Maui is burning, the Quislings in charge of "the West" are betraying their countries, doubling down on a sanctions war against Russia they cannot win, and willing to fight that war to the last drop of Ukrainian blood; the western economies are a trash heap of "financial instruments" and - surprise surprise! - the West has discovered that it cannot sustain a major industrial war against Russia because it shipped its manufacturing capacity overseas decades ago, so, too bad for the Ukraine which chose to believe all those empty promises about arms aid that it can't even provide enough ammunition for.

Amid this geopolitical chaos, Russia has chosen to return to the Moon with a soft lander probe called Luna 25, according to this article shared by T.S.:

Russia Launches First Moon Mission after Half-Century Hiatus

The purpose is to search for and hopefully find water ice near the lunar South Pole, which if found would greatly facilitate any permanent human presence there:

Russia has launched uncrewed spacecraft to the Moon’s south pole — its first lunar mission in 47 years. If successful, the mission would be the first to land in the region, and could mark the start of considerable activity there from multiple countries and private companies.

“It’s an area where we might expect to see increased concentrations of water ice,” says Simeon Barber, a planetary scientist at the Open University in Milton Keynes, UK. “As you go further towards the pole, it gets colder and the potential for water ice increases.”

Luna 25 launched at 11.11 p.m. UTC on a Soyuz rocket on 10 August from the Vostochny Cosmodrome in eastern Russia — marking a move away from Russia’s dependence on Kazakhstan, which hosts its main launch site, the Baikonur Cosmodrome. It will take around five days for the spacecraft to reach a 100-kilometre orbit around the Moon. The landing attempt is scheduled for 21 August at the 100-kilometre-wide Boguslawsky crater, about 500 kilometres from the Moon’s south pole.

Notably, everyone who is anyone appears to be in a race for the lunar South Pole:

This is the first of many missions planned for the south pole. India’s Chandrayaan-3 will attempt to land in the region on 23 August. China plans to send a rover there in 2026, and NASA’s Artemis programme, which will attempt to return humans to the Moon for the first time since Apollo 17 in 1972, is also focusing on the south pole. As part of Artemis, several US companies are set to attempt landings there in the coming years.

The question is why did Russia choose now of all times, with the "home front" - planet Earth - being such a geopolitical mess, thanks to the Neocon regimes in charge of "the West"?  The article gives one answer, an answer that in my opinion is perfectly unbelievable:

Luna 25 is “an opportunity to steal the march on other people get some positive publicity,” says Roger Launius, NASA’s former chief historian.

A big publicity stunt? Sorry, I'm not buying. Russia doesn't go to the expense to engineer a lunar lander and then the expense to launch it just for a publicity stunt. This is not the 1950s and Luna 25 isn't Sputnik.

Then there's the "search for ice" explanation, with the usual bows to human habitation and rocket fuel:

Orbital data since the 1990s suggests the Moon’s poles contain sizeable quantities of water ice, which, if accessible, could be a valuable resource for future human missions. “You can generate hydrogen and oxygen from it which could be used to produce either drinking water, breathable air, or even to produce rocket fuel,” says Nico Dettman, Lunar Exploration Group Leader at the European Space Agency. That could make the Moon “a stepping stone for further destinations” in the Solar System.

But that explanation is a bit wanting too:

Luna 25’s main instrument is a robotic arm that will attempt to dig up to 50 centimetres into the floor of the Boguslawsky crater to look for signs of water ice. Barber had been part of a European team that would have collaborated with Russia on these activities and a planned follow-up mission, Luna 27, but the collaboration ended last year following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


But the Russian mission striking ice at Boguslawsky is “pretty unlikely”, because temperatures in the crater are too high, says Margaret Landis, a planetary scientist at the University of Colorado, Boulder. More promising might be a smaller and more deeply shadowed crater within Boguslawsky, but it’s unclear if Russia could attempt a landing here. (Roscosmos declined Nature’s request for interview.)

So what is going on? What's Russia's real motivation?

I strongly suspect that it's a physics-related explanation, and indeed, the article implies as much:

Luna 25 will also image the surface, study the interaction between the solar wind and the Moon, and deploy a laser reflector to precisely measure the Earth–Moon distance. Providing the landing goes smoothly, the craft is expected to operate for one year.

