in itself is worth some commentary, but we'll get back to that later, as it forms part of today's high octane speculation. I was first made aware of this commercial last Friday (Aug 12, 2022) during our members' vidchat when someone first mentioned it, and another member chimed in and said that they'd also seen it.

After the vidchat I quickly went searching for the commercial, and any information that might corroborate that the commercial is genuine, and indeed a product of the Russian government. Welll, according to this article from the U.K. Express, the commercial is indeed genuine, so I'm going to throw caution to the winds and run with it:

'This for real?' Moscow ridiculed as 'move to Russia' ad sparks hilarious Twitter slapdown

Now in case you missed the commercial itself while you were watching Sean Vannity on Faux News, or whoever-it-is on SeeBS or whatever, here it is:

So in that short minute, the case for moving to Russia is reduced to the following 16 points:

(1) delicious cuisine: check, I have to admit that I miss my mother's beef Stroganoff, although she wasn't Russian (for that matter, I also liked her chicken paprikash, and she wasn't Hungarian either, but Orban makes a good case too);

(2) Beautiful women: well, check, at least they seem to know what women are in Russia (beautiful or not), and the last time I checked, they're not letting men swimmers compete against women swimmers just because the former "identify" as the latter, which makes one wonder if Ron De Santis is either Russian, or a Russian agent.  His lack of gender confusion is...well, it's just highly suspicious;

(3) Cheap gas: well, that's probably a check. I don't know, because I haven't bought any gas in Russia lately, or for that matter, ever.  I imagine, however, that the way the Germans are wincing, it's probably true.  I know it's not nearly as cheap here as it was when Orange-Man-Bad was president.

(4) Rich history: check, Russia certainly has that, and with several intriguing nooks and crannies well worth exploring. Take it from me, because I used to teach Russian history in college.

(5) World famous literature: again, check, and probably several checks.  Dostoyevsky alone would have put Russia on the literary map, and he's just one of very many. And while we're on the subject, isn't it a bit ironic and creepy that Chekov's The Cherry Orchard resembles more the modern USSA than it does Russia, they having gone through their "cherry orchard" dark ages-evil empire moment called the Soviet Union? Who can forget the fun and frolic with Yezov, Yagoda, and Beria, huh?

(6) Unique architecture: yup, check: they have everything from Byzantine, classical, and European to that unique style that can only be called "Soviet Modern Ugly", sort of the Russian equivalent in spartan ugliness to the German Bauhaus school, only the Soviet style isn't nearly as ugly. The only uglier style is the Obama Presidential Library Style that infects modern America.

(7) Fertile soil: well, a probable check here. Again, I don't know, and I'm the last person anyone should ask, because after years of careful and studious neglect, I've managed to kill my mother's old Swedish ivy plant. I know nothing about soil conditions, and particularly Russian soil conditions, except I do know that the Russian government doesn't like GMOs, has banned than, and that this has to be good for the soil. That one factoid alone makes me extremely suspicious of Western motivations in backing the regime in Kiev (and yes, I'm going to keep spelling it and pronouncing it that way, just to be irritating).

(8) Cheap electric and water: again, a probable check, because I don't know, I'm not there. That said, we do have a couple of members of this website who actually maintain rather spacious apartments in St. Petersburg (a city full of that unique architecture) and when they told me how cheap their rent was for such a large city, I was flabbergasted, so I can believe the cheap water and gas, though I suppose like everywhere else, it depends on local conditions.

(9) Ballet: ok, check. I'm not a big ballet fan as one might have guessed, probably for the same reasons I'm just not a big opera guy. But, once that's on the record, the music itself has become part of the standard repertoire. Who of us haven't heard The Nutcracker or Swan Lake? If you haven't, well, then that sort of makes the commercial's point: you're a modern western cretin, and the commercial isn't targeting you  to move to Russia. Had I been in charge of making the commercial for the Russian government and its evil-super-criminal-genius-and-never-to-be-trusted-byzantine-mastermind Vladimir Putin, I would have stressed "Great music" rather than ballet, with perhaps a snippet of Rachmaninoff or Prokofiev playing in the background.

(10) Cheap taxi and delivery: well, a probable check on that one too, though I haven't had to ride any Russian taxis or have any packages delivered in that country, although my guess is, yea, that's probably true too.

