Our deep thanks once again to all of you providing such interesting articles and stories for blogs. I wish I had the time and stamina to blog about all of them because they are all worthy of some attention and speculation. Our thanks for the following honourable mentions go this week to V.T., E.E., E.G., T.M., W.G., L.G.L.R.,

An incredible octopus disguise: now the question is, where did the octopus see such a creature to disguise itself as, or is it imagining it? Is it a moray eel it is trying to mimic, or simply something from its imagination?

Why the TikTok Ban is So Dangerous Did they tell you the part about giving the president sweeping new powers?

US Navy Medic Shut Down for Releasing unclassified DOD Data Showing a 937% Increase in Heart Failure Among Vaccinated US Military Personnel

Boeing Whistleblower: "If Anything Happens to Me, It's Not Suicide"

Stone of Destiny Departing the United Kingdom (after centuries) to go to Perth, Australia!?!?!?

Has Horizontal Escalation Started? And why fly over the Kaliningrad Oblast if not to test Russian responses and capabilities?

British MP wants Death Penalty for Gates and Other Quackcine promoters:


A view through plasma? Communication through plasma? (If this is showing what I think it is showing, then my hypothesis about phased radar interferometry and insight into the interiors of hot plasmas I advanced in McCarthy, Monmouth, and the Deep State just had a little bit of confirmation):


Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

No Comments

  1. Hidden Wally on March 23, 2024 at 1:00 pm

    Here is a link to the Navy medic post about 937% increase in heart failure: https://americanmilitarynews.com/2023/11/video-heart-issues-skyrocketing-in-military-us-navy-medic-says/

  2. anakephalaiosis on March 23, 2024 at 9:57 am


    William conjured up daisy,
    by dark necromancy,
    and talking head
    spoke as dead,
    with Kate as zombie.

    Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds:

    • anakephalaiosis on March 23, 2024 at 10:44 am

      The Stone of Scone is an attempt, to claim legitimacy through the female line, relocated to the British Isles, which was a continuation of the nincompoop dynasty, of whom Hezekiah was considered the least incompetent. 2 Kings 18:5.

      The idolatry of the “divine right of kings” doctrine had previously been abandoned, in the early 7th century BC, when the tin trade swapped to Crimea, which emptied the royal treasury, and Hezekiah began endorsing Yahweh.

      After Hezekiah’s admission, royal autism in Jerusalem had nothing to bargain with, except the wine supply, which was traded into the Scythian sphere, to bolster the Scythian resistance movement, by filling up the skull cups.

      Today, royal autism is at the end of its rope, and Jewish infiltrators on thrones are trying to milk symbolism, and conjure legitimacy by necromancy.

      • anakephalaiosis on March 23, 2024 at 11:15 am


        Up pops the darling daisy,
        when terror goes crazy,
        in culling of plebs
        so royal celebs,
        can stay in tea cosy.

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