The interaction between the solar wind and the Moon? To me, this implies that, for whatever reason, Russia is (suddenly?) interested in the interaction between the solar wind and the Kordilewski dust plasma cloud that hovers between the Earth and the Moon, and that perhaps the Luna probe will be taking all sorts of data not only on the Moon, but on the way to the Moon. Notably, the probe will be orbited for a few days before a landing is attempted, and that strongly suggests to me that the real purposes involve some physics of the Earth-Luna-Sun system, as much as it involves a search for water ice. Indeed, part of that orbital mission appears to be a mapping mission.  And for a bit of off-the-end-of-the-twig high octane speculation, perhaps Luna 25 also has as a hidden goal to detect the remnants of the damage caused by NASA's infamous "L-CROSS" "lander".  Remember that one? NASA's big build-up to literally smash a "lander" into the very same south polar region of the Moon in order - we were told - to examine the debris kicked up by the collision to look for water and other interesting things.  Remember how they told us the collision might even be visible from Earth? "Look up everyone! It will be quite a show!"  And remember what a "fizzle" the results were? And of course, when one crosses four "L's" one gets a familiar you-know-what... favorite symbol of a political party that once invaded Russia, made deals with the Ukraine, and which recently proudly displayed such symbols in its war against Russia... indeed, perhaps there are deeply hidden "stacked functions" behind Russia's return to the Moon now, to find out more about the solar wind and the Moon, the Earth-Moon-Sun system, dust plasmas, and mapping of the lunar surface.

But just to look for water ice?

Nope. That dog doesn't hunt...

See you on the flip side...


Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

No Comments

  1. Ludwig Von Bearsnout on August 22, 2023 at 1:44 pm

    I suspect that this is about some artifacts or even a base or two that the nations of the earth think can be claimed since they think ET has moved out. It’s not about water, there’s plenty of that—I suspect it’s either some fancy tech, possibly a toe hold on the moon that could be rapidly exploited and the race is on to plant the flag. It’s a pity that Earth Vehicles trying to do some recon missions keep getting swatted like flies. It’s a mystery…. (Like when we suddenly stoped the Apollo program for idiotic reasons). Who ever ends up controlling the moon won’t be us.

  2. Kevin Ryan on August 20, 2023 at 8:31 am

    It doesn’t appear Luna 25 will be phoning home about ice on the moon. Roscosmos reported it had calculated Lunna 25 had “ceased its existence as a result of a collision with the lunar surface.”

  3. Kevin Ryan on August 18, 2023 at 8:22 pm

    I Believe Randy has a point. With landing attempts by India, Israel and Japan ending in crashes, somebody may have put a glitch-net over the moon to keep out pesky mosquitos sent by nations of earth. After all, when was the last time any of these nations went to another place and actually improved things? ET’s moon policy may be NIMBY. But if Russia sticks the landing with this stationary unit, it’s going to dig down maybe 20 inches looking for ice? The article says this gismo is going to put down a laser target to accurately measure the distance to the moon. Why not see if you can charge a battery on the moon using an earth or satellite-based laser? Maybe they can already do that. Or maybe the lander is primarily to stake a claim on the moon while a unit remains in orbit mapping the moon with all the structures Hoagland described and more, things that NASA and its photo-processing people at Langley and elsewhere have been erasing from photos from Day One. And that’s assuming Russia doesn’t already have spacecraft that can fly to the moon and back in three hours, and that all this rocket business isn’t a charade to pretend rockets are cutting-edge space technology. Let’s see what wonders unfold on Monday/Moonday.

  4. Randy on August 17, 2023 at 6:28 pm

    I wonder what “they / them” or the ‘others’ R gonna say about the minkeys ( hehe Chief Inspector Clue-soo) flooding the moon ? 🐒🙈🙊🙉 we gotta just KNOW ….what ‘they’ R saying out there in the Galactic Federation There IS JUST NOWAY ‘we’ (GF) can let THESES motherf🤬’s (us) out here !!! Umm no expert in Diplomatic Protocols ( but I did stay in a motel 6 or was that an 8 or was it a red roof ??? once ) but I think ALL these countries going out there R …gonna B having ALOT of …glitches 😳😳😳🫣🫣🫣😬

  5. SoCal G on August 16, 2023 at 8:22 pm

    my my, how interesting that the lift off was timed to occur at 11:11PM UTC. For all you S. K. Bain fans, he points out in his first book, “The Most Dangerous Book in the World” that the number one signifies a “revealing”. It’s also considered a Masonic or Master number. So what exactly are the Russians looking to reveal?

