Many of our regular readers in the United Kingdom sent me this story, and I need to pass it along. The reason is that Britons are waking up to the dangers of standardized testing, and to the government's plans to expand its usage:

Parents to join protest against England's rigorous National Curriculum Test

There's an interesting and hidden assumption lurking in this article, and I found it disturbing. Here's where it occurred:

The government of England has made significant changes to the country's educational system as it now gives the National Curriculum Test to six-year-olds. This move has prompted the parents to join in the nationwide protest against the said changes.

The parents of year two students were the ones who started the campaign against letting their children join the National Curriculum Test at the mere age of six or seven. The campaign is called Let Our Kids Be Kids.

Parents have noticed that the required test has placed significant anxieties on their children and thought of the exams as too much and too soon for their children. Nicky Morgan, the Education Secretary, said primary pupils are being pushed to learn concepts that are way beyond their age and capability. But the government firmly believes that the test will not place their child in a stressful situation.

As reported by BBC, the new test known as SAT was made in order to assess' children's grasp of the introduced primary school national curriculum which is much harder than the previous one.

According to The Guardian, the revised curriculum which was introduced in 2015 is more demanding on subjects like English and Math. This is a part of the government's drive to add rigor. Six and eleven-year-olds need to memorize five and ten minute's tables as well as the use of fractions

Notice what's occurring here, for it's a pattern that Americans are well familiar with, for the pattern was used to destroy American education: (1) the government wants more "rigor" in schools, and wants to hold students to a "higher standard" for academic achievement and performance. (2) It has therefore extended the use of national standardized tests to an earlier age to measure whether or not that "rigor" has been met.

The assumption here is that standardized tests can measure that - or any other - academic requirement at all. Here the chief issue is what it has always been: no one is allowed to present their process of reasoning for their answers, i.e., no one is allowed or required to argue and demonstrate their answers. One only selects from pre-selected answers prepared by committees of anonymous "experts" who prepare the tests. And as my co-author Gary Lawrence and I show in our Rotten to the (Common) Core, in many cases the "experts" are themselves not exhibitting standards of "rigor," but merely of rudimentary competence. THus, oftentimes their questions punish the finer mind, and reward the more mediocre one, and - yes - in many cases the the answers on questions are simply wrong, and illustrate that the test-preparers themselves have not properly understood a concept.

The result is that standardized tests can not only conceivably punish the "finer mind," but the "finer school," which then will appear, ala the "scientific and objective" results of the standardized tests themselves, to be failing. At this point, the familiar "American pattern" takes hold, repeats itself ad infinitum, and the result is a gutted and worthless educational system: as schools start to "fail," teachers are blamed. This will be "fixed" by arguing that teachers spend even more time learning "education"(whatever that is), and less time learning the actual discipline they want to teach. In the mean time, corporations will buy off politicans and convince them - through hefty "donations" to their campaigns - that the way to document teacher/school failure and to measure the success of this or that government program or kooky "methodology" theory dreamt up by a "doctor of education" is to have more standardized tests, so that the teachers (who are already "failing", you'll recall) are required to teach "to more and more tests" (which, you'll recall, are prepared by oftentimes incompetent committees, and which do not allow students to argue or reason through choices, nor to generate their own answers). This means they'll teach less and less in depth in their subject disciplines, and the system gradually declines, until....

... you wind up with a general population as stupid (and, I might add, barbarous, narcississtic, and shallow) as the general American population. Don't believe me? Well, I've been saying for years that the result of all this "educational success" in the USSA has been a political class, an elite, that is itself profoundly stupid and self-absorbed, disconnected from the people and therefore incapable of offering any solutions for the good of the nation: just look at the current American presidential (s)election and you'll see what I mean. Bernie, Hillary, Donald... this is the result of American education: and the "solutions" you heard them advocating are actually the level at which they, and the voting population, thinks(or rather, exhibits the facsimile of thinking).

The real problem with all this "standardization" is that it is almost completely antithetical to the tradition of British education. For example, the last I heard, I don't recall hearing that Oxford undergraduates were sweating a week's worth of standardized tests in the Examination schools, or that Cambridge undergraduates were sharpening number two lead pencils to fill in ovals on their tripos. What they were sweating was the fact that they'd have to answer questions, both as to fact, and as to form; they were sweating the fact that they'd have to write, to argue their own answers, and convince actual scholars in the field that their answers were worthy of consideration.  The system had its flaws to be sure, but producing illiterate students wasn't one of them.