(11) Traditional values: ok, check. You don't get to dress up in outlandish costumery and purple hair, call yourselves "Pussy Riot", and carry on in a lewd fashion in an Orthodox Cathedral and call it a "protest" without being clapped in the slammer; up to that point, apparently, it was ok to dress as outlandishly as your liked, and to call yourself whatever offensive name you wished; you just don't get to do that in church.

(12) Christianity: ok, check. Granted, the Christianity in Russia is, well, Russian Orthodox by and large, but so what? When Kirill wakes up and realizes that the Church is missing a golden opportunity to put some real weight behind an Orthodox western rite complete with hierarchy, then who knows where that will lead. (Here's a hint Kir: neither Antioch nor ROCOR know what they're doing... dig in your archives long enough and you'll find out what I'm talking about... have your people contact my people; let's talk.)

(13) No cancel culture: well, ok, check, but with caveats: when are we talking about here? Certainly there was a lot of "canceling" being done under the aforementioned Mssrs Yezov, Yagoda, and Beria.  But I grant the basic proposition: no one carted Pussy Riot off to a gulag; rather, one gets the impression that Pussy  Riot would be entirely ok with putting the entirety of the Russian Church back in the gulag.

(14) Hospitality: check: this one deserves some 'splaining. While I've not been to Russia, I have been around a lot of Russians, and yes, I can vouch for the hospitality. WARNING (and I learned this trick far too late to do me any good): don't drink the vodka (the next point on the list). Claim that you're an alcoholic. I'm still suffering a hang-over with a half-life of 243 years because I drank vodka with Russians, and I'll still be suffering that hang-over long after I'm dead.

(15) Vodka: check (see point 14 above).

(16) An economy that can withstand thousands of sanctions.  Well, ok, check.  To listen to the western propatainment media tell it, Russia's economy is on its last legs and will implode at any moment. Now, in my humble and uninformed opinion, that's probably right up there with The Ukraine is Winning Hugely meme we've been watching. We're supposed to be gloating that the Russian military is doing so poorly.  Maybe it is, and maybe it isn't, but I don't see the American military anywhere close, and one wonders how its "reality fluid" approach to basic metaphysical categories would fare.  If the captured American-and-NATO trained fascist military units are any indicator, then they wouldn't fare too well. It was, after all, Russian 152mm cannon firing point blank into the Reichstag, and not German 15omm cannon firing point blank into the Kremlin, that ended the last little fascist saber-rattling episode, as I recall.

Finally, the commercial ends with a cheery "Time to Move to Russia" and then a not-so-cheery "Winter is Coming."

Now I've taken a lot of time to review this commercial, because frankly, it intrigued me. Why produce such a thing at all? After all, Russian media has been all but totally banned in the west. In a way, it was easier when I was a boy to dial up the English language service of Radio Moscow than it is to tune into Russian television now. Why go to the production expense to produce such a commercial, when buying advertising time on Deutsche Welle or SeeBS or FAUX news or the Canadian Broadcorping Castration is a foregone negative conclusion? Why produce something that millions of people won't see? Or rather, why produce something that the Western media and their masters won't let millions of people see?

One obvious answer is that this commercial may be a typical dye-the-waters operation to see who is paying attention in the alternative media, and how the commercial circulates there. In which case, I'm happy to help. But the other possibility is that we're also looking at the next phase of a campaign. If you've been paying attention to Russia lately, you'll have noted that it's not exactly on Mr. Globaloney's bandwagon because it's been insisting that there can be no global order that cancels national sovereignty, and more importantly, that global order does not arise without respect to culture and tradition. That's a fancy way of saying that a merely technocratic approach to global order is doomed to failure.  It's a commercial deliberately designed to highlight the failures of the globalist cabal and their programs, and, indeed, to invite those who crave for an expression of traditional European culture to move to the one place where it still has a living expression, in spite of the best efforts of Bolshevik technocrats and their Pussy Rioting lackeys to crush it.

One can see this by contempleting the implied negative message of the commercial: (1) delicious cuisine, versus poor nutrition, "fast food" and eating bugs; (2) Beautiful women, versus not knowing what a woman is; (3) Cheap gas, versus alleged President Joe Bidenenko; (4) Rich history, versus people that cannot even read and who do not even know, nor are taught, their own; (5) World Famous Literature, versus a population that can barely write and scrawl its own name; (6) Unique architecture; versus collapsing footbridges designed by "inclusive and diverse" committees; (7) fertile soil; versus soil polluted and corrupted, and robbed of nutritional value by "argibusiness"; (8) cheap electric and water, versus alleged President Joe Bidenenko; (9) Ballet, versus the bump-whump of subwoofers in vehicles drumming out a primitive jungle beat and screaming unrelenting iambic pentameter, for everyone to hear; (10) cheap taxi and delivery; versus  lockdowns  (11) Traditional values; versus collapsing reality and epistemological solipsism; (12) Christianity, versus hollowed out ecclesiastical institutions, bishopettes, mangled and gutted "liturgies", "inclusiveness" and empty churches, (13) no cancel culture, or rather, a culture period, and one not apologizing for existing.

