While you're contemplating the Maui fires and the possibility that they were desired, if not deliberately set, remember that there are now "weather derivatives". As I've mentioned before, weather derivatives are handy things to have around if you also have access to a technology that can manipulate the weather, and even more so if you're pushing the narrative of climate change. Since most people are completely unaware of these weather manipulation technologies, you can hire Angry Little Swedish Girls to scream about cow farts and agriculture and how we've got to get rid of CO2 (which plants breathe and exhale - as their waste gases - oxygen, which animals breathe.  Gee, almost as if it was designed that way. But I digress from the climate change lunacy of the Angry Little Swedish Girl, of Baal Gates, der Hochklaus Freiherr von Blohschwab und Bloviation, and John Ketchup I'll-continue-to-fly-on-my-private-airplane-if-I-want-to-because-I'm-a-big-hypocrit-like-everyone-else-in-the-Davos-set Kerry).

M.D. spotted these three articles about weather derivatives and shared them (with our thanks), and I find it extremely odd that they should appear in the same time frame as the Maui fires:

Chicago Mercantile Exchange starts offering rainfall futures and options

A blockchain-based platform for trading weather derivatives


Now, why am I bothering you about the obscure area of weather derivatives trading and options? Beyond the obvious implication of the collateralization of weather effects themselves (imagine: rainfall on your "balance sheet" and you get the horrifying idea), there is a connection to natural disasters that it is time that people start considering seriously: weather derivatives and weather manipulation technologies are the ultimate way for insider trading, for the very obvious reason that most people are unaware of such technologies, nor their enormous potential to capitalize (literally) on weather windfalls and things like "fire sales".

Many years ago, Catherine Austin Fitts mentioned her astonishment one year at the sudden - and inexplicable - sell-off of Indonesian bonds. But then everything became clear after the sell-off when the Indonesian tsunami of 2004 occurred. The sell-off occurred before the tsunami, indicating that the sellers had the ability to predict the tsunami, and what better way to predict a tsunami than to create one?

So with that in mind, one wonders: what were the weather futures and trades for Hawaii this month? for June and July? Who traded them? Who made money from weather derivatives involving Hawaii during this period?  The same questions not only might be asked of the Maui fire, but also of the Canadian, Australian, and California fires; and these questions not only might be asked of them, but they must be asked.

Will there be a pattern that emerges once one does ask these questions?

I simply don't know.

What I do know is that, if there is a pattern of consistent winners and losers in such fires that is exhibited in weather derivatives, then it is all but certain the events themselves were deliberately coordinated.

I'll go further: we need, from now forward, to query every natural disaster - floods, tornadoes, derechos, draughts, earthquakes - in this fashion: who were the pre- and post-disaster winners and losers? What were the weather derivatives trading? This will goa long way to determine if we are dealing merely with exploited crises of opportunity, or deliberately engineered ones.

See you on the flip side...

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

No Comments

  1. Timothy Koch on September 1, 2023 at 12:39 am

    Hi, this is Orpheo. For the record, derivatives were how the world used to be run. They drove outcomes. I suppose space aliens do it now. The way it worked was if you had a horse in that race, the race would be… run. Not all betting comes with a club, but even a dog will flee when he sees the stick.

  2. Robert Barricklow on August 23, 2023 at 11:47 pm

    It’s beyond the pale, to say the least.
    And with a media that enhances abnormal criminal behavior?
    Welcome to planet Earth; in the midst of being terraformed, by an alien race that loathes CO2.
    Not bad for alien collaborators; making fortunes off causing human death & human suffering, for the invaders. Perhaps the invaders are also parasites, like their traitorous collaborators?
    Maybe, the parasitic aliens are mind-controlling those in control of Earth’s leadership?

    [The Energy Department is awarding up to 1.2 billion to two project in Louisiana and Texas to directly remove CO2 from the air[2 million tons annually].

  3. marcos toledo on August 23, 2023 at 8:01 pm


  4. 1pookadahooka on August 23, 2023 at 6:41 pm

    Per the first posted article “…..the first weather derivative was traded in 1997 by a US power company, Aquila Energy.” It might be worth researching that company, who’s been involved, and with whom they’ve had dealings. Interestingly Wikipedia mentions about Aquila in the first paragraph: “The company at one time ranked #33 on the Fortune 500 list.” That’s an interesting number to rank at and remark upon. Perhaps 1997 was about the time an enlightened group tinkered with weather manipulation and had success with controlling some aspect of it. I’d say maybe a timeline of all ~Natural~ ‘disasters’ since then would need to be compiled, and serendipitous business dealings around those events forensically scrutinized. There very well could be a pattern.

  5. bluenose on August 23, 2023 at 1:01 pm

    I’ve never understood derivatives. Am I correct in believing a furnace oil company sells a weather derivative betting that there is going to be a cold winter (based on a certain number of days with temperatures not exceeding a preset temperature during a set period of time) and I as the buyer am betting the opposite?
    Can the seller set a cap on the total it pays out? Sounds to me like they can. On the other side of that coin, is there a cap on the number of derivatives it can sell? If not, wow, that’s a license to print money! To me that sounds too good to be true. Any help is appreciated.

    • enjim on August 23, 2023 at 5:55 pm

      What you need to do is research the term “commercial hedging”. but to summarize: a heating oil vendor sells you a load of heating oil at a fixed price. When that contract is struck the vendor i
      has sold short and is thus at risk if heating oil prices go up. So, the vendor buys a heating oil contract(s)/derivative that will offset its short position.

  6. Steve.Jinks on August 23, 2023 at 11:23 am

    Here we are with the latest product of the criminal psychopaths, climate racketeering.

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