The bottom line for me is what it has always been: standardized testing is an overall failure, and needs to be abolished - along with the whole certification system - completely. No amount of money, or tinkering, will fix what has been a lengthy and failed experiment. As one reader of this website reminded me, the educational system is a complex system, and complex systems cannot be fixed by tinkering with this or that part; they must be completely set aside. Of course, getting rid of all of this sounds impractical, unachievable.

But I suggest that, like the radicals who gave us this mess in the first place, we keep our eyes on the goal, and chip away in the meantime, by questioning every politician and corporate "testing" representative, how "more" tests, "more" money, "more" homework, "more" school hours and days, automatically translated into "better results." Then, one at a time, we'll start removing this test, that test, this certification requirement, that certification requirement, this "pro-testing' administator, that principal, from the process, as we simultaneously restore the all-important and necessary human factor: to allow kids to have their "down time", rather than to sweat a stupid test, prepared by greedy stupid people, adinistered in the name of government programs concocted by a greedy and stupid political class.  Of course, the secret here is that eventually someone will form an educational corporation basically advocating the "old methods", trivium, quadrivium, and teachers who've positively avoided "ceritifcation" and "education" and "method" and "pedagogy" classes. Then they can go to corrupt politicians with a "new program" (which is really a very old one), and offer competition to the Mon(ster)santos of education: the testing and textbook corporations.

Or to put all this country simple: we doff the hat to those British parents that have said enough is enough.

See you on the flip side...

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".


  1. goshawks on May 8, 2016 at 9:37 pm

    There is a darker component to all this testing, normally overlooked:

    Long ago, I read an excellent book by Joseph Chilton Pearce, “Natural Child.” The centerpiece concept within this book was that Nature has set us up to ‘unfold’ in stages. Various child researchers (real ones) have confirmed these progressive stages. There are species-averages for these stages, but each individual will vary as to their personal timing.

    The key here is that each stage must be respected. Each person will give signs that they are ready (and even anticipating) their next ‘natural’ stage. Pushing the stage too early causes damage and may even ‘stick’ the person in an earlier psychological stage. Not good.

    By the way, the above may tie-in with left/right brain research done since Pearce’s book was published. There is much evidence that force-feeding the left brain – rote reading, writing, and arithmetic – causes it to become dominant over the right brain’s pattern-matching and holistic perspective. Hence, task-workers but not intuitives…

    Putting the above together, earlier and earlier ‘schooling’ may be DESIGNED to run our kids off Nature’s rails…

  2. zendogbreath on May 8, 2016 at 9:17 pm

    I ran across E Michael Jones this week.

    Like Anthony Zinni quoted someone else smarter than a bunch of us said, “Economics is the first weapon of war,” I’d argue that media, including education, are the central controls of every economy.

    So, yep, pooch the media, pooch the education and enslave the masses. These kinds of poochings do not happen by accident. It takes unlimited resources and multigenerational coordinated effort. There are only a few folk capable of such effort.

    So in a society not under attack (especially one not under attack by their so-called leaders), Joseph’s remedies seem more than adequate to the task. What do those of us do for the part of the economy that is under attack and in less of a position to protect ourselves?

    • zendogbreath on May 8, 2016 at 9:21 pm

      oh yeh. and agreed about how this all has affected the entire society. might want to go a step farther and include ourselves in the criticism leveled on society. however we work to set ourselves apart and above the fray, we’re still a result of it all.

      more to the point, some of us are still dependent on and interactive with that same society. how does one love, respect and work with and in all the other folk suffering through and from such a multigenerational attack on our mind?

      guess now we can get some context on how slave traded folk felt as they became a tad more literate and hence infinitely more aware of their circumstance.

  3. moxie on May 8, 2016 at 12:15 pm

    It is and will be generations that do not know the difference between living and existing

  4. Robert Barricklow on May 8, 2016 at 11:28 am

    These systems work as designed.
    To results of these tested systems…
    are the proof in the pudding of where we now live:
    We now live in a nation where
    doctors destroy health
    lawyers destroy justice
    universities destroy knowledge
    governments destroy freedom
    the press destroys information
    religion destroys morals
    and our banks destroy economies.

    Where you go..
    the system works…
    for only for them,
    whatever, or whoever they are..
    they appear to be anything but human.

  5. marcos toledo on May 8, 2016 at 11:19 am

    If I was a conspiracy theorist I say this is a conspiracy to prove the vast majority of the UK population are stupid. Preparing the way for the culling of the herd and yes the elites are mindless jerks this is Rube Goldberg stuff with one major difference he did it for laughs these idiots believe this garbage or pretend they do. By the way I do believe in conspiracies I just don’t run yelling the sky is falling that is a caricature anyway.

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