The bottom line that I'm suggesting here is that this commercial is not a one-off.  It's but the latest chapter in a long series of messages of culture and tradition and history that post-Soviet Russia has been sending. So far, they've been sending that message - at the popular level at least - mostly to their own population. In so far as they have sent that message to the West, it's been to the Western leaders, who, of course, are stupid and tone-deaf and unable to hear it.  But the western populations... they are a different matter. This is a serious message, addressed to them. And I suspect it's only the first of many.  There is even a carefully calculated geopolitical aspect to it, but I'll leave that for you to guess, and perhaps take it up at another time.

... See you on the flip side...




Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

No Comments

  1. Kaibosch on August 18, 2022 at 12:43 pm

    Sense of humor? Check. Its a very clever spoof on the glossy tourist ad campaigns that are doing the rounds at the moment complete with the epic, over the top voiceover; “Visit India!”, “Come to Canada!”. The Ruskies are seriously taking the p*** out of the WEF and Co and their “you will own nothing and be happy” mantra; basically saying to westerners “yes, you’d really want to go and live in Canada or the US right now wouldnt you?!!” lol. ‘Liberal’ Western global elites like to talk a good talk about western democratic values, whilst privately despising and actively destroying them. Meanwhile Russia is saying “we actually practice many of those values…no cancel culture here. Why wouldnt you want to come?”. It was interesting that a few years back following the murder of many white South African farmers, there was an exodus of thousands of white South Africans to Russia. That they chose Russia and not Europe was very telling.

  2. Michael UK on August 18, 2022 at 9:09 am

    More details about the use of drones by Ukraine to attack Russian assets and military installations.
    It seems Russia has been caught on the back foot. This war could go on for years – like Iraq and Afghansitan. It makes one wonder if it was instigated to replace the Western war effort in those two countries and keep their military industrial complex in business.

  3. enki-nike on August 17, 2022 at 9:06 am

    • Evan B. on August 18, 2022 at 2:58 pm

      It’s been like this since the Revolution, hasn’t it? Not sure why some people think of Russia as this conservative utopia.

    • Richard on August 18, 2022 at 3:26 pm

      In one’s view, you’re right., “Enki-nike.” It’s a [profound] demographic matter of the current Russian Federation to include the former Sovietszky’s of the Soviet Union. President Putin knows this irritating factoid and so do a number of other current and former heads of state.

      Edward Slavsquat’s article points to a number of areas that could be turned around with a less old-Soviet-style governing posture. One of them being in first-place of loss of the “working-age population.” The Ukrainian’s aren’t fooling anyone, either.

      The one question not asked, “Who-where has there been prosperity in wellness and purposeful deeds to carry on they’re way of life?”

  4. Michael UK on August 17, 2022 at 4:40 am

    Likewise – very strange events happening in the Crimea. Was it sabotage by Ukraine?
    Russian media have suggested that drones are more likely to have been used in the Crimea than missiles to attack military facilities.

  5. Michael UK on August 17, 2022 at 4:32 am

    This posting is a distraction from more important matters.
    Why not do an in depth analysis of the cause and origin of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. Did some attendees at the World Military Games held in Wuhan, China in October 2019 catch it and bring it back home? They certainly showed respiratory symptoms – coughs, colds, flu.

    • Kaibosch on August 18, 2022 at 4:32 am

      We’ve been there and done that in 2020. The fact that Wuhan is now the “official” conspiracy theory should also raise our suspicions.

  6. YM on August 16, 2022 at 10:35 pm

    Just to inject a little reality about current state of Russian economy… Truth is, that for the 90% of Russian population, “Winter” is all they ever knew.

    • anakephalaiosis on August 17, 2022 at 5:11 am

      Identifying YHWH, as an astro-agrarian term, signifying yuletide, does explain YHWH, as a fix point in calendar.

      The banning of YHWH, as a spoken word, in the 1st century BC, does indicate, that imperial predator capitalism had to suppress an idea.

