This story comes to start this week's blogs courtesy of E.E., who passed it along, and for very good reason, because a close reading of the article leads to the high octane speculative conclusion that there is much not being said about this agreement.  We'll get back to that, but first, here's the story:

Defence roadmap, space intel, nuclear energy — what India-France joint statement says

A quick reading of this article soon impresses on one the comprehensive nature of Franco-Indian defense-industrial arrangements. This is nothing new where the two countries are concerned. These arrangements go back several years as India's purchases of the French Rafale fighter jet indicate. There's more in this agreement though that provides a suggestive context for today's high octane speculation:

According to the joint statement, the two leaders identified opportunities to work together in the defence sector with a motive of ‘not only fulfilling the defence needs of the Indian armed forces, but also of providing a viable and reliable source of defence supplies to other friendly countries.’


India and France are collaborating on the fifth-generation fighter jet engine, Shakti, which seeks to power the HAL Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA).

At the press briefing on 26 January, Indian envoy to France Jawed Ashraf said that discussions were in progress between Safran and Defence Research and Development Organisation’s (DRDO) Aeronautical Development Agency and Gas Turbine Research Establishment for a set of specifications that complies with the India’s future fighter jet requirements.

In other words, parsing this bureaucratese a bit more closely, what is occurring is a technology transfer from France to India, to enable that country to manufacture sophisticated military equipment in India, and to allow it in turn to be "a reliable source of defence supplies to other friendly countries," countries like Japan with which India in recent years concluded a logistical aid agreement, with both countries pledging to help supply the other in case of a conflict with you-know-who (and no, I don't mean Indonesia, Australia, or the Philippines).  Why France? Because India has long defense ties with that country,  but added to this is the increasingly evident unreliability of the USA as a partner... for anything. And if there was any doubt about that perception, Paris and New Delhi just made it crystal clear.

But these considerations are not, in my opinion, the centerpiece of the agreement; they're just the context for our high octane speculation about this:

Following the Strategic Space Dialogue launched in June 2023 to provide strategic guidance and direction across all aspects of space cooperation, the leaders agreed to take ‘full advantage of the opportunities in the space sector in both countries.’

France, along with Germany and Italy, is the major contributor to the European Space programme, as its Ariane rockets are the standard boosters that Europe has used to launch its space probes. One may assume, therefore, that any space-related agreements between India and France of a strategic nature, including "defence space cooperation", are really an agreement between India and Europe as a whole, with France acting as the conduit and principal agent.
These types of considerations lead to an inevitable question: why do a principal European and a principal Asian power need to cooperate on strategic space defense issues?  Who is the intended target?  There are the obvious answers, but it's the unobvious ones that I think are really in play, from considerations of planetary defense against asteroids (or whatever), to the control of information regarding space.   And it's the latter that I strongly suspect is part of the impetus for a strategic agreement on space defense: both Europe and India have launched sophisticated probes to the Moon and Mars. An agreed-upon policy concerning the release of information concerning anomalies, at least from the point of view of the space-capable powers, is needed.
And if the latter is the case, we may reasonably expect to see more such bilateral agreements.
...See you on the -
-oops. One more thing.  You'll note that all of these agreements will require a heavy exchange of money between the two countries.  What do you want to bet that very little of it, if any, will be done with dollars?  What do you want to bet that euros and rupees are specified as the agreed upon media of exchange, and that the financial provisions of the agreements are denominated in those currencies?
Just a thought.
See you on the flip side...
Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

No Comments

  1. Robert Barricklow on January 29, 2024 at 8:29 pm

    Nothing like competing with the likes of Lockheed Martin.
    I hear it’s the kind of business that leads to telling governments where they can go.
    [Hell, for example]
    Probably, another way to launder money; create black market streams of cash flow; and many other nefarious adventures in underworld economies.
    But, ultimately it’s the privatization of space where all manner of futures lie. And weapons will rule in space, along with other technologies where being on top, means monopolies of power; whether in weapons, propulsion, stealth, communications, or even teleportation.
    Space will have no limits – even FTL technologies.[faster than light].

    Of course, the ever reliable USSA; for nixing agreements and leaving partners holding the proverbial bag, is another reason the USSA is being left outside any national security concerns.

    India and France will be as forthcoming on space secrets; as the USSA has been with them.

  2. rohat77 on January 29, 2024 at 5:06 pm

    Space around the Earth is getting crowded. We’ll need traffic lights up to there before long.

    India has GREAT potential on many fronts. I wish them well. If they can remain neutral, everyone will be at their doorstep.

  3. Joseph P. Farrell on January 29, 2024 at 2:56 pm

    Precisely Michael.

  4. InfiniteRUs on January 29, 2024 at 1:33 pm

    The French Branch of the Rothchild’s have a lot of recent investments in India they would likely like to protect if all branches of their family and “political teams” intend to destroying America. If they try to cleanse Europe along with America, India might be one of the places where some of the rats intend to flee.

  5. anakephalaiosis on January 29, 2024 at 9:13 am

    Geopolitics aside, American worldview is too stale, to understand the cosmos, by an approach beyond the tangible, because America has no philosophy beyond the spreadsheet, with the exception of Black Elk’s Six Grandfathers, which is a great achievement, trod under heal, by a Rushmore jealousy tantrum.

    Crimean martial arts became Ashtanga Yoga in India, and Odin’s sports in Scandinavia, and only in the latter has the concept of “diametrical opposites” survived, that originally provided dynamics to the martial arts, and which explains, why Yoga today has become unattached, from its martial origin.

    European origin is a compass ideology, in the Book of Genesis, known, as Odin’s eight-legged horse, and Elijah’s curriculum (the runes), which echoes in India and America, and therefore France is simply tapping, into that underlying structure, that is much older, than the new kid on the block, in the overseas colonies.

    Crimea will automatically come out on top, as the Scythian source, because history is on a repeating loop.

  6. cobo on January 29, 2024 at 6:38 am

    Jai Shree Ram

  7. Michael UK on January 29, 2024 at 6:09 am

    One wonders what exactly India did with all the data and images it gathered from its Mars Orbiter between 2014 and 2022?
    The Mangalyaan spacecraft successfully entered Mars orbit on September 23, 2014, making ISRO only the fourth space agency in the world to do so. Prior to India, only the United States, the Soviet Union and the European Space Agency (ESA) had successfully explored Mars.
    India’s Mangalyaan Orbiter operated for seven and a half years, observing Martian landscapes and studying their composition using its five science instruments.
    Unlike the various NASA Mars explorations, India’s images of Mars are difficult to access by the general public.

    • marcos toledo on January 29, 2024 at 7:24 pm

      Why is India sitting on their Mars Orbitor pictures of that planet? Proff that the face on Mars is real and what other secrets of that planet perhaps.

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