    Just back on May 7th, Dmitry Rogozin, the former head of Russia’s space agency Roscosmos, posted on Telegram; “It was not clear to me how the United States, at the level of technological development of the [1960s] did what they still cannot do now?” RT in turn had titled an article that there was no proof that the US went to the Moon.

    Based on Mr. Rogozin’s statement it appears to me, at least, that he wasnt necessarily questioning that the US didnt go, but pointing out that at the PUBLICALLY DISPLAYED 1960s level of technological development would have made it difficult if not near impossible to travel to the Moon let alone land there because it appears that the US currently cannot go to the Moon. Unless of course they had, as Dr. Farrell has stated, “help”.

    So perhaps this is an opportunity to reconnoiter the landscape and determine the exact coordinates for future missions so a further survey can be made of the tech left up there, but its also a chance to update your photo portfolio with all those neat structures Mr. Hoagland wrote about.

    • Michael UK on August 17, 2023 at 4:21 am

      I really hope that Russia’s Luna 25 manages to capture some photos of some of the Apollo landing sites on the Moon to independently verfiy that NASA Apollo missions did indeed land on the Moon.
      The revelation (11:11) will be what really lies at the South Pole of the Moon. And whether it has been visited by a civilization before ours – long, long ago.

  6. marcos toledo on August 16, 2023 at 7:39 pm

    Sputnik might have been for show but the Soviet-Russia space programs have always had real science behind their space program. And if they had had a decent economy who knows where we be now with a real space program 2001 A Space Odyssey maybe.

  7. Steve.Jinks on August 16, 2023 at 7:00 pm

    I suspect it is not just about water. There is a lot of interest in Helium3. Its sort of like Helium, and sort of like hydrogen. Its kinda like the note between a and b on the piano, or the color indigo. It has fantastic energy potential.

  8. InfiniteRUs on August 16, 2023 at 2:04 pm

    The Moon is the ultimate high ground. Whoever gets defensive and offensive Earth reaching platforms there first will rule the world. Especially perhaps, with new laser technology break throughs. Such as potential new perpetually cooled Chinese laser break throughs and new parabolic mirror concentrated solar powered lasers backed by nuclear powered lasers. Earth’s satellites, cities, planes, and missiles would be at your mercy. And good luck launching a counter offensive strike against the position.

  9. anakephalaiosis on August 16, 2023 at 1:30 pm

    Jewish infiltration, in all European royalty, suggests, that there never was any quisling at all, only intelligence operatives, playing controlled oppositions.

    It is a mind trap, to think, in only two given positions, that are either pro this, or anti that, because Vatican’s divide and conquer tactics is much more elaborate.

    The Jesuits are a triple agent training camp, whose lunar operations are set apart from the mainland, conveniently out of reach, beyond the Bering Strait.

    When everybody is a spy, then one might as well go full Bedlam banana split, on the moon.

    • anakephalaiosis on August 16, 2023 at 1:30 pm


      Set apart from mainland is Academia,
      the island of humanus utopia,
      where humanusianity
      is the epiphany,
      of self-important euphoria.

  10. Michael UK on August 16, 2023 at 12:18 pm

    Hoagland thought LCross and the LRO was NASA’s smoking gun.

    Fascinating Captain!

  11. Robert Barricklow on August 16, 2023 at 11:28 am

    Another good word[as opposed to expletives] for use in public; to describe those now running, what used to be the USA: “quislings”[traitors who collaborates with an enemy occupying their country.].
    The only war the USSA has prepared for – is the one against their own citizen patriots, the ones that want their country back; their culture, their rights and their liberties. The ones whose ancestors in flesh & spirit, revered the words expressed in The Declaration of Independence. In other words; Real “Americans”, not the Nazi type collaborators in-charge.

    In today’s vernacular, the Moon means the “upper ground”; from which a military base would become, another deadly arrow in their quiver of weapons.

    As always, your high-octane posts gives one deep reasons to ponder. For me, it adds fodder to my suspicion; that several nations, and perhaps other non-state players, may be trying to weaponize the Sun.

    And, that smash job on the MOON always bothered me.
    Their explanations; ironically, rang hollow.

    Perhaps, the Russians will find the answer, and/or confirm their suspicions?
    They may even leak some findings.

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