      War on language is always about suppressing etymology, that otherwise would expose the crime of moneylending carpetbaggers.

      Secularization of YHWH leaves the “den of thieves” no place to hide. Matthew 21:13

  7. DanaThomas on August 16, 2022 at 1:47 pm

    History image: this is pointedly the Stalingrad / Volgograd war memorial.

  8. Joseph Aiello on August 16, 2022 at 10:49 am

    Well, if the point of marketing is to grab attention, this seems to have done the job.
    Talk about stacking functions!

  9. Barbara on August 16, 2022 at 9:59 am

    OMG! OMG! OMG! where do I begin with that list brought to you by a fine (not really) piece of Putin propaganda.
    I guess the fairest way would be to do step by step or rather number after number.
    So, let’s go Brandon! errr, Putin!
    I see this video more as a Russian gov panicking over a loss of millions of citizens in a first half of this year than anything else.
    Nearly 4M Russians Left Russia in Early 2022 – FSB – The Moscow Times

    ” beef Stroganoff” cost in Russia 11$, average salary 500$ a month. Have it every day than you be left with 200$ for anything else.
    The Normal Russian Salary | Russia lounge 1

    “Beautiful women”: they cost money too, especially Russian ones, and beauty and youth doesn’t guarantee marriage and family formation.
    Russian Women Bemoan a Lack of Men – and Their Money (

    “Cheap gas”: true, if this could only be matched with quality roads, so you can travel and explore beautiful vista,
    Russia’s Deadly Roads Are Harming Economy – The Moscow Times

    “Rich history”: that’s oxymoron. Any country that exists for more that 100 years has rich history. by default.

    5)” World famous literature”: you mean only XIX century literature to begin with, bought to you and paid by private “prelature” of Tsar special 3rd Division of Secret Police run by Aleksander von Benckendorff and paid agents of that police starting with Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoyevsky and creme de la creme of Russian literary propaganda in Paris Mr. Tiutchev.

    “Unique architecture”: no more than in Paris, Rome, Vienna, Dresden, or Athens for that matter.

    “Fertile soil”: well, maybe, but that fertility is lost on imports of GMO seeds that Russia doesn’t produce on their own…40% of all crop seeds in Russia are imported among them almost all potatoes, beets, sunflower.

    “Cheap electric and water”. well, maybe but Russians don’t really care about it that much since 30% of their households don’t have a running water or sewers in their flats.
    One Russian in Four Lacks an Indoor Toilet, One of Many Signs There are Now ‘Four Distinct Russias’ – Johnson’s Russia List.)

    “Ballet”, well ok but who wants to spend $450 on sale for a ticket to see a “Swan Lake” when average salary in Russia is $500 a month

    20 September 2022 – Peter Tchaikovsky “Swan Lake” (ballet in two acts, four scenes) (Ballet) – Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow, Russia (19:00) (

    “Cheap taxi and delivery”: I don’t think so
    :airplane: Transfer Options from Moscow Domodedovo Airport to City (

    “Traditional values”. Hmm, Hmm!!
    Few Russians go to church. Many who don’t may still be influenced by their Patriarch’s tirades | MercatorNet

    Social Orphanhood in Russia: Historical Background, Present and Perspective ( 1

    “Christianity”: well, look paragraph and links above

    “No cancel culture”: to the contrary cancel culture is alive and well in Putin’s Russia

    Dissidents of Russian culture face dilemma between silence and exile (

    14)” Hospitality”: I have been to Russia several times, know and befriended several Russian in US and this is true, for most of the part their hospitality is fantastic but, yes but, the greatest hospitality I have ever experienced was among Bosnian Muslims, who fight among themselves who is going to house and feed their guests.

    “Vodka”: scourge of the Russians
    Alcohol mortality in Russia: assessment with representative survey data (

    “An economy that can withstand thousands of sanctions”: well, here’s what Russian themselves think about it

    2. Russian Public Opinion: Putin Praised, West Panned | Pew Research Center

    • anakephalaiosis on August 16, 2022 at 12:33 pm

      Jump up, turn around, and cross over…

      That is a well proven advice, when wrestling the Blue Banshee, in the Scythian cave allegory, that is attributed to Plato.

      Basic martial art technology does include self-confrontation, and without it, there wouldn’t be a Europe standing at all.

      When identifying origin of Yeah-weh, there is the annual reset at yuletide (nadir), when the old year dies, and is reborn as new year.

