Videos on Home Page

Just a heads up - videos won't appear on the home page (or only sporadically) through this weekend while we troubleshoot an issue that's affecting the Giza Community web site. There may be also a few other features off/on such as some front page comment feeds and avatars. We'll need to test out various scenarios to identify the cause of the initial issue. We have it narrowed down, and appreciate your patience. Meanwhile, the member system is up and running, Members, and the News and Views is also available at

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Giza Developer

Business and Technical Developer of the Giza Community.


  1. LSM on December 22, 2013 at 6:54 am

    Hi Dr. Farrell and website master Daniel,

    as you both know I was experiencing a blockage of my comments for several weeks for some unexplainable reason (as if I ever threatend or purposely insulted anybody); but after having just ever so briefly ditched Google and briefly went back to Internet Explorer I was finaly able to post a comment again- then immediately after I went back to Google and Voilà: was suddenly able to post comments again using Google-

    I have no explaination for this; hope you will be able to solve this glitch soon-

    many regards and please stay well all-

    Larry in SW Germany

  2. Aridzonan_13 on December 21, 2013 at 8:10 am

    The Dec 19th News and Views was very interesting. Geopolitics are no longer sufficient in determining impacts to World civ.. Off world influences may make themselves known next year.. It will also be interesting to see how they spin all the new tech / materials that is about to debut..

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