Your e-mail subscriptions

Some of you have subscribed by e-mail to the site by using the checkboxes at the bottom of each post when you comment. Those e-mails are provided by We're no longer going to provide that feature, because it depends too heavily on a system that lately we've found crashing the site. Google provides very nice e-mail updates that just work, and we've already been simultaneously using it for years, so we're encouraging any e-mail subscribers using the e-mail updates to switch over to that. Here's how:

THE OLD WAY: (no longer supported)

THE NEW WAY (using Google)

Step 1: Click NEWS FEED (note: you can also subcribe to comments, if you like)

Step 2: Click "Get Giza Death Star delivered by email"

Step 3: Look for a confirmation e-mail in your inbox. You must confirm your subscription to receive e-mail updates. If you don't see the e-mail, check your SPAM folder or TRASH folder in your e-mail software.

NOTE: We don't directly support e-mail subscriptions (this is not a change) - it's a 3rd party service. Before, they were provided by and Google. Now they're provided by google only, and you self-manage those subscriptions, so if you decide to modify your subscription later, refer to the link at the bottom of the e-mails you receive.

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Giza Developer

Business and Technical Developer of the Giza Community.


  1. Aridzonan_13 on December 27, 2013 at 6:20 pm

    It’s a damn shame. We could have had a non overunity space economy 30 years ago; an overunity / anti-grav economy 50 years ago.

    • Robert Barricklow on December 28, 2013 at 5:41 pm

      But “they” didn’t see the profit in it for?

      Only humanity would benefit.
      No profit in that.

      For them, it’s counterintuitive; if it’s not monopolized/securitized – ALL into their pockets, including: governments, politicians, technologies, space[$](outer/inner/ & dimensions in between),
      a you-name-it; they copyright/own it mentality.

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