      Chuck Norris has an eight-legged calendar compass steed of Saka-Scythian origin, the Kolovrat symbol:

    • YM on August 16, 2022 at 9:14 pm

      Brilliant and 100% accurate. THANK YOU

      • anakephalaiosis on August 17, 2022 at 4:09 am

        YHWH can be divided into two distinct words: Y+HWH. In Strong’s Dictionary, H3068 becomes divided into H3050 and H1942.

        Identifying H3050 as year, in English language, does point towards ruining of year, at sun’s nadir, halfway out of the dark.

        When Odin, as Adon/Adonai, settles down in Scandinavia, in Odense (Odin’s vé), it provides a cognate with H1942.

        Thus Elohim-Yeahweh becomes “tungla ársvé” in Old Norse, perfectly explainable, as astro-agrarian yuletide, at sun’s nadir.

  10. anakephalaiosis on August 16, 2022 at 4:42 am


    Magic pipe is a different kind,
    traveling minstrel’s mind,
    and from light sea
    of samadhi,
    flows wandering woodwind.

  11. Tim on August 15, 2022 at 5:59 pm

    Drink with the Russians. NEVER try to out drink them or you will pay a big price.

    • anakephalaiosis on August 15, 2022 at 8:06 pm

      Molly Maguires never learned to appreciate Pinkerton humor.

    • pete clark on August 20, 2022 at 8:48 am

      I believe that only Finns can out-drink Russians. EXCEPT only Polynesians can out-drink Finns. Viv Stanshall’s cause of death was drinking with Polynesians.

  12. RBG Santa Monica on August 15, 2022 at 5:30 pm

    The timbre and inflection of the narrator’s voice suggests to me this is satire. The voice sounds like a bad imitation of a voice you might hear in a trailer for a Hollywood action movie. That is not a voice that would inspire me to pack up and move to Russia.

    • anakephalaiosis on August 15, 2022 at 8:45 pm

      Rammstein – Amerika – as super satire NLP in the Ukraine:

      • Robert Barricklow on August 15, 2022 at 11:07 pm

        Another winner!

  13. dioscuri on August 15, 2022 at 4:55 pm

    It seems to me that a certain amount of exoteric geo-politics has a lot to do with the old maxim “Sell high and buy low”. Devalue one to rock bottom prices, while promoting the other for growth.

  14. anakephalaiosis on August 15, 2022 at 9:58 am

    Russian frogfest against globalist banksters:

    • Robert Barricklow on August 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

      Thanks for the link anakephalaiosis!
      Enjoyed the music video.

  15. KSW on August 15, 2022 at 9:45 am

    Just learned this … and researched to verify.

    According to Richard Speed (The Register) The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has awarded a once-secret DOD JEDI Cloud Computing contract worth $10 billion to AWS (Amazon Web Services) following protests from Microsoft.

    Over 90% of all computers private, corporate and business use Microsoft and all core coding and updates are done in Israel. Intel, who invested an unprecedented $11 billion in Israel operations, is overrun with predominantly Russian computer technicians. Microsoft is overrun with predominantly Russian computer coders.

    In spite of Microsoft and Intel being based in Israel, they have control of USA software backdoor.

    It is more imperative than ever to prevent the technology losses via the Israel intelligence conduit operations in the U.S. from completely subverting the internal security apparatus within the CIA and FBI counter Intelligence.

    Unit 8200 and the Talpiot Program is an Israel Military College. During 9 years of service soldiers are educated to become top executives and engineers in international technology companies, like Microsoft. They are the global leaders in cybersecurity and control the backdoor to the U.S. government and corporate cloud-based computing that is critical today.

    Our own government private contracting system is working against itself.

    Journalist Harriet Sherwood (Jerusalem) reported that the million-plus citizens of the former Soviet Union, who migrated over a 20 year period to Israel, not only made new lives, but they transformed their adopted country. They influenced the culture, hi-tech industry, language, education and most significantly effected Israeli politics.

    A KGB archivist, Vasili Nikitich Mitrokhin, who defected to the West in 1992 reported that the KGB infiltrated the highest echelons of Israel’s army, business, and political leadership.

    Israel was founded from the beginning by Russian Emigres. Every single Israeli Prime minister was either born in the old Russian Empire, or are the sons of Russian emigres.

    Watch Video
    8. UNIT 8200 & ISRAEL – American Jewish Activist Ambushes Dems on JEDI Cloud Contract & Israel

    • icu on August 15, 2022 at 10:36 am

      hello ksw.hope you are well.i have just tried your link to yt but the powers at be have blocked it!!! very best wishes.

