By now you've probably heard that the US Supreme Court has upheld Obama care including the controversial mandate - that's the part where the government can now order you to buy something, a very dangerous precedent. Now I've never been a supporter of Dummycrookery, nor of this President, so, bear that in mind as I comment on my reaction.

As I write this, I am listening to a relatively popular "conservative" talk show host rant about the fact that the Court was led by Chief (In)justice John Roberts, a Bush appointee; Roberts will in fact write the majority opinion. The host is acting like he's surprised. Frankly, when I heard that the court was going to hear the case, I yawned. To expect sanity and rationality from the US Supreme Court, to expect morality from a institution that once declared Black people to be only "3/5 of a person," from a Court which has given us Roe vs. Wade and tens of millions of abortions in the name of reproductive "rights", is to expect the impossible.

I am not, frankly, surprised at this decision. The talk show host rants and raves against Chief (In)justice Roberts - a Bush appointee - for betraying "the conservative cause", but really, should one expect political or moral consistency from anyone connected to the Bush family? They are, after all, committed globalists.

No....we should not be surprised at the decision. Obama care had to be "ushered" through Congress by midnight votes behind closed doors by a very hypocritical speakatrix of the House. A manifestly corrupt Court has upheld it. And the decision would have been equally corrupt had it gone the other way, after all, Supreme Court justices are merely political appointees and vetted, not for their understanding of law, but for how they are likely to vote in terms of the false "left-right" dialectic that is the Hegelian bellweather of American politics. Add to this that the "opposition" party is running a candidate whose state health care plan formed part of the inspiration for Obama "care", and many conservative think tanks just a few years ago were also pushing the idea of an individual mandate, and you get the idea.

If anything, the Court's decision merely underscores the fact that a great segment of the American people, and not a very few states themselves, now are disenfranchised of any representation whatsoever. The Empire and its oligarchy march on. We can be thankful perhaps - though it is little consolation - that the Court has reminded us once again of how broken and corrupt our system under the Dummycrooks and Republithugs really is. This is just another victory for the oligarchs and plutocriminals that really run the country behind the veneer of the institutions of a republic. And, just like Venice, we now have our own Council of Ten -call it the Heimatsicherheitdienst ...er...I mean, Department of Homeland Security - to monitor everyone's thoughts.


Posted in

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. p on June 30, 2012 at 1:53 am

    “To expect sanity and rationality from the US Supreme Court, to expect morality from a institution that once declared Black people to be only “3/5 of a person,” from a Court which has given us Roe vs. Wade and tens of millions of abortions in the name of reproductive “rights”, is to expect the impossible.”

    Frankly, I’m a bit surprised by your out-of-hand dismissal of the right of women to have an abortion. Personally, I can understand both points-of-view regarding abortion, and find it a difficult matter to reach a definitive position on. But for you to put it in one category with the Supreme Court describing Black people as 3/5 of a person, seems a bit radical to me, and lacking nuance. Wouldn’t have expected you to hold that position. Which is not to say it is an indefensible position, but still..

  2. wdon on June 28, 2012 at 10:42 pm

    Taxes go to insurance companies? Well, why not. We already have carbon credits set up to go to the international bankers.

    When are we going to start using the “F” word to describe what America has become? We should greet all the people coming into the country with huge banners that read “Welcome To Fascist America. (now smile and drop trou.)”.

  3. Leonard on June 28, 2012 at 11:35 am

    Joseph…tell us how you really feel. 🙂 Thanks for your insight. Lysander Spooner was right!

  4. Jedi on June 28, 2012 at 11:12 am

    …a surprise attack by the pharmapseudo death complex.

    Death care for everyone…..free mercury shots for all…..

    I wonder when Rome went down if it had anything to do with the lead in the plumbing.

    Somethings never change on the road to progress

    • Robert Barricklow on June 28, 2012 at 1:07 pm

      I like it.
      “Somethings never change on the road to progress.”

  5. Robert Barricklow on June 28, 2012 at 10:16 am

    The Supreme Denial(aka The Supreme Court), not only selects the U.S. President, but is now, also an insurance broker.

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