This is another one of those weeks that there has been such a surfeit of articles to blog about that it has once again been difficult to comb through everyone's emails and make selections, but there was one article shared by M.D. that contained something that caught my eye, and that something in turn generated all sorts of extreme octane speculations on my part, one of which is the subject of today's blog. So with my apologies to any real scientists who may be in the readership, here is what M.D. spotted and passed along (with our thanks):

For those who have read my re-write of the weapon Hypothesis of the Great Pyramid in my Giza Death Star trilogy in The Giza Death Star Revisited, you'll be aware that I've been maintaining that it is not so much a weapon that is pointed and aimed at a target, and that hence it is not a directed energy weapon in that sense, like a gamma ray laser or a particle beam would be. Rather, I've been maintaining that it is rather a weapon that has to be tuned to a precise set of information contained in its target, and that, as such, one such subset of elements in that set are those having to do with the time of the target, i.e., it's location not only in space, but in time. To be able to target such objects and/or times, it must be an efficient oscillator of those elements in its set of information, or of their harmonics, and hence one has a (highly speculative) hypothesis of why the Great Pyramid contains so many dimensional analogues of local celestial space.

With that in mind, something in this article jumped out at me:

For example, the creation of a new phase of matter called a “time crystal.” Just as a crystal’s structure repeats in space, a time crystal repeats in time and, importantly, does so infinitely and without any further input of energy – like a clock that runs forever without any batteries. The quest to realize this phase of matter has been a longstanding challenge in theory and experiment – one that has now finally come to fruition.


“Time-crystals are a striking example of a new type of non-equilibrium quantum phase of matter,” said Vedika Khemani, assistant professor of physics at Stanford and a senior author of the paper. “While much of our understanding of condensed matter physics is based on equilibrium systems, these new quantum devices are providing us a fascinating window into new non-equilibrium regimes in many-body physics.”


During her graduate school years, Khemani, her doctoral advisor Shivaji Sondhi, then at Princeton University, and Achilleas Lazarides and Roderich Moessner at the Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems stumbled upon this recipe for making time crystals unintentionally. They were studying non-equilibrium many-body localized systems – systems where the particles get “stuck” in the state in which they started and can never relax to an equilibrium state. They were interested in exploring phases that might develop in such systems when they are periodically “kicked” by a laser. Not only did they manage to find stable non-equilibrium phases, they found one where the spins of the particles flipped between patterns that repeat in time forever, at a period twice that of the driving period of the laser, thus making a time crystal.

Again, for those familiar with my Giza Death Star books including their most recent iteration in The Giza Death Star Revisited, these "time crystals" will sound very much like my "phi" crystals that I posited were the core of the machine, some time ago. Additionally, the sudden pulsing of a system driving it into a high state of non-equilibrium will also sound familiar, for it is a feature of Tesla's wireless power system, from which I borrowed certain concepts as a model to explain my thinking about the Great Pyramid.  Even the hypothesis of British-American engineer Chris Dunn - that the "King's chamber" and particularly the "sarcophagus" constitute the optical cavity for a maser - is an element of the "time crystal" since masers are a form of cohered energy that could provide the necessary "kick" that the article is talking about. So effectively, all the elements are there: high non-equilibrium, materials with lattice structure (crystals), cohered energy and, for the cognoscenti, lots of non-linear material (plasma and crystal bearing rock) that might indicate phase conjugate mirror functions. How all those things combine and "work" is anyone's guess; it's their presence that is so suggestive, and once one rids oneself of the ridiculous propositions and dogmas of Egyptology, what one is looking at in the structure is a machine and in my opinion a weapon, and a very sophisticated one (not to mention very powerful one).

But what caught my eye and got the "high octane motor" kicked into high gear was the simple statement of how time crystals "work", namely, that there are states of matter (or a target) that under special circumstances can repeat over time. Say, "state A" of a system will repeat in "x" amount of time, which could be picoseconds, a minute, a few minutes, or possibly even decades, or centuries, or even millennia or longer.  Those states might even be slightly modulated by further information allowing for minute (and distinguishing) features or regions within a system. My point here is that these time crystals are, at least conceptually, very similar to what I have been thinking, and for those paying yet more close attention, they would appear in principle to corroborate Tesla's observation that his electro-acoustic impulses were zipping along at pi/2 the velocity of light, which some have interpreted as the phase velocity of his pulses. Again, in a fashion similar to my "time-of-target" tuning principle.