    • Robert Barricklow on August 15, 2022 at 11:22 am

      Thanks for the updated info & the link!

    • zendogbreath on August 16, 2022 at 12:10 am

      Is that a Brendon OConnell video?

  16. KSW on August 15, 2022 at 9:43 am

    Just learned this … and researched to verify.

    According to Richard Speed (The Register) The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has awarded a once-secret DOD JEDI Cloud Computing contract worth $10 billion to AWS (Amazon Web Services) following protests from Microsoft.

    Over 90% of all computers private, corporate and business use Microsoft and all core coding and updates are done in Israel. Intel, who invested an unprecedented $11 billion in Israel operations, is overrun with predominantly Russian computer technicians. Microsoft is overrun with predominantly Russian computer coders. In spite of Microsoft and Intel being based in Israel, they have control of USA software backdoor.

    Unit 8200 and the Talpiot Program is an Israel Military College. During 9 years of service soldiers are educated to become top executives and engineers in international technology companies, like Microsoft. They are the global leaders in cybersecurity and control the backdoor to the U.S. government and corporate cloud-based computing that is critical today.

    It is more imperative than ever to prevent the technology losses via the Israel intelligence conduit operations in the U.S. from completely subverting the internal security apparatus within the CIA and FBI counter Intelligence.

    Our own government private contracting system is working against itself.

    Journalist Harriet Sherwood (Jerusalem) reported that the million-plus citizens of the former Soviet Union, who migrated over a 20 year period to Israel, not only made new lives, but they transformed their adopted country. They influenced the culture, hi-tech industry, language, education and most significantly effected Israeli politics.

    Israel was founded from the beginning by Russian Emigres. Every single Israeli Prime minister was either born in the old Russian Empire, or are the sons of Russian emigres.

    A KGB archivist, Vasili Nikitich Mitrokhin, who defected to the West in 1992 reported that the KGB infiltrated the highest echelons of Israel’s army, business, and political leadership.

    The U.S. and UK accused China of deploying a global network of spies to hack and penetrate governments, businesses, universities and even local communities to steal secrets and influence public opinion. Chinese company Fufang’s purchase of more than 300 acres of farmland in North Dakota is just 12 miles away from Grand Forks Airforce Base, a base with high profile and sensitive drone technology.

    It’s a move national security experts warn could make the U.S. vulnerable. We consistently see that it’s the Chinese government that poses the biggest long-term threat to our economic and national security. The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship (spy ship), USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War. Now, through the AWS contract, U.S. security will be put into the same hands that killed U.S. Navy men.

    This is insanity! Why is the media, alt media or our politicians talking about this?

    8. UNIT 8200 & ISRAEL – American Jewish Activist Ambushes Dems on JEDI Cloud Contract & Israel

  17. KSW on August 15, 2022 at 9:32 am

    Important information that I just learned about Russia and Israel! I researched it to verify.

    *** According to Richard Speed (The Register) The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has awarded a once-secret DOD JEDI Cloud Computing contract worth $10 billion to AWS (Amazon Web Services) following protests from Microsoft.

    Since 2017, according to Max Schindler (Jerusalem Post), the world’s largest Internet retailer Amazon has been reportedly luring Israeli programmers and engineers with salaries far higher than usual. What this means, in essence, is that Israel/Russian Military Intelligence has won the Top Secret Pentagon Cloud Server contract.

    It didn’t matter whether it was Microsoft or Amazon who one the contract .. BECUASE … Russia has been infiltrating the top cybersecurity country Israel for decades AND both Amazon (AWS) and Microsoft are mostly working out of Israel,

    In spite of Microsoft and Intel being based in Israel, they have control of U.S. software backdoor. Over 90% of all computers private, corporate and business use Microsoft and all core coding and updates are done in Israel. Intel, who invested an unprecedented $11 billion in Israel operations, is overrun with predominantly Russian computer technicians. Microsoft is overrun with predominantly Russian computer coders. Now, they have control of the backdoor to the Department of Defense JED Cloud.

    Journalist Harriet Sherwood (Jerusalem) reported that the million-plus citizens of the former Soviet Union, who migrated over a 20 year period to Israel, not only made new lives, but they transformed their adopted country. They influenced the culture, hi-tech industry, language, education and most significantly effected Israeli politics.

    Israel was founded from the beginning by Russian Emigres. Every single Israeli Prime minister was either born in the old Russian Empire, or are the sons of Russian emigres.

    A KGB archivist, Vasili Nikitich Mitrokhin, who defected to the West in 1992 reported that the KGB infiltrated the highest echelons of Israel’s army, business, and political leadership.

    UNIT 8200 and the TALPIOT PROGRAM
    This is an Israeli Military College. During 9 years of service soldiers are educated to become top executives and engineers in international technology companies, like Microsoft. They are the global leaders in cybersecurity and control the backdoor to the U.S. government and corporate cloud- based computing that is critical today.

    How Did This Happen?
    Through the private contracting system of the U.S. Government, of course

    It is more imperative than ever to prevent the technology losses via the Israel intelligence conduit operations in the U.S. from completely subverting the internal security apparatus within the CIA and FBI counter Intelligence.

    China-Russia are Direct Economic Competitors to U.S.
    The U.S. and UK accused China of deploying a global network of spies to hack and penetrate governments, businesses, universities and even local communities to steal secrets and influence public opinion. Chinese company Fufang’s purchase of more than 300 acres of farmland in North Dakota is just 12 miles away from Grand Forks Airforce Base, a base with high profile and sensitive drone technology.

    It’s a move national security experts warn could make the U.S. vulnerable. We consistently see that it’s the Chinese government that poses the biggest long-term threat to our economic and national security. The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship (spy ship), USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War. Now, through the AWS contract, U.S. security will be put into the same hands that killed U.S. Navy men. Yes, it was a long time ago – but, really?

    This is insanity! Why is the media, alt media or our politicians talking about this?

    You don’t want to miss this video!
    8. UNIT 8200 & ISRAEL – American Jewish Activist Ambushes Dems on JEDI Cloud Contract & Israel

  18. Laura on August 15, 2022 at 9:25 am

    maybe there is something to the claims that the human population is going to decline and therefore people will be needed. useful eaters wanted.
    another pro for Russia is their approach to science and medicine. oh and there are direct flights to Cuba if you need sun. on the con side, don’t bring any weed with you, there are quite a few alcoholic men, and toxic winter smog is to be avoided.

    • pete clark on August 20, 2022 at 8:50 am

      I think we all know why the human population is about to (sharply) decline.

  19. Karl on August 15, 2022 at 8:48 am

    As mentioned in the vid chat about it being propaganda. In my opinion it probably is, with truth mixed into it.
    Many of the points will rankle people in the West which is the whole idea, especially the energy part (in europe mainly). It highlights where we need to improve here in the West on many of the points, especially the energy area & food/health/obesity etc.

    I think we do need to be careful about forgetting what we DO have here in the West due to certain frustrations it can be tempting to do that! We are in the middle of a propaganda war after all
    from both sides. This is an interesting development and it is actually something I thought that may happen so I am not really surprised! It kind of reminds me of a reverse America free radio.

    Despite all of this do not forget that the US is still the only major country with the constitution and the ability to defend yourself codified into it.

    Many thanks.

    • FiatLux on August 16, 2022 at 3:39 am

      Karl – You make several good points. The U.S. is/was “a republic, if you can keep it.” Whether we can keep or restore some part of it, and how long it might take to do so, is an open question.

  20. Nidster - on August 15, 2022 at 4:16 am

    The “Pussy Riot” episode was, I believe, my ‘turning point’ in my understanding of ‘RUSSIA’, and I’ve never looked back. So sad, too bad for the WORLD, and those who loved to watch the ‘Pussy Riots’ actors who danced, and frolicked on the church stage while singing their demeaning song against beliefs that so many hold as sacred. The whole episode ended so awkwardly for those ‘Pussy Riot’ actors. So, for any, and all those who loved, and adored them I wish the same happens to those that never truly understood what ‘went down’.

  21. FiatLux on August 15, 2022 at 12:59 am

    To me, it seems like an acerbic bit of trolling rather than an invitation to move to Russia… It’s doing what outlets like Russia Today have been doing for years — pointing out the West’s failures vis-à-vis its own citizens — only this time with humor rather than news reporting. Wherever it comes from, it hits nearly all the West’s most spectacular failures and screwups of recent times.

    I have been to Russia and know a little about its culture and history. I don’t think Russia is some kind of paradise, but I do think there’s a measure of truth in the claims made in the video. Certainly, the overarching message — Russia is not a cultural and economic train wreck, unlike the West right now — is right on target. I interpret the “hurry up, winter is coming” part as a jab at Europeans, many of whom, as things stand, will have trouble paying to heat their homes this winter.