None of this, however, was the high octane rabbit hole I was chasing while reading this article. Rather, it was the idea that systems-states are phenomena that can either repeat in time, or return to some "harmonic" of that state, i.e., a state that is a close or distant echo of the initial state (and therefore not an exact repetition of that state, which would seem to be implied by the second thermodynamic law) which would be its fundamental. This thought then led to the high octane speculation: what if this condition was the basis for, or a possible explanation of, why human observers experience time at different "rates"?  Most of us are familiar with this phenomenon in some form or fashion.  We might experience a performance of Beethoven's Emperor piano concerto in a kind of mystical state that seems both suspended in time and yet rushing by too quickly, while conversely we might experience a performance of Arnold Schoenberg's piano concerto as a form of excrutiating torture as an interminably painful exercise in sonic ugliness that drags on for hours. Most of us have some form of experience where we seem to have the sense of a different flow of time, when "clock" time ticks along just as regularly as it always did, even in Einstein's famous thought experiments with clocks.  These experiences, I am suggesting, are every bit as much "systems states" as "clock time", and the phenomena of time crystals might, indeed, upon further investigation, have something to do with them.

And we're just beginning to investigate them...

By the way, while you're contemplating this time crystal extreme octane speculation, consider also these other articles also shared by M.D., with our thanks and appreciation:

A New Era for Physics? With Creation of New Form of Matter, a Time Crystal, It Just Might Be

Oh... notice that plasmas are a good medium for this:

Carving a Space-Time Crystal in a Plasma

A Russian agrees:

Plasma Crystal as a Time Crystal

Emergent time crystals from phase-space noncommutative quantum mechanics

See you on the flip side...


Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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  1. anakephalaiosis on May 23, 2023 at 11:54 pm

    The ‘Flammarion engraving’ shows a man gazing, outside the crystalline outer rim, into mechanics of creation.

    Non-equilibrial systems only appear so, because there is a crystalline bleed through, between different realms.

    Crystal ball gazing is the idea of osmosis, where veils are thin, that allows penetration of the crystalline outer rim.

    Off with the faeries, is the vernacular expression.

    • anakephalaiosis on May 24, 2023 at 6:50 am

      BTW, another angle – that is philosophical – is to approach Achilles’ shield, as circumscription of reality, and observe collapse of logic, when reaching outer rim of the shield.

      To move beyond known horizon, is challenging one’s own cosmology, one’s own egotistical perception of reality. Such logical collapses lead to ego death, in various degrees.

      Traditionally, paradoxes are the means to accomplish such a voyage, beyond the outer limits of logic, and therefore penetration of the crystalline rim is paradoxical technology.

      The pyramid is bereft of cultural fingerprints, which in itself is a paradox – or perhaps not – since paradoxes are cultural “reset buttons”.

      • anakephalaiosis on May 24, 2023 at 7:56 am

        BTW, there is a Star Trek episode, where Enterprise is transported, to the outer rim of the rim, and ends up in the crystalline sphere of the ‘Flammarion engraving’, and a later episode, when the starship’s ensign goes native.

        S01E06 – “Where No One Has Gone Before”.

        S07E20 – “Journey’s End”.

  2. marcos toledo on May 22, 2023 at 8:25 pm

    Could this make H.G. Wells’s time machine possible?

  3. Robert Barricklow on May 22, 2023 at 11:24 am

    One could write several books on this;
    fiction and non fiction would be almost…

  4. anakephalaiosis on May 22, 2023 at 6:27 am

    To paraphrase Kingsfield – in the court case of ‘Elohim vs. Yahweh’ – then the skull is full of mush, and when Socratic method is applied to rune classes, and one survives the mounting of the eight-legged horse, then one may leave thinking like a lawyer.

    ‘Elohim vs. Yahweh’ is a paradox, and when Isaiah 19:19 allegedly connects Yahweh to the pyramid, then paradoxicalness is a plausible common denominator, suggesting, that the pyramid would be based on paradoxical technology.

    The martial art technology of the eight-legged horse is – geometrically – based on diametrical oppositions, that balance in the centre, which – of course – is equilibrium, seen from the perspective of normal timeline.

    When operating outside normal timeline, then diametrical oppositions begin to coexist, and man becomes like a child again.

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