    • eddyminimum on August 15, 2022 at 1:55 am

      Great summary. Sardonic levity. And with that perspective in mind – the “beautiful women” vocal, synchronized with “little girls” visual, is mocking the culture of the intended audience. The joke’s on us.

    • Robert Barricklow on August 15, 2022 at 11:17 am

      I second both FiatLux and eddyminimum.
      Well said!

      • White Lily on August 17, 2022 at 7:11 pm

        I’m Ready! I’m an attractive, healthy (un-jabbed) middle aged Christian divorced woman. I am hardworking and grateful for all the things in my life. But, I’m very lonely. It seems like all the men here in the US are vaccinated or completely emasculated.
        I’m not fussy, I just want to eat food and drink water that isn’t poisoned.
        I want to live amongst a culture of people who appreciate poetry and literature, art, morality, love humanity and a strong reverence to God.
        Dear Vladimir Putin, can I please be a American refugee in Siberia?

    • Zorost on August 16, 2022 at 3:41 am

      That was my take as well. Not a serious call for immigration, but rather a serious troll. Not that it won’t result in some people giving Russia a thought as a place to flee to as things get worse in the West.

  22. Robert Barricklow on August 14, 2022 at 9:43 pm

    I like that double entendre,
    “Don’t delay, winter is coming”.

    It’s just that winter IS here;
    but it is not being evenly distributed.
    Ironically; there is not, nor will there be, an economic/political winter in Russia,
    – as the commercial – clearly indicates.

  23. Awake on August 14, 2022 at 8:54 pm

    What has happened to Dr. JPF and what have you done with him!?!?!?!?

    This article / video smacks of IDF Section 8200 / Soviet GRU / Talpiot program. I also noticed that several other comments were deleted after I logged in because they expressed contradicting views of the overly Soviet propaganda portrayed in this video. Not to mention the overt lap dog acceptance of this completely juvenile video by supposedly Dr. JPF. This all mean he’s obviously no longer in control of this website and I will no longer have anything to do with this site or anyone associated with this website moving forward.

    I cancel my membership to this website and want an e-mail from the site administrator acknowledging the membership cancellation. I am unfortunately having to request this cancellation in open forum due to the lack of instruction on how to cancel my membership privately. I also want all my information destroyed that I have submitted for my initial membership.

    • eddyminimum on August 14, 2022 at 11:24 pm

      Good one (you’re joking, right?)

    • Joseph P. Farrell on August 15, 2022 at 1:20 am

      All you have to do is cancel your payments. YOU have to cancel your paypal payments because we do NOT have access to your private account.

    • Nidster - on August 15, 2022 at 4:20 am

      Good riddance, IMO!!!

    • anakephalaiosis on August 15, 2022 at 10:26 am

      Wembley Fraggle flying high on Russian gas:

    • Barbara on August 15, 2022 at 2:54 pm

      “What has happened to Dr. JPF and what have you done with him!?!?!?!?”
      I second that.

  24. marcos toledo on August 14, 2022 at 8:07 pm

    Well, the West is going throw one of its Cultural Destruction periods and self-flagellation all in the service of its shadow masters. And to outdo the last king of Nineveh instead of burning down the palace it will be burning down the planet to save it go figure.

  25. Kifree on August 14, 2022 at 7:42 pm

    At 0:06, “Beautiful Women” with a picture of little girls running through a field.

    Just who is this ad for?

    • kalamona on August 15, 2022 at 1:35 am

      well that’s a bit awkward for sure. i spotted it at once as well. how should i write: unfortunate…

    • InfiniteRUs on August 15, 2022 at 4:26 pm

      I suspect this whole video was a troll of the western elite’s culture revolution and it’s sick values and how absurd it has become. The girls likely was a troll on the meme on the western elite’s pedo agenda and was not serious promoting it. It shows who the target of this commercial is. The decadent elite establishment.

      • YM on August 16, 2022 at 9:27 pm

        Don’t kid yourself about Russian values and orthodoxy for that matter. Russian elite just does not have guts to come out of the closet.. .and this is not a joke.

  26. eddyminimum on August 14, 2022 at 6:12 pm

    Whoa. That does hammer the point home. I agree, the target is the population and the message clear; we’re here to stay. And, Winter is Coming. A powerful closing line, in as many ways as it is ambiguous. Thanks for posting – I’ve pass